-�in`'�1.)4 ' �Y .- I '".� �� >-I ? ' ,F�)k� �l k5.`'•" �_.
<br /> ., - .
<br /> :t�� V ---< tb Y� � ! F., 'd.l f ' i. -• . . . . .- --
<br /> . `1 ._ ;I,.!,w9.r`:�!:�.w�uo.S.,.w.:cwr7i..L.a�.'b:. - -----_-.. .04 _. _ .
<br /> �-'4�:.d1r7'ti� '.. , Y�"w�CJY�UV� . .
<br /> V •7.?rol�cNon ot L�nd�r's Rlphl� In the PropaNy, u o«rowa t��s to pu�«m Ua eov�nu md+praxntmt unuNW N _
<br /> � lhit S�axIN In�tnMxnt,a thx+Is a lepd procadlnp fhq m�y ApN6un;y�tleq LendKS ripht�h the Wopxty(wch��� Jxot�dlnp�N ., -
<br /> � --==°�`�"'� bwd7uplcy,poWN,tor condrmuion a fafeXme or to enTace bws or repuMUOns),1ha LadM mey do�nd p�Y iot whtlwM It n1oMMry
<br /> .''--��°�= lo qolwl the rdu�of th�Propaty end Londa'c dphl� M Ih� Propwiy. LF�dw'a aclla�c ruy hwq�psi�,p ary nums te,.�ted by e"�-"-".;` . .--.
<br />��y�y� tYh{th hli pfi0lNy OYN lNf 8KV1Xy IONNOIMI,i�p1Yh0 N COVIt,p11yMp fNiOMbM�ilOtfi�Y�f INi il�d MlMNO 0� tAI%OpMly ID f�-
<br /> - - � ��p�k�. ANl�ouph lMldu rr�y I�k��c0on undK IMt pYlqraph 7,lendx doe�not Mra lo do ao.
<br /> '��^R-�'i-' My NIDUM{IE1bWi1d by LNId1t unEN lhp pMlpftpA 7�hll 6KqM�dQIb1101 d1b1 4f 80rtOWM 90CUfW by Ihlt B�pIMy lA1MY�1M�
<br /> , t� tb..
<br /> =-Lr�� �*/{BprtOWM MM LMdK VJfN 10 OfhN tvmt oi p�ym+e1,th�f��mounls aMA bfu NIK�sI Yom th�d�U ot d�bunrnMt N th�Ndf
<br /> -__ ��M�nd�M1 W p�yWk,wMh NIKML�pon noUu Man l�nGr lo BortuwN rpu„Un9 qy�anl. - .
<br />--�^-i�;::'�u� �,6iqt� ItltWan01. il Unda rpuY�d mo�la9�NsurAntt�s � condROn ol ma�hp th�lo�n awrad by thN McwMy _ .._. _
<br /> r� Nf4iMMn6 80fI0wM itN1 WY Ih�prM�4m�t�q�YW IO m�NWn N�mOtly�Qt hsur�na h Nt�CI.II, ta my�M�on.Iho rwAyapo H:uinC: • ---
<br /> ' ��� � wvxp�nq�YW bY unMr u.P�y a cw�„�o e�In MKt. Baroww aM� pry m�M�nwmc�Wor�d �o obwn wra0� w6�unWl1 � :
<br /> .. eqa4_'al lo Ihe malg!qe Ns�nnce prMOUtN N��.�� ��s�substuiWP�equk�lmi lo ihs cosl to Baraver ol Ihe mortp�p�NWrY1W � ..
