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+�� '�-•YMYtM�M9Y1�'niMCnrrrw-•W....wnr rww.vo«r...a.�.. .. n/] - , _._.__ ._____ "__ ___ _. <br /> - ." : __. • YM�wM !A��NA.w[` . <br /> �yYYTM <br /> • � fAI{0 0%CMfI U1�MW1%N1 N''W�I i IMIJM IO(i (MM►P�fW:W�50f1Q�Q0 IOffl fMy fGQ4Y�10f B01fOWlri MIX4M iCO0W�1 (HdK�IM� ' - <br /> Udx�l R►W Gti+t�SMtMnKnt ffocedurw Att ol 19)4 at�manMd 6om tirne�o tYnr,t2 U.&0.2601 �S sa41'flESPM�,wiNti fnolhN�rY.,: . <br /> - ih�l_sApiq iq th!iu71dF iN�a I�ssee u�wunl. II so,l�nder mty�it u�y INx. w7ec1 and hdd Funds h�n arnwnf e0t to aiMd iM� '-. <br /> NtiK urnvnl. UnGr r�xy NLL'n�lt th��mouM ol Nnd� N�on th�Mcl� ol arrmt dot��nd rw�on�ble HtNU1es ol�q�ndFxii ovf ,�� . <br /> tuturo Esaow Ilem�a olhenMSe In aaord�nca w1�h appiubb Yw. '�' <br /> Th�fund�slul p� heW N +n In�Ululbn whoca daposll�u�h:ured by a fada��9��Y�NswmcnleLty,u enUy(Y�Wdnp UndM�Y -_ <br /> Lender 1�auch sn NWtuWrd or in �ny FedaW Hom�Lom O�nk Landa sh�1 apPN the Fund�to pry the Eurow Il�mr. Undlt mey nal <br /> N�yp�gptrpwp fot hWfiip�nd appyN9 Ihe Funds,�nnu�P/uulninp Ine esaax �aounl.a verltyNp N�Etqow N9Mf,unN7t IMdM <br /> p�ys BMOwa Ntae�l on ihe Funtls�nd appk�6ls kw pwrdls Lenda to rcrko such�cl�upe. How�va,Und�r tray�MNe 9oqaw�r 10 <br />� My a onrt4m chrQe Iw�n Ndepmd+nl t W au�a trx rq�aiNy saMw us W by lmdx t�ca�necNOn vrh!h:s to-s.un:Mf rrpScaMe I�w . <br /> poWde� olhxwiso. Unitss a� apecnwnl tt m�de a�ppFable uw requYes Nterest to b� pYd. Undx sMi nol iw rpuYld l6 yry <br /> 6cnaHa�ny htacst a e4rhgs on Ihe Funda Barowa and Lmda ray�gree In wr�ting.6oweri r,tlut N1Kect shA be p�W on the fundr. <br /> lmGer sMl gke to BonOxer,r.3hout ehuge,�n annu�l aeeoun:ing ot iho Funtls,showhg podM1S�ntl deb¢s lo Ihe Funds�nd ih1 putpo{1 <br />� tce wKCh exch cw,rF,ta tnx R�ndt rras mvla. Tha Funds wo piedged as addi�onol 3ew��ty fur e8 aums acwr.�ty IMS.°.oar:�Iq64U,'Y,ti4 <br /> ft th2 Funds lez!tl by Lc�z¢ axCeed C+e amounis perrtinM In be held tr/ L,:p5Cth4:la+r. LG:�.t�r sAai etC0un1 to 9ottown fot the <br /> excess Fcn.6,s�n!?ecaraance.�.n tAe r¢qvianmis ol bppirabla law. H It.e a,r.cunt et 1h¢F4n6s F�6X�p'-���Y�e IS no1 sulfidtnt <br /> to p�y ti:2 Escra.v li:ms when Uie,lmdtt may so no7ify Rortower N wrieng anR h such p.n Qan�aru shaE gr.y�o tender iha unounl - <br /> ne:rasxy to meke ep �he aetdenq. Oottown shal m�ke up lho Eef;�'rnry In no mx¢lr.vx t«save manihq• pnym�ts,oS 4e+id:fs so4i <br /> ancc�:-�.,. <br /> Vp:�n pa�s�x N N6 0�ai sums secured by this Sewdry InsWmenL Lmda eh�1 promply �c9•r.¢W Dtnowrr n:tt Funds U��Oy <br />- I.mdee H.und:r p�ropraph 21.Lmda ahaY acquYe a seA Ihe Propdty.Lendn. PAOr Io tho acquisN,ton or s�o ol the Ropary.Sh30 xnpy <br />- nny Funds hdd by lmdtt et the Iime o�aury!sNon a a�b as a cred:t egafnsl Ihe sums sewred hy lhis Sccuriry Inswmenf. <br /> 3.AppllCdllDtl Of PaymOtltB. Unless appGea6lo iavi provides olhenvi:o,a9 paymmis muked by Lender undvr paragrcphs 1 wd - <br />. 