r I.�f '�t ` l.c(1 i - � � . -i.K�
<br /> - . - � t 1+ t ! .}��yT A t 77 I " • .r • i �' hi�.� x-. �� �
<br /> ,
<br /> '.-�rn....�.u.u'-�,..a"f=�=...�.]67A759C'�.iii?�?aCs�'�.tv_r,i: - _. �� ...` ',c,r�;y�:�y"� ...._.--_ --`- � .....
<br /> 92--�,a���� � .
<br /> 5. ]ferard or 1'ropertr 1nwr�nce. Dnrrowcr stull kttp the inipruvr.nxms raw exisiin� or 6ucnilcr cratcd on tho
<br /> Prnpctty insnrM ngaln�t Ina I�y Orr, haz�Ns IncludN wi�hin iha ienn 'ex�cnAa1 mrcro8e' a�d anY otl�r.r hnrnNs. hxluding �_ __
<br /> n��:+5��m��wo,s, for ahich I.tndrr nhulrcs insura�ice. This insura:ua shall Ua maimnlncd in thc amnums and fnr tl�c perlads
<br /> tLat I.ender rcquires.7'hn inwr.mro carder proxiding ihe Ineunme s6n11 be chosen by Rnrcawer su6Jm io i.cndcr'x apprnrn�
<br /> whlch s6a11 nni bo unreasoiubly widihclJ. If tSOrtmrcr faiis m nuinmfn cmcrage dcscriMf atxiva IAnAcr may, nt l.cndcr's
<br /> opilon.obmin mvcr,gc to pro�cct I.cmlcr's dghls In 16c 1'ro�ny in xrnrdn:�co wRh pangrap6 7.
<br /> All Insnnnco pollcics and rene�vals s6�I1 bc xaq�ble�o [.endcr and shall inctadc a s�andaN mong.gc ciausc. l.endcr
<br /> shnll hn�•c�hc righ�to hold ihc pnlida and mnewais. If Lendcr rtyaims, Ibrro�ecr shall pmmpdY 6I�'c�o I.cndcr all rccc(p�s of
<br /> ,-. ._.. _ ----_-�--
<br /> pa prcm ums nnd renewal iroiicc:.In�he crem of lo3i,Itorcox�er shalt gicc pmmpt notiw�o Uio insurana carder aad I.ender. °-°---- -- � -
<br /> l.cndcr may make pmof of loss if not madc promp�ly hy[iorrox�cr.
<br /> Untecs I.endcr nnd Mrro�+�er oihcrw•ise.grte in writing,insurance pracecds shatl be.pplinl to restontlnn or rcpair of ihc - --"----°
<br />_ Propeny dan�ged,ff tlee nsmr_tinn nr rc�ir i.aannnmically fcasible a��d I ertAcr's sceurlty is�w�IcsYncd. If thc rcstomtion or - - .__ .
<br /> repair is no1 economicaily fruibte w tsrater's savrity wuuid be IattnGl,the Insunnce pmcads shall be applial to the sums � -
<br /> sccurcd 6y thB 5.+cw:q Inv+urtxm,xC,:d:er or no� thcn Ana wi�h any cxccss paid io Oormwer. If Bormwcr obandons ttx ���
<br /> Property,or Coes nct arux�cc x�ithin 30 days a nodce from l.snd,cr thu the irtsurance carticr hm offerN ro setAe a claFm.�hrn - - ��
<br /> Lerrh�t rray cvltecv the irtwru.n Qrocztivt+. F.ereu�r any use ttoe peocc�ads to ra�ir or rcstoro tlre 1'ropeny or to pay s�nu
<br /> usvcnE Gy tlds Sccurity Inrtmm.r+t,oiu,-tlr,r or r;ot th��n dcr.Th.�:30-0�X priod xil[�i�in u�hen thc nmim is 3ivctt. __'
<br /> SJNCS.a Lende�ancf Dercoiser aM.nvisz agn�t in oriting, sny a�iicmion uE pruc.Ws to prirxipt! s[:�R n,�t extend or �'"='=
<br />� t � C[�`.'�`_%.;_�
<br /> yos ponc thc duc datc ot tlw mm�thly p�ynxrxz mfcrt�d io in pangny`3s I ard .o:ctun3e thc an�o+tri oE thr{aymtn�s. If - � -
<br /> unf.r paragnph 21 thc Pro�ny is acquirtd by Lcndcr, 6orrox�cr's righ[ta any irtwcim pniicin axal proonris rcsutting from �yg,�;�=.'�
<br /> ��.,,:_,.:.�,
<br /> din�age to the Propeny pdM to the acquisi�ion shall pass to Lender�a ihe ex�enl of ihe sunu secund by�his Sr:urity insum;xnt �?��-�a�=�- .-
<br /> imrm:dialely prior to Ihc atqeisition. �';it:;�,;:;;::�.
