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- � f� f i �m xl��`��� � �r 'e- � ' �Y r1 r �'.t: <br /> «.�—�.,, t_iv3l:ii:,W;�N1'w;�S�iswN'?t,x.:.��tJ.�.:�L:..z:..��.- -......_........_- - •____ ^_ �t.�.v v'_, .. <br /> • � g�.,a.i�.�as <br /> .. , •• 10, eorrow�r'a Ainht to R�in�tat6 II ODIfOWN 011t13 ClfUN C9111M11�5. OOROWM 6htll hW0 Ih0 I�OhI 10 II�YO MIGfCROMi <br /> dsunMued al+ny 1W��pia to the wix oF. p)6 d�yt(a such otha pKatl�s�ppiude qw r�uy¢podty lor retnsuUmx�q 6Ha�NiM - <br /> ot Iho Propetly ryunu�nl In iny pOwx ot tW t4n1oNW N p�ly SrWrMy In7lntmMC a@) �nlry ol� JudynMl MtacNp IMI BKWky <br /> Imlrum��ou unJltlon�w�th��8a+owr: (�)poyt Undx aS sumf whkh IhM woutd W Qu�undw th4 S�cwlty N�YWn�nl ItW tAY .. ____ . <br /> Nol�a� H no accNmVon MO occurcM; (b) ca�t�ny M1�uX ol�ny o1hM cov�nt a�p�lr, (e) p�Y�� ��� hcvnW N <br /> MlqtNp �hl� SxwAy hlWm�+d, Ndudny. but not iniNW lo, tMtOMbN �llOmN�' tM�: �nJ (d) Ickoc luCh �tVOfi �� LandBr tnly <br /> rw�on�uy requY��o atwu tn�t m� wn ot m�� s�cw�cy Imwm�n6 Under's npAt:B �n�ProaNry�nd earowx': oMp�Uon w pW�h� <br /> sumt �wured by thit 8wudy In�Wmxl ab�[ conihw unch�nqed. Upon �Nnet�7emmt by Oorcmvm. Ihis 8ecudry In�Wmenl enA the <br /> Wiipubnt sacurW hwWq ih�1 ramtln 1uy�tl�cW�+�p no aculK��bn h�d oceurtM. Hnwma, ihla tlqht to nh�t�H sh�l not�PPN M <br />. lhD tesa oi eudrretlon unda p�ngreph 17. . . . <br />- 19� 5�10 OI N011j CltiflQ� OI LOlII SBIVIOOf. The Note a a pe�lNl Intaesl N �ho Nolo (loyelha wllh �hl� 8o[u�i1y <br /> �nsWmenl) mry be aold one or moro lYnes wHl�ou� p�lor noYce to Bortower. A s►'o mny rosuN In a ch�nge in the en�lry (W�own �s the <br />- 'LO�n 8eMCn')Ilnl eo7uds mon:hly pay.rmis duo under lhe Nolo and Ihis Secwtry Inslmmen4 Thero siso m�y be one or more dien9ee .—. <br /> ot thd LQ311 Pr�a-F$N 1RVE'dlCd l0 0 4a10 0�!h9 Nole. 11 lhL!!N a Ehlnpo oi�ho Loin 3enkeL Oortowa WIII bo gkCn wdRCO n011C0 OI ih0 __ <br /> ehmgo In aeeorMnw wilh paragreph 14 a0ovo and appGCe61e qw. The nm:co vri�l stata 1ho nemo and address ol lhe nmv Loen Senictt <br />. ond lho�ddross lo whlch paymrnis shouA Oe rcade. Thx notlw x.l nlso contan any othrsr IntorcraUan requfr2d 6y apD�G610 qw. . <br /> 20. Hazardous Substancee. oorccwcr Shil rtOt tau3x a 9�T�+t 7h¢ pres�:ca, us2. ds?osat sia+9x. a rchx:s at any <br />- Hniardous Su6slances on or In the Prcpaty- Bmowtt shal not do,ncc ximr anyane to Co,x�Wr4 xrKTr.g tLC Proprrty that f3 Sn �,ti_:_ <br />� rSwYCm ot x�y£�vimm.�ta�Lsw. 7'hx pecedap Ovo snuences shat nol app.y to No p�esena.use,cr stwzgx on tha Pmycnj of xr.iS }y:u_„_.. <br /> qum4tixs et /larazdous SLhst�nexs tnal sra generery recogtized to be appropdato to ncm.�l re9Uemu1 vses and to mAntenance ot the };:%;'-��- <br /> RoP�Y �'�i,-_� <br /> Oonorier sha7 Dromp9y g4o lender�vritlen noYr.e ol aoy Nvesti{WW:bn. Wim, dcmz��laWSU7 or o1M1er eqion by a�y p�.emn.