<br /> '� J���`�i� ��q��y h �ry�,��om m dtanele morlp�pe hsura rpprored by Lenda. 11 subel�nt4y equlnlenl mwlp�pe Y�suranc�cown0����N
<br /> t��!'j� �r�AE�l/. �onowM 6h�A plly lo LMda O�Ch monll� o sum eqwl to onalwann of ihe yeWy mv�tpage inswonct pr„rw'� bM�p�:�i t/ -� � -
<br /> ��'i�rs,- Oottowx n•hen th�InRUMCe eomrage I�psotl a cwsod to bo L� ollttl. Lmdtt wi mepL uve and n�'afi d:ama D�Ymenta aa � loii
<br /> ��"r,q;=y:�' resuve Li 6eu ol rcartqo90 Insurer.ee. Loss reseno peymmfa rcay no longtt he requ4eS at tT.e opttan cE lat�.Hr. 3 mx29i42 Paan!'.rn
<br />:.•:,'�.';.•-.
<br /> -��-�<,:r�trY iT coremqe(n the ar.,ount�nd for the pafod Ih�t lmtla roquYas)CrovWed 6y an Hs�:ro�,^Drovad Dy t�c�:r a9�h Wn.arors arailEie rd!s
<br /> �lorl, obteined IIortowa siui p�y tha prurJums rcq�ired lo rcrinqh mortg�Sx hsurmc¢h tfRrd, w ta p-a�fdt a 6o-ss rtst�+x cny d:z
<br /> :�=����,..j..
<br /> --���--::.. requkemml 1or mc�ty►9e hsurtnca ends in�ccaGnco wilh iay xs:tm sgmac++t 6ewcm Boiro.er antl LmG.v or q�ira�le G�w-
<br />��:r'G;.:_.�.13, __
<br /> -_c,:�yxr� p.111SpaC11D11. lmdtt w tta�9m1 m1y make reasanabfe oih�es u9�and LisptcGOns N Ihe%opHiy. LexSr+sAeL gYe 8w�man
<br /> n� noOGE il ihe Yme o1 O�pfor lo an N5peclion SpecHyln9 fCOSP�aE:t G�use fa th¢hspectiai. ,_.
<br /> _I u5��..'.��,ryf 10.TiO11d11I11na11Dn. The proceeds ot any sward a cLaYn fo: da:nagas. drecl or consCque�tNG ti Cot.��t0on xth any
<br /> J'�.�_'_ �onAarmi;icn w otner Wn9 0l ony perl ol lhe P�opMy,er Iw conveyanca N eeu o1 andcmne.ion, ue ho:e6y ass�gned c�tl shel be paW � .-__
<br /> •�v �JT'f to leldx. �� .
<br /> t > id�, .. :.
<br /> 4�,�. _ H the ev��t oi a tnal taklny of Ne PoopMy.lho proceeds sha7 6e appGed to tAe suns seccrM by this Searly�nsLVment,whMher or
<br /> 't���`"�4�'�'• nolIDen d�:e,5v9h anq e�cess pa�d to Bmower. In Ihe eaenl ol a pania��akinq ol ihe PreD�N �n Rh�ch�he faY r�vtkel vtlua nt the Proppry �11 '�s
<br /> 1i j �Sy�,• LrmedialwY beU�a twa tati�p ts eqw.l to or greatd then Iho amouet aF Ne sums scarcd by tOts Sac�rity InsWRxnl immedti2�y bele+e the y f��� �_
<br /> t �
<br /> �.t ���� t�k'ng,c+:ess Ooacw�e+:i lendx o�er,vtso agren In writing.�he a�ms secured by Il�iz Sewtiiry itstrument 5ha0 6e reduuN by a'+e a,:wura if S'�
<br /> . �T i.i. ���y �1--.
<br /> y A�,2•��� ol the F�a�ec�s c�:tip7c�6y Ihe lodown9lraetion: (a)lha lolsl emcunt of i�u sun:s seared hnme�fztey Lebre Iha leking.SMdM by @) i�z � �`�� :
<br /> /}t'f�>�!. la4 me�ket vouo oI tno�cpeAy mmeQ�alely be:ae Ihe leking.My baar.ce sn�Y.ba pn!d to Oonower. N lhe evml ot a pu1G�imu:g oi I+e �Tkn�j� _�
<br /> � ? - (:�, pr z i�whkh Iho Wi markel vaiue ol lhe Ptoperiy Immedaley LhTore 190 t»kinp is kss lhan Ihe amanl of the sums searcd I.nmeF.n�ey �. � �.
