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� ) !r� . r,-� 1t E'i - r` � . . . - � .� Gc 1�r: ' <br /> r <br /> yf� i "` � j, _i- - � � ' l..- . <br /> 'i �i ej.�.as,' _� i`t'q-��s'2�"� , 1f>t� ,_-:swfsw.w.w ww-�ir�i,[�� . _ c � r__S� -.-,; .- <br /> _---_� _ _ . ._ ....s ...._......, y �F.«..• �ViTOQV <br />- n91'10 lxcNd�ho n��rMwm arrRUnt a 4[:Ci's kr a Mdaa!/tWted mdlgega 6can ma� r.M+`� 1or Omar�u's osaow accouM unda the �1� <br /> IedKY AwJ Ew�e 9Ntlemxl Procedu�n P�ot�7�4�,s arnended tcm�a»v+eme. i2 nr�i m seq.('(tCSPA•1, unte�e�nolhm I�w <br /> th�t�ppin lo the Funda sets a lesser�nounL Ii so,�, ni ony Grca. oc,kct ar.d hold Funds N nn �.^wunl nm to excoed Iho <br /> 14DSW unlounl. I.cnda rsy a:ttaato tha cma�at o�t�ads d�Q cn�ho basis ot arcc�l 'ut�end �eesoneUb eaf'r.rme of expmd�ures ol .— <br /> fulure Ctvow it�ms a o1hm+7so N accard�nca vrllh npyfubk lxw. <br /> The Funde ttiM Ix held In�n L�slllutbn whose deposNS are Nsurcd by a leda.l�9on�Y•Hatru:nentWy,w en�ry (ndudnp Lenda.H <br /> Lender Ie such an hel7lv'Ja+)or h nny Fcdatl Home Loen U�nk Lmder sh���ppl�r ihe Funds lo p�Y the L•suow Ilem6. LmdY tMy not <br /> tl�rq�9arowK!a Iwl�p+nd aPPN�O�o funtls,�nnu�P�+n�ythy tM esaow �aoum,or valyln9�he G•aaow Il�m�,uN�u Lendw <br /> My+6orcowx InlKe�l on iho Fu�ds and�ppiraWe uw pamNS Lender m rc+ke such�chuge. Howwer.Lenda mry requY�BarowM to <br /> My a onriN»ch�p�Iw�n Nd�pondonl ia9 a�Wlo lpz ropoitl�y savlw u5ed by Lmdtt In connoalon wY.h lhls N�n,unkss eppFrWN Mw .rt. - _ . <br /> prwld�t o1h�rMt�. UnNU +n �prNrn�n1 Is m�d� a ap�kaWt Mw rpvYn NIw„t �o W pYd. LanGr shal not W nqWrW to p�Y <br /> @pniwK�nY hias�t a wnNps on th�Fundr.Bottowr and LMdw riuy aprN h wrNhg,�t Ntx„1 shM 1»pYd on Ih�Fl;nda =— _---- <br /> LMWV�M1 yN�l0 8orrowK�wNhoN ehxp�.�n�nnwl attounthy of th�Funae.shvxhq aKFU+nd dwn�1+1H Fundt�nG lh�putpoN —_. <br /> f0�XiYCh MC1�Oet�illOIIN funtls w�t rNG. In�Fund�u�pledq�d���dGiivn�elwiiiy fin wC aw�ta siwtid b/Ihtv^u:�cy L��Yti°:.4 --- -.-.-. <br /> X the Fundt MW by lmda excscd Ihr Knountt perrnMed to be hNd by�ppFabN nw. lmder sN! �eco�m to fiorcowx tu Ihe �h+n;�,�;, <br /> aplt fur.df N Ilaardina wilh�he«,¢�L•unmis of opyE:tb!o Wr�. (I Ihe emounl ol ihe Funds hNd 6y lmder at�ny Ikne is nol sufFdx�l [r.__�=�__._._... <br /> la pY/th�£faqv N1m�whm dur, LondK riuy so notdy Borrowx h wriGn9.�nd, N wch us� Oortowx sh�Y p�y lo Lander lhe unounl s.�.,,r, <br /> n�Ga1Mry lo tMk1 tp the defiUe��y �aTOwM sh�!rcuke up Ihe tleRdmcy N no mwe Ihui tweko mon:hy {�y.nenis,+1 LendKs aole ;::;_�„ . <br /> diuNkn. ll.