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<br /> ' ' upplicublc luw muy spccify for rcinstuicment) before sal� of thc Property pursuant to a��o�vcr of sa c con m this
<br /> Sccuriry lnstrumcnt;ar(b)cntry of u judgment enforcing this Security lnstnimcnt. Thusc conJitions arc that Bonowcr. (u) •
<br /> ' pays !.endcr .+II �ums which then aould hc duc unctcr this Sccurity Instrwncnt and thc Nutc us if no ucccicration had '��
<br /> occurred;(b)cures imy default af any oiher covenants or ugreements; (c)puys all expenses incurred in enforcing[his Sccurity , _
<br /> . � ,� Instrument, including, but not Iln�ited to, rcusonable attorncys'fer,s; and (d) takes such actio�i us Lender may reasonubly •;=����
<br /> •° �, require to assurc thi�t thc licn uf this Securiry Inst�ument,Lcnder+rights in thc Property and Borrowee's obligution to pay the ''' �•
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument shall continue unchun�ed. Upon reinstatement by Bormwer, this Srcurity 't:,;:�,
<br /> • Instrument and the obligutions secured hereby shall remain fully effective us if no ucceleration had occuned. However,this •� �
<br /> right to reinstute shall not apply in the cese of acceleration under pnragtaph 17. t:��;�.
<br /> 19. Ss�le of Note; Char�e of i.ann �ei rke:. Thc Notc or a partial interest in thc Nate(together���ith�hiz Sccuri►y
<br /> "_`�-
<br /> �, InstrumenU muy be sold ona or more prtYCs�vithaut prior notice to Horrower. A salc may result in a chanBc in th�;entity ��K_,_`
<br /> (known iis the"I.o�n Servicer")that collects monthly pnyments due under the Note und this Security lnsteument. There also r��':"
<br /> ma be one or more chan es of the Loan Servicer unrelated ta a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer. 't�•:�.`;.
<br /> Y S •.9__,:_
<br /> Bottower will he�iven written notice of the change in accardcuue with paragraph 14 ubove and applicable law. The notice . ; „
<br /> will state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer und the address to which a rnents should bc mude. Thc noticc will 7'� -
<br /> p y �a�•.�,-,
<br /> , ;j also contain any othcr information requircd by applicable law. =-_=
<br /> � � Z0. Hazerdous Substances. Borrower shull not causc or permit the pnsence,use,disposal, storagc,or relcase of any ,;�-
<br /> '1, Hazardous Substances on or in the Prop�rty. Borrower shull nut do, nor allow unyonc clse to do,anything affectin�the �F=
<br /> Property that is in violation of any Environmental Lnw. The pmceding two sentences shall not apply to the presencc,use,or �_�,_��
<br /> � storagc on thc Properry of small quantitics of Haznrdous Suhstances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal �'—-
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the Properry. -
<br /> �• Bottower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any imestigation,cluim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any _,'������
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or privnte psuty involving the Property and any Haznrdous Substance or Environmental �Y
<br /> Luw of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leurns, or is notified by any govemmental or r.egulatory
<br /> � `, authorit ,that un rernoval or other remediation of an Hazardous Substwnce affecting the Properry is necessary,Aorrower �'��LL
<br /> Y Y Y �`�---.
<br /> ,:,�--� shall promptly take aU necessary remedial acuons in accordance with Environrriental Law. —
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20,"Haiardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by a -
<br /> Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene, other tlammable or toxic peuoleum products,toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volutile solvents,mnteri�ls containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materiats. As _ ---
<br /> used in this�ara�raph 20,"Environmemal Law"means federnl laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is locnted
<br /> that relate to health,safety or environrnental protection
<br /> � '�����" .� NON-UM�'ORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lcnder further covenant and agree�s follows: _
<br /> +�;�•:.,.
<br /> :�l4,�;`• 2?. �*.ccete:'stion; Reme�i�. Lerder shnll oive noUce to Borrower prlor to ar.celcrntian followin� IRorrnwer's
<br /> � breach of any covenant or agreement fn thia Securlty Instrument(but not prtor�o acceleration under paragreph 17 �
<br /> • �' unless applicable law provides otherwtse). The notice shell spccify: (n)Q'he default;(b)the action�qulred to cure the
<br /> . dcfaWt;(c)u date�not less than 30 days fl�om the dntc the noUce Is given to Borrower,by whtch tfie default must be
<br /> � cured;and(d)that feflure to cur�e t6e detnult on or before the date specifled in the notice may result tn acceleratlon of
<br /> - : ., the sums secured by thls Security Iastrument und sale ot the Prope�Ky. The notice shaU furiher intorm Borrower of
<br /> •- • • the right to relnstAte xtlter sccelerallon and the right to bring e court action to assert the non-existence of a default or
<br /> _ • � � any other defense of Borrower to acceferetton and sale. If tlie defeult is not cured on or before the dote speciilerl tn
<br />_~' " ::��� the noUce,Lender at Its option msy requlrn immediate pnyment in full of all sums secured by thls Security Instrument
<br /> � without further demand and muy Invokc ihc power ot snle and ony other remedtes permitted by bpplirsble law
<br />-�"`;�y"� �'" Lender shall be enHUed eo collect dl expec�ses incurred [n pursuing the remedles provlded In thls puragraph 21,
<br /> ="�°;�.:;.�.. ` includIng,but not Ilmlted to,rensonnble attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> -�^�r�'�r�• If the power of sale[s invoked,7lrastce shall record a nottce of default!n each county ia whicti Yny part of the
<br /> a"-.�--
<br /> -� r<z��u�. Property is located and shall meil caples of such notice in the muxmer prescrtbed by appllcable law to Borrower And to
<br />-"`Y`;•�=°3� the other persons prescribed by applicable law At�ter the dme requlred by applicable Iaw, 'I1ri+siEe stiull glve publlc —
<br /> ':;_�,3�;�`�� notice of sale to the persons and in thu mnnner prescr3bed by applica�lc!aw 'lt�ustee,without�le�nand on Borrower, _
<br /> - �• ,� . shnll scll the Property ut public�ustlon ro the hi�hest bicl�alRr At the time and place snd under the terms deslp,nated[n
<br /> : �'��'`'`;� the notice of sale in one ar raorP parcels and in c�ny order�Yustce determines. 7h•ustee may post�one ssde oP all or any _
<br /> �`��`_�,:':,��� ° parcel oi the PropeMy by publlc aruiouncement at the time nnd place o!any prevtoasly scheduled sale. Lende�or its
<br /> �,. .�
<br />_ ,-..�*n��� deslgnee may purcha�e the Propertyet any sale.
<br />_ �' +�+�F�M Upon receipt of pAyment of the prtce b(d, '1lrustee shall dellver to the purchaser 7Yastee's deed conveytn�the �_
<br /> -'�'"�"��t;�' Property. The Mecitals in the 1Y�stce's deed shall be prlma fncfe evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. _
<br /> �;i•iT�;�r n 'IYustee shall apply the procee�s of the salo in the followfng order: (a)to all costs�d exnenses uf exercis(ng the power ___
<br /> . J �4' = _—__
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