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"�C7�7,�„n70 <br /> 17,'('r�mfer ot tho i'roper!g or n 1kn�fk�+i Intcrcst tn tkr*uxcr.If ail or nny part of i6c Property or any 1NO�ut In It <br /> is so:d or traniRrtcd Sorlf a Ixnclicl�l intercs�In tiurcox•cr is sold m u�mkrred mxl Ilnnmvcr is noi n nn�urel person)without <br /> I.cMePs pdor wd�kn wnunt, I.cndcr nwy, at lis optlon, nv�utrc immcdlatc paymcm in full of nll sums sccurtd by thls <br />� 3ecudty Instrvnxm.tlox•m�cr,�his upilon sh31t rA�bc cxcrciscd l�y Lcrcicr if eRCrciso is proitlbitcd By fcAcrnl imv ns of tho da�e �- ,. <br /> of thls 5ttudiy insimnxnt. <br /> (f LeiMer exerclses ILIs opilnn,l.ender shail�ivo Ilnrro�ver nalce o(aecelernllnn.T6a notlee shall pmvido e pedod of not <br /> Icss�han 30 duys frum the data tlio noiicro Is delrvcnd or nuilicd wlihin whidi Rorrmvcr mus�pay all sums ucured Uy thls <br /> Security InstmmeN.If IIorrower falis to pay ihcse sums pdor�o�ho expiration of�his pednd,Isnder m�y Invoke any rcmedla <br /> pemii�tcd Uy ihis Saurhg Tnslrunxnt whhom Ponhcr notico or Acmand on Ilormwcr. <br /> 18. Rorro�scr'x Rlr,hl to Rd�utrlc. if [iorrou�cr mce�s cenaim m�diAons, 13nrroH•cr shall havc thc d6M lo havo <br /> cn(on�cmeN of tLis Sccurl�y imwn�nt di�continuM nt nny tinx prior to ihc wrlicr oL• (n)5 days (ur such othcr pcdod ns • <br /> npplicablo law may spccffy for retnsmtenxm) beforc snlo of tlw PropCny pursnam �o nny pox�cr of salc mntainod in this <br /> Securiry tns�mmenC nr(b)emry af a Judgnxm enPorcing�his Secudty Imwnum.7liose canditlons nn;that Botmwer.(a)pays <br /> Lcndcr nll sums which tlmn wonld bc duc undcr this Sccudty Im�mnknt and�hc Noto:u If no ncccicration had ocwrred:(b) <br /> curu any dcfeult of 1ny oihcr covcnants or agrccmenu: (c)pays nil cxp;.nsu inwrrtd in cntorcing this Scruriiy Instrunxnt. . <br /> IncludinD� 6m nm Ilmited w,re.tisonabLe attameys' fees:nnd(d)lakes such acllon as Lecdec may reasonably rcquirc�o nuuto <br /> �hnt the Ilen of�Lis Sccu�ity[numntenp Lender s[igAts m�he Property a�llo�rawcr's cbliguion to Qay tt�wnts urnrcd by <br /> Ihls Secuflty Inslmnr.nt shall mminae unctun3ect. Upon relnstntemem by Bortuwtr, tt�is 3ecvnty incuva:em and �I:e <br /> obligatlolts smta'd hereby shall renutn fully rffective as i[r.o acceteruion ivad ocruttcd.iSowerer,this rigM to relnslat:shall <br /> not apPly in�he case of aeceferation urder p.vagr,�ph i7. <br /> l9. Sn1x of Kc2e: Clwnge of L�+na Sx�irrr. TF.c Notc or a paniat ir.trr�5t in thc Nae (�ogc�hcr wi�h �his Sccwiry <br /> InstmmenU nwy bc sotd onz or mam tim:s eiihout prior notice to IIorro+��.a A sxte roay resul�in a changc in the entity(kno»n <br /> as the'Laan Servicer'!thu collecls nwnihiy pay�nxau due ur.der Uu Note ar.d�his S�umy Insuumem.7here also may 6e une __. <br /> or morc changes of the I.oan 5:n•iccr un[ctated to a sale of the Nom.Ihhcm is a cha�a?:ui Il�c Lwn Scrviccr,t3orrox�cr will Ge _ <br /> giren tvrilten nolitt of the ch.inge��i�h p;r.ynph 14 abore and appliaf i:1aw.7T.e n?!im ivill state the nyix and = <br />- addmu of the new t.