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� 8 �1 i <br /> -.I f. ." -t -Y f . ' � ( <br /> '�F_ 1, r . i;� �ti �-1r. •�tY� r --, ?' - »NK" � - t�� ;a,; �J` d.n.' s P� .-- <br /> � ..- . ...;.S.:.vb�..A -f.,.v...Ec. .an�l:w!✓+RV...i...u1LU:..�..xt,ivthKs,itlYlayl.xV... -..._......,.,,.�..�-..�.�........o- ...__ <br /> -:yl�s � V�'f"` �\JI.7C7�7N �,-^'-" _—__ <br />..��rc�:Jv <br /> -"�""'"� � 17.TfAI1NB 011115 flf0(NI�0► A D1Ili}I�IAI Ifl1N���If HMtOWSY.II e0 0�AnY put o� �hc ProPedY o� t'i:.�:.•--... <br /> '�"� �ny Inlwnl N N 1�sdd a 1rnnAwrad(a i�6�nefdd Nlxost N 8onvxx Is auW Of bM511ltNi 1111d OOrcOwtf IS 1101�IIGNrAI m 4_� — <br /> - -� P�tton)xilhoul IxntNr't Pdor wdllen conwnt. t«�an e»ra�xs o�uon,�.wr.s,m�c�e�a��ymern a n�e oi a uh,s.�wrw ay y. - <br /> _.____= thk B�W�k�Intinxiw�l,Howevw,�hk o(�EOn 1M1 nOl be a�ttkW by L�nd�r Y [tMdse Is p�ohWXed bY f�N Mw�s of the �x+i A4�°' -_°`. <br /> dtl�ol thk&caiy IntNimenL ` t�-i -- <br /> �,3�.�3�1�iERE M I.�ndu�xwW�s Ihl� an0on, lanMr shd gk� Bonowa nolke ot acalanUon. Tho nonce aMl prmkk a pxbd of 5��iy �r ,fy�,�,.. <br /> -`-�` mt ktt thrn �0 drys iom the drl�t6e notiq b MWx�d a rn�/ed vrahN wlJCh ttorrox•er musl p�y q sums secunvl Uy - . � <br /> ��5.J;�� Ihli Sew:lry IniWmen4 N Oorrower 1Mi l0 1HY�n0 6um5 prior lo Ihe e.rpholbn oi ihi5 PMo7. Lc+�der r�vy Nvoke eny i�`c -�` , II��rn�,'-_ <br /> remedxt PernWIM 6y ihis&ttxb M�YU'�w�t x�hout Ni�hK notke a dern�nd on 8orcowa. i� -r,;^���na�t..:� <br /> +�r ��� 18.Borrow�e't Rlpht to RNnaaH,n oarower meets cei�fi eondtlons, Br.rowa shd Mve the dOhl io nme � ���� <br /> n � v ;ti,_ <br /> - - enlnroernmt ol 9hls SwxMy N�hurcMnl dstonlNUW al u�Y �e p�lor lo Ih� arGer ot p)6�Nys(a such othe�pafod ns u-<�iu�` �,��:;,:;;� <br /> � ��v_� app4ubla aw riuy tpeGy for rehtuiannq belao eale ol the Moporty Purswnt lo �ny pown of a��e eomenM n va� � �(�j s'�zx'"'�. �-.. <br /> ,H,�-� �, eewriry InatmmmC or ro) enry of a N��i mWrUiy Ws Securiry Inslrummt.Those and0ons a:e ihet Oonorcr. (a��{s p.r r� , � , , -�_ <br /> ui n� Lmde��I suros widtl��ix1 woWd ba dw unda Ws Sedxly InsWmmi nnd Ihe Nolo as il no aocNma7on had awuze2 (G) �,1� x. '#'g"�` w�-�� <br /> � "�../s wre� any detroN oi�nY otha eovmrnl a Gpr�emenis: (c) prys �1 aqimaes Neurc�d In an'arch4 u'� ��'Y �+�4vrr�t, � '_�f'�4 ;��_::-. <br /> .u� ,'f . I.