f,l... .�1 .�� � trt' s� � �sr . �F"� i: '#`{�.+f� _ c:�F�r ` _
<br /> -' -r-- i' !y� -- ��i �r t i - � �?� __. .d_.� .�,� fijt9�J.�J d.,t . .
<br /> ry ti h.rL..
<br /> y � �M�_ ..i
<br /> .. a.Ll.c�k.JS'jh���ihF.i3i�AtL.k.��.hsti.�,`.��..._>s�-.a»alrac�:WUGU'.�i?t.�:iG'.uiF . -�. _
<br /> ,:ey�:�:��:� • 92�.,s.c��c�8 ----
<br /> :,;.:::;�.,.n ---- -
<br /> ° ��+ •19. 9nrrow�Ps Ripht to ANn�t�ln. n oorrown meNS cenaH wnauans. B«rowrr enno i�nra me oa��i to n+re�nsac«mnt
<br /> "`:-°;:� � 6tC0�ihYfd tl�ny tNM pt10�IO th!wiK oF (Q 6 My6 (a suth ol�N pMOd as ippYUWO Nw m�y speNN IOr�eYie1p11mMi)Odd1 tIM
<br /> - C� ol Ilu fYapNty(xuwtnl lo +nY PaxN ot �d� conl+hud N Ihis Etwdry InsUvmenc or (b) mVy ol � wdpmnl xlorchp Ihlt &wrMy
<br />----�" N1Wm�n1.Th01�iWidYOns x11M1 6arow�r: (�)D�Yi��^dx o0 6ums nhith IGca viaNO b�Gt0 unNr lh!e BMW..ry InOW»MI nd the —_ -_--��
<br /> �"'� Nolo a N no aocWnllon h�d occurtW: (b) ans�ny dHwtl 01��y OIhN COYMNI q �07M1MI4: (C) {MYf N �1!�1M/B NWtIrA h �.-._-.
<br /> � rnlMCNp �hlt MwrNy IntWmmt. NUudN9. bul nol imI1W lo. rnason�b:� �Itomryf' qn: u�d (� uk�� aueh �tl�on u LendM tn�Y ��?,v��rc� . --
<br /> ��`� ��;: roftonlbN faquY� to alure �hel Ihe Mn of �hls 80adry InsWmmt.ltader's Aqhli N lh� RopNty �nd Omrowx's oUGp�tlon lo pry �he �4 r [t'.
<br /> 7��i+ . aumf HCUrW by ihlf B�Wtiry InsltumM! OM! eonumo unchmqed. Upon reN7l�temM1 by BoirowH. Ihis 80Wr.ry InSlrumoM �ntl Iln f� � -�� � �,:�
<br /> � �pS�h ob6y�tlont slwred hxeby eh�0 rcmain fuy oMatNe�s il no�eceitt�ticn h�d oeaned. HowNn. Ihis Aghl lo rehs+.�te sh�l nol�pPb h f S F ;.�r } -;.
<br /> �af Xte _ � �-
<br /> - the aw ol�cc�lwalion undor pamqmph t7. r a,�'-;
<br /> d ��t7 19. Sab of Not�i Chenpe o1 Loan 8arviaor. mo No:o or ■ peilwl �dii'v51 47 Ihe NGie (l6y:"� �h �h!5 .°�t-N�N'( fl�H � t �
<br /> •=°-�L-<_ � MsWm�nq nuy be �Wd ono ot moro tlmos withoul pdor noJco to Oortowu. A sHO may �esutl in o ch�n9v In Ihe anUry @+iown a6 Ihe �Y fpr��`t �_SS .'