�an Sen•inr ar.d the mtdrcss m which paynkn�s xtouid be nuc4.The rsr,x«ill also rnntain any oiher _ <br />-- infomuqon mquircd by appliw6lc law. - <br />�- 20. Hamrdons SuTulanees. Rorro�ver shall not caase or pemii� �he presen��:,ux, Jisposal, stonge, or release of any . <br /> }1.v�rdous Su6s�anccs on or in the Propeny. Oorroe�er shail not do, nor allmr :myonc eise to do, any�hing affa�ing thc _ <br /> ' Propetty d�a�Is in viola�iort of any Environmemal fa�r. The preceding�a�o semerc.s shall no�apply to tlie presence,use, or __ <br /> stomge on�he Propcny of snull quanifqes of Ila�ardous Subs�ances tha�arc generally nrogniud�o be approprime�o nortnal _ <br /> residcminl uses and io maintenance of Ihc Propcny. — <br /> Oorron�cr sh�tl �romp�ly girc l.cndcr wriucn notim af any inres�igadon,ciaim,demand, la«�sui�or ahcr ac�ion by any - <br /> gm•emmental or regu�a�ory ag.ncy or pdvatc pany Involving�he Pmptty end any Haurdous Subs�ance or Environmcmal Law <br /> of which Dorrower has acwal knmrlcdgc. If f7orrowcr Icams,or is nonfiM by any �vcrnmcnlal or rcgulamry authori�p, tha� <br /> any rcmov.l or mher renxvtiation of any Hanrdous Substanm affccling�he Propert;.iz nccessary,Ilorron�er sh�ll prompdy u+ke _ <br /> aIl necessary remedial actiu:�c in accordantt with CnvlromneNal I.nw. ' <br /> p� y,.�� :��ht��.�or,�ti i�, •lSv:,n4vu Suhs�anai arc�hosc substnnca defi°rd es tuxi:or hatardaus subs�anctts by <br />= F:nvironmcntal [aw and �ht Pollou�ing s:b?:v.ccs: gacolinc, kcroscnc, otl�cr Oamma:Re-or w�i: ��mlcum pruUUCrs, toxic -- <br />.- pesticides nnd'n.rbfcides,eolsiile wlvents.nuurials cmeaintng asbextos ar fomuklehydt,aiHl radioac�in materi,�is.As used in . <br />_ this paragraph 20, '6nvimnnxmal Luw" mcans fatrc�l laws and laas of�hc jureaL:tion w1�crc �hc Propeny is taa�cd �6at _.: <br />- relate lo hcalih,safc�y ar esnironmental�rotec�ion. <br /> � NON-U�vIFOR1i COVCNANTS. orrower 2nd Irnlet funher w<tnaul m:d a.tte as fallo�vs: <br />- 21. Arncdmatlon;Remedl.s, i.ender shall gire no�ice l0 6orro�:rr priar ln ncccleralion fo�ioxing Dorro��er's breach � <br />- of nny corr��snt or ngrcemcnt In thls Sccurt�y Lu�rwncnt (6ut not priur ro ecccicmlion m�dcr �a roRraph 17 unie.0 -- <br /> applicnbte law provide.s olhen1lu).The nolice shnll xpecify: (n)Ihe defnul4 (S)1he ecllon required to cure tl�e defaulh _ <br />-- Ea)n Jate,not Icss then 3s1 da��s trom!hc dn�c thc noilcc Is giren to vrhlch thc defauil mus�bc curcci;and :. <br />= dat)Ihat tnllurc ro cure iSoe defnuil on or