��� or �_-- <br />- se5u4icvy a9�m•y or privale pa:ry NvoM6g tho ProF�+tY��d eny Haia�d,us Sbbsl3m.o or E�r4o:�.rxrt=y lxw o7 vAicb Dortawc*ha; nctwl �,- <br /> hxou7eelga lf Bortmver leams, w is nct�ed by eny goxemmenlol or rtgul�tory n�:'�o5q•. tna! a�q �2no�n! o: o:ner remrc4�i.o� 01 ony �j;.'- <br /> rea,�Mous 6u6slance ot�x<Gng Ihe PropMy �s newssary. Oortower sha7 prornp:ry 1:+'w nn n:cnsay �aredi9 ncfo�s i� aCCC�tla�w xilh ��_:_ <br /> i��.ionmental Lew, yyi�" <br />- AS used In lhis px*ay�naq 20. 9�ntardous SLCSr�nccs' ere lhoso subslam�s rxrned a3 �.�� o: taza•dcvs sutsisnces by � - <br /> Env4onm[ntal law and the Io:ovfn8 Sb;Uaices: gasofina. keosene. olher Pamnuhle a loxic pei:o:[v:n D�aU:n:ls. IRV!0 pESCriles a�d �-•�;�_. <br /> hc+blddes, roWt7t soNenls. nw;Mals ccn�Yr.Mg esbestos or lama:detyde, aad rxGoacLve rc.r�da's. As esr:t in Ih;s pa.a9�epA 20, �-ic:=-� <br /> 'Env4onmmtal law' m.ear.s kdeml faw¢ end laws ol Iho �udsdcilon wAere the P�cpeM1y la �o:a�eA 1�a1 �Nair lo heah!ti anlCq er ��ri�:j, <br /> mv4onmenal protecCCn. �'S;��A�_-. <br /> NON�UNIFOFL\I COYENANTS. Oortower and Lendzr fuaeer wvenant and aS�ee as b.�ows: �r�=:-- <br /> 21. Accelantic:e; ABmedi¢s. Lvn��r shntl plve a�o;lse to anrrower prior to acco78�allon following f;;i�;�.: <br /> Borrower's breach eE any cox�na�.:!1 or a�ranmenl in this Security Inslrument (but not pdor to accoleralion 3"> - <br /> under parapraph 17 cr.°ESS app7ica'�70 ixv ,provides v�ivarwise). Tfie iiulicu sYatt specify: (a) tlec dafeull: <br /> !ws,; <br /> s r-, <br /> (b) lho eation roquirec7 to cura tho detaietl; (c) o deto, not lass Ihan 30 deys Irmn tho Jute tha notico Is i� • . <br /> given to Borrowor, by which tho dolaull aiust bo ourod; end (d) lhat (alluro to curo l0o dotnult on or p',`,•,: <br /> betora lha deto spoa�floJ In lho notico moy rosWt in a000loration ot tho eums eoowod by this 8ecwity - <br /> InStrument anJ sate of tho Praparty. 7ho imtico shall fudhor Intorm Borrowor of tho ripht to roMet�ts after --"_.���� <br /> acoelor�tlon and tha tlght to brinp a aourt ectlon to aesart lhe non•oxlstonoo of a defeul! or any olhar ��:• <br /> datense of Borrower to acceteralion anJ ealo. If the default Is not cured on or Before tho data ap�oHbd ;'�;;,___ <br /> fn lhe notice, Lendar at Its opllon mey requlro Immedlate payment 6i NII of all eums euound by this ,,,-_•:.-. <br /> Saoudty Inalrument wllhout fudher domand and may Invoke tha power of soie and any olher nm�dias ;_�_ . <br /> pormlRod by opplloa6le law. Lender ahall be entillud to coliect all expaneea Incurred In punutnp th� �.,,_:, <br /> rmnodlos p�ovldod In thle paragrnph 21, Inoluding, 6ut not Ilmited to, roesonable allomeys'feee an8 cosls �}},�: <br /> of tiUo avidonoo. 