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<br /> ' condemnation or uther. �rk.ihti;i�i n�iy part of thc Pro�rrrty,ur t2tt cunvcyuncc in lic�i of rundcmnation.��rc hercb,y assigned.uid
<br /> shu{I bc p,tid to l.cnd:�.
<br /> . ,� In thc cvcnt uf a i��ia�i �u{�ing ui' lii� Pruperiy. llic procccds tihall br upplicd to thc .ums ticcurcd by thi� Sccurity
<br /> � In�,tiument. whcth�:r u�uut thcn duc.�vith nny exccss paid to Rorrowcr. In thc cvent af n purtial tnking of thc Property in
<br /> M wl�ich thr fair max�l,4t �::'.uc af thc Yroperty imn�cdimcly heforc thc takin� iti cyual to or�;rcatcr than thr amuunt uf thc�ums
<br /> � '�� serur�d by lhis Ser,urit}�ln+trument immcdiutely bcfare thc mking,unlc�s Borrowrr xnd Lcndcr otherwisr ugrce in �vriting.
<br /> .�„�; � thu sums sccureci hy ihh Security Instrument �hall be reducyed by thc anwunt of thc procceds multip!icd by the follawing
<br /> ��aH,.� fra�tion: la)ihe totrl eaiount of thc sums serurcd immcdiutcly bcforc thc taki:ig.dividcd hy(b)thc fair markct vulur of thc
<br /> P►eipe��y immeclia.tdy n:(orc the taking. Any haluncc shall bc paid to Borrowcr. In thc evcnt of a paniul taking of thc
<br /> Propeny in a•hich th�: inir markct value oi the Property immediatcly beforc [hc taking is Iess thun the am��unt of the sums
<br /> src;ur�d immedia.xety i�:ii�rc Ihc takin�, unless Borrowc� und Lender atherwise ugrcc in writing or unless ap�li�-a+hle !aw
<br /> arherwisr pr�rvid-:},th�e procccds shall be applied to the sums sccurt�d by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are
<br /> �hen due. ��.
<br /> . If the Prop�:�'ty is aba�doned by Borrower,or if, afrer notice by Lendcr to Borrower th�t the condemnor offen to makc
<br /> �x�._
<br /> - au a�vcird or nccdt u cfiaim for dami�ges,Borrower fnils to respond to Lender�vithin 30 days ufter the date thc noticc is given,
<br /> Lender is aut�hori•r.Q�� to collect und apply the proceeds,at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Properly or to the
<br /> ,ums secured by ttiii Security Instn►men[,whether or not then due. `'�
<br /> �� Unless Les�r,izs and Borrower othenvise agree in writing,any applicution of proceeds to principal shall not extend or ',
<br /> Y- postparte th�du�cJi.;o of the monthly payments referted to in pnra�raphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of�uch payments. �_
<br /> � 11. Bc�re�►oti��:r Not Relensed; horbearnnce Iiy Lender i+Iut u tiYnlver. Gxtension of th: time for payment or ��
<br /> m�,dilic�tiuii of ar.rnrtization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successae in interest �;;
<br /> � of Bnnowe.�shakt nut operate ro release the liability of the originul Borrower or Buno�ver's successors m interest. Lender
<br /> shall not b�: reyuired ro commence procecdings against �ny xuccessor in interest or n:fuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> othcrwise mcYJify amonization of the sums secured by this Security Instrumen[by reason of any demand msde by the uriginal _; '
<br /> '�. gorrowet•ur I3nnv�vers successon in interest. Any forbear.ince by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be u �_�--
<br /> waiver of or prs±�7ade the exercise of any right or remedy. �:::'
<br /> 1?.. Suer.rt�asors und Auigns 8ound;Joint and Severnl Liability;Co•s.gners. The covenants and agreements of this �,-
<br /> Sece�rity Iri.�trurn°nt shnll bind und benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bonnwer,subject to the pravi.r•ions of f��"
<br /> �s. . paragruph 17. kiorrowcrl rovenants and agreements shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security C`
<br /> � In,trument Ulai does�iat execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only to mongage,grunt and comey that _,_
<br />�. Bormwer's in�rtaest in the Propeny under thc e�rms of this Security Imtn�ment; (b)is not personnlly abligated to pay the sums
<br /> ;M.���.�►,y f►�,�CFrprity 6�strument:and(c)��rees that Lendcr nnd uny othcr Borrower muy agree to extend,modify,forbesr
<br /> _ � � nr malce uny.�rcommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note witnou[ iha[ uorrower's