<br /> r--_:�,� 'LOm BaMCa7 th�t wnecis momhy paymmis duo undor tho No10 end Ihls Soa�iy Inswmorl. Tncro elso mey bo ono or moro chnnpof fr �:�; � �_
<br /> '�tat� -}� ot Ihe lan Semeer unro4ted�o a swa ol Iho Note. ii It�cra G c� cYarya ct Ii:a tcan Ssr:isc�.Qorrows xy Ue y�m r+�tnn nonee of tae I `F? `.._ t�t -
<br /> , jTl�� chenye N ecwrdenca whh parag�aDh 14 abovo and 7pp5r.tL4:Lars. Re notico wiG slu:o�ho neno and nddross ol ihe new loen Sen�ctt `� ��� �
<br /> t i! d m; ind Ihe addross lo wh!th paymmla shnuGl M nv'�c4. Th2 noECe v.3 iso wr.lah�ny othcr Infomution requ4nd 6y aypr✓'.a`.N la'x. jf i ., f" -
<br /> y�'�s• 20. H�x��dOUS SuQSlanceS. 8aro-xtt sAal not cauve a p?M�t the prrtsa�ee, use. 6sposal, stcrayx, cr re+ieasz ot any �'� ,s „ � ;
<br /> �^�� fbA1;dW5 6u651�nCe5 M o[N Ne Ptope�ty. 8otto�Ytt Shal no2 do,r.a a7ow MyOrtk ds4 t0 do.Anything ait2t'J�g W2 HcPMty t�al IS S� ; � >,i� L_'
<br /> �� !- • xkta:on ol any EnvYOnm.ma�l�w. TAe precedng tno sm:c+-.ces siu7 no1 apDY�o Nx presmce.use,o�ztorsp:on tha hopMy ol ama7 E -- _
<br /> r/ . ' x.� . t .
<br /> � q _:� qa,fnNies ol Huardous 9i05t3xs that se g•:�eoT/recoS���ed �o be ayD�opr4Y.e to ncrmal�es!dx5a�uses aid to auhlens�ce o� the
<br /> A z Pr°pttry'
<br /> r_� 8orcower shp7 prwnp:y fiNa LmCer wnttm noCce oi e�y Nvoslig�5en. Naim. dcmjnd.Hwsud or othx ae8cn ty any goremmm:al or � _.vl�z
<br /> � .. �¢Sai�tory aymry o'p'hate F.-vtg sr.cl.inq Iha Properti sKxt a^y NanrCOUS Substaaze or Envionmrntal Uw of wC:d� ifxrewer has aeWal r ._. ,�5.. :
<br /> Y� Yno w l e tl e 11 BonOwM Ica!ns or b notified 6y any pa.em:nenl�l or re5u1a1ory eumor.ry. Ihal eny umaval or cme< <erredalion ol any �°tj���jA �
<br /> ,�� s�' ° '
<br /> s )x rYf, Flazardous Subsunee�fl;ctlnp Ina P(Op&C/ �s necessary. Dortowa s!a�3 p+rmplry take al1 necessary«�� ea�a�� �n nttttAanw with �j�y�:�
<br /> fiff.F''�` A� Em4ommeMat4.g..,. �y��.�'��fft�' ,_:
<br /> zs'+vn ��� 7_�S s
<br /> � �r7 As used "n this puaQ�ePh 20. 'Huz.sCCUS £ubsiences' are Nosa subslances definM es ic.�c or MzarUOUS auMtaaces by t �� ,�
<br /> _n�; �F� E��YCnmentW liw �nd lhe foCowing subslances: gasolino. kerosene, olher Pammabio or tode peUdcum pro'wcts. �oxk pesticiaet end ?�f -i{�' rA» .�
<br /> � tt rtrd nabWdes, vo�We soMmis, matMais eoNeining as6estos a IormaWChyde. and mdioadive matedals. As usaa �� tMS puayroph 20. r� ,�. u _
<br /> C ,
<br /> ' �{�ty,i �Enr4mmmial lew' means fedcrel Wws and Wws ot Ih Wristlio6on where �he Property is loen!x� �Mt rc�ate to he�tth. sa:ery w �ui ,Y�
<br /> !'2 L
<br /> 4���� '�:. env'vmmm181 prolecL'on. k y�' �;f��iC -
<br /> >i 16�y. NON�UNIFORM COVENANT9. Oottower and Lenticr hnthtt eovma+�and ogrea os IoL'ows: }7 ,) r,�{1 ;
<br /> t t !� �.
