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<br /> cxccuted for thc purpusc uf crcutin�,sccuring ur�;uararnying thc Sccurc�l Ucht.A guc�d faith hclicf hy [.cndcr that
<br /> l.�;nder at any timc is insccurc �vith r�:spcct tu any persun or cntity obligat�d on thc Sccurcd Dcht ur that thc prospcct
<br /> • of unv vaymcnt or thc vnlucof thc Property is impaircd stiall also constitutc im c:vcnt of c..icfault.
<br /> 1:�. RCMC�I�S ON DI:�AUI.T. In so-nc instimces, fudcral and statc law will r�;quirc l.chdcr to pruvidc Gramor�vith
<br /> noticc of thc rigf�t to curc or uthet notices and may cst�blish timc schcdulcs for forecicnurc acticros.Subjcct to Uicsc
<br /> limitations. it any, Lcnder may acce:lerutc the Secured Qebt and forecluse this Securiry Instrumcnt in a manner
<br /> providcd by law if Ciruntor isiry dcfaul�.
<br /> At the option ef l.ender, all or uny part of thc agreed fees and charges, accrued intcrest and principal shall bccame
<br /> ••�� 1 immcdiatcly duc and pa���►hlc. �+ftcr giving nrnicc if reyuired by law,upon thc occurrcncc: u!a dcfault or unytimc •
<br /> �� !°" t,� thcreafter. in addition.l.endcr sh�dl bc entidcd to aU thc remcdics pravided by law,thc Icrms of thc Sccurcd Debt,
<br /> this Security Instrument und any relatcd documents,including withaut limitation,thc powcr to sell thc Property.
<br /> r' If thcrc is��default,Trustec shall,in addition to any otl�cr permitted remedy,at thc rec{ucst of thc I.endcr,advertisc
<br /> � �t� and scll the: Property us a whole ur in separate parccls at public auctian to thc highest bicidrr for cash �+nd convey _,_'
<br /> ;i`' absolute title free and clear of aU right, title and interes�ot Grantor at such time and placc as Trustec designates. .��,^u`�
<br /> �� � Truslee shall givc notiee c�f s�le including the time,terms and place of sale and a description c�f thc property to be sold ,-__
<br /> �,�� as rcquind by thc applical�lc law in effect at the time of the proposed salc. `•`�
<br /> ��'�,�,;
<br /> ,; Upon salc of thc propc»y and Yo thc ezlent not prohibitcd by law,Trustec shall makc and dclivcr a decd to the Property , __
<br /> �:: � sold�vhich convcys absolutc iitic to tt�c purchascr,and zftcr first paying all fccs,chargcs andcosts,shall psy to Lr.nder all �_`—
<br /> ,� � moneys advanced ior repairs,taxes,insurance, liens, assessments and prior encumbrana:s and interest thereon,and thc �'=_
<br /> prinripal�nd interest on the Secured Debt,paying the surplus,if any,to Grantor. C,endermay�urchase the Property. ��--
<br /> 1'he recitals in an��deed of conveyance shall be prima facie evidenee of the�acts set forth therein. , •`?�:_'
<br /> All remedics are distinct, cumulative and not cxclusive, and the Lender is entitled to all remedies pravidcd at law or --�
<br /> t�, equity,whcther or not expressl��set fonh.The acceptunce by Lender�f�r�y sum in payment or parti�l paymcnt on the �!`-�
<br /> !.•� Secured Debt after the balanec is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are rled shall not constitute n �`-..`�
<br /> waiver of L.c:ndcr's right to requirc complctc cure of any cxisting dcfault. By not cxercising any remedy on GranzoT s ��,..
<br /> � '' • default.Lender does not waive Lender's right to laterconsider the event a default if it coniinues or happen�:�gain. ��?:'°-
<br /> , �..,_
<br /> �• prohibited by law.Grantora�rees to pay all of Lender'sexpenses if Granror breaches any covenant in this Security _
<br /> •� �: r tu�i�umcnt.Grantor will also pay on dernand any amoa.ent incurred by Lender for insuring, inspecting,preserving or ___
<br /> �; athenvise protecting the Praperty and L.ender's security in�erest.These expenses will bear interest from the date of
<br /> ��;: � the payment until paid in(ul l at the highest interest rate in effect as provided in the terms of the Secured Debt.
<br /> � � C;rantor agrecs to pay aii costs and c:xpenscs incurrcu l�y u:nJc:i t�i coiii:ciit�g,Ci�f."3TtiiS�"vi f,i�2C�i�r,g L..:t3�:�S t1bf11S -'
<br /> ���! 4
<br /> :�: and remedies under this Security Instrument.This amount may include, but is not limited to, attorneys' ees,court _
<br /> ;�. � costs,and othcr Iegal expenses.This Security instrumemt shall remain in cffect until relcascd.Grantor agrecs to pay _!
<br /> �. for any recordation costs o(surh relcase.
