,�di�<��i t ��- S k t _ x r�5 � :[F.� _
<br /> s- �i r
<br />. .��_.�i7J:t�wit•11�I�4Wii.ri%F,_.,..Lr.�.`..,':.LS�r..l�:Re:lirAi ' "'�7W" �'` isx'idY.�'_ ' �' -. _�.-- "''-� '•-'
<br /> � V� ��V�7VU47
<br /> • 7. Orotaollon of Lend�r's AI,��MS in!ha Property. 1f Oonowa feaa lo pMorcn ihe covan�nic 1nd ayammlt tOnbhM M
<br /> �� thlo Bawri.y InsWmmL a Ihxa Is a Np�l procKdnp shat r�uy c1pnl6unUy�tlocl Londa's dplilc N Ihe Propw�y(wch n a procMC[�p H
<br /> -b�n{Nplcy,proMle,fw wndKm�ibn a taiMun a to�ntaa Wwc or myuytions�,Ihen Landx riuy do�nd pey la wh�lwa��nKNwy
<br /> � lo prottcl tl�e rdue ot the ilopMy�nd 4endds dphts N the Proputy. Lu�Ja's act...'^��m�.Y lMkUe peylnfl eny aum� utwW by s f�n ___
<br /> whkh hu M{alry Ovw Ihk £wufNy Nf Wmwil.�ppeuNy N cah,p�yN9 ra�on�bk+ttanys fees 7nd�nlalnp on th�RopKry lo m�k�
<br /> re{wYr. N.houph Undr rny t+ke actlon undu Nb pu�pWh 7.Lenda dass nol lure w do io.
<br /> My�mounlo d�bwtW by Unda under IWi pv�prph 7 ihal heconw+ddWn+l d�bl ot Baroww tewtW 6Y Ihlt 9�wAy Mf4u.�n4
<br /> UnIMf BOROWM Y1d LMdK�yM 10 OIhN t�rm�ot qyrnanl,Ihece urwunl�sh�i bw hlK�st hom Ihe d�le ol d,WnKn�n1�t Iht NoN
<br /> nt�u�d shM ba p�y�lo,wXh Mtrat,upon noUCt tom Under lo Oortowa rtquxlNp p�yrmnl.
<br /> 8. Moftp�p� In�ur�nc�. 1�Landlr nquWd mo�ly�pe Insur�nce u s cond'JOn 01 hu4lny the lou� swur�d 6y lhli &wdry
<br /> �ntt�umenl,Bortaxx t!W p►Y Ihe ptlmWmt rpuYW 10 mwhttln 16e morlp�pe Nsur�nce N NI�c1.11,for�ny rw�on,lh�rnalpiyo In�urcnu ° .....
<br /> cova�9e �equked by Lenda qpses a ca+» lo be N etlocl, Oortowtt ah�u pcy the premiums requYed lo obuN wvx�9e su6/1u�141y =
<br /> oquks'on!lo Iha motly�ge Nsuranco previoucy In eNed,el a wst subslanlWly equNalenl to Ihe cosl fo Oonowx ol Ih�mony�ye Nsuranee �:-
<br /> prM!ousT/h efled.Gom in eI:Mn1`e mortgago Nsurer apD�ored 6y lcndM. II subslanliaP/equMa�ent mortq�9e InsutlnGa tovMa9e Is not _-
<br /> aval�bie. Eorcowtt srts7 pay w Lends cach manth a sum equa! b onztwnwh af tha ytarty narl9ago InsuranL3 p:e5"'.Jn1 C::�y F=y 4i ;_,.
<br /> Oarvx�wF.2n C¢hs•aca�ee co•�M�3i �;9=�K ma12d to Wz Ri ciren. Lend«w�J eucpl, uso and �etan lhose p�ymz+lb as a tass �;:;;'..'