2 sNl be eppEetl: ksl, to ony prepaymcnt ehorges due under iha Nole; aecond. lo emounis paya�lo under pnreryaph 2;ih4d l0 4+tera3l <br /> " dur,lounh,to pdr.dpcl duo:and any late charges due untln ihe Note. <br />- 4. Chargu�: LiemS. Oorwwm shaY p�Y a7 laxes, essessmenls. charpes. end N�posi0ons en�hutab�e lo lho Propary whtch <br /> rnay a1leN pibr}ly ortv ihis Securny 1nslrumenl,and Ieaseho:d paymenls or pround any. Oorcowr, shtE pay these obipatlons in ine <br /> m:mntt proHded N parapraph z, or N not pild N tha� manntt. Dortower sha7 pay ihem on timo d.recly to Ihe person owed p�ymmt. <br /> FlwrowM sha7 promply hmis4 fo Lender a9 notices ol a�rqunls lo be peid under lhis pare9�ePh. If Oorcower makos Ihese p���Mnls <br />. dretUy.Oortowx ah�l prwnp:y lumish lo Lendx rece!pls evidendng lho paymenls. _ <br /> Oortowtt shaY prompU�dscharge any Gtn whlch h�s pAoriry oru tn(s Sccu�iry Inswmmt uniess Oo+ower: (e)egrees N wrl�lny lo Uia <br /> payrnml o�the obig�lion secered by Iho tien N a manncr eccepte6b to Leader: @) eoNests N good 1ei:h Ihe lien by, or defends againsl - <br /> ealwcemmf o1 th0 im NJegi�p�oceed�gs whkh L�Ihe LenUefs opn'.on opnate la prevmt lhe eNOrum�nl ol Wo Fen:m(C)secv:es Irom =- <br /> - (he holtltt oi tne 6m on egrec+ment saVSiaaory�o tmuer su6o�`Fnaimy ti�e fir ta Rd-> Sea�°,�Iaelqt�xl. II LGdr::NM:k:th:t a�y __ <br /> - patl ol lho Propttry Is sub;eq to a Gen whieh mey n11eN pdor.y orn Ihis Securiry InsWmenL Lcndtt may gko 6onower o noliw idml'rl�Ang __ <br /> (ho lim. 6ormwcr 6hnll 68U5y the tim or�Bko ono or mom 01 tho ettlons set lotlh 86ovo wi:ht�ID day5 0l Iho ghin9 0l noliu. _- <br /> 6. HOinfd o�PrO�Oriy (nsUronoo. Oottowtt sha!1 kerp Iho 4npwvcmmis now exlsCnO or httcal:a CreqM on ihe PwpMy �;-�? <br /> Nsured opainsl loss hy Ge,hazards induded with!n Iho Icvm 'ertmdetl corttago• and any olhtt hazartls.NdaJNg Iloods or Iloodng,for <br /> �rhlth lmder requ4es Insurance. Th�s insureneo sha7 bo msNteNed in iho nmounts and lor tho pMOds thel Lmtler roqu4os. Tho Nsurance -- <br /> eartitt prorldL�q Iho Nsurenee aha9 bo ehosen by Oaroritt eub)ect lo Lentltts aD➢�aVw� Which shaa nol bo unreasonnby wilhhNU. 11 � <br /> Dortovrer fn05 to rtuN1aN wrnn9a descri6M eboro. Lmdtt may,el Lmder's op:ion, ohl�n wreraga to prolecl lendn3 d9hla In iho - <br /> ProP�ty�eccordanw vri:h pvnpraPh 7. -_ <br /> AO Inauranco p04dos a�d rmcxals she7 be aceepiabio lo lender end shaY Inciudo o alanda�d rtw�igego Wuso. lendtt shaY hava lho - <br /> �Igie lo hold lho po5de5 and renewals. 11 Lmtltt requYes. OaaowtT shall promplN Bho la Lmdtt nJ mcc:pis ol pnld prem'ums and tmvnal "_ <br /> no9r,es. In�ha evenl ol loss,DarrowtY shnR 0'+o prompl nolice lo Ihe inauranco cartitt ond Lmder. lmdtt msy mako prool ol toss il nol =_ <br />_ maCe by Oortower. '_ <br /> Un!ess Lmdcr ond Dorcower othervrko ogree in wiitinp.iaswance D�o�eeds sha7 bo opp6ed lo resla:n9on or repaV ol lhe Vropttry <br /> Uamaged, il lhe res:oralion a repaY is econoMw:y �easib:e m� Lender's sewriry is �ot Ieuened 11 tho rostoro0on or repa4 fs nol - <br /> aconomlqnly IeaSbN of lmdA's seariry vmu:d bo Iessened.tha hsuanco proceeds ehall be opp:etl to Ihe sum9 secured by lhis Securiry - <br /> Inairumenf,whe�htt or nof Ihen due,with