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<br /> �
<br /> 26.SUCCESSOR'['EtUBT�E. Dcnefici+nry, nt Denoticlnry'e optlon, mny from time to ilme remn�ve Trustce nnd np�wint a
<br /> � successar trusloe by un inatn►ment recorded in the caunty in�vhlch thie Ueed of Trust Is recorded. Tlie succe.9sor trustce, :• :
<br /> ,; ' without canveyance of the Pr�perty. ehnll succced ro nll the tiUe, po�ver nttd duties confened upan the Trustee by this �`,
<br /> Dced of'Itust end npplicable law.
<br /> � ' � 27.Id�fid��.Unle�oth�rwi�e required by law, nny n�tice ehall be Fivcn by dcllvcrin�;lt or by mniling it by first clr9s mnil �-�
<br /> r� � to the approptlate party's addresa on page 1 of thie Deed of Trust.or to any other address designsted in writin�. Notice ta =
<br /> '.,,,, one uustor will be deemed to be notice to all trustora. __.
<br /> ,,,,:;��T��'�u�.,: 28.U.C.C. PRQVISIONS.If checked, the following aee applicable to,but do not limit,this �d of Truot:
<br /> �:.�.f;:r'`'•;r''°�`�:�"; Q Constnietton Y.oua.1R►is Deed oF 1Yust secures an obli�atioa incurred for 2Ilaz aansa¢a>��€an v�an improvement on
<br /> ., '�. ;�'i:;y`;�:E:`f
<br /> ;+;f�.,�'''.'--i�;��:sr%:�4 ¢fie Propesty. �
<br /> ��''• . :.�jr;.�?�,�.�1t O �'ixtane kll��ca$.'�`bustos grxt�es ro�3e�zftcia�y a sa.-tttity Ie�tez�st an a!i��ads 3�at''Jh►sior o�va�s nmz�r�r in the future
<br />'�;,',`•`�` '`'� ,. � and that are or�v�ll become fix3�yres re3�ten3 to the Fcopzxty.
<br /> ���,�',i•�,,;•;
<br /> . ,�:,:.°.,; ❑ rCrops�'�timS�r; Ailnr.r�is; ]f2ents, Issus�� and 1'�o?d3s. Trustor grants to B.°za�f clary a security Interest iri
<br /> {'f ';�i =
<br /> cmps,tirnbcr,�nd mitnesa�s 1�r�ted on th�Ptoperty a:�svPl;as all rents,festzes,-�in��profits of them including,bi�t
<br /> `� not limit�d t�o, all Conserr,<<zion Reserv� Prograiu �CItP) aud Payrment in Kind (PII� payments and slmilnr _
<br />;:�;. � governirtenta]programs(all of whicb shall �lso be included in the tema"!'roperiy")• _•
<br /> p �¢rsanal Property. Trustor grants to Beaet3ciary a security interesc in all p?nonel property locatecl on or
<br /> _�� connected with tlie Property. This security interest i�ncludes all ferm ptoducta, mventory. equipmeut, account�, _
<br /> .. �.. �o nt,ortnl�onar a�nnsal lntsmolhleA. and all other items of personal property Trustar o�vns
<br /> .-,- - , . vvi.iiar.+:•�: •..::.�'....'H°.�.^...., ....���.r--r- •o- -
<br /> � now or in the future and that are us�d or useful in the consuuction, ownersbip, operation, ma��ageraent, or -
<br /> znainteuance of the Property. The t�im "perso�nul property" specificatly ezclude� that p:roperty dese.ribed as f.,
<br /> '���•.'� • "household gaods" secured in connection with a canswner loan us chose temis are definecl in applicable federal �.
<br /> ,;;��.,.; regul�iona gaveming unfair and deceppve credit prPCtices. —
<br /> ...� . t.:4�
<br /> :..;,. :?;";•''''.:;`::' � �g,�s Financing St�tement. Trustor a rees und acknawledges Wat tfiis )Deed of Trust also sufficRS as a
<br /> :;4i;;r�,�;�j�(`''::�«`<�}, S F P� _
<br /> fwancfng sia�tEment anr��s such, may be filed of record as a financin statemer�t of ses of Article 9 of the
<br /> `�{ -�,< < t� t,� Uniforaa �omm�rcial Coda. tl carbon.photograpliic,iwage or other r.�praducdoa of d�ie Deed of Trust is sufficleat �
<br /> `t'� ,,; i`'' f4 �, asa fmax�ci��atatemens. _
<br /> �1�� ,._ " {�;�_ 29.��ii:�t�`.'ERM`d.S.D�cSecked.the Follow�ing are applicable e�thi9 Deod of 1'rust: --
<br /> :;��'�':1f�'rs�`i�'���,``'�� L� �.�n�of�C�+ecll4.The S�urerl Deba inc�u�lES a ravola+ing i�ine at cred'ic provision.P►i�nuagh wC aa:uni's D��=��y b:.
