ia3r�rti��;I���,+�'�{.c`� _ _�>yi .
<br /> �'^ .- /' � �" ' �r',y.,.. i_.�'.
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<br /> ' ' ;: ��--�.d�5g9
<br /> 700f3THf:R W1TIi a!I tho Improvenxnts now or ixrealter ereaed on�ha propcny,and all uunxms,apputicnances,mxI
<br /> IIxturcs now on c�renRcr n pan of tUe prnpeny. All replxenems and adAf�lons shall alm be covcrcd by this Suad�y
<br />� tnslrumenL All of tho forcgoing is refcrrcd io In this Sccuriiy inscrvmcm as�hc'Propcny.' --� �
<br /> lIORNOWBR COVBNANTS Ihat Oortowcr is IawPolly ui.cd ot�he csiato hcrchy mm�ey�d ard has ihc dght to gram and �
<br /> eomey�ho Propeny and t6at the Propony fs unennunborr�A.exttpt for encum6runces of nxonl. Sorroetr werrams pnd x•ill
<br /> defend grnerally�Le tiile to�ho Propeny agxinst ali clnitns end denunds,subJec�m'any rncumbrances of ranrcl.
<br /> TNIS SI?CURITY INSTRUMGNT rn�ibines unlfom�cavenams for na�(onal use nnd non•uNfoim covenants wR6 Ilmitod
<br /> vndntinns by Jurisdinion�o tonsifmtc n unifomi socudty(nsuumcnt cnvcdng rcal propcny. -- _..
<br /> UNIFORR7 COVCNANT3.Rorrowcr and ltrtdcr carcnnnl ond agrce ns foilo�vs: - ..
<br /> 1. P�yment ot Pflntippt enA Interall Prcpayntent and Late C{�p�a, 6orcower shall pmmp�ly pay when dce rtx�,
<br /> pdnctpal of xnd interes�on iho debt evldcnnd by dx Notc and any prep�y�neni and late chargas due under the Note. ____
<br /> 2.Bands fai Texa and insurentt�S�ibJM to agpUc�ble Isx or ro a written wafvcr by Lender. �ortuwer s6a11 {uy ro - --
<br /> Lcnder on ttm day momhly paymems Trc due under thc Nae,until ttcc Notc is paid in full,a sum('funds')for.(a)yeady tuu =—
<br /> nnd nsscssments whlch may attain pdority o�er aF.is Sccurity instrun:ent as a lien on tFK Yroprny;(b)ya�dy Icauhold pa���rzs �`
<br /> or round rents on the Pro rs ,if an -(c)�e,wl harsrsi or n insuranc� rcnz[ums;(A)ye3rl Qaod insursnce remiunn, �`"
<br /> C F� Y Y, Y Pn'!� Y D Y P r�:_s=--�
<br /> if any;(e)yeady mort�age invsra�prrmiums,if any:and(Q any sums p�yablc by f:ormw�cr[o Lender,in sttnrd:uKY�rith - - _
<br /> tim prnvislons of parr3rxph 8, in Ifcu of�he paymem of mongage insunncc prers�imrn.71ies:i�ems erc callod'Escrow ]ams.' �.;f�
<br /> l.ender may, al any�inee,o.dlect and hold�unds In an amoum 'wt to excad�tee rnaximum amoum a IemEcr Por a fed;raily 4�:t�•..-
<br /> rclated mortFaet loan m:yy ru{ulrc fo� I{orrowei s escrow aceoun�uncier�he fedrral Real Estau Senlemem I'rocedurcs Ac�of 1���"�
<br /> 197M1 ns amerrk:d frum t(nu to�imc, 12 U.S.C. Sttifon 1601 e!seq.t"RGSPA'),unleu atro�6.r Iaw tl�al applles lo thc I=unQs �'�:�-��.
<br /> SCIS A ICSSCi.�o.mm. If so.L.ender ma ,at an tfine, mllect and hoS9 Fund..in an amoum not to ezeeed the lesxr an�uu�r.. �"�"'
<br /> Y Y a<-�a-
<br /> I.ender may estimate the anoum of funds due on ihe bazis af curtent daw and n-a�unabic a�imates of expendimres of fnvue t;;r i±�-_�-
<br /> Cscrow Iicros or ahrmi<c in aanrdance wi�h applicablc law. �`,,t`-.
<br /> The �mds stiall be held in an Inuitmlon n�hose deposits are insurcd 6y n fideral agency, inslrumenlalily, or eatic}
<br /> (inciuding Le`der,i(l.ender is such an instfw[ion)or in any Fedenl Homc Loan Dank.l.ender srwll apply ihe Funds to pag et�; �',��\{ '
<br /> P.urow Itenu.Lead:r may not charge IIorrower for hotding nnd appty�ing�he�unds,annuelly analyztng the escrow eccours,or f;-s.::-
<br /> ved(ying tts:Esarow lrer.es.unicss I.ender pqs [iorro�c�x in�crest on ciK Funds rtaA applicabic law pemiits Lemf�u to makc scch ���?"`
<br /> 8 Y �9 P�7 B' P� F S �j��'"'-�
<br /> a char e.liou�erer,Lender ma r uGe Oorcower to r a onrtime chat �fer;en inde ndent rcal estate tax rc �ain urvim ,.;;--,..
<br /> used by i.endcr in conna�inn with this loan, un!esx npplicabK kia-"prn�i8:s :.inen�isa Unless an agnrmcm is inaek�ar W.(j�i;�-_-
<br /> a lieabk law re uires intemst to be aiJ.Lender shall no�he rc��dc ti�o �9onower an interest or wmin s on Ihe 3unf.>- t��''•'=�`
<br /> PP 9 P S PaS Y S �r:•.:.