�„�;:'::-_.. <br /> u�,on p�ymem h tut oi au s�ms seared by Ihis Sew�Ay Inswnmt. Lendcr sh�� pro:npVy retuntl ta aorcm�,er any vu�as nda ey �j-;� �_ <br /> �andK. II,untlet pngd�yh 2t. Lmdtt sh�Y aary4e or seY lhe Prope�Iy.Lende4 Pdot Io Ihe acqWs:UOn or s�lu of tho Propttiy,shn'.appy � <br /> �ny Funtlt held 6y Lendtt�I lhe l'me ol�tquistlion or sab�s a ucNt�a'nzt fhe y:n.s seaTed b/7's 9.ocs/InsWmenl. �Z�+�r��;'r. <br /> 0 fn"�` 4! Pzz3..v �st_s= <br /> 3. Appllc�tlon of Paymanle. uniess�vaEGS��r�^�cu,c.,vac.e� r ;�.wavas la.�s��r.3s r.s e:aa N�y-;:�; <br /> 2 slut W MA�:frsl. to anY Prep�ymenl chu9es duo vndr.c�ha PN:cc secmd w an:a;nts palab'e w:2r Para�aah i,a.4zt w Vwse� �S�Yri�FS;!t�:;._ <br />� A�e;lovnh,to p'NdAN d�e:ond t� rry u.e chafQ:rs cLe ia:c,4x Ihe Nota. `n ir�i�� _, <br /> 4. Ch��y�i; L1Bn9. Uwrower ah�Y Pay �y»�. �iments. charges. fnr: ar.d�asticns ih7;u.C3Fde to N�:ProP�*4' whieh t�hsf4ryc r::: <br />- r,uy attW p�IMy ora this Sew:iry Insw:nent and tm.x�SS 7 payrnmis a ground rents. �en7. 8w.vrc�r a"a7{uY tAeae o64ga11ons N tha �f�ii;+;�_�:_--:-. <br /> 4, r•:::.: <br /> mvuia provkkd h �9r+Ph 2, or H not (�ald In Ilwv; mannn, Oortowtt she8 pay Ihem on Iima C"sea,y lo Iho peraon owed ptymmt. F" -�f�C�'�_ <br /> f�'s7/iri�.,. <br /> Oarowx ahR prorcply Nmish to LmCa +��o�tces ol amounts l0 6o paitl under �hls peregmph. 11 Oortower mokes �hese D�Ymmis k,,,, ,,,,,,,,, <br /> &ecty.OorrowK¢h�1 pranDtry txn'sh lo Lender recNpls eridendng Ihe PoYmenls. f�; ��g=�:=.- <br /> 6ortowa shal promp7y dlsffivse any Ilen whlch h�s prkriry over lh!s Secvriry Ins!rumenl uniess portaxtt: (Q aprees h wiilY�9�o lhe f������Tl?'_.-_- <br /> peymml ot 1he obi9�Von eecuren by Ihe Yen N a m�nner acwD��b:o to Lender.(b) contes�s in good lai:h tha 6m 6y, a dHends ayanst tr;{.rilizv . <br /> enforcamenl ol tho f:en!n,lepnl prouedmgs wNCh N Ihe Lendera od���operoie lo p�rrenl ihe enbrcemMt ol ihe iM;or(c)secures Irom �If�jk�::-�_�� <br /> Ihe ho70er o1 t�o 9m an a4eemmt saus(aciory lo Lenun SuLOnii.a4r�y t�e I:cr� to 1.'.b .°.�o."..y :�:".:.rM: I! Lc:Qx de!�tr!Nes th?I eny ' ��� . <br /> pun et Ihe Propaty ls¢ub)ed to e Em which atla!n pr!crrry over tRS Secur.y Ins:rumenl,Lentltt may gMe Darowa e noUCe IdenL'ynq �� <br /> tha Gm. BonowM 6heB sa7ay Iha lim or teke ona or moro ol the eclions sM forth ahovo wiM1h 10 d�ys ol thB(�M�g of no:ke. ��.���/�A� ' <br /> �4���.4.... <br /> 6. Hezatd or Properiy Inauronoe. oorro.