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... ' ' `' J ! .. ...�.N . <br /> . � ' <br /> ..rry.. <br /> . ,.. . , . .:.._ .. _ G � �� <br /> .........._.'_..._,. _. . . ... . .. �,�.h -.. <br /> - .. � . ...�.�d7�lM'��:.� <br /> i �A r - <br /> J7�- 10��A �. .. ,. ' , <br /> ; � .. <br /> � At thc opdon oF 1�encilcinry, nll nr uny pnri of Ihc�►grcrd fces nnd c.l�nrqss, nu:rucd intcrest nnd principnl tih.�ll brc�ime , - <br /> I Immcdintcly duc Nid pnynblc, nilcr giving noticc if requlrcd by Inw, upon thc aa:urrcn�n of n dcfuult ur onytlmc tltcrcaflcr. I `_ <br /> � ln ncldiQon, Bencticinry shnll M:cmitled to nll thc rcmedicy provided by Inw,thc k�videncc��F Dciit,o�her cvidcnces�if dcb�, <br /> � t!�ie Dced uP Tre►st and nny rclntcd d�xumcnte including withuut limitntloi�,thc po�vcr to scll thc Praperty. � <br /> °� 1f ther�is�defaolt,Truetc.w:eh�ll, in nddidon to nny ather permitted remeciy,nt tlie rcquest of thc[lcncilclnry,ndvenlsc nnJ I , <br /> scll the Property as n whale ar In scparnte parccle nt pubUc nucuun tu th�i�igh�,t Liddir for castti<�nd con��e�.^.t�solu��� �lilc ., .. <br /> fr�nnd cleur af nll right, title nnd Intereet of Trustor nt cuch ttme xnd place ns Trustce deslgnntes.Tnistcc shn!! givc n�tic� . . <br /> of sale Including the time. tcrm9 nnd place of sale nnd a desctiptian of the propeRy to be sold ns required by thc npplictible , <br /> � luw in effect at the tlme of the propnsed snle. <br /> , . <br /> Upon sale of the property and to the extent not prohibited by law,Trustee shall muke and deliver a deed to thc Property sald . „ <br /> which conveys absolute title ta the purch�ser, and nfter first paying all fees, charges nnd coste,shall pny to Beneficiary ell <br /> moneys advanced for repairs. taxes, insurnnce, liens, nssessmente and prior encumbrnnces and interest thereon, and�he . y• ,,.� <br /> principal and interest on the Secured Debt,pAying the surplus, if any,to Trustor. Beneficiary may purchase chC Property. :...;�;,��74e�`'- <br /> I ��r���s��y d�d of conveyance ahull be prla�.a facIe evidencc of the facts set forth therein. :����r�° <br /> • All reneedies are distanct. ct�nulative and no2 exc�usiv�, and the Beaeficinry is entided to a!1 remzdies provide3 at law or , �y�;�,�.,.-� <br /> eyuity,�vhether expressly set fort�or not.Th�acceptaace by Beneficiary of xny sum ira pay�ent or partial payment on ihe �.�.,.�...__- <br /> ,� Sr.cur�d Debt after the bal.�ee is e#ue or is accelerated or after forcclosure proceedings ar�e filed shall not constit�te a���iver <br /> �,^c;,cfi�;ary's r3�ht to requ�TM�+��I and comnlete cure of any eaisting detault. By aot eaercising any remedY on Tni�:or's _��- <br /> . h • <br /> , ----• <br /> _ <br /> defautt,Beneficiary does not wnive 9eneficiary's ri�ht to later consider the eveut a ctefauic it ii wuuuuca..i��ayp:.=�s�U-w••• � _ .�___. . <br /> �:�- <br /> 18.EX���ISES;ADVANCES ON���NAN'�'S+�1TT�RNIG�'S'��+COLLECTION COSTS. Excapt when prohnmited ,.�•�;. <br /> � . by Imv,Trustor agrees to pay all of Heneficiary's if Tnutor breaches any covenv�t in this Drxd of Trust.Tcvstor � ,,;�. '""�" <br /> �;.,.