'Y":� <br /> IF tho powor of solo Is invokod, 7rustoo ehnll rocord a notico ot dofault in en¢h oounly M which any ��.;_-__ <br />_ part of lhu Proporly Is locolod end shell mell coplus of auch notico In Ilw monnor prosoriUOd by apptic�blo - <br />- law to [3orrowor and to iho othor porsone proscribad by appllcnblo lav�. Aftar lha t6no rYqWrod by r"'"� <br /> CG'-+:.. <br />- applloablo law, 7rusloo shnll plvo �mblio nollco of aeto to tho porennn and In tho �nonnor p�eacdbed by r�•-y; <br />- eppliaablo low. Trusteo, wilhout domend on �orrowor, aholl eall lho Proporty al publio auotlon to tho "51r<ir`' <br />� highest biddor ot lho thno end pinco end imdor lho torme Josignatod In lho nolico ot aTlo In ono or moro -;4`S`--` <br />. parceie m�d in �ny ordor 7rustau dotorminea. 7rustao may postpono salo of all or nny parool of tho �,�;:' <br />- Propody by publio announcomont at lho t6no ond pinco of eny proviously schodulaJ solo. Londor or Ils ��1'�� <br /> ��,;=, <br />_ desipnoo moy purchxse the Proporty at any snio. yx-,:. <br />� Upon rocoipt of paymont of tho pdce bld, T�ustao shall dolivor to tho purchnsor Trustoo's dood ��,,,;, <br /> convoying tho Proporly. Tho mcitnls in tho Trusloo's dood shell bo prima facle evidonco of tho trulh of �e� . <br /> tho stalomonls me<lo lhoroin. Trualoo shall npply tho procoods ol tho sato In lho followin� ordor. (a) to ell Ii;��,�._ <br /> coate and oxponsos of ozerclsin4� tho powor ol salo, und 1ho snlo, Includinfl 1ho paymmit o( tho 7rusloo's ;'S'r.- <br />- foos eclu�ily Incurrod, nol to oxceod 3.00 Ya of tho principul amounl ol lho noto ot tim timo of Uia (-. `= <br />- doclarallon of dofaull, and roasonobto atiornuy's loos as pormittud by law: lb) fo nli ewne sacurod I�y lhis �'� :�." <br />- Socurity Inslrument; und (c) nny excoss to Iho porson or porons Iopaliy ontillod to i6 . ��' <br />- 22. ROCOI1VOyLI1C0. Upon paymenl ol e2 sun�s 5ecureU by Ih�s Securify fnslmmenl, tenQer ShaU requesl Tmslee b rcconvey Iha j)..1'- <br /> Prop^�ly esJ SLatl surrcnde� Ihis Secm:;y Inswm.enl cnd a7 nofes edtlencing dem secwee oy��¢ Seua�ty :�s�mRem io Tmslee. 7rvstee ��;- <br />" sha!I reconrey Ihe P�ope�ty wilhoul wanas.y ond wi:houl cha�ge to ihe Ferson o�pe�sons lega:y enU:led lo fl- Such pe�son o�Gwsons sha7 h <br />- pay any�ecordolion eosls. � - <br />" 23. Sub5l�tufo T�USIao. Lentle�. ai �:s opi�on. n2y hmn �ime lu !me �esove Tmslee and appo�l a sur,�essor 1m51ee lo any l <br /> Tmsleo appo:nted hereunder by aa insl:umenl rcmrtled in Ihe tounly in which Ihis Secunly Inslrumenl is�eco�deJ Y�Iho�t conreyance of 1' <br /> lhe Prooe�lv.successor Imslce shail succeetl lo ail the Gf:r.powa nnE�u::es conleneJ apon Tmslee haen antl by appSC�b�e law <br />- 2A. fl0[�VOS� fOf NOlIC05. Ccnome��eqoes�s Ihal ccp�es o:1^e no(:ces ol tlelavll oad sale be 5eni lo Oo�rowe�a o'.iess wncr. (f <br /> is Iho Pmpe�ly Address- `' <br /> 25. RidOB f0 lh3b SOtudly InblrumOni. :� �r.r cr mae ��Ee�s e�e e+eeulc0 bY �onuwe� onJ �ecc�dN lo9e�F.e* w:�h ihs �•• <br />�� £ecv:7Y Iaslromenl e.e ec.e+a�is ane ngreernen;c oi cacP c�U- �-Ur sha:l Le rccryo:aietl .r.�tl ahaA ::ntl Eupp`emer.i Ite . <br />�an['..'.ntl a5�eemeMS o�Icis Secbn[y�ns!mmrnl Ls J Ihe uEei; ne�h a pan c�:'-s Secvu:7 In51mr,enl <br /> - �L �L=� �.. <br /> - .: a J S °an}�ie 5.5� ! <br /> ruesivc<.».� • DAtE ��:..i/n - <br /> vre+ (t. <br />,_ I <br />