<br /> ,V#r i W M1Y f i ::.
<br /> '��'�%:�tisi:�;. belore raa 7efdig, uNess Donaxer nnd Lentler o�hmviso agrro In x�i:7,D or uniess epp6cah!e Iaw olhenrise provides, Ihe prooeefa ahaU be F y�p„s,;J��.
<br /> �`�'�1�n� eppUeQ 7o the sums 5ewieU by ihis Scadry InsWmenl whether o�noi ihe sums n�o thm due. �-i;',�t �{�
<br /> �t�5}.'Q�}s li tno Hopcity k+nbendoned by Oonower,w tl, e.".er noXe by lende l0 6crtower ihal iho emdomnor otlers lo make en eward or seNa `,"{�{��s�*` --
<br />`.�`xa�'tYe!A+Stit a ciaYn fa der.a9as,Slaaower fa0s lo respond to Lender wNhn 30 days eRer�ho cime�he notlee h 9Nm.Lendtt Is authoAZM lo w7eU entl ty��'4 t, �s...;i-
<br /> s)'y;j i �pply Iht p�OCeeds,al F.s op7o4 etlhtt lo ro5lorxlion o�fepaU ol 1tlo Yroperly cr lo tne wma sawrud ty IRia "ecw���y 1a;4-Jra•:•�'•`•:"a "�,� s� .
<br /> � Lr (�4�- or not then duo. S E '-
<br /> jn�.,��1 � Lh!.'u LendM prtd Dcrtowtt eC+�nwse agree in wriL•n9. eny eppEaGon ol Froceeds lo p�n:i�al 5haii noi e�Aend o�po5lponB the due {l,� � "�-
<br /> � dele ol�he me�tliy Qny++ents relerteu�o b�araryaplis 1 antl 2 or chan5e tlm ereounl o!euch Fay:nenis. f1��rnwr ��'
<br /> �� t\'S C<�
<br /> ,Y�, �-�5 71.8orowar tvat fleleasot): For6oarsnca By Londor Not a 1Voiver. exier.sun o� me nme ior paym�i or -,i n .-
<br /> _. ,.,,°„;i,_} mod'hwWn ot a.r.onhmicn ol�he sums sewrcd by Ihis Sea�ty L�sllummt grametl by lender to any euuessor h Nittesl ol Borcowtt sh21i ����� i..__
<br /> �Afi t� rl.. nol o�refe to rdense ve nab�.y ol lhe odg�nal Oortower or Oortowers suaessors fn Inferest. tender sha�nol bo requYed ro eommence � :;T
<br /> r�.i'4��'t+�?�.}� pru<ceClx}s nya!nsi any iuecessor In Nlemst or mfuso lo e+lend Fme lor payment or ahtvwiso nodfy emorlkction ol iha aums aeu:reA by � :iy�.�
<br /> U9Yv`,,',* this E:v..�.y Imtrunent by reason ol a�y demand mado by the ceg;nel Donowa or Oonower'e sueeessors N Nittos�.My foAearenco ty 5���'1��� ��
<br /> f\r'�'j�i, {��A ':
<br /> __ � ��„�. Lend[r t�exerdsing any Aqhl or remedy she:l not 6o e walvn ol a preCutle�he�.x�GSe ol nny rtghl or remedy. � Z.;��r ,