� �vill ttlso pay on demfutd all of$eneficiary s expenses incurred ia collecting,insuring,pteserv9ng or protecting t�e F'a�+�erty <br /> m ui <br /> or ln any inventar�es,audits, iuspetcioas or other examination by Beneficalry in respect to tbe Property. Trustor agr�es to i,��; . :- ' <br /> ' pay all costs and exp�nses incurred by Beneficisry in enforcing or protecting Benefici��ry's ri�hhts and remedies under�►is S�'1 � _ : <br /> �" ���i��U Deed af Trust,including.but not limited to, attomeys'fees,caurt costs,nnd other legal expenses.Once the Secured Debt is )' � . .x <br /> 1;, 1;�,,;,� ,.�,,., , <br /> . �;�_-;,.:;� fully and fivally paid,Beneficiary agrees to release this Deed of Trust and'�rustor agteES to pay for any recordation costs. <br /> �.;'•,�'.'•:`. :��• All such amounts are due on demand and will bear interest from the time of t�e advanr,��t the highest rate in effect, from .v�,.,r�• <br /> , � '' <br />_,.._.. _ _..•:._. �j�,,e t�.�jma,��nr�vided in the lEviQence of 1L�ebt and as permitted by law. •���t� __�''� <br /> , ___ -; '—�1. ,A – f�` ,,.,., <br /> � ' ",�� 19. �NVIIfON1V�N'I'AL LAWS ANA HA���1F3.�DDL1S SUBSTANCES. As�sed in this section. (ID "F.nvitan��nntnl" ;.c� . <br /> , <br /> means, aithout limitation, thc Compzehens3�•: Enviranm��tnl Response. Compensarion and Liabiliry �1ct (C��tCL.�1,42 ��. , <br /> U.5.C.9601 et seq.),all other federal,state und local laws,regulations,ordinances,court orders, attomey general o;E�.'�niona �t �,�.,(,`,r s,,�: <br /> ,' or inu:ipretive letters concerning the public health, safety, welfare, environment or a hezaMous substance; acrd(2) <br /> - , `� "Hezardous Substance" me�u►s anY tosic, radloacdve or hazardous matedal, waste, pollutant or contanunant �vhic3t hae ; .i,°: <br /> . '� , : <br /> � characteristics which render the substanca deagerous or potentlally dangemus to the public health. safery. welfare or �;,,; <br /> .: <br /> environmeat. 'Ihe term iacludes.without lim[tation, aay substnnces defined as "hezardous mater�al," "toxic substanas." ,�, <br /> � "hazardous waste" or"hazardous substance" under any Environmental Law. Tcustor rcptesents. wazrants and agrees�hat, .. <br /> except av prevtously dlsalosed and acknowledged in writing: _. <br /> A. No Hazardous Substanco hss been,is,Poer�il e�P��,eto ds�rt��ur�se of busin�essrand In serict�compliancew ith <br /> _ any person on,under or about the Pro �Y �� <br /> all applicable Bnvironmentel Law• <br /> B. Trustor has not and will not cause,cunuibute to,or pemoit the release of eny Haz�rdous Sutsstance on the PropenY• _ <br /> ,- , �� ;, C. Tcustor will immediately notify BeneRciary if(1) a release or threatened release of Haaardous Substance occure on, _ <br /> under vironn�et ntal T.ew�nxrnin6 hr Pr°Perty.t ln such�cvent�Trus o rw li 1 t ke all nrecessary�imodiel e�ti n in _ <br /> � �y En �.: <br /> accordance with Fnvimcmental Iaw. ,- <br /> D. Tntstor has no knowlalge of or reason to b:lieve there is any pending or threatened inveatigatiun, claim, or 1"�-_= _ <br /> � �_. <br /> proceeding of any kind relating to(1)any Hazardoas S�bstance located on,uader or about the Property;or(2)any <br />- violauon by Trustor or any tenant of any Bnvironmental Ia►w•Trustar will imcnediately notlfy Beneficiary in wecin8 e_ <br />- , :� as soon as Trnstor has reasoa to belicve there is any sucU pending or ttueateaed