<br /> ;,. 21. Acceferation; �omediea. Lendor sh�ll give nolice to Borrower prlor ro nccoloration follawing {�.fls�,i�i��y,r;=
<br /> `� - - - £lerre!�!er'? Nre?�h � nny covenent or enroar^ont In lhls Secwity�7nsirument (but not pdor to �cceUntion � �;;�+t 3, ,,
<br /> .2���,;,�f; aandor parxp7aph 17 amloes applioebte law provides otharwisa). '7he notica shall snoci�y: (a) ihe daiauli; u;d 1°�yy�sY:�
<br /> :i.t:i�_�:.v l'��tuf t
<br /> -.;,.,,,,,,.,,�,, (b) th� acq¢n nqulreU to cure the detaulf: (c> a dalo, �ot teas than 30 days from the dat9lhe notice Is ; tv,,., ;._.
<br /> t �� plWn to C'•or�owar, by which tho alofault musl be cured; ald (d) thet fallure �o oure ih9 datault an or ��4� ;;� �Y .;
<br /> T .'�et;
<br /> �� '� betor� the data spaullied In the notice mny rosult In accolemtimi of lha sums seoured by this 8ocurity r jE���.�
<br /> v ` ,�i insirumant and sale of the Property. The notico ahall further Intorm 8orrower of ihe ripht io relnatate afler �, --e{�- � ,--
<br /> � °"t nccolarotlon and the rl ht to brin a coura oction to assert the non-axlatance ol a doTnutt or any other ,s",r_�, ' -
<br /> . i f;.�t 9 8 - -f rn' Y,�,7 '-
<br /> :..1:>.,,.;, <lotenae of Borrower to accelere0an and eNO. If tl�o dofeutt Is not cured on or bofuro the dete spedflad - y :; ,�, ,.,__._
<br /> t. ��tw; in th� notice, Lender ot tls optt�n may roqulre Immed�ote payment In fuli o7 a11 sums seared by this , _ ,; H ..
<br /> JI
<br /> ��a�_ Sacurity instrument wilhout fuAhm Oomand end may Invoke the power of ao%u med ony olhar remodies � '`,�'�f�z_
<br /> t � ?fF; �ermilted by applicah!o Iaw. l.ondor shatt bo ontitlad to aolloct nl[ expenoes Incurro:l in pureutng tha ( �-',� 5 ;
<br /> -'�i xr ramadles provided ln 2his poraprflph 21.inClutlinfl, Uul n0t IIn11lOd 20, I8280f1PBIB 0l{0I�1Dp5� �BB6 YOtI C04�6 , i ,. 1 _
<br /> �a.+y�l11,
<br /> of litla ovldenoe. ;�`�`,r�. ��.,-
<br /> �`� -�Y`y�� It tho powor ot eaio is InvuF<mct, 7.usfoo shnll rocor<7 e notice of dofeuli 1n each county In which any :
<br /> '{'' Y'� part of the Property Is locata� anJ shnil moil coplos oi sueh nolico In tho msnnor p�osalbod by op,plleubte ; , � a(i' -
<br /> ��i��� law to Borrower and lo lha othor porsocas proacribed by applicable luw. t�91er the time requirur+ by � _�f� �',�; _�
<br /> 1 .,,- _�� applicable I�w. 7rusteo ahall give publlc re•otice of sate to the persons and in ihe mmner pnucribad by � �:� �{�� ,
<br /> ' f� f� nNptic�bla law. 7ruotae, wilhout doroand on Borrowor, shall sell tho Proporty at public auctlon lo the ; � �,
<br /> ta4� hlyt�est bldder at the tlme end placo and undor tho torms doelgnatod In lhc+ ooUco of sale In mie or mora L� -'.+� .
<br /> c�'� � parcels and in any ordor 7rustoo dolorminos. 7rusluo may postpono satti o7 ell or any parcel of tha - 7�„i :
<br />._r,,,,�__r_.`;j,; Property 6y public aonouncemont at tho 2[mo and ptaco of any provlouety schoduiad saia. lender or Its �E i_.�y��V., _�_
<br /> - � c dosignea may purchnso tho Propody et an6 sa1o. ��'tjf"-` ' '
<br /> ,S�.n,,.t -. - .'
