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<br /> ° ' • �s 7'I �iu�urmuc rarricr rm�idin thc intiuruncu+hall hc che,+c:ei t�y�ornxvcr tiu�cct to�cndcr� � .
<br /> -. i periods�hnt Lendcr rcquir� . i� p !�
<br /> �j upprov;d which tihull nut bc unrea�o�uibly withhcld. If fforr���vcr fuilti to nwinlaiei cm•¢rur�•desr:rilxd ahnvc.I.cndcr nu�y,at •
<br /> « ' l.endcr;optian,ohtuin eoveruge to pratect L.ender ti righlr�in tttu I'r��periy in accc�rdan�:���ii li pai:i�:c�ipii 7. _
<br /> . All ir�zurancc pulicics und renc�val++hall hc��cccptablc ta l.c►�dcr un�! tiliall includ��a titnm11�n1 mortgtigc clautic. l.cndcr �:r
<br /> . .",�� tihttll hav�t dic right to hald thc paliri�,,�ud icncw;d+. ff l.cmlc�ir�;uir�:+.I3orrur�rr�t�.a11 p:.,��ptly givc to Lrndcr all rccri�ts -_
<br /> of paid premiums and renewul noticc+. In�he event uf lu�+. Hmrower shull giv�praen�t nuticr. to the instttance cutrier and • _",
<br /> ,��y,;� Lcndcr. Lcndcr nuiy mukc pro��f uf fo,ti if nut madc prnmptly hy f�orruwrr. �4x-:
<br /> •. �W� Unless Lcndcr und Borro�vcr nt{icntiisc a�;rcc in writing.insur.mrc proc�eds+ha+ll t�c i�ppfiaJ[o retitonuii�n or repair of '.--:
<br /> thc Properry damagcd, if dte restorution or repair i�.cronumirully fci�sil�lc:uui l.�nde�r� +ec��riry is not Ictisenrd. If thc �,
<br /> restorution �r repair is not economica�lly fe:isihle or Lcnde.r's,ecurity �vould be I�es+.ned,th�: insun�nc:e pniceeds shaill be p�;:`
<br /> ' ' ,�p�ic�l;to�hc xums sccured by this Security Instrum��nt, N�hethcr or not �hen dur. Nill� miy ::xccss paid to liurrow�r. It --=
<br /> Boi'Fc�wer abundons the Property,or does not answ�n within 3b dayti u nuticr fruc�i l.en�Jrr tiuu thc insuran.e carrier hus �-_
<br /> .;� offcmd to scttle a claim,then l.ender may collect thr.insurunce pr�xceds. Lcnder mc+y usc:thr. procceds�o repair or restore =
<br /> } the Propeny or to pay+umx xecured by this Security lm,tnimc:nt.whether or nut then�iu�.. ['he 3{►�clay p�riod will begin when =___
<br /> thc notice is given. -
<br /> Un!ess l.ender and Borra�ver otherwise agrce i�i writing,any appliccuion of pe�xeec7r to �srincipal shull not extend or �,-
<br /> . post�x�ne the due dutc of the monthly payments refcrrr.d to in par��;niphs 1 and 2 0�ch:tnr;e�fu: amount of thc payments. If
<br /> under par.igraph 21 the Property is ucquired by Lendcr, B��rrower's right to any�inxurun�e pr►iicies and proceeds resulting _
<br /> from damage to 1�-�e Property prior t� the acquisitian shfill pcu.s to l.endcr to the ectenl oS the�:+�ms secumd by this Sccurity L
<br /> [nstn�ment immediately prio�to thc acyuisition.
<br /> � " 6. Ocet�pancy, Preservat[un, MaintenAnce und PrutecUo�i oP Ihe Pro�rrty; ttorrmver's Loan Applica4ion;
<br /> , � Leaseholds. Bortower shnll occupy,establish,and ta��c thc Property as Borrowrr'�princ�pc�l re�idence within sixty days ufter _
<br /> • the execution of this Security Instrument and shall cantinue to occupy thc I'roperty as Bnnon'cr's principal residence for at
<br /> '' lea5t one yeur after the date of occupancy, unle�� Lender otherwise agrees in w�rit ing, +yhich consent shal! not be
<br /> unreasonably withheld.or unless extcnuating circumc•tuncez exist which are beyk��c1 Ha�,rnti�er�control. Borrower shall nat
<br /> " ` destroy,damAge or impair die Property,allow the Prnperty[ci deterior�ue,or cocnmi���.gst e on �he Property. Borrower sh��1 _
<br /> - be in default if any forfeiture nction or proceeding,whether civil or crimieial,is t��zm thi�t in Lender'.s good faith judgment
<br /> �' could result in forfei[un of the Property or othern�is�: materiidly impair tM: 1l:n r.reated by this Security Instrument or
<br /> �� : Lender's•security interest. Borrower may cure such u defuult and retnstate,as pro�•ida�l in pamgraph 1 R,by causing the action
<br /> ; ' or procceding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lcnder ti gaod fuith detertninati;���.precluAcs forfeiture of thc Barcowcr�
<br />�:3��•: , interest in the Property or other materiul impairment of�he lien crca[ed by this Securi[y lu:.i�ur�tient or Lender; securi¢y
<br /> intcre�i. avu�wc� �t�aii aisa �: �•:� �c uu�i if Sotrr:�c.. �ar..^.g :!:c !�w^.�r;!�:�alnn nnw•��cc, �•ave mnteriully false or
<br /> ::.a�:r.� ,
<br />� .. ,.� inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or fai(ud tc�provide Lender wi:h��:ay matenal information)in ca�mection with
<br />_- the loan evidenccd by the Note, including, but noc limited co, represrnt:a'r;a.;�� cueceming Borrower's• o:.ca�pancy of the
<br /> -'" ':�!��-j`�• Property as a principal residence. [F this Security lnsstument i:.on a texschol.i.f3t��n�cer s�all comply with a�i►he provisions
<br />==:�;;s�:,r�" oFthe lease. If Bortower acquires fee title to the PropcatJ,thc:lease{�o.��au:d thc::ee tiile shall not merge unless L.ender agrees
<br /> `v�'��':u.. to the nne�ger in writing.
