,_ __ ___ _ .... . .._ . _ • F
<br /> .,.,'�t39�9�
<br /> p�ymenis may na longcr bc rcquircd,a�ti�c opilon of i.cndcr,if mong+go ins�ranx rnveragc(In thc nmount and for�hc pcdod
<br /> tKnF�.�ndcr rupiircs)provldcd tr�an Insurcr npproval Ly I.cnder ngrttn txcnnks availa6ic anci Is obinlnat. I�ormwcr ah�ll pay
<br />� tltic p;tmiums rcqulrcd to nulMeln nwitgago Insunnce In cffcet,or to provide a lou murva uNll�hc ta�alromcN fnt mnhgngu .
<br /> Insnrancoends in aorordance xi�h any wdRrn�grument hdwrcn Borcower and i.�n�ler or applicabio�mv.
<br /> 9.lnspettbm l.cnder or its agent may m�ko rcasonable entdes upon aixt Inspcctlons of iho Pmpeny. I.enJer shnll glve
<br /> lSorrower nattn at tha timo of or prior�o nn Inspenion spocifying rcamnxble causc for tl�e insncalon.
<br /> !Q.Con�km�ufbn.Ttw prceceds ot nny award or ciaim for danugu, dirm or wnscqucntial, im m�naUon µ•hB any
<br /> ewdtrt�ilon or ahsr teking of any pan of tLe Propeny,or tor mnvcyana In Ilcu of mndcmnatlnn,aro hcrcby,ssigned and
<br /> shall bc psid to I.endcr. _
<br /> In the event of e tanl�aking of iUe Propeuy.Uu Procecds s6aU bo n{>plicd to�ho sunu securai by this Secudry Insimnxm,
<br /> uiiraher or not t6en due,with eny cacas paid to Bocrower. In the everu of a panial taking of�he Propeny In whic6 the fair
<br /> market valuc of�ho Propcny(ronxdiacety Eeforc the wking is equat to ac gm.ter�han the,moum of d�e snms suured 6y�hls -
<br />- Sccurity tamument Irtuta+ilaztt��Core u`�uLir�3,uatzu 9oreuu;r az:1[zr«zr est;n��ise�r^in v.•riitng,U�e snms saural6y -�
<br /> tl is Sxudry Insuuu�.'nt s2�11 be red¢<vd by Qu�anrrtnt of the proceods nniffipf:ed by the foltowing fraction: (a) Ii�e tolal
<br /> uen�of the sunu securcd imn�ia;ely bcfoa U�e falfng, divided by (b)tha fair nwta vatee of tha Propeny immedlately
<br /> btfcn.°tk:takfng. Any Wlar.ca sbatl b:�.id to Hv.�wer. In the event of a panial �aking ot tF.e Ptoperty in�rhich the fair
<br /> m.uEet�calue of tho Propzny inunati:sc7y teturc tlx taking is Icss t6an thc an�oum of th.�sums ucurcd irnnxdiately beforo�6e =
<br /> �aking, unless Rottoscer an3 I.cnder osheiixise agra in a�ri�ing or uniess applicable law otterwire provides,the procvod=_shall ,_
<br /> be,ppliod lo�he sumt s.�carcd by tAis c,,curily]ncuument whGher or not Ihe sunu are�tw.n dva. _
<br /> If�he Propeny is ab,uido�xd Ly IDorcoxYr.ur�t,aRcr no�ice 6y I.ender to�',ortoo�cr tha�tM:romit�ur.vr ot(zrs to m3>e an _
<br /> awanl or xtlle a claim for da�iages, Rorm�ixr€sd>to respond la Lendcr airhin 30 days aficr the dxt.UM notin ic gi��en,
<br /> Lend,r is a��horizallo mltcG and ap�;:p ttc j:.:vas-,':.a,at hs cFtic.+,ci�M1cr to restom�lon or rcpair of�hc Prop:rty or to itA umu _
<br /> sceura).bs this Sa:urity Instrumrn�,aiaa'.:.�r o:not�Den duo. _
<br /> � Ua,±;u Lendcr and 13onowcr+rtxrxise r�:ix� in writing, any applicaflon of pramds m p�incipal s6all nm ��cnd or
<br />� pxi�s:;ma Ihe due date of�he momhly paymenis aterted to in p�ragrephs 1 a�2 or change�he amount of such payments. `
<br /> 11.Horrox�er Not Rdexude For6prnitce:tr I.ender Not a Walver.6xtemion af�he�inx for payment or nadifiation _
<br /> of an;onirailon of the sums setvred by�hls 3ecurity Inxirument granted by Lender�o nnywccessor in intems�of Iiorrower shall =
<br /> not o�xr•�e to release ihe liability of�he origlnai Dnrrox•er or fiorrower's succeswrs in iriaa�.Lender shall no�be requlnd to -
