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<br /> � . r.. Nouvlthstnnding m�y of thc lnngunge contnincd in thle Aeed of Tmst to the contrary,the terms of thls section sha�l .. «.
<br /> ; eurvive any foreclosure or eadefnction of thle Deed of Trust regardl�ss of any pussage of titic to Beneficiary or uuy • a
<br /> , dispositimi by Rencficinry of a��y or nll of thc Property.Any clain�s and defenses to the wntrery are hereby waived. � �.-
<br /> � 20.CONIDEMNATION.T�ustat�viU glve Beneficiery prampt notice of any actlon, real or threatened, by prlvate or public . � '.. -
<br /> � � cnUtles to purch�:�or 4nke any ar nU of the Property, includinr any �atements, through condemnation,eminent domaiu, • ' -
<br /> or tuty ather means.Ttvstor funher AArees to notl�Aeneficiary af nny proceedings instltuted for the establishment oF uny , �
<br /> � sewer, wAter, conscrvation. ditcU, dralnnge,or o er dlstrict relating to or bindlag upon the Property or any part of it. ,
<br /> • Trustor t�uthorizes Beneficiury to lntervene ln Trustor'�name in nny of the above desedbed acttons or claims and to collect
<br /> and receive�Il sum9 resulting from the action or claim. Trustor asslgiis to Beneficiary ehe procceds of any award or clalm , ��
<br /> for damages cannectai v�ith a condemnation or other tnking of ull or n�ry part of the Property. Such proceeds shall be �
<br /> considered payments and will be npplied as provided ia thla Deed of Tcust. 'Ihis assignment of praceeds Is subj�ct to the ,�
<br /> tcrn�s of any prior securlry agrccment. : : �,
<br /> , •.,;;�:`,"° �{', .,
<br /> � „_ ,,..,�a..
<br /> 21.INSURANCE.Truator agrees to maintain insurance as follo�va: .�•?,;���,Y
<br /> � A. Trustor shall keep the Property insur�l against loss by fire,theR end oth�r h�zards and risks rcasonably associatesi `�� ^ ,,,��„
<br /> • with the P'r•operty due to ite type and location.Other hazards and tuske may include, for example,coverage against � ``y�
<br /> ��;:�...a..,..�.�.
<br /> loss due to Iloods or flooding. '1'his insurance shall be malntained in the amounts and for the periods that � ,;�.'�lb�o�_
<br /> IIenefasiary requires. The insurance carrier providins Uie insurance shall be chosea by Trustor suhject to ..w;�--- - --
<br /> Benefnsiary's appraval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Trustor fails to maintaiu the coverage "'��'k='
<br /> dzscr.�d above,�2neficlary an3y, at�eneficiary's option, obtaia coverage to protect BeaeGciary's ri�hts in the �°'�• --
<br /> �L
<br /> =-— i'TOF:.Yi}'»L'wt�:iu�iO mC Q���.,�:.�.��5���c T�cr, �;�_.•- _--
<br /> P rY E 8 ����4E��fi`���w�:�::
<br /> All izzsuraaice policies and renew��s�all bz a�ce table t� Beoeficia and shall inc7ude a standasd "mort a e r
<br /> claus¢" and,wbere applicaLle, "menefitiary losa payee cl�use.'Trustor shall i�nmediataly notlfy Beaeficlary o#' v,....�f;w�:
<br /> ;,' �.�.• '' cancel�ation or termination Af the :insw-aner.. BEnefic�ary sh�ll hnve the riBht tn hold the policies and renewals. lt •�;i���!'�,��'�`
<br /> ''������ � Beneficiary rec�uires. Trustor shail imn�ed3atElv give to Benefieiary al� ieceipts of paid premituns and renewal "�'�'�" —
<br />;,t• ,,•,': . nt ,,�a,�_,.,,;,
<br /> ,� .��,;;;.''� nodces.Upoa loss, Tmstor shall �ive immedi�te notice ro the fasurancx carrier and Beneficiary. B�r.eficituy may ;..,,,:;;.t�,i,
<br /> ''�;�::'�,�;;;iA� '�, make proof of loss if not made immediately by Trustor. ;�,s,;+���}r'
<br /> ,,��
<br /> '��t.�,'�� Uuless Beneficiary and Trustor atl�envise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to ressaration or ;?'{;
<br /> �;:;ti�'�,��,- � repair of the Propes6y damag�d ii¢'�e restoratian or npair is ecoaornically feaslble and B�r►c�iciary's security 9s not ��•
<br /> '.:'.j;:��'�:?!:,.� I����w,J, if ihP rrcnmr.�tu�an e+r ren�3nr is not economieally feasible or Be�PTcinry's sec.wi�y would be lessened, t�e • ;r.�,�l__ !� _.;`',
<br /> 1 `r•:';:;':� insurance pro�ds�hn17�e�p�liEr•l to We Szcvred Detst,whether or aot rtlazn due,with uny excess paid to Trustor. �,
<br /> �•ii�`�:;°�''" ': If Tre�stor a�ba�dons�h� �io��erty, mr dc�es not nnswer wlQhin 30 days a motice from Be�zfiriary tba�t�e insuranr.z ��. . •``=
<br /> ca�i�ra�h�, offered to settle a claim,then Beaeficiary may cm!lllxct the insuranoe proceeds. Beneficiary may use tQ,�� ;;�'..;;;
<br /> pr�.aus eo repa(r or mstore the Pnoperty or to pay the Secuced Debt whether or not tiiea due. The 30-day pedod ;; �'�
<br /> ` wtll begin when the notice[s given.