<br /> i'i,, 17. ENdARONMENTAL LAtiYS AND H�ZARDOLIS SUI3STANCES.As uscd in this seciion,(1)Environmcntal Law
<br /> - '} means,without limitation.the Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensation and Liability Act(CERCLA,
<br /> r:
<br /> ;; 42 U.S.C. 9601 ct seq.), and all ott�er fedcral,state and local laws, regulations, ordinances,court orders, attorney
<br /> � �f , general opinions or interpretice le8ters concerning the public heulth,safety, welfare, environment or a hazardous
<br /> � s�ebstance; nnd (2) Hazardous Substance means any twxic,radioactiv� or har.ardaus material,waste,pollutant or
<br />'' ''' ' coi►taminant which has characteristia which render th�substance dangerous or potentially dangerous to the puUlic
<br />_ '%�' ' hcaltii,sufcty,welfarc or cnvironmr:nt.The tcrm includes, without limitation,any substances defincd as"hazardous
<br /> : �?;. matcrial;'"toxic substances;' "harardous+vastc"or"ha-r.�rdous substance"under any Environmentnl Law.
<br /> ��_•r f L�.,,: .
<br />��y;�•F� •• Grantor represents,aarrants and a�rces that:
<br /> f��'t'�': ""k � A. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to L.ender,no Hazardous Substance is or will be
<br /> 'F!'."''��?'" located, storcd or rcleascd on or in the �'roperry. This restriction does not app ly to sma l l quantities of
<br /> '�� ��'' Ha•r,ardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate for the normal use 1nd maintenance of
<br />_•' '�� the Properiy.
<br /> -_— '+;,
<br /> B. Except;is previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to I.ender.Grantor and every tenant have been,ure,
<br /> "•.ti ����'. and shall remain in(ull compliance with any applicable Environmental Law. --
<br /> ° "'4;r;;,. • C Graniur shall immediately notify L.cnder if a rclease or threatened release of a Ha�ardous Substance occurs on,
<br /> -`�'�"�':`•" ` under or ahout th�.Pro ert or ttierc is a violation of an Environmental Law concerning the Property.ln such
<br /> ,_ .,ir��... P Y Y.
<br /> . ••'� • • an event,Grantnr shall take all necessary remedial action m accordance with any Environmental Law. �
<br />-° � ,>�.. <,
<br /> � � D. Granror shall immediately notify Lendcr in wri�ing as soon as Grantor has rcason to belicvc thcre is any
<br /> `�� � � pending or thrcatcned investigation,claim, or pracecding relating to the release or threatened release of any — _
<br /> �. Hafardous 5ubstana or thc violation of any Environmcntal 1_aw. [�,_
<br />-. `- °' 18. CQNDEMNATION.Grantor will givc Lcndcr prompt nvticc of any pending�r thrcatencd actio�i,by private or =
<br /> ' S' public entities to purchase or take anf� or all of the Property through mndemnation, cmincnt domain,or any other t:_�.
<br /> i : means. Grantor authori•r.es Lender to intcrvenc in Grantoa�'s namc in any of the above describcd actions or claims. �,_�_;-.
<br /> � Grantor assigns to Lender tlte pra;eeds of any award or cfaim for damages connected �rith a condemnation or other
<br /> taF:ing of all or any part of the �opc:rty. Such procecds shall be considcred payments�ndwill bc applicd as providcd in
<br /> , t�is Sccurity lnstrument. This assignment uf procecds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage,derd of trust.
<br /> ; , . security agrecment or otherlic:n document. '
<br /> 19. INSURANCE. Grantor shall kce�Property insurcd against loss by firc,flood, thcft and othcr har.ards and risks •
<br /> n rcasonably associated�vit h th�Propeny c�uc to its typc and locatian.This insurancc shal l Ix maintained in thc amounts
<br /> ��� and for the periods that Lendcr requires.The insurance carrier providing thc insurancc shall be chc�srn by Grantor
<br /> _, ____, , _._ subicct to Lcndcr's approval.�vhich shall not hc unrca�onably withhcld,lf Grantor fails to maintain thc covcragc
<br /> - - -- --- -
<br /> dcscrihcd abovc,I.ender may.at L�ndcr's option, vblainmvcragc to protcct Lcnd�r's nghts m thc Property according -
<br /> to thc tcrms of this Security Instrumen�. �
<br /> All insurancc policics and rencwals shal I hc acccptablc to Lrndcr and shall includc a st andard"mortgagc clausc".md,
<br /> ' when �►pplicablc,"loss payc�clause:'Crantor shall immcdiatcly notify Lcndcr of canccltation or tcrmination of thc:
<br /> insur�mce. l.ender shall hm•c thc right tc�hold the policicsttnd rencwals. If l.endcr rcyuims, Grantor shall immcdiately
<br /> _ give to Lcnder all rccciptsof paiJ�remiums and renev�•al noticrs.Upon loss,Grantor shall�;ivc immediate notice to
<br /> " thc insuranrc carcirr and I.cndcr.Lcnd�r m�y makc proof of loss if nut madc immcdiatcl}•hy Grantor.
<br /> .�, � . (pd9e 3 0l 4)
<br />� 01qJf BankCn Syslems.lne.SI Clad.M�I1�-E70bJ�1.YJ/11 Fo�nRE-DT.RE 8/Rr9� �
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