�dudng, 6W not(niiled to,re�aonWM+9omeys'leen: �nd(�Ukes auGi ection u Lu:cW m+y rmsw�.at�y'eqiro m ssrne - _r � . �.x <br /> ���� thal Ihe 6m ol lhis SeaMy InsWmrnt,laidee's Aphfs N ihe ShnpMy�nd Oonowefs eN�C�n to pxy tTs sam scar.e3 -,, t k KS -�� <br /> 'tr Y i 7�; by ihls Srtrxr3y hsWtiaett sMl C011tlRVO IIfIChY1QW. VPOfI fN151�1/MMI I)Y OOttOYttK. tIA3 Szau3ty Ns4umxit and 7hx ������.�-.# 6 <br /> " l�„' o6G �tns e:a:nW hxaCy st2st rattah f4[y etkdke as il no aocdaelion had occenr.d. ftowcrer,thls rf ht to rrhaWla sTV.�x t t�t4� Sr s-.,. <br /> � 9 YF� c � -. <br /> 'rot�pp.y St Ih2 tssT Ot ixekrxlat cn�.Nr�nqph 17. .�%'rj�'�t3 � } '.;� <br /> ?�4�f i9. S�IS of Nat�e; Qo'hi:l�i �I.61111 S�rv1E�l. Yhe Noto or a a p.Ytial lnteres� in ihe Nole Rog�hc* nim ti��`'{1 t - �x: ": <br /> t� t.: a <br /> - -��� thh�cu�dy MsWmtnq rcay be eo4!me or mae Ihxs wihout p�or notice to ftaraxn.A s�e rcay rosuh N�chnn90 t�the .���j5" + -- :-� <br /> � �1 en6ry(Anoxn �s Na 'Lan SeMar')th�l cot5ds manihy p�ymenu Cua und.v 1he Ptola and N3z Securiry Inswmml. There -,x�.% t'�,; � q^t¢:;�. <br /> c� _!�� sko m�ba one w more chenpes of Lha Lan Serv{ecr unrela!Ti to a s33x ot tha Note.11 th¢ra is a chui9e oi ihe Loen ��-f> �sy�t f�{, - <br /> SnMeK.Uarowa vAI be gYm wrillm noNce o11he eh�nge In eaerCaiee with R���Ph 14�bwa and a{pfieaMe law. The B' r:i'w 'JtFNe4 <br /> ' i F�� notke wi a�te Ihe n�r..e a�d addrns o�Ihe nex Lan Sm7cer and tha ac4tess lo N�hich pe�mimis ahould 6e nuda The y;� ��`"� u,� <br /> ��4: ► 5v� n*;. . <br /> �� r;t. notke w7 a4so conkln at,r Mhn hfomutlon reqhcd bY appicabio i�w. +,f ,, � �� �c r -.. <br /> �d3`�y}.�� 20. Hts�fd0Y6 6tIbiS1NIC�t.Barowa stul not wuso a pmrii lhe presence,use.65posal, sloreye, w rNase ol `Sit� � �frb-_',:�� <br /> ��!��}F eny Haurdoue 6ubsi�nces on a N tha Cropary. Bortowa shal not d�, nor Jow�nyone else to do, enyUing aMeUing Ihe 9 vR `{ z ���• <br /> � �'�r PropMy thal Is N WW;bn ol ury EnJronmmtal Law. Tho preccr3r•g cH•o smlmces aMA nol appy to Uie presmee, uav. 1�e-�r, ti f,.�:• <br /> r---���� a slonye on the Propr.ty of smM quan•,ilies oi He�rdous Suhslanras�hat ue geneny recognized to be approp`tate to ! -'« Ht�_.� <br /> --��r'f3�is�; natn�l rcSMentW usa uitl lo m�hlmince of Ihe Propxrry. '� r - � <br /> iy��� Barowtt shU promply pNe Lenda wriltm no:ice oi eny Nvesli9�lion, cLYn, demand, wwsuit a ofhe�a:'o�by sny �'�j; ��.��"--: <br /> - i k govemmenW a reyu4lay�genry or prh�'z pe�ry NvoHing the Property end my Hawdas Su6sl�nu o� Environn�tel Luw of � r ���ts � <br /> ��2 ��j whieh Uorron�tt h�5 ad�tl knoxlcdge. II Oarower leams,or Is notiEed by any govemmmlJ or re5vktory aulho�iry, thnt ar.y -_��, k� ���- <br /> �� ? �i� ru:noW or othx remedullon of�nv Nazardous Subslente aXecUnp ProperN is neeessary. Oortower ahel prompty ta5.v ai ,r.