<br /> s::..,_ffs,:_.
<br /> G.Ottuywncy,I'rrsenaUurn. fllafntenznce and Protectlon of Ihe Proprnyt 8orroxer's I.oan A�katlon;Leasrholds. ��* :p.Y--=-
<br /> �m�{.;;S-::.
<br />- IIorro��rr shall occupy,es�ablish,and um ihe Propmy as Oortax•cr's principal ruidence a�i�hin six�y days aRer the exccv�ion of �„��,�_f,:,,
<br /> �his S�tivmy]mnvmrm and shall eontinuc�o occupy�he Propeny as Qom��cer's principal raidence for at leazt ona year uf�cr �h�`.4*-r.;�-�
<br /> p;: {�-,•y,.
<br /> ❑¢date of acnrf;.�ay,uniar Lender o�hrnrise ngrces in uTi�ing, ��hida mnsem ahall no�be unraasona6ly aithlKlJ, or unless �=1°�;fi�3,"�-,:�
<br /> uy�: ;�.,.�
<br /> exkvwnling circumstancea exiu �dilth arc beyond I3orrac.ris mntml. ISorro��rr shall not destrny, damage ur imp�ir ihe ;�.�+�h%��+---
<br /> r. . i•-.�trcr._
<br /> Prn�rty,allow the Propeny�w Anedora�c,or commit ��acte on the Prupeny. Is�xrox�er sha�l b� in defauii if any forki�urc ;-���,�1��;$p,�-�_
<br /> acUon or procecding,whether civil o�crimiaal, is begun�ha�in Lender'a good faiih judgnum muid rault in lodeiwro af ihe i,i�l;�l�,'''jggg��''''n"
<br /> Property or o�hernise materially impair�he[i.n ena�ed by�his Security Instmment or[.endci s security intenY�.Oorcouxr may ��{�5���<;.:ur `<:
<br /> cure such a de(aul�snd reins�a�e,as provldM in paragreph I8,b}•causfng ihe actlon or prontding m h dismissed wi�6 a ruling "�+�fM1�.:,i4�a_=:�
<br /> iha6 In Lender i good fal�h�ktemilnation, pncludes for(cilurc o(the IIortower's inrcresl In Ihe Propcny or oiher m�terial _f`%��'�'�`�'•=`"� . .
<br /> impai.rnxm of tha Iten cna:n!t+x�his Sccuriry Imtrumrn�or Lcndcr's sttvri�y im.rc�. Oorco�rcr shall atso bc in dcfaul�if '`'-`^'��`+��-`;-_—
<br /> Barrowcr,du�ing Il�c loan ap�'i;aiion pracess,gavc materiafiy faisc or inaccurate Infomia�lon or s�a�cnxms to Lender(or taflcd e f '+%�..:'�an;.
<br /> �o prwide l.tn.!er wi�h any nu�erial infom�a�ion)in rnnnce�ion with�ts:0.�-tn evidenad hy�he Note,incicding,bm no�IimitrJ �f� ,"s '
<br /> �o.representa�ioas mnceming Qorco�rer's accupancy af�ht Property�y princlpal residence.I(d�is&�arity Inxnunxm is on x <yl _'s va;��'-�
<br /> Icacehold, Qottowcr shall caa�ply a�ith all �he provisinn>of�hc Icase. If 6orrouvr acquims !ce �itle ta �hr Fr.�p:ny, ihe 't;FT; ;`�,:��'-�=
<br /> Iearchold arM lhe fe,:tille shali reM mtrge unles.Isnder,grr..lo Ihc mcrger in a�ritinF. ��L�z`�*L��lu %�-:
<br /> 7.I'rotectlon ot Lendets itighls In�he Property�.If Uonowcr fails�o perfomi tlir mrcnanis and agm:mcnts mmained in �l,�Y,�i� r'T'� ','-
<br /> y:•byo.lC��t;__�.
