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� 201200337 <br /> 2. App11CffiIOfI of Payments or PPOCeedS. Except as otherwise described in this Secliu?i 2, all pnymenh <br /> accepted and applied by Lender shal(Ue applied in tl�e following order of priority: (a) interest due under the <br /> Note; (b) princlpal due imder the Note; (c) amounts due under Section 3. Such payments shall be applied to <br /> cacl�Pcriodic Paymcnt in thc ordcr in which it bccamc duc. Any rcmaining an�ounts shall bc applicd tirst to <br /> late charges, seco�d to any ullier amounts due under this Security Ins�rument, and then [u reduce the <br /> principal balance of the Note. <br /> If Lendee receives a payment from Boerower for a deHnqaenl Yeriodic Yayment which includes a sufGcieul <br /> amount to pay any la[e charge due, the payment may be applied to We delinquenl payment and the late <br /> chaege. If more Chan one Periodic Payment is outstanding, Lender may apply any payment received from <br /> Borrower to the repayment of the Periodic Payments If, and to the exten[ that, each payment can be paid in <br /> full. To We exlenl that a�ry excess exists after the payment is applied to the fi�ll payment of one or morc <br /> Perlodlc Payments, sucli excess may 6e applied to any ixte charges due. Vuluntary pi�epxyinents shall be <br /> xpplied first to any prepayment charges and then as describcd in [he Note. <br /> Any application of payments, insurance proceeds, or Miscellanenus Rnceeds tu principal due under the Nute <br /> shall not extend or postpmie tlie due date, or cLange lhe aruuunt, of the Periudic Payments_ <br /> 3. Funds for Escrow Items. Borrower shall pay to Lcnder on tlic day Pcriodic Fayments are due w�der tl�e <br /> Note, tmtll the Note is paid in fidl, a sum (We °Fuuds") to prnvide for payroenr of amounts due for: (a) laxes <br /> and assessmenh and other items which can attaln priority over this Security Ins[rument as a lien. or <br /> encwnbr<�nce on the Prope�ty; (b) leasehnld pnyments or �-oimd rents on the Property, if any; (c) pi�emiums <br /> for any and all insurance required by Lender under Section 5; and (d) Morgage Ins�uance premiums, if any, <br /> nr any sums payablc 6y Sorrower to Lender in lieu of the payment of MorLgage liu7unnce premium.s in <br /> accordance with t}ie prnvisions of Section 10. These items are� called "Escrow Ifems." At originalion o� al <br /> any time� during tlie [erm of lhe Loan, Le��der may require [hat Community AssociaCion Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessments, if any, he escrowed by Borrower, and such dues, fees and assessments shall be an Escrow <br /> � i[em. Borrower shall prompUy furnish to Lender ali notices of amnunts tu Le paid under this Section. <br /> � Borrower shall pay Le�der the Fuods for Escrow Ifems tmless Lender walves Borrower's obligaflon to pay <br /> tl�e Fimds for a�ry or all Lscmw ltems. Lender may waive Borrowcr's obligation to pay to Lender Funds for <br /> any m�all Escrow Items at airy time. Any such waive� may only be in writing. in the event of such waiver, <br /> Borrower shall pay directly, when and wliere payable, [he amounts due for any lscruw Items for which <br /> paymeut of F'unds has been waived 6y Lender and, if Lendcr rcquires, shall furnisli to Lender re�ceipls <br /> evidencing such payment within such tlme period as Lender may reyuire.. Bnrruwer's obligation to makc <br /> ruch payments and to provide receSpls shall for all purposes be decmed Cn be a covenant and agreeoient <br /> cuntained in this Security Instrument, as tlie phrase "co��enanl and xgreemenP' is used in Sectinn 9. If <br /> Borrower is obflgaled to pay Escrow I[ems directly, pursuant ro a walver, and Borrower fails to pay tlie <br /> amount due for an Escrow Itetn, Lender may exercise lls righ[s under Secfion 9 and pay such ammmt and <br />� Borrower shall llien be obligated under Section 9 to repay to Lender any sucl� amount Lender may revoke <br />� the waiver as�to any or ail Escrow Items al any lime by a notice given in accordance with Section 15 and, <br />� upon sucl� rewca6on, Borrower shall pxy fo Lender all Fimds, and in suc�h amounts, that are then required <br /> under this Section 3. � <br /> Lender may, at any dme, collecl and hold Funds in an amount (a) suffic�ie�nt to�permit Lender to apply tf�e <br /> Funds af the time speclfied unde�r RESYA, and (6) nut to exceed the maximum ainoimt a lender can require � <br /> under RESPA. Lendcr shall estimate the amounl of Funds due on the basis of carrcn[ data a�d re<�vsonable <br /> � estima[es of expenditures of future Escmw Items or otherwise iu acc�ordance wi[h Applicable Law. <br /> oon 22sz000v [�+�zaazoaos] <br /> NE6R�SK�-Singlc Famny-Fannie Mae�Fretltlie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Fnrm 3pZtl 110t <br /> VMP OO VMPSA(NE)(11O5J.(H) <br /> Wolten Kluwcr Finnncial5crvices Pagc 5 of 1J � <br />