-a.:� '� `. <br /> � - necessary rmiecWl�clkns M accorJence wRh Fs+YonmenW Law. - �i,�.�' �' .}%�__ <br /> ��� �f � EnvYOnmenulUwisandthufolowh'is'ubstance�s�sofine.Bkcrosenes„olherePam.^�aNeor�toxioreazud(ousraducts�afopc r�f�X'�;��fr/� {�.���`,�"{"- <br /> 0 <br /> ` � iS c pesliddes end httbldda,vola9e Sokenls,malMils esbostos o�f:rrcnliohyda, and ndoeclNe melMels. As used+n p3,.�1�"�'�Ei�l}�����F_`� <br /> �-ii, pu.g.Ph20,'En•rronr.,mLa1Wx' mc:n:lederc!l:waend�wsof the;,.,':c�Nn w h.nel he Prop m y Is lon t e d t h a lre lo to to Y.r�,�i �a.��rsi-:-._ <br /> �� �,��. '� heatth,setely or envirorinenlel pro[ecllon. +.;` 'F,�����.�_ <br /> ")�i- 1 F NON-0NiFOflM C04ENAM9.Dortowa end Lender Ndher covenanf and a9ree ns foYOws: ' � y�dlr`l:" <br /> � h���. <br /> „� ,�p,� 21.Accetem^.'ron; Aem�diaa. I.endsr ah�ll gtve nollce to Borrower prior to acceteratlon -�� � i� ,� _- <br /> , �/ `��; following Borrownr's hra�eh of any covenant or epzoornent In thia 6eeuri�r Inetrument (6ut nv2 -��- , � - <br /> ��1:-�sys�� pAnr¢d nccotoTa?ion und�r pmgr�ph 17 unlass app'.rabia law provides at5niwise). The nottcm --:A' ���'' �` <br /> - - ,�� ehall apucHy: (a3 2h� def�ult; (b)th� �ctlon roqulred to cure lhe dof�ult; (C) A dPtq not tas9 lbna ' . i ' ', �, _.�; <br /> �` 90 days from tho dota ths notia le givan to Borrowar, by whic[e 3hti datauR must bo carod; unc7 � _? y,�{ �* •� <br /> �i' }1��� (d) that Gllure to at�re the det�uit on or Mfore the dab spoer:ind in the notico mny rosutl �7a T � �: -!' ,y -':, <br /> dj.{��.�� accsluriion of tho aume aeoured by thla Secur(ry Inatrumant and sole of t:nn Property.7hs notYcn >r-, ; ��t o,_-,' <br /> f'i�� �?,� sh�ll tudhsr inform Borrowov ot 1he rlght to reinsla?a sfler accelarMlon ancl ths right to Ixir+� � w --- .rly .-= <br /> �, ���":� court aclion to naeert tha non•existoncm of a du7ault or eny other dafenee of 8orrower !o �` > > ` 3>�' _- <br /> } �-.,' ' accelsratlon and anlo. If tha default la tro] eured ou or befor�e 43o datn speciiled in !'�o noUce, -�+ t ai��" +�r;:. <br /> -�;�s�`r} Lendor at ita opti:n may requirs Immecli�lc Qnyment in tull ot n:fi auma sacured by St14r,Sacurity �<:',i ;t -)4r-s <br /> �F�'� �f.j�" Instrument withoiA 7nrther demand and mny invoko the powar of aole and any othor romedlea , � ,e}F"{5��: <br /> r � °�`. parmiltod dy appllcabie tew. Lender shall be onlifloU¢o coliect all expenses incurred In puraulr.g .