<br /> t23e�Y ii�i:te M matg?a2 Uxmance. toss reseme pa�m�i{s m�y np longca 6e�eq�red, el thn oplion of lend's.7 mc49zEt:saznte 2�;:�_-
<br /> cocrxge(n ihe cmo�nt qad k+c the Frfiod thal lentler requ!res)prvntl�d by an iuutt aFP�aw�by Lmdc�agzn bttmizs ars'xble end is �,i__
<br />- obid�M Bonower shsE pay the O�z'T+�!r.s ro�uwred Io mae�bn m.atyaga Msu�ance h eP.zd, a to pro�'x1e a bss rescrue. un:� Ne �'�--.-
<br /> „+,?7.i:
<br /> rnNaernEM for mon9ape hsc�xe a2s t�atca:dence.�ih uoy cerltea agreement beiwem Bertaxev aad lmdx or app:ab�e mv�. �,.,.;,
<br /> �j. 2nSpFCt1oR. tcmCtr w ks xgm!mry m;t,a reasonablo w41es upon and hspxCans ol the Propaty. Lmda sha9 g4e Ba�mre� 1(�(t.�-�-
<br />� cw6u ct i?ra l:�c ct o� >dcr to:n L�s zUbn spx7p4: rc�sonabto wusa fcr tSe i�s r.Ynti "' -
<br />� 1.1.Cr.+a;��minai.ion. The pceeeeds ol any awud er cU4m Ier dsm!�.s. Qrec� o� consequ�YaC h �nneU�on wth s�y �� -
<br /> eondemm*m cr vt:x IoWn9 0l ony�tl o�the Roperty,or tar eonre�ance In cr� of wnderr.:atcn se h�¢by as6�pnM and shat te pa'r! F
<br />- lo Lenc,e�. �':°.•''°
<br />- N t�a erent ol a lolel teldng of the Pmperty.�he pcceeds sh�v De aypsea ta G,e sums aecvred by Ws Saariry��sWmenl,whether o: �'��"-]'�
<br /> t"},r,._..
<br /> noi Ihen duo.with any e<cess pald to Oortower. In the ev,a-1 ot a psrtul t3ki+9 of V:e Prope+ry N which tne tai meAcel velue o�ihe Properp� y��<:..:�
<br /> tmme6alely belao lhe Uking B equal lo or gm:.x lhan ttr.a�nou�+l U the scs�s ceased by ihis Seariry fnstrum:nl Ynmed�alNy befae lhe f i�?`;'.
<br /> laldng.uniess Bortower and Lendcr o:hmrisa agreo in wRi+g tlie rr.•s cew•o3 6y cho 6eariry Inslrument shax be reduced by the amounl '�_„-,�
<br /> ol the procecds mu:l:ptied by Iho foYVMg fraafon: (a)lhe 1Ma1 rn%mr.t d tne sums searted krfnefa�cy be!om Ihe�akfn9.dMded by R+)�he t'��?t..
<br /> IaY mvkel value ol lho ProPMty Im:r.eAtiely be.'ae lhG Gknq �a(h:taue aha%Ce pCid!0 Oortowec In Iho evml ol a paNal laidng ol lhe �-;"=
<br /> WO N wh(ch ihe la4 rrarkel ra:ao W tha Prope. MmvcS::ct 6ek�e ihe lawn is less Ihan Iho amounl oi Ihe sums seareA 4nmedaley ''��.w�-
<br /> P�Y "b Y B 1,;r;:
<br />- betore Ihe IaWng,uni05s Oortowtt end Lmder o:herwise agme in wr.inp o�uness�ppEwb:e Inw olhelwiao promides,Iho proueds shall bo �-�.:�.
<br /> appSM lo lhe sums secvrod by ihis Sewriry MsWmml whe:hct or not iho sums e.re thcn dua. �'�^1'�=�-
<br /> Il lhe Plopttly IS AbBndOnetl by�ottm�M,of 11.Blltt noJte by lentlM 10 Oonow¢r Ihei Iho Cosdemnor o9ers Io mako M nwerd ot 6e�IIe ���,:"
<br /> B d3M(Of damagos,OOrtowM fu7s to�e5pond b Lenticr wilh.�90 tlr.ys a1t¢r ihe dale lhe no:ico Is g4en. Lender Is ONhoriled to Co"ed and ��` `"
<br /> appy Iho proeoods,at Rs opUOn, ei:her m restoration or rMev of tne vropnry or m ine sums eecured by ihfs Secuii;y Irsir�rc,-d,tit�ettc: ��,;�;`;_
<br /> of nol lhm duo. d1i"
<br /> ��,.....