<br /> mmnxnm procmlings against any suaessor in intcrest or reNsc tn exteid Ume Por p�yrt��:mr athernix modify amonizatfon -
<br /> of�hc sunu sccured by �his Sccuri�y (nswmcnt by rc�son of any demand made by�dec original Oorro�vcr or lSorrox�er's
<br /> succrswn in(ntcrest. Ar,y to`braru�ce by I.endcr in cxercising any dght or rcnxdy sh;Vt nm be a���aiver of or praiude the _�
<br /> cxcrci.v;of any dght or«mcdy. =
<br /> 92.S-�,:.�;.::.:d .".v;lg� �.�•:::ed�*alr.! end c:r�•! �:eynU;: �as!gners. ?ts�v,��anzm� aoa n¢rremenlc nf�his -
<br /> Secrsi::e [�simnxnt shail bind nmt E�ae?n lhe suceessor�iuxS rssigns of Lender and [k•ao���cf, Eubject lo�he pr�+is�?:u of =
<br /> . p3reg+a,h 17. Borrowcr's co�xn;mts and agrecmen�s shnll be jolnt and scvcral. Any flo;rnnrt who m-signs this ativri�y ; �
<br /> Insirem.cn�bul does not exece�e�he �at:(n)i=artigning this Securily Ins�mmcnt aniy�o ieongnge.g�a� and mm•ey that
<br /> 13ormwei s Imcrust in ihc Properiy undu�he umu of t6is Sccud�y Insuumem;(b)ts no��rwnally obtiga.cil to pay�he sums
<br /> secmrd by thfs Sewrity lacwmer�;;ard(c)ogrees tliat Lendrr sa�xny od�er Borrmver nt�n>g�ce to ez�end, mndi[y.forbear or _
<br /> nuke any accontmodatlons�vith ce;,a�d�o�he�emu of Uils Sttunry Insuumem or�he hom��ii:am�hat 13urroWer's mnscni. �`,
<br /> 13.Loan Charg�.If the".ran secund by this Security Insuument (s sufijen m a Imv wl�lch sels muinmm loan charges. €-
<br /> and d�al la�v Is finillp fntergr[+zd so�hal the imeres�or o�her luan charge�coll:r�ed or to be mllec�ed in connection wi�h the =-
<br /> Iwn ezcad�he permir.rnS liw"ss.tt:en:(n)any such loan charge�hall be redu�rd 6y ihe amoum necessar��tu rnfuce the cM1arge =
<br /> �o�he g.miittal limir, :ind iAI zay sanu atrcady colicaed trom Eorro�rcr which exa-cdcd pcmiiucd limi�s will be ref::sdod�o -
<br /> Borro�ver. Lender may chuox to malce �his rcfund by rttlucing �he principal o���ed under �he Note or by maki¢g a. direcl _-
<br /> paymem ro 6orro�cer. If n retund rtduns principal. �he nduc�ion will Ix ucated as a paniel prepaymem aitEx�a� any ��-�-
<br /> prepaymrnt charge undcnhc hotc. _
<br /> 14.No(ices.Any no�ice�o Oorro�eer pra�iS�R(or in�his Securi�y Inswmem shall 6e given by ddivering i�or 6y mailing --
<br /> h by firs�class mail unless npplica6le law rcquins me of another mcthal.7'he notice shall be din�c�ed�o die Propenp Address _
<br /> or any oiher addrcss l3orrower ct:.;gmces by nmim m Lendtr. Any nWice m Iwnder shall be given by !nt cl:ns m�il ro
<br /> Lcndcr's addrtss s�z�cd hcrcin nr ay�o�hcr addrcss Lcnd.r dzJgnates by no�im to Qarm���cr. Any noiicc proridcd fw:m this _-
<br /> Security Imuumem shT1l hc dttmed to 6ave bcen givcn�o Dorrourr or Lender�.hcn giren ac providcd in this paragraph. __
<br /> iS.Gm�erninn fl:.m; SerereAlllly. This Se.uri�y Insuunxnt shall hc gorenud by foderal lao� and thc law ofthe =
<br /> jurisdiclion in eiiich tha Proprty is laa�cd. In Ih.crcm�t�:x nup provisinn ar dausc of�his Seeuri�y inslmmcm or ttr:Notc ,-.
<br /> . mnllicis���i�h aFp�kanlc law..uch cnn�ici�hall nro a(fa-�ncb..prnvisions nf Ihi.Snuriy�Ins(�umcN or Ihc Notc��h;dx ren bc =
<br /> given effm uiihow�he mn0i:�iiLL prnrision.To�his.nJ i:x prm•isions of O�i.S.iuriq�In��rumem and�he ho�e are declarcd
<br />�- �o be sever�nte. -_
<br /> 16.ISorro��cr's Cop.�. tinrco�.r�xh3!I F�r�::�ca one amfnrmed mpy of�Lc Kotc anJ nf Ihia Saunn Inslrumcni.
<br />` Form 3028 919D •
<br />- s, +a�6
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