eny ezcess pa:d �o Uwrowec 11 Oonowtt obantlons the P�ope:ty. or does nol enswtt wilhin 90 t.,; <br /> daye a noilco trom tender Ihai Iho(nsuronco ca�der has ollerea lo setno o c�a7m.Ihen lenae�may wnec�iho insuranw proceeES. Lentltt _ <br /> may ueo Iho p�oceeds lo�e0� or�eslore the PropMy o� lo{ay sums securetl hy Ihis Securi.y Inswmem.whether ar nol 1nm due. Tho = <br /> 30�day perlod will beg!n when the no:icn.6 gnen. _ <br /> Unlats LendM und Qonower o:heiwise egroo in wri:ing. any eppuwtlon ol pmceeds to pindpal shall nol exldiG or postpone Ihe tlue �". <br />- Jato ol lhe menthy payrcenls rcfared lo In p�myroph; i or.d 2 er change the amounl ol Ihe paymen�s 11 under parngnph 1� Iho Nopttty _- <br /> is acquYCd by LendM. Oovowers dgM Io ony�n;umnce po5ues end proceeds resul•,ing lrom dama6e lo Ihe Pmpeiry pdo�Io Ihe ec,uis�:ton - <br /> sh�1 pass lo Lentltt lo tho eNeal o11hc sums sew�etl hy Ihis Secur.ry InsWment t¢medrolMy prior lo Ihc acqulsi110n. - <br /> 6. Occupancy, Prosorvelion, Maintonanco and ProtncUon ot tlio Proporly; 8o�rof�or's Loan '=' <br /> Applle0ll0u; Loasoholde.�oirower sha:i occupy. estabr;sn, ana use �he Propeny as oarmwe�'s prindpai tea�cence xi:hin sMy rkys �'�-�� <br /> aXn Iho execution ol lhis Searity Instrunen�entl sha'�coninue m occupy ihe Pwpe�ly as �onowe�'s p�inayal �esitlenee Iw ei leasl ane ��' <br /> ywr efitt Ihe date of occupancy, un�ess �e�.a.r ��re�..;su ayees in wri�iny. wluch consenl shatl nol he cmeasonab.y wilhhNd, a uniess y,�-,�� <br /> CIIMU8IJ18 CuG�TS".2.^.CCS¢xSl WhICT d�? Ety;cp O�r;.r.P�5 ec�UO: CO«G•et 5ha:l noi de5:�0y. tlamage G Impau IhC Prop¢�Iy.L!i0'�/I�P _ <br /> P'tp2�l�iC Ceted.^.�:2. :r ct"R''+.a;�e o� lhe AcpM.. C'.":nN[�a1�e la OMau:i il eny lonetiu�e acLCn o� pwceetl[ng.whethet Wi or -.-- <br /> u:a::al. �Ue9cr_ ��y n LmCer 5 5ootl IaAh futlymC�1 ctcltl r.s l ir.Iode:Me ol Ihe P�cperry or olY.ercnse rcalerial;y i�ipaS Ihe Iim uea1M . <br /> bf ma £ec:.��:y irsr.Fe�: o� Ler.Cers sew�Tj ime�esf �c:�c..n r.ay cvrc such a ce!a�:ecd � p�ovftled in pa�ag�ep6 78.ty <br /> W�ahg IPe a::.w c� prtcteCa9 fo be r.'sr.ssed rnh o �cGny val. ui Lmtleh ycotl �ntr Cr.c�^�.raco� ;recWCes lodedme •' rve � <br />_ BonowPl3 YilErosl N ITe Rtp[+ly er U:.ct :-aftaW mp..rmEr.i o'19e rcn c�ealCtl Ey 1:a Sect":} :csi�.�•%m o� Ltr.C¢r S 5¢curi7 :r.laes: <br /> Ce+ower sha7 elso Ee in CMas"t 1 t+ano»eq w�'r.g tce Ic�n a�p.a��ia precess. yr.e raler�3 y la'se n caccciaie i�'ortr��en or 5W7erceNs <br />� C LendM (o� lai:ed lo p�n.itle lenEe� wi:h ar,y maiera:mio-Ta::on) in connecl:en m::. L:_1Wn Critlencetl Ey Ihe tlole. �rdbding,bbi not <br /> GRded Io. reprcsenlations crnr.ernir.g �o�ower's oc<cpancy ol Ihe P�opehy as a pr,nu0al res!Aence. II Ihis Sitiue/ 1:s!mmenl ts on e <br />_ INZeho:tl. Dortower sha!1 cenpN vr.�h en Ine provisfons ol �he lease. 11 6onowtt acqai�es Iee uSe to Ir.e Flopetly.ihe IeasehUd and IEe <br />_ lee UIC sha:i not mcvge wffiss 1he LenUM ag:res lo�he merye�m r.n::og_ ^��, � <br /> tl0/3 <br /> r�c.n:�s �-.� .�. �.._ .y j, <br />, vir.�..v��<.*.x: UAiE `;�"�./.�c-�Z . <br /> _—_ i. <br /> :asa< <br />