<br /> �''f`'� 4� "= 12.Snceessora ond Asaigna Bound; Jotnt end Sovoral LIa�iliiy;Co•signors. rno ecva�ams end agecmems o� ,S„ , ,
<br /> ` . �;l3`"'S. Ihls SecuPAy InsUUmenl sho:l bintl and benefil Ihe scccxssas actl assiMS ol Lenaer end Dortowtt. subJeel fo(-e A�odsbns ol pengreph ,7��r" r
<br /> K.t' Y'.� 4`a' t
<br /> �yr �.��. 17. Bancwers covenxn:s and �9rem:ents sha7 bo )eml a:C saerot My Dortower wno eo�s4;ns Ihis Secutlry Inslmmmt tul does nol /�i i '�
<br /> �r.,_ �: _
<br /> {� ��# - execotr 7��Role: (�) is wa�9::�g ihis Securiry Ins4ument on.y u mo:�g�gc.qrant.and cairrg tns•Oorto�.ver s M:ttest in iho Propnry under ,�;�ix
<br /> ��Z�}�,,}.,'s �he lams o7��is Sewrify InSWmmL' �b)is nol pMSOna11y oOEg�;eO to Fay lhe sums sewred by 7n> Securiry InsWmeM:�ntl (c)eyecs iha� `S.t;,z <;`i--
<br /> ti I�`- Lmdtt�nd ony olher Bwrowtt may egreo lo exlend, mod�y. (orbeur o�make eny accommotlnxns x+th re9ard to ltYms ol Inis Sesis�y �f -y�'r� -
<br /> M t �*'�- 109Wf�Ml OI th0 N010 x.'.hOW lhLt OOrtOwCf 5 CO�SM7. �sl��� k ;
<br /> 4\F lA �y
<br /> .a 1 lyf%n� 13. Loan ChargOS. i�the�nan sewred by this 3ea�'�,nsirument is subJecl:o a law whieh srls rnadmum loon cherpea.a�tl tF.ol �.
<br /> ♦
<br /> YT _zr;� Ww is f:na:y Nlerpreted so Ihat the hterest or olhtt loan <ha:9>s co7ecled or l0 6e wVOCted In conneclion with Ihe loaa exceed fhe -�1��
<br /> avi e�.S�y perm';Ied fimlls,IhM; (a)any auch loan enarges she9 be reCucW 5/the emoum necess�ry to rea:ea Iho eharge lo Ihe pm*inetl ErtY; ontl ,� �f •
<br /> �-f(s (bJ eny sums elreatly collecled lrom Oortower nEich exCeedeA fe��etl Ilmils wil be�eS:nCetl ro Oortower. Lmder mey ChooEe to mnko -� �:- ;
<br /> ���� ���ti� this rnNad Dy reduUng 1ho p.+dpel owed unCn ihe Yote cr by maWn9 a d4cc1 Faymenllo Pmowtt. u r.re5:nd reducos qNdpal. the g ." 1{" �-
<br /> �}�Fn`��iCj{ retluction wi8 bo Venletl as u pcnal p�epoymmt xnhoo:any F�eDaymenl cha�c,e untle� IF.2 NO:C ft-( � 4 -
<br /> "��� rY��'� 1A. �IOtIC08. My �olice Io Oortower pro•ieei lor t� �nis Secumy Ins:mment snas te gren by eMrverng� or by mci<ng a by fxal �
<br /> I,+;� i .