<br /> �his Secarity Imtrunxm, or ihen: ts a legal prncecding tl�a�may significamly affec� Lender's righ�s in t6e Propeny(such as a -,r;��;f'=.,�`��� .
<br /> �..F�, �.w:;:;..
<br /> prorading in bankrup�cy,probata (or oc•oic�n�.vion or(orfciWrc nr�a entnrcc laas ar rcguln�innx�,�hcn L.ender nu�y do and F;�iy�,,_���,,+,r�;;L=;,._
<br /> pay (or whate��er Is necessary•tn pn,�rc� �ra�.due of�he Propeny and L.ender's righis in�he Pm�ny. LendePs actions may � �r<�==``��-
<br /> j�ti�ttr�i•.,,i 5:f.y.<;..
<br /> im.ia3c`paYing any sums uri�red by a li:n «�hich hac prioriry m�tr this Sceuri�y Insuumcm, appearing in mun. p�ying ,;,..-:.}��y;'•i?,:=-::.
<br /> ae�a�aa.le a�tomeys' (ees and en�.ring on the Propeny�o make rcpain. Nihough Lender nuy take ection undar�x.>. n ra h -"-a i'�i.3{'`��;�,
<br /> N 8 P 3,-° `�t
<br /> 7.�,m3:r docs nol havc to do so. -t;<<� 1} ,
<br /> Aay naxeuu� disbursed by Lendcr ur,dcr this paragraph 7 :FaJ! teanme adJilional dcbl ot Ei.�ro�ve� �tsu-td 6y this ��ha-r� 5��i� "
<br /> Shari�y Ins�rument. Unlc.0 Uorra�r.r anJ Lender agati m otF.tr trran o��opmeni, Ihtsc amoums shal)hne i:r.rr;u from tl�c :'���';:`.-.-�r..�i.,_ '
<br /> 1fn�:n!dishursement at tlir Sutr ra:c and shall be p;q,klr. xith inurcsi. u�n no�i:e Lmu I.ender la Qnrmv.v requcsling p�•,�,�b�1�+�'.,,�x ,.:
<br /> aarnin�. If.�h�; r��4�" .
<br /> P�:
<br /> S.�torlgage t�uumnee.ti Lender requircd muitgage insurance as a cunJilinn nf making�he loan secured by this Snurily �f�f`�4�;. r.tr
<br /> Insuumcnt. Qorrow�er shall pay thc preminn� rcquircd lu maintain Ihc nwngag. irour.mce in ct(r.�. IL for any rcacon. thc T4�,ik�I1C�{��t��
<br /> nwngoge insunnee mvemge rcquir�d by La�.k�r Izryses nr ccasa w b.in efftti, porm�rer shall�.�y�he prcmiums rcquind m �'�l,w-1 j � ��
<br /> o:>eain mverage subs�amiallp equicalrn�tn�h:�rungage in.xrancc p:e��iousy�in ef(�r�.:u a nnt whs�amially rq:iiralcm to�hc �f(+�J:�tj:�ii};sn;-�".:
<br /> �Y.w tu Uurro�rcr u(�hc mongagc martnnoe prcviousl� r..:ika. (mm an al�crnatc mongagc inwrcr approvat by LcnCCr. If ��%';f,� Xi '_
<br /> subslantially equivalcnt mnngagc insurana•,+�nrr.�gc is not:n�aitahle.Onrrrn�cr<hall pap«,IAnJ.r cach mnmh U sum cqaal l0 4y i;'�,S�z:(Y'�"",�.;-;
<br /> ono-lwclflh af Ih;ycviy nwtlgagc irouran:}•r.mium Iking peid b� I,.,rn,�.rr w�hcn�hc insnranre,..�rng.lupxd nr ccasM t•� �a`6i('�=�'" ��'
<br /> bc in cffi+c�. Len�rr x�ill acaep�,ucc a�rJ rc�ain ihac pa��mcnts:r a lo.. :_xnc in li.0 af inongaf.: imcrancr. l.ax n�r�r �{;,�',<��;: • ,.- -.
<br /> Fo�rg�2D f390 Y"��%/�Si;y,•-: . .
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