<br /> ::�:ilri i';:�::�1'�'.1,;;1;:,tl�,�'��.
<br /> reduced to a zero balaace,this Deed o�Tcust wlll remaln in effect until released,
<br />_;:;ti�t,'`.', :� �r. s
<br />,:`;.��c:'_ ' t , ❑ Agr?culturul p�operty.Truswr covenra�ts and warrants thet the Property will be used principally for agdcultural
<br /> . �� • or fatmtng pwZwses end Wat Trustor ie aII indlvlduel or entity allowed to own agricultural land as specified by law.
<br /> __,�;:, .
<br /> ' . '' ❑ Additlonal Terms. .......................................................................,............................................
<br /> Ri':.�.''� .......,.........................................................................................................................•...........
<br />--i�.,;,n_i ......�,�......................................................................................�,.............................. .
<br /> '.,,.��"
<br />-.. Purauant to the Prum Homeste�d Protection Act. designatioa of homestead❑ ie attached to thia Deed of Tiust and made a
<br /> -°�"'--'-=$� part hareof Cl 4�s bcen disclaimal;the disclaimer is attached to this Deed of Tcuat and rnade a part hereof.
<br /> �'���`i��3 -
<br /> _..___._.
<br /> ::r n.n«-•��a
<br />__._,_�-�-;�.� SIGNATIJ�tFS:By slgning below, 'Itustor agras to the termg and covenaats contain�d in ttds Deed of Trust and ia Any
<br /> ^�°°' '° � attachnnnts.'Cruetor elso acknowledga receipt of a copy of this Dced of Trust on the da;e�stata!above on Page 1.
<br /> ._,�U�
<br /> -_�.'t��
<br /> -- --- L7 Achul authority wa�graatod to the partles sfgniag below by c+esolution signed anddat ................................... .
<br />��_''="s;� � 8otlry Name:��l�'..��'!T.:7�.'.�rp����}�1 ........................... IIndty Ntme:�[���[�]��� 7����r..�f�}�� . ..........................
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<br /> .., ._ cs,�n.n� m�u� csi�u����� � m��
<br />": � � "'`:�'• C7 Refer to tl�e Addendum which is attached and incorporated herein for ed�itional 'fY�ustors. signatuns and
<br />' :''�' aaknowl�dgments.
<br /> n
<br />- ,,' �� ACKNaWI,E3nG1►�NT:
<br /> ` � Sl'ATE OF F�t�.��k1... COUNTY UF.��........,............................... } ss.
<br /> .. � o�Yiaa� This iastrument was acknowledged before me th{s ���,�. day of .ABX'�4�,�..�9�7..........................
<br /> " . ..... .. ,
<br /> .......
<br />' . . by I'1�.5�#A�'i41.Wr..RF�,�U..aF?4�.V�L4'!�5?��.�?t..��T,... .. . ..................................... . -
<br /> ..�4
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<br />' „ My ca�misslon ex ires: T-
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<br />- .• ;.-:__=f� TFRRY K.RATtt�tSAN � �••,,•••, •••••,
<br />; � �• d �a�°� A1yCOAmI.Fxp.Otl 21 139�
<br /> ''.• - S'['A'['E OF........�.�.�......................... COUNTY OF............................................... }ss.
<br /> . •
<br /> ,. .,
<br /> � ' ltua insttument was acknowledged before me this................
<br /> •. ....day of...................................................
<br />-: :' by .,......................................................................................................................................
<br />; •' m��s ............................ a�uam
<br /> � �:i Ac►nos%�crxl Of y.....................•..............•.......•.........•..............•.•........•................•............... lN�me of OuslnA�or Utiryl
<br /> ; • �.•� :ti'.
<br />-:'•• . ` . a..,,,.......................................................................................... on behalf of the business or entiry. -
<br />= My cornmission eapires:
<br /> " ' (Scaq ........................._...........................................
<br /> ' � (Notary WDlic)
<br /> ;�j .;�. ��d e
<br />-- �, . •, • • O 1993 Bm�enSrotem�,�nc.,St.CiaA.MN 11�8U0397•23611 Form AG.CO DT�NE 91t 3/90 pnp0 6 0l 6
<br />. • i . . . ... - --� - -� -- _ . .
<br />