�er shas keep tno Improremems now Wstinp or hercnittt tteeictl on Iha Proptty �u,;n>,;,, <br /> hscred �geNSl bss by fre. hnamds IntNdM wilhin the term 'exlended eoremgo' and nny m�er hazards,Ndu7mq Iloads or Iloodmg, lor 'y"i�`;`,�y°�;;�- <br /> 1,�5�)..7q.;�.... <br /> v�h'.ch Lendtt requYes insurance. TWS Nscrenw shai�ho mali�aNed in tha emourts and lor tho pMods�hel LmdM�rqu4oa. Tho Nsurance iJr}��y;*I r_ <br /> �., <br /> cnrtier proNdmg Iha Insurauo snaY bo �A�osrn by Oortmvtt subfeU to Lmticve epproval vrNCh shail nol bo un:ot�snnaSy withhNd. 11 ����4�,;;,: <br /> Oorrowar faHS b nuNl�N tovnapa descd6ed above. Lender may, af lmtlefs oplwn, obuln coremge lo proleq LendNa dgAts in Ihe �t.�7,4. 4._ <br /> propMy Y�etter,unw wnh Pn�apraPh 7. r�i,��'{ - <br /> N Nsv�co Do9dea and rmewils shatl be acceptabla b Lmder a+d shnp Indude o sland+rd morlp�ga Wuse. LendN ah�i havo�Ae ;,A�4i�:: ��- <br /> righl Io hoW�ho po:Nos�nd rer.ewels. N Lender requlros, Oorcower shal prom?ly p4o lo Lenda el reeeip:s of pW prm+lums�nU roncwW ��i�,_{,;��;. <br /> noUces. In ihe m[r:l oi loss, Oo�axer 5ha0 g4o prompt noLCe to Iho NsurancC canftv nntl Lmder. LmdM may roke prooi o�Io55 II ODf �y Y,� <br /> rrude M�^P�Y 6y Oortowtt. �l�``��'�� <br /> Unkss Lender end Oortowtt olhemisa ngwn in millnB• Nsurence proceeds sha! be npD��O to restornlion m repe9 of ihe PrepMy .,;w . <br /> dam�9ed, tl ihe mston4'an or iepn� �S economtcn:y leasblo end Lender's seariy fs noi lessmed. Il lho res:orellon a repa4 �s nol �F•�j�,�L;Sj;,`,�- <br /> econoMcaW�ro�ble or lmdei a eear�ty wou�d 6e lessened.tna Insuranco proceetls shail be app7ed�o the sums securM by th�s Secudry rf""�+�"„4:.�. <br /> CF'S� ? <br /> Instrummt,whelhcr or nol Ihen due.with eny excess pad to �ortower. II Dortowtt e6andons Ihe Propc+ry.or does not enswtt wilh!n 30 } f� _ <br /> Tr: �� <br /> Wys t notiw from Lendtt lhat Ihe cartier has of:ned lo sellle n Ua!m.Ihm Lender may w::ed ISe insmnnco proceeds. Lcndtt �i �r;r <br /> nuy use lhe proCeeds to repnir a reslae t�o Propc*ty or to Oay sums secured by th's Sewri,y InsWment.whulhtt or nof lhen duo. Tho ��. -, - <br /> 30-Gy pMOd wn btg�n when ihe noL'co is ghm. (��'g�- - <br /> Unless Lmder end Dorrown o7hervriso a rco In�vE:in .ns e lica:ion ol mceetls lo pMGpal shatl not ozlmd m posl ooa tho tluo �"�"°" � <br /> 9 B Y PP P P ^'4r:;�,"-'>"'� - <br /> v,_ <br /> ae:` <br /> daio ol lhe monlhy paymenls re:arcd to h {uu9rayhs 1 ond 2 or change Ihe emouM ol ihe payments. II under p�roqr�ph 21 ihe Properry �AV=�_�•^ <br /> �N Y 9 Y P P 0 9 P h q i':?