<br /> �:'
<br /> �'� Ualess Beneftciury and Tcustor othenvise agree In writing,emy epplicatton of proceals to principal shall aot extend _
<br /> " or pvstpoae the due data of saheduled payments ot change the amount of the payirients. If the Property Is acqulred ',-
<br /> �•: by&:neftciary,Trustor's dght to any insurance policies and procceds resulting from demage to the Property before ,
<br /> the acquisition shall pass to Benefictary to the extent of the Secured Debt immediately before the acquisition.
<br /> B. Tcustor agrces to maintain comprehensive seaeral liabiliry insurance naming Bea�ficlary as an additional insural in __
<br /> an amount acceptable to Beneficiary,insuring against claims arising ftom aay accfdent or occurrence in or on the —
<br /> PropertY• �J
<br /> C. Tmstor egroes to maIntain rentel loss or business interrupdon insurance. as requlrod by Beneficiary. In an amount
<br /> .• _, equal to at least coverage of one year's debt service,and required escrow account deposits(lf agreed to separately —
<br /> ' in wrtting),uader a form of policy aa�ptable to Beaeficiary.
<br /> 22.NO F.SCROW FOR TAXES AND IDVSLJR�►NCE. Unless otherwlse provided in a separate agreement, Tnutor will not
<br /> � be mquired to pay to Bcneficiary funds for taxes end insurance in escrow.
<br /> . " 23.FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL bOCU1VIEN'd'S.Trusror will provide to Bensficiary upou request, any -�
<br />�. ,. finaacial etatement or infom�atioa Beneficiary may deem nocessary. '['custor warrents that all finencial statements and r _
<br /> �, .,�,.;; informatlon Tiustor pmvides to Beneficiary are. or will be, accurate, coaect, and wmnlete. Trustor agree*s to slgn, _
<br /> deliver, and file as Beneficiary may reasonably request any additional documents or certi�icarions that Beneficia��may =--�
<br /> i �Y��.�
<br /> "' :;�;��:� ccrnsider necessary to perfect,continue,and praerve Tnutor's obligadops nnder this Dced of Trust and Beneficiary's lien
<br /> '��—._--�
<br /> � �;,"•�' � status on the Ptope�ty.if'Tnistor fails to do so,Beneficiary may sign,deliver. and file such docucaente or certificates in „.�....��e;
<br /> � Trustor's name and Tcustor hereby iaevocably appoints Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agent as attorney in fact to do the ' �T;
<br /> � things necessary to comply with this soction, .��,�
<br /> ,I,.'1:.
<br /> • ° 24.dOIIVT AND IIVDIVYDUAL I.IABII.TI'Y;CO-SIGNERS; SiJCCESSORS A1VD ASSIGNS BOUNA. All duties under �±:��:��,.: •'`•&t�
<br /> .,�;.�;.s.� ;;,
<br /> � - this Doed of Tn�st are Joint and individual.If Trustor sigis this Deed of Tru.st but does aot sign the Evidcnce of Debt, .,,..�#..3,
<br /> Trustor does so oaly ro mortgage Trustor's intemst in the Property to sesure payment of the Secured Debt and Trustor '.' ;y z s.�-, •
<br /> � does not agree to be�xrsonaliy liable on the Socumd Debt.Trustor agrees that Beneficiary and any party to this Deed of • ��•`•�••••.
<br /> � Trust may extend,trzadify or make any change in the termc of tt�is Deecl of Trust or the Lvidence of Debt without � :
<br /> Trustor's con�ent.Such a change will not relP.ase Trnstor from the ternu of this Deed of Tivst. The duties and benefits of � . . �
<br /> this Deed of Ttust shall bind and benefit the successors and a.�signs of Trustor and Benefictary. , .
<br /> If this Dex�d of Trust saures a guaranry benveen Beneficiary and Trustor and does not dii�ectly secure the obligation which .
<br /> --- -- � . .- :' �..�r...:�.t T...w,.��....ma�.....o:..o u..v ri..hro ehot.nov nrnus.nt 17niwAriow fmm hrinoine om� nrtinn nr rl�im aaninct .-..--'-.:".�--�,-- �
<br />-- ---.._. :-._��-- �o gua.c...aw. ....u..,� rp..n...... ..........y..p..... ........�y �,.�.«.. ��..�_.�....� ..,.W_'...p_'o�y �"_.. -' -'_....y�. � .
<br /> ___-.-..-_-._.____..
<br /> Trustar or any pacty indebted under the obligation including,but not limited to, anti-cieficiency ur one-action laws.
<br /> . ..(.
<br /> 25.APPLICAI�L� LAW; SEVERABiLITY;I1V'fERPI3E7'ATION. This Deed of Trust is governed by the laws of the .
<br /> • jurisdiction in w2►ich Benefictary is located,except to the eatent othenvise required by the laws of the jurisdiction where „ "
<br /> . the Property is located.T'his Deecl of Trust is complete and fully inaegrated. '�his Deed of Trust may not be amet►ded or
<br /> modified by oral agreement. Any section or clause in this Deed off Tn�st, attactunents, or any a�reement related to the ' �:
<br /> Serured Debt that conflicts with applicablc law will not be effecdve,unless that law expmssly or implicdly permits the
<br /> variations by wririen agreement.If any section or clause of this Deed of Tn►st cannnt be enfomxd according to its terms, '.
<br /> that section or clause will be severcd and will not affect the enforeeability of the remainder of this Doed of Ttust. ��ti�:�,
<br />-;� � �Nhenever used, the singular shall include the plural and the plural the singular. 'Ihe captions and headings of the sections -
<br /> of this Deed of Tmst are for convenience only and am not to be used to interpret or define the tern�s of this Dced of Trust.
<br />- Time is of the essenc�in this Deed of Trust. " ��� '�.�� paee 6 0�s
<br /> .. . . �'� ti a•�
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