<br />_��= �..�•...�,. Upon receipt oi paymont of tho prica bid. 7rustoo ahall ��fvor to tho purchasor 7rusteo's doed , ��_' , _ . _
<br /> ' �+r '- convoylnt� Iho Proporty. Tho rocitola In tho T�ustno's doud ehall bo pdma taclo ovidoneo of tho truRh of �i(.;, ..
<br /> ':;
<br /> ) ',�,,,�.. 7t+o atatoments mado tl�oraln. Truetoo shatl agply lho proceods of tho salo irn iho foilowing order. (a)to all -
<br /> ;.;i'��,•-; cosls and axpensos of oxorcistng lho powox ot salo, ond Iho salo, includin� 1ho paymonl ot the 7rustoe's �; • .- ��
<br /> -;;, v.=:��- Eoos actually Incurrod, not to oxcood 3.00 'Yo of tho pt(ncipal amouM ol tho notc mt !ho timo of tho �•� � � ' .. .
<br /> },,,.
<br />-- . s���+'' doclaratlon of dotault, and roaeoneblo allormoy's foos as pnrmitted by law; (b) to a l l sums socura d by t h ls �:'� �� __ �
<br /> ��,;_s Socurity Instrumenl; and (c) any oxcoss to tho porson or porsons logally ontialed to It. . -
<br />. _'_���. �; 22. Roconveyanco. uro,�aym�m o��u so„: sew�ea op m�s Secumy mstrvment Lentler s�a:l�equesl Trusteo lo reroarey Ihe �
<br /> •� �- - Prope+ry enE ,hail surtender �nts Seivs�y Ins�mmem antl a:l notes eaCencm9 tlem seevnni br th�s Seauty InsVUment ro Trusiee Truslee
<br /> .i'. Y:,;}•:4?
<br /> .• �. sha7 rewnvry�nc ProOM�Y��r.houl.vartnnly anJ wE�out cha�ge lo�he perion o�pttsons lega.y minied lo� Such Person a pMSOns ShaG
<br /> pay wy�eco�daUOn wsis
<br /> 23. SUbStituto 7ru5leo. lcnder. a� cs option. may Irom ume m �me �emo.e Tmstee and appo7n� a successor Ws�ee�o eay
<br /> - '�'� Tmsteo aDPa���ed htteunder by an insvument�eco�Cea in me county m nh¢n Ih�s SecaMy Ir.sWmeN rs mco�ded- Ydlhout wnvepnee o!
<br /> '" _ ,
<br /> •-.- =.- _ "_.�"�' _"_�.�._._.�.�.,o.......�..w�.. ,u�.e rnm .,�..a. ��n n��rns con�me(f unon Tmstee heran an0 OY apPGybte Iaw-
<br /> '..__�_"_ n.o�.vya.q.ae......«. ............"""'_""...''___"'_ _P._ _ � a
<br /> . _ �.� 24. ROqt1041 fOf NOlIC09. Oortowtt re�ve•cs mai m cs o�me r.ouces o7 aelaun and ale Oe sml W OortowM's address whrth
<br />- '`�-' �s ma PropMy Address
<br /> - :�-''r;�:r�( 25. RIdO�S 101h18 SOCUdIy InSlrument. ane o� mo�e uEe�s a�e c.ecu�ea ty Bo�wne� antl reca�EeO to9e��n .N+ m�s
<br /> ' `��'-`L"1 Sewriry �nsWrnCN. I�e mrenanis anU agreemer.is :' each such ndn shan Ue mco�po�alatl ��to and s�ail a*end ar.d supp:empnl �he
<br /> .:.?"''�s,:s�..
<br /> wrmants and agrettnmts ol I�is Secunly Instrar.er:az A Ite ntleqs�•ere a part at�lus Secv�ty Inslmment
<br /> ::;`; , '� ���.�'i
<br />����:,,,�;:�; , . . r-�.=�
<br /> :'"(.�;',��:•>.''..?y Froev.wa ami
<br />- '*4:.'-J(._,^. "
<br /> :.�r�._��,r,.a_ � .
<br /> OTTE �O',��✓`7:�• I
<br /> .
<br /> snrx
<br /> "1
<br />