•�: <br /> Is n L'otl L Lmdtt. Donower's A ht lo an insurence oiNes and roceetls rrecNN Iroru dama o�o t�e Pro n pdo�to�he ac WsCion �, . <br /> shn7 poss lo LenUCt to IF.e ezlem ol tho sums sewretl 6y Ih:s Secudty Instrumenf immetl��le.y pdor lo Ihe acquiSiUOn. 4,}����{,��" <br />� 6. Occu nnc . Proson.tlon, Maintonanco nnd Protoctlon ol tho Proporty; 8orrowor'o� Fsx�:SS:!;:,.;;.. <br /> P Y �,ty:!��a_� <br /> AppIIQ8t1011; LCB90h0I(fD.00rrowM sha0 otapy, eslabSSh. ontl uso the Propmy os Uortawtt'6 p:NagM fe9dmce YAlhii sixty days hf.:Q' , <br />-- oiler lho execu:ion of th!s Secur.,y InsWmmt and shaV com�nue lo occupY �hr PropMry n, Oonown a pMdpnl�rsidence lor ol Icasl one �y°.:�;.'_.- <br /> yNt oi1M�hB dale ol oGCVPnory• onless LendM othmnse og�ecs in wr.:ing. whicb wnsenl 5he0 not Oe umea6onxbty wi:hhdU. 01 unNSS � ��.:, ,:.. -' <br /> e�MUa1Ng tirwmslances eaisl nhich are befonU DO��own5 co�VOl Uo��owe� sha7 nol Eestroy. aa:rege m ImA�'r Ihe Propary.eCaw Ihe �;:�..�+��-;�._�- <br /> P�opMiy lo tlMMfolate. ot comm�waste on Ihe Pmpcty- OortowM shau be In delauS 0 eny 1o�idiWe acli0n or proceedmg.whelhM ckd ot . <br />' cAm'nal, is begun Ihal N lender's good lit�Nd�menl coWG resuC In lodeituro o11he Propnty or o:hmvise maleM1�ly impaF the Gm crealM �'.� . .. <br />.- by�h!5 SeWriy Ins'Nmm.l or Lcndei s secumy�vMest. Dortower may wm such n Oefeutl and rNnntate.+s provided N Damg�aph 10. by • <br /> cauSNg lhe ectlon or D�oceetlag lo be d�snssed rriih e ru9ng 1ha1. in Lender's 9ood �a0h Oe;mNia:ron. preUuCes lodeitum of �he � . - <br /> Oortowtt's inittesl n Ihe Pmpcsry or o:her malenal impa4menl ol�he fien createtl by this Sewriy InsWmmt or Lmders Securily hleresl. �: <br /> �_._' <br /> OorcowM sha0 also bo N tlMautt�� �oROrrer.dunng�he loan app4ca6on p:ocess.g�ve maiMa:y la!se or in�carnte t�bmwtion o�s�alttneo�s �' — <br /> lo lmder (or feiled lo p:oride LenUCr xith nny maienal informabm� m connecbon x'Y.h Ihe ban eddenced by Ihe Nofe Ndudn9. bul nol : <br />' 6nNCd lo. ttprcsenlallons conceming Oonorrn3 occc0ancy al Ihe Pm,erty os e pnnopai �esitlmce. fl Ihls Security InsWment is on e � �� <br /> '�xehold,Bcnowtt s7+at com.ty wn� a7 the provrs�ns :• �e'rase il 0ortm�x a:cu��es 1ee ti;le to �he Propeiry. tt,z zasehold and�he - <br />,_ lee�Sa s4x�n.i mn�e�� ue LmEn ayeces l0 1re ^r�:�: n��tng �� � <br /> A <br />- q9e]cr 5 ' ' JJ]9 9.90 <br /> - s,o�iwo t�nt� DATE /D'J-(u�r�`tt�• , . <br />` � <br />-= bl?6 <br />_ <br />