investi�ation,claim,or proceedln8• — <br /> In such an event,Benefieiary has the dght,but not the obligation,to paKleipate in any sueh proceeding incl�ding the <br /> • ies of an documents relating to such proceedings• . ��._� -�--` <br /> • dght to receive cop Y <br /> + B. Trusror and every tenant have been,are and sh�11 mmair►in fWl oompliance w►th any applicable Environmental Iaw• --- ;_ <br /> F. There are no undergmund storage tanks, pdvate durnps oe open wells located on or under the Property aad no such �'S.� _��, <br /> ' tank,dump or well will lx added unless Beneficiary fivst oonsents in writing. � � � �• '%� ?`,,. <br />- • � G. Trustor witi ngularly iaspect the Propecty, �►onitor the activities and opetations on the Pcoperty, and confirm that •-�• . - <br /> . all p ermics�licenses or approvals required by any applicable Environnzental ure obtainad acd compliad witll. ��'�:+,�fi��, , <br /> n e <br /> � H. Trustor will pernut, or cause any tenant to permit. Beaeficiary or Beneficiary's agent to e��ctr acnd i n specc t he ',r: . ':. . <br /> • propecty and review all records at any m,asonable tirne to derermine(1) the existence, location ar,d nature af any . . , <br /> ':�'t�,'� Hazardous Substance on,u►tder or about Uie Property; (2) the existence, locatioit, nature, and magnitude of any . <br /> � Hazardous Substance that has been released on,under or about the Property; �r(3)whether or not Trustor and any , <br /> tenunt are in compliance with applicable Environmental Law• <br /> I. Upon Beneficiary's request and at any time. Tnistor a�rees, at T►vstor's eapense. to engage n quslif al <br /> environmcntal engineer to�mpare an environmeneal audit of die Property and to submit the results of such audit to �, <br /> . . <br /> ,. __ _.._ Beneficiarv. 'ilie choice of die environmental engineer who will perform such audit is subject to Senefciary's <br /> - -- - - - aPPmval. _ __: : . <br /> ' J. Beneficiary has the ri�t, bat not d�e obligation, to perforn� any of Trustor's obligations undcr this section at <br /> ' Trustor's expense. <br /> K. As a cunsequence of any breach of any represcntation,warranty or promise made in this section, (1)'Itustor wiU <br />- -� indemnify and hold Bene6ciary and$ecneficiary's successors or assigns hamiless from and against all losses. clairns, • �� <br /> ' demands, liabilities,dameges, cleanup, response and retnediation costs, penalties and eapenses, including without <br /> �• limitation all costs of litigation and attomeys' fees, which Beneficiary and Beneficiary's successors or assigns may <br /> sustain; and(2) at Benefici�ry's discretion, Beneficiary may release this Deed of Trust and in return Trustor will <br /> provide Beneficiary with cullateral of at lcast equal value to the Property secured by this Deed of Ttust without <br /> � prejudice to any of Beneficiary's r'sghts under this Deed of Trust. <br /> • • pnflo4of 6 �- <br /> - • m�993 Bankcrs SYStumf.Inc..St.Cloud.MN 11�800397d34t 1 Form AG/CO�DT•NE 9113/86 <br /> �� �,���j <br /> I . I <br /> t .., <br /> _ . <br /> . . _...–,�_"_— . r . . . . � . _ _ -_ <br /> ' . . .. . ._. .__. _ . <br /> .. __-__._.�.j . _ <br /> _._ . _ _._ .._.. <br /> _ __ _. .__.. ._ ___. .__- _____ .. ._. ._ _. _.__. _ . . <br />