Ixfore the Jale spec{ittd in the notim ma�• resull In nccdemUan oP lhe sunu . <br /> secured by Ihis Securtlr 7nstrumcut nnJ mle af the Properq�. The nalice shnll 4{ir�her infonn Uorro�rer of Ihe right to _ <br /> rchutnle aRer srcrlcratinn m�d lhe ci�>',t to 6dug n cuurt ection to nssetl tiic nmrexLstence of n detnuit or any other _ <br /> defease ot Oac�v��er lo nemlemllon a;r3 s�le. It the drfaull Is not curcd mi or bef'ore Il�e date sryecitieJ In lhe no�ice, - <br />- f.cndcr, nt Its opllon,ann. requhr Inuucdime pa,rment In tull of nll sums sceu:ed by R!k Securll�' huWment xi�haut ' <br />- further dcmanU nnd may i�e�rokc Ihe�w�ver of snlc nnd nny alher rancdies permitttd 6��uppIlcuble Ims. Lcndrr shall Ue <br />- entilled to mllect uli txpeaw-:incurrcd In pursu�ug Ihe remeJiec proddeJ in tE�i>garagrnph ZI,Including.but nol Iinilted _ <br />- to,reasonableatlorne��s fersnndwstsotlltlee�idence. _ <br /> If Ihe wx�er of sale Is Inrul�ed. Tmctee shnll record n nuticr ui detnnl� in each count� in �+hkl�any parl o!aix _ <br />- Properly is Iocaled nnd shall mall copies of such natice In Ihe mnnnrr pnscrlbcA b�'npplica�le In+r to dorroaer ond.:o <br />= thc o�her persons prescN6eJ by eppilcoble Inw�.ARer thc Ilmc ra�ufrcd by np�liraUle Imc.Tmstce shall ghe pubiic nollcc _ <br /> = of sale to tl�c persons nnd In llie mnnner prescM6ed b��nppllcuble Inw. Truda�r.��ilhaut demmtd on 6urro�rcr,shall sell - <br />-_ a:e Properly at publle nuctlon to Ihe hig6est bidder at the tlme nnd place�nd+mder ihe Ierms designnitvlln ihe nolice a( <br /> - snle In one or more parmis ond In nny order Trux�cr delennim�+.'Cru+lec may pxywne snle ot nll or am� parcel of lhe - <br /> = Ffo�1CHy Uy' publk Ilnlwnncflllenl a[t$c Ilnle:uld �llace u(ilra} �mr(uush schnluled sale. Lender or Ils deslgnce mn>' <br /> - purchtisc Ihc Properq•ot mq�sale. <br /> ! <br /> i Form 3028 f1�9a <br /> ' r.x f.,r <br /> ; , <br /> � F.:-sT�r �`r45: .. .::"�:d�r�� '��f.73:`:�`I.f:: ,G- .��. .:)/Irf'I�)'rPli+&. r?�f��_. .., �y •rrTZSx..�.�iv-T,,. . _. <br /> i i.., .- . 7� _ .. ' - . '�j_ � 1 _ . __. . <br /> y .ti_ � _ . . . . . � . . <br /> .. � `". <br /> " .—. _ .. _ —__ ' " . _ _ -- _`_ " __ . _ <br /> _ � ___ __ _' ' ' _"_ __ " _ <br /> i�. r ._ p' ' . .. - �'!.� <br /> - -':�� • ':i'" _ . - . _ _. ' ' <br /> _;.._�e�:' . . _ _ . . . .. <br /> V -' • _ <br /> �i��..�M1.i{.. � - . . . . .- ' <br /> ' C ' �_ <br /> ,i L���r� " � -� - . . .. ' . . . _'_ • . . . <br /> � �.t...N t . . <br /> . .}'' ' . �. ) :1 � . . ' <br /> � ; f t - � ;. - •. ' .}�b^� ._ s :n� u+ <4ti. ,- <br />,tr t -t,;� e .�. y t-t . . _ . . - . . _ _ , <br /> ' ' c�. � <br /> ' - t.- N r -r�. �S'`w-, � . . - . t -�_- -i� i . :' <br /> ,'.�.t,.7. '.�- . :.��� . -�u� .: �i .. .�o,. �.. _ .. . . .. . ....,�`� ,,,�3 , . . - <br />