<br /> UMess Lendcr end Bortower olhmdso egrea in wrifin8• ony eppLwlbn o1 procceds to prinGpel ahoil nol extentl or poslpone Ihe duc �>';�`-��
<br /> dala of lho monthly peymmis tMttretl to in paragwphs 1 end 2 or ehanpe Iho emounl ol 5uch paymenls. p}.e���-�
<br />. 11. ponowor Nol Roioneod: Forboeranoo Oy Lendor Not a Walvar. e�nenston o� mo Cuno �or n�m��� or {Gt*.%=-
<br /> nwd�wUon ot ommtkolion ol tho aums aecured by ihis Seadty Insvumeni pranled 6y Lender lo any auecessor h inittoat of Oortowa shoG �}y'SS:...
<br /> not opttato to rc:easo Iho fabi:fy ol�ho odg!nal 0onowtt or 6ortoweta suunssors N intttosl. Lender sha➢nof be requYod to eomnmeu �_ir�...__
<br /> prouedmys ag�hsl any successor in Nteresl m rchso to ezimd timo lor paynem or ofhcvwise mody amoM1@a:ton ol�he sums secwed by w,-_-
<br /> this Seafi.y InsWmenl by reason ol eny demaad mada 6y�he odgnal Oonower or Oortowe�'s suecessors In hteres�My lor6euance by �{°._,:�__,
<br /> Lmdtt L�exerGsNg my Aqhl or rttnedy sha7 no16e a waHer ol or preUudo iho exttdse ol eny r19h1 or remetly. _
<br /> 1?.. Su000asors ond Assipns Ooimd; Joinl anJ Sovoroi Llebllity; Co•sl no�a. ino aorenams and e recmmu o� '"�'='�
<br /> 0 9 ;'�__.,.:,:
<br /> Ihls Secuny Instrumcnl sha0 bnd nnd bme:i Ihe succossors and assigns ol Lmdrr end Oo:rowM. aubJeU lo lhe provlsbns oi paregreph
<br /> 17. 6ottowev's wrcaanls and ngrcm+ents ahe7 bo �olnl and aweral. My Oortower who eosigns Ihis 3courity Ins.rurnenl bul does nol �t ""'>
<br /> I�I:Y�•:
<br /> ezewlo iho Nola(a)Is eo�slgnNg Ihis Security Inslrumenl o�N lo morl9age.g�ant.entl aonrey lhal Oortower's istttesl N Iho Propttry undtt s,�._.�,_
<br /> Ihc IMms ol Ihis Sewdty In5Wmm1:(h)is nol peraona:y o5:igaled lo pay Ihe sums sewred by Ihis Sewrity InsWmmi; and(c)nB�ces lhal ��:�• :
<br /> Lmda and any mher Oorrower n�ay ogcee w e.tend. moary, loroear o� mako any acconwodalions with repa�J lo lerms ol Ihis Secudry �� __
<br /> i�} ;
<br /> InsWmml or Iho No;o wi:hout Ihal Oonontv'c consml. �.�-'���
<br />� 13. Loan Chorqos. n mo ioan 6ecured hy Ihis Securily Ins�mmem�s auD;eel lo a Ww which aets n•axiaum lo�n eharpes.ond Ihnl ��i.t-�--
<br /> Ww IS f�eRj �MMp�NCd So Ihal Iho NtMesl ot o1hM l0an Charfles to::ecietl ot 10 bo coretlCd In wnnetlos wi:h Ih0 loan Cxceetl Iha �'"'"--'
<br /> 16:_:
<br /> pnmieed GnitS.IhM: (e)any Such loan che�9es shall be teduced by�he omounl nece5sary lo red+ce t�e chergo�o Ihe pe,mi7led frri1: AnU t_��,�u..