<br />_., c�ns�nt. _
<br /> 13, I.a,}n ChaTge9. If d►e loan secured by tliis Security Instrument is subjecc to a luw which seu maxirnum laan
<br />-' ,, cliarges,oitr�thr.t l��v is finnlly interpreted sa that the interest or other loan charges collected ur to be collected in connection
<br />�'• with the la:�ia�e�;rred the pertnitted limits,then: (a)nny xuch toan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> ~ the char�e tn ahc permiucd limit; and(b)any sams already collected fcum:Borrower which exceedecf p�rmitted limits wip bc
<br /> F:�::�. ��"�: � cef.u�tcl2d Cci�Jorro�ver. Lender may choose to make this nefund by reducing the principal owed underthe Nate or by making a
<br /> '""`y°"'� d�c��ct pa}��ti�rtr�t to Borrower. If a refund mduces principal,the reduction will be treated as u purtiol prepayment withou:any
<br />�� •"l��'' przp;symeiz��:har�c undcr thc Nota _
<br />,::-';"''"� lA, NMtces. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Insuument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br />-- - '`°'�.` mailirug it�+}•first class mail unless aoplicable law requires use of another methcxl.The notice shall be directed to the Propecty
<br /> ���.;�;:.'` AddrE:cs or.rriy other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sh�ll bc given by first class s
<br /> . � � mail co A.eir..ler's address stated herein or nny other address Lend�r designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for _
<br />�,..W.:���'a�?' in this S�'r.csrity Lnstrumcnt shall be deemed to huve been given to Borrower or Lender when given ns provided in this _
<br /> �-`�•:.:� parngea�a'�.
<br />--�-"�': 1S, f;,��•cre�ing Lnw;Severability. This Security lnstrument sha11 be �overned by federal law and the law of the
<br /> -- "�{ �; jurisdictir�r.in�vhich the Property is located. In the event that any provisicxi or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> -T=:�' �,,,, `� confliCts�ui�h applicable law,such conflict sh�ll not affect other provisions of this Security Instrumenl or the Note which cun
<br /> "=^'T�•' be given c:�ect witliout the conflictins provisiou. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are
<br /> ��'•; d�c'.a�•ul�a 5e severuble. °
<br /> � �T� t6. 13orro�ver's Copy. Bonower shall be given one cnnformed capy of the Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> �- -- i?. 3f�ans:er of the Property or a BemsSdcial Interest in Borrower. [f all or any pait of the Property or any interest in �_
<br /> _=,�TS��� r it is sofd ucr tmnsfcrred(or if u beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transfened and Borrower is not a naturnl person)
<br /> ��� witt,U<tC Lender's• prinr written consent.Lender mny, at its option,rcyuirc immediate payment in full of all sums sccured by
<br /> _-1="""=`-� this Sec:miiry Instrument. Hov�ever,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibitcd by federal law as of _
<br /> :.�...; . =
<br /> _;h�r:':�,;.;�:�: • tln�daurof lhis Security Instrument. ��
<br /> �-�=. '• [f l,t�.der exercises this option.Lender shall give Burrower notice of aceeleration. The notice sh�ill provide a period of _
<br /> --"{�'�� -�'•...' .�ot dc�{s tkajn 3U days from the datc thc notice i,delivcred or mailed within v�hich Borro�ver must pay Ull sums serured by this ��_
<br /> i._
<br /> ' 5ccurit}�lr.istru��nt. (f Borrower fnilti to �ay thetie sums prior to th� expiration of this period, l.ender may invake any nA_
<br /> �r`� � r<:rned���s�w.rmittcd by ihis Scwriry Inssrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. ��,-
<br /> � � la, f,7orrower's Ri�ht to Reinstnte. If Borrower mects cenain conditions, Borrower shall have the ri�ht to have �_.
<br /> - ° , ���+`n�cem,nizt of this Sccurity Instrument Jiscontinued at any time priur to the earlier of: (a) 5 days(or�uch other period as _
<br /> ----._. '__- , Singlc Fmiily--ISn�de Mac�MYcddle A1nc UNIFORM IN5TRU11fENT--Unifumi Cuvenant� 9/90 (p�g��4 njn puResl �'`'.;,
<br /> ,�,,�:�
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