<br /> Borrowrr eaut I.ender may agm(n wriling,ho�sxrer, tha�imtre<t shalf bt pxia un�he Funds. Lender shall givc lo Qn`raw«, �,:
<br /> ai�houl tharge, nn ancis.�l ecmunting of ihe Funds,�tms.ing eriAits arsl Jtbi:s m ihe �unds nnd �he puryose(or which racb • k�q���`
<br /> d.bit to�he Punds�vss ma�..31ie Funds arc pledgzd m a�'d'utunal stcuriiy(nr nCS>unu securcd 6y thfs Securiiy Ins�mment. -�;1���_��.
<br /> If t6e runds held Fy(xnder exceed the amour.is ptmilned to bt held by n,plicable Inw,Lender shnll accoum a portower 'hjj -,:
<br />. tor Ihe encess 1�nds in nttnrJance a�hh th:requircmenls of app[i..bFe law. If�he nmount of the Punds hcld by Lend�r at.ny ��,�i -_
<br /> tim:is nrn sa[�7,Iem m pay tlie Gscro�r kr•ns�vhen due. Lender m.��.�no�ffy Iforro��•er in�vri�i<<a.and, in snch ca�e i3e��ru�xr Jt} -
<br />� shall pay�o Ltnder�he amoum necessary ro make up ahe deficiency. Uorta�eer shall nuke up�he deficicncy ia nu morc�han � i-�.�:
<br />� i�rclve monihl a mems,ut Lender's so4:discrction. �t�`r"?
<br /> Y P Y ��;r.9>.._
<br /> Upon payment in tull uf all sums securcA by Aiis Securi�y Instrumen4 Lender shall prompdy rePond to 6ortower a��y y,;,,.A:-
<br /> Nnds held by�Lender.if,under paragraph 21, Lender shall ncquUe or ull�he Proµny,Lender,prior to Um nequfsi�ton orsale '���;;�.__
<br /> of ihc Pro ..tt;,sBall a 1 �n I'unds held b Lender a��hc�imc of ac uisition or sate as a crcJit a afnst�hc sums securcd b '�e+',
<br /> 7' PPY� Y Y 9 F Y
<br /> lhis Sccudty insuumem. .��ti'�.%�
<br /> . 3.Appllrailou ot 3'a}inenls. Unleu appliczble law provfdes oihenvise,oll paymems rcecired by l.ender under pamgraphs !y�`�-::
<br /> '!YM:::
<br /> I a�d 2 shnll be nppl}:�r: {c.a.to any prcpaymem diargcs due undcr�6e Nme; second,to amounts payablc under paragraph 2; ng.--�:�_
<br /> �hird,ro Interu�due;foarth,to principal dur.nnd tu4 to any Ime.huges Jue under�he No�c. y��'��{�,._7
<br /> 4.Cl�arga; I.Iens. Dorrow�cr shnll piy all iucs, asscssmr.rxs,charges, fines and im{rosi�ions auribmzble m We Prc{�ai� ''�•?'�"�
<br /> 12'J%.:Sl:-.
<br /> x�hich may a�uln priorilp orer�his Secaciry Ins�mmcm,arA Irasnti�ld p,rynxms or ground rems, if any. Qorro�ver slexul N.�� ":�::.:":.
<br />, �bese oblfga�lons In�he manner provided in paragn{h?or ii nn�ymid in tl�at manner. Uorro�rer shall pay them,a airer<lirccdy ��-�'-��`��-
<br /> sa the person owrd paymcu;.llurro�eer s6a11 promp�h fumi.h tn 1.er,der all nutices o(amom:ts to be paid und.r c�ic M�r..gmph. z:%''.'c"-
<br />' reyrm-.
<br />; 7f Borro�rer imkes these psyments directly.Borro��er shall pmmpei:} fumiih In I.cixlu ntcipls c�•idencing Ihe paymenle. t:�-•?
<br /> i Dotrov:cr shall prompdy discl�arge any lien ofiich hu prioriy a�er�hi�Securiq�Inswinent unless Qorrower.(N ngeas in �='i�'-�Y_.
<br /> writing�o ab:Fay�r.ew of the obliga�ion securcd b��the lien in a mamnr�uceptahle io LenJar.�b)mmestx in goad fai�h tYr:ikn K�r�g�,_
<br /> 5�.:._
<br />. hy, or dcFnd+ agaima ecforccmcm o(�hr lien in. Icgal pnkadings uhich ia ihe Icndcr'. opinion uperate to prevcm ihc s•,r�i:,r-.
<br />� enforcement o(�he liere: nr rc�xaures from�hc F.u!der o(ihc licn:m agrrenur.�sr.nfai�oq•m Iwndtr wlx�rJina�ing�hc lien to ---°-`
<br /> Ihis Security Ins�rumem. If Lender detennines thai any pan n(i6c Pra�nr i.wbja�to:�licn whidi may attain prioriry�o�er �':'-.__:-:
<br /> 1�L�,r_.:.
<br /> �his S�eurity ImVUmtnt. Lender may gire Onrrm�rr a nmice iJemi(amg�hr lien. 6nrrmcer.hall �ali.fy Ihe lien or IaA..�s: �r �j,�;i='-
<br /> more o(tF.c ar�ium x�fonh a6o��c e�iihin IOda��.nf ilic @fring ol r.au:c.
<br /> il'.'_
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