<br /> a iy S{ eiass m+9 unkss eppfublo Un mquires uso ol anolher memoa- 7he r.cSce sha'I 6e dstt'kO to IEO P�ope�ry Addmss or eny o:hn adGoss f2-. ,
<br /> ��`�:� Oonower des�gneles by nolioo lo Lmdec My no:ice to lar.Ce` s^a'i 6r y:ren by nsl d+ss ma1 to Lmtlei s eEErose s1e;eU he�ein a any • i? -
<br /> ��.3ir'E�:i:
<br /> - :. k-• ofhtt¢d&ess Lmder Ees�gnales by nolice �o Oortoner 0.:y r.otce prcntletl Io� •n ih�s Seeudry fnswmenl sh;7 ho dettned lo have been
<br /> _ '+,.1r5,^.l �
<br /> ,.;: ,.:;':i-.., �han lo Oonowm or Lmder when gMen as prodEed in th�s parocraph _
<br /> . :,+.,IF.�, �
<br /> -°�- :�V 1J.QOVOf11111Q Li1W; SOVOlO�III�y. ihis Seturity Imfrumenl sha!1 be goremed hy feGCrnl Uw nnE Ihe IUw ol Ihe junsGtlion in - _
<br /> f.�,� r���r' which Iho Prope��y is localetl. In the crenl I�ai uny provision o�tlause ol Ihrs SCN�iiy Is;INmenl or I�e No{o ConlliClS wi.h onP��Wb�e Ww. ����" ��
<br /> ��'�}Y^?='� 6YCh 4011�G1 ShbY not 3�1e[{ olhtt p:ori510n5 0l Ih�s SCCUnIy Inslru��tnl o� I�P Nole whleh cin be gYen e9PCi w:�h0ui I�e con9ftling
<br /> f,-.:
<br /> ' -�-_p''i provisba To Ihis crotl�ha piorisions of lhis Sca��1y Insuumenl��0 Ihe Kole aie Ae;AVe010 be sererob�e.
<br /> y 16. QOffOWOf'9 C0�1y. OorrowM sha7 be gYm onc CoMOrtned copy ol lhe ho:e antl W Ihis SeCU�ty��sWmMl
<br /> it .
<br /> i7.Tranefur of llm Propedy or a Donoflcial Inle�ost in Uorrowor. n cu a any van o�inc Properry or eny h�aes�n
<br /> : ;i:-.� i1 is sol�or translened(or il a bene3da� Inlaesi In 6ortonn is soltl o� ��ansierred and Borrowec�s nol a nalu•��pasonl without Lmtler's
<br /> •��<'•- o+lor xrilM ConSMt. lMtltt mty. al�s OpSOn.requae im�rAVluie paymMl m lull ol atl Sums SttVlCO Oy IhIS SCQR�IY��S'JU�I(M�1 HOwMM.
<br />�;��; ,,�,.'��i�T� this opGan sha9 not ba exelased by lr+der A e.ne�se rs pwh�Er,ed 6y 4de�ai�m.es a��ce dale ol I��s Seeuriry InsWmm�
<br /> -, ) 'L{�{�;;;�� 11 IMdN CxMd5C5 1h15 oD��on. lenGer 5hi0 gn•e Oortm•M noLCC oi acteteralmn i�e nohte shaY pruntle a D�otl ol nol�ess Nan�'J
<br /> '��'f�;�:��:( Oay6 Irom Ihe dale the nolice Is delne�eG o� naded n�Ihm.vhM Ihr Oono�re� m�st D�Y all sums securctl Ly Ihrs Securiry InsWmem. u
<br /> :%i�.��..1,� 6orton�er lails lo pay Ikese soms pno�lo Ihe e.paubon ul m:z pe��od.le�0e�may mrote any nmedfM pemt9ed by Ihrs Secvnry I^s:rumenl
<br />-�ii/if�+�`?.(.Sp Wi1hOU11Ytllltt f10GC0 OI dNN�tl O��OrtOwC�
<br /> 1: i
<br /> v.- . i'}I�` ,+.
<br /> "" Z �4 ���/���/\'�\�
<br /> T()�"' � � i�` 4��1 ��Jli-_•
<br /> . 4'�
<br />-,�4�.l� ��' � yl-JS :.- �:])9'
<br /> �'����.:Y�,�
<br /> '" ;:'���.1.`f FlCi3 LMO 1t911 n.�]:. '�
<br /> .• }i1;tt���j. �
<br /> .
<br /> r
<br /> :' � : '•_i( '
<br /> �-, . . . __ . ____ _._. . ___...___" _._..____.____.��.�.
<br /> ___- ____ ._._. ._ ._.' . -"..".
<br />