<br /> @) eny sums a'ready CW:ected Irom Oortower whieh exceeded perm.:ted Grdls ��+•� ba�e(unded lo Oortowec Lentler may choose lo mok¢ �.-VU-
<br /> �his m(und by reduUn9 the D�Gpal owed untltt Iho Nole or by mokinp a d*ecl paymml to Oorrower. II a rMuntl redures p�`ndpel, iho ���;;_�
<br /> red�aUbn xiSl be Vealed es a panial prepaymmi wiihoul eny prepayment chaige under Iho Aola ��?<<'•"�--
<br /> e.r��.-:
<br />�- 14. NOSICOB. My no9ee lo UortowM p�ov�Cetl lor in Ihis Secwity Ins!mmenl shaJ be qnen Ly dciivc+inp it w by nu:u�y II Ly 1u51 --�
<br /> }.:ti-
<br /> Wss ttwi uNess np,:�cob!o law reqaues uso ol enolhcr me�hotl. The no:tce shaR 6e dJected lo tho Prope�ry ACdress nt eny ofhet etldress -
<br /> UonOwM designales by notice lo LenCM. Any nclice lo Lrndtt shaJ bo 9iren by f:r6l ciass mafl lo Lender'6 oddre5s slaletl hMein ol uny .
<br /> olhn otltl:ess lendtt designates by no:�ce lo Dmrowa My nolice p�ovtled lo� in Itus Securily I.�sirumeN shan be deen:etl lo hme bern ;i;�.�`
<br />° gYen to Oorrowtt a�LmUCt when qhen os pmrWea fn Ihis paroflraph. C��'� ^
<br />- 15. QOVaflllllfj �i1w: SaVU�Oblllly. This Secveity InsWaenl sha�l be povemed by fede�al taw end lhe law al ihe JwiSdN.ion in '
<br />-� whkh lhe Property is Iocnted. In 1he erenl Ihal any pmvision o� cUUSe ol lhis Securey Inswment or Ihe No;e conPJps w3h npp6wb!e low,
<br /> such con�ci shi'J nol allect oiher provis'Ans cl Ihis Secur.:y Insirumenl ot Ihe N::e �+'hi[h can he gven e:fecl w:Ihoul Ihe eon!�tling
<br /> prorision. To Ihis end 1he pmvislons ol lhls Secmi,y Insirumenl end Ihe Nole e�e deca�xC to Oe se.erable �
<br /> 16. BOffOWOf'5 COhy. Dortower sha7 be grven one coNO���ed copy ol Ine N�:e a-a d t��<Secaniy Inshumenl. � .
<br />- 17. Transior of tho Proporty or e �onolicial Mtorosl in Dorrower. ��a. :�a��n�rt oi me Pmper�y c�eny imnes���
<br /> il is 6old o� Irnns�e��ed (or if a benefcitl in:ere5:ir Flp:o'rce� is sa:tl or hans�erted anE Burc•,er a net o naWrel ryc+son)wilhoul lMdws
<br />-� Ddor w�i:�en wnseN. Ler.de�may,at cs cp:.r.. �e;;_:e immeC.alx paymenl in lu:l ol eA sv.�s xmo�eU iy 1h:s Secwey In.vumenl Howerer � _
<br /> ��ds co:�on sha7 not be exe�USetl ti«�dtt fi a•.[r:xe�5 pw>Ldttl by lede�al Uw as ol lhe tlate cl t�a Eeccr.:y Insirvnenl. p
<br /> II ler.der exc+tlses Ihis opt:on. l�atle� sAa4 gie Carmwe� nu;me o�accelerabon.The not:ce sna�a�s�ele a period ol no7 less Ihan 90 ['_
<br /> days hcm Ihe daie Ihe nofce is Ceimred o� rtaleJ wdhu v.cc- Ihe Oonowe� musl pay a1i sums sec�:er.ty Ihis Secan,y InSVUmen1. II
<br />- Dor.own la'!s �c Doy these 5um5 ptlo�lo I�e e•p�utcn al IArs pu:otl.Lentlei nuy mroke any�emetl�es F�"'���='=by Ihiz Secmiry InSLvmeN {
<br /> r.ith:vl F�ahe�ruce u Eemantl on Oo:mne�
<br /> I��NN � I
<br /> rr,.i o�s vnm wm av�
<br />- FfUALN��45b , �
<br />- DATE '��^. . _ '.
<br />' 4tf+ I�
<br />