�-.; 'X��;, f_; <br /> '� �� ',1, the romndles pro��dod In thle paragioph 21, IncNdin�, but not Iimitad to, reaeanable attornoys' - " ''" ' " <br /> �p�� ; : fees and cosis a:ti:ia evidenco. � �'� ti��".� <br /> '� �: If lhe power o7 saie is Invokad, Truutoo aholl record a no9ico of doteuit In oach county in <br /> �tt�(�. � � t <br /> � ,t¢}4 � _ <br /> � i„ _, whlch any pad of tho Yroperty Is locetod and shell mell coplos of such notice In lha manner �i�t�,' ��,. <br /> -??+%.�f�� y prescri6ed by appticah�e law to Borrowar and to the olher peraons prescribad by appllcabio Iaw. k�'?.-,�.!.�,r�.:- . �,- -- <br /> -,ds� t;R;;; .�r.,:, . <br />,�-�_:i:r�a:f�Ef.� AHer lhe timo roquired by applica6io law, 1'ruetae ahall gfvo public notico of nalo to tha persone 15,:��;.��t�; . <br /> „qi :, end In tha mamior proscribed by applioa:zt�Iaw. Trustoo, without damand on �orrowm, ahali sel� , "< < - <br /> --�:'�+ tho Property at public auctlon to tho higi:oet bldder at lha time and ptace and under ahe terms �-� - <br /> ,. r: � �� <br /> _ %' 1L` do�ipnalad in lhe notico of selo In ono n: moro parcols and In eny ordur 7�uafoo da:anninos. !� � �- � . <br /> - :'`�-:'` 7rustea :nay postpono saio ol all or any pareol oi chu Propody by publtc announcamoni ot iRra . • <br /> _ -�,�;i,-;6�.: . timo nud piaco of any praviously scho�ulnd eato. Lendor or Ite dostgnon may purchaso 1Czo <br /> • ' ��fF� Proporty at eny salo. <br />:,;,.;,'_.�. �'1" Upon rocolpt oi paymont ot tho pHco bld, Trustoo shall cfa��mr to tho purc.hasor Trustao's <br /> � .� , <br />-� �.�+ '�+ doad convoyinp tha Proporiy.Tho rocltais In tho Trustoo's daod ahall Bo pdma facio ovldonco of � <br />- i lho truth of tho slatomonis r..ado thoroln. Tmstoo shall apply tho procoods of tho ea�o in tho <br />- � � '�:z.�;;'� followinp orclor. (a) to all costs ond oxponses of oxarciahtg lho powor of sato, and lho salo. <br />- '�°'P Inc�uding tho pxymont of tho 7ruatoo's taes actually Incurrod, not to oxcood Throo <br /> _.�'f-�.n;� % ot lho pdnclpai amount of tho noto at <br /> - thn timo of tho dociaratlon ol dotault, and roasonobto xttornoy'a taos as pormittod by Iaw: (b) <br /> . � ,_.�;� to ail sums securod by lhia Socurily Instrumont; and (c) any ozcass to the poreon or <br /> „ ;- porsons lo�ally anitlio8 to il. <br /> " , `,Y;1 <br /> �:. .;i�';; R1� �`_� <br /> .. Si;:. vwsuaaoo.s» c,o�<��s <br /> , .:.4�� <br /> .`.. �, `�:� <br /> :. <br /> fOSi <br /> . <br /> -_".'4" _" _ . _._ __ -_ . -_ " ' _ __. ".'.. <br />