<br /> ..�. W.:t.
<br /> {�' 7. lPs�otection of Lender's Rughts in the Prr�perly. lf Sc��awer fri'is �o perforni the covenants and agraements
<br /> �a`'�s�;���,�r� contained in this Securi¢y Inst�ument,or there is a Iegid proceeding ►hat mp:3�sagnificuntly affect Lender's rights in the
<br /> _��_;�;y�� PropeRy(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probato.fi�r condemnution or fort�r.ztQ�rc or to enforce laws or regulations),then
<br /> """�•:'�:'�� Lender may do and pa}�for whatever is necessary to pmtect the valuc of the �'r�-n.tty and L�ndcr's rights in the Property.
<br />= _ <<'?1� Lender s uctions muy include paying any sums securecl 6y a Ilen which hns pri�nTity over this Security Instrument,:►ppeuring
<br /> ���-.-a�:i L�QF:V'!}!1!w
<br /> -����'� in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and enterin�; on the Property to maS:e repairs. Ahhough Lender inay take actian
<br /> _-_--- under this pamgraph 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> x� Any amounts disbuc�ed by Lender under this p�•:r.►gn►ph 7 sholl become ::,�ditional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> -°�°``xY'�' Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender ngn�w other temis of payr�biait,these;smounts shall bear ir.,�erest from the
<br />-- -6=�=� date uf disbursement at the Note rate and shall bc pa��able, with interest, upu�i noticc f'rom Lcndcr to Borosver requesting
<br /> -- --• payment.
<br /> -- .=.�x� 8. Mortgage Insuranee. If Lender required monguge insur:►nce us a condition of making the loan secured by t7ais
<br /> °-�"�"�`-°`°� Securiry Enstrument, Borrower sliall pny thc premiums�rcy►tired to maintsici the mortga�e insurance in effect. If,for s�y
<br /> __Ta-g"�� reason, the moRgage insurance coverage required by Lendor lapses or cr.��.es to be in effect, Borro��•et shull pay the
<br />_�.���a,� premiums reyuired to o'nttvn coverage substantially et{uivalent to the r�c+rt�:�;e insurance previously in effect, at u r.ost
<br /> — - substan¢ially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurunca r:eb�3n�isly in effect,from un al2ernute mortgage
<br />-- insurer approved by Lender. if substantially equivalent mc�rtgage insuraac�covrrage i+�iut available,Burruwer shall pay to
<br />._., --�-:� Lender each monih a sum equal to one-twclRh of the yenriy mortgagc ins�+lancc prcmium bcing paid by Borrowcr when the
<br /> �--�;� insurance covera�e lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lendct will uccept,use�:md reiuin these payments as a ioss rzserve in lieu
<br /> ,,..��r� of mortgage insurance. Loss reservc payments m�y no longer bc rcquiei•�,ao t�:option of Lcnder,if rtt�.raage insurance
<br /> _•<„�.--st+? coveragc(in the amount and for the period that Lcnder nquirc�) providecti by•��i i�surcr approved by Lert�cv�gain becomes
<br /> - _•:;`;:Ri1;F available and is obtained.Horrower shall pay the premiums.reyuired ro ma.intain mortgage insurance in efFc�:r,,r�r to provide a
<br /> _- -=y;�.µ� , loss reserve,antil the rcyuimment for mortgage insurance ends in acco[r1a,t►ce with any written .tgreement br,tween Borrower
<br /> ` •� :.r�:, and Lender or applicable L•i�v.
<br /> - ""'" 9. Inspectfon. Lendcr or its agent mxy make rcasonnble cntries�.ipon:uid inspcctionc of thc Froperty. Lendcr shall
<br /> ' � ' give Horrowcr nutice�:the time of or prior to an in�pection spccil'ying rrasonahb:cause for the inspertion. �{"
<br /> �l°-.
<br />_ ' '� �0. Condemn�tQVn. The proceeds of any award or cluim for dumsges,doa�zt or conseyuential,in co:anection with any —.
<br /> Smglc ham�ty•-Phnnte 1lzarrcddie ni.�:;�lFS!!�a+_i'4STRU&1f:N'1'--Unifomi Covcn:mts 9/90 (puge 3�j6 pagesl �'_
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