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� : <br /> ;.� . <br /> . ' ' � .. <br /> - :'°!'��' .. .. ._ �t 1 �f���' <br /> -. .. <br /> . .. ,,, . . . . ., <br /> .� <br /> r���..,, -� .. .. ....... . _. .._. _- . . .. . .. .. ... ._ ... .. ..._..,_'� - <br /> . <br /> , � ,, �..., <br /> �,. .,,. <br /> , . . .i� <br /> , , <br /> • ... . .,�� . <br /> • <br /> .. .................. ........ .. ... .. .. .. _..•t ;, <br /> , 1 _.._ �-:: <br /> .. �a - <br /> . �: <br /> 9?-� �,0�� -- <br /> l�. All Cuturd advancrti fram l.cmlcr tu t.�r,n�tor iir ulhur fulurc ut,hg;iliunti uf t;rantur tu�lcr un�lcr:iny prumi.sury <br /> nutc,cuntract,gui►raniy,or utEu:r evidcncc ui dt�bt cxccutwd hy (irmtur in favur u!' l.cndcr cxrcutcd u(tcr this <br /> tiecurity Instrum�nt whi:thur ur nut ihi�: Sccunly htsU�umcm i+sp�:cifically rofcrcncrd. 11 niurc thi►n onc {���rson <br /> signs this Sccurity instrumant,c��r.h Cirantur a�;rccs ihial this Srcurily In�;�rumcm will�ccurc all fu�urc ndv;inccs and <br /> (uturc obligi�liuns tht�t arr, �:ivcn tu or incurrcd hy any onc ur nturc (irant��r, or �my unc ur u�urc�ir�ntur and <br /> • • othen.All futurc udvanccs��nd cstl��rfuture ut�lig:itium arc�ccuir�l hy this Sccurity Instruntcnt cvcn thauF;h all or '„ <br /> part m�i}•nut ��et he,�dv,ini�ed All fri�ur�•;id.�;jnre�ami ntl�rr futurc•�,h!i�;,iti�+n,.:rc�rrurcii;i,i(mtidu nn�he d;itc <br /> • �=t c�f this Sccurily Instrum�rnt. Nottiin�;in tiiis tircuriq�M�tnunrnt�hfill cunstitutc u cun:mihncnt i��m:►kc additional <br /> � � or futurc lnans or advnni:cs in any arnount.Any c����h cummiUnrm mu,t hc af:rrrd lu in a x:parutti�vritin�;. <br /> . '��;�', G All ubli�ations Grantar��ves to I..i:nJer,�vhich mt�p latrr arisc,tu tl�c cxtcnt nuc��,ruhihited hy I�nv,including,hut <br /> " not limited to,liEihilities fur uvcrdrafts rclntin�; dcpcnit.�ccount agrcrmcnt bctwccn Grantc�r imd l.�ndcr. �- <br /> ,` <br /> � U. All additionc►I sums ad���nccd and expcnscs incurrc:d hy Lcnd�:r fur insuring,prescrvin�;or othrnvise protcctinF <br /> thc Property nnd its.�nluc�nd any othcr sums t�dvanced and rxpc:nscs incurrcd by lxndcr undcr thc tcrms of = <br /> � this Sccuriry Instrumunt. ` • <br /> This Sccurity Instrument�vill not securc any othcr debt if I.cndcr fails tn givc any rcyuircd nulic�uf thu right of resrission. �`?- <br /> ` S. PAYMENIS. Grantor Agrces t{int all paymcnts undcr thc Securcd I)ebt will bc paid when duc and in aceordancc �" <br /> with thc tcrms of thc Sccurr.�d Dcbt and thisSccurity In�trument. '_ <br /> ,q 6. WARRANTY OF TITL�.Grantor���nrrants tlmt Gr��ntor is or�vill bc Iti�vfully of thc cstatc cunvcycd by this ��''- <br /> , Sccurity Instrument and hns t6ie right to irrevocaMy�rant, comey, and seil the Property lo Trustec, in trust, �vith � <br /> � power of s�le.Grant�r alsn•�vs�rrants that the Propert}•is tmencumbered,+:xcept for encumbrnnces of reeord. -- <br /> ;� 7. PRIOR SE�UltTI'Y IIVTEYB�RTS.With rcgnrd�o an��othcr m�rtgage.,drrd c�f trusl,sccuriry agreemcnt or other licn �=� <br /> - � {• document that created a p�ior security interest ar encumbrancc on the Aroperty,Graintor agrecs: <br /> A. To makc all paymcut:;when duc:and to perfomi or comply with all mvcnants. �� <br /> ;�t• B. To promptly deliver to Lender any notices that Grantor receiaes from thc holder. — <br /> C. Not to allo�v any m�tditication or extcnsion of,nc�r to requcst any future advances ureder anp notc or agrcement �'"- <br /> secured by the lien dc�cument without L,ender's prior writtcn consent. �- <br /> �� R. CLAIhfS AGAINST TITLE. Grantor will pay aU tnxes,�ssessments, licns,encumbrancti:s,Iease payments,ground _-= <br /> � r e n t s,u t i l i t i cs,a n d o�hcr char ges rclatin g tothc:Fro�e r ty w h e n d u c.l.e n d e r m ay r cq u i r e G ra n t o r t o p rov i d e t o I..c nder -_ <br /> ` capies of aU notices that such amounts are due and th$receipts evide�icing G►��^!o.*'��ayment.Grantor will defend <br /> '�" � title eo the Property agninst any cluims that woulJ impair the licn of this Security lnstrument.Grantor agrees to assign — <br /> � _ p, to Lcnder, as requested by L,ender,arny r.ghts,clairas or defensti:s Gian�or may have against partics who supply labor — <br />" �., or matcritds to main�tain or improve the P'roperty. <br /> " '��-�� � '' 9. LUE ON SALE OR CNCU141�RAN�C.Lender may,at its option,dcclare the entire balance nf thc Secured Debt to <br /> :;.�!•�l;t;',, - <br /> ;�';_�{�� be immediately due and payr�ble upon the crcation of,or contract!or thc creation of,any licn,cncumbrancc,transfer <br /> • or salc of the Property.This right is subject to thc restrictions impased by fcderal latv(12 C.F.R.59l). as appl'scable. <br /> .. Thls covec�ant shall run wit{� the Pro�erty and shall remnin in effect until the Secured Debt is paid in full and th8s <br /> `_ Securitv lu►strumcnt is releiised. <br /> _'� 10. PROPEItTY CONDITI�Idf,ALTERAT[ONS AND INSPGCTION.Grantor will keep the Property in goocl <br />=T;,.�._. , .: <br />_�. �, , condition and make all r��p�irs th;tt are reasonahly necessary. Gr.�ntor shall not commit or allu���any wastc, <br /> �_,_ ., impairment,or deterioration of thc Property.Gr:�ntor will kcep tl�e Prop�e�riy frcc of noxious wecds and grasses. <br />:,„ •�� Grantor agrecs that thc ntnure of the occupancy and usc will not substantially changc without Lcndcr's prior wrincn - <br />'9ati..-. ..:.. �'' consent.Grantor will not�ncrenit any change in any lice:nse,restrictive covenant or easement �vithout Lender's prior <br />�j��"�.;;;.,•.,,.,, , written consent.Grantor will n�tify Lender of all demandti,proccedings,claims,and actions against Grantor,and of <br />=`�� _�•'� '' any loss or dumagc to the Yrc�peny. <br /> 3=�;.�:��-- <br />���,:.��"` � i.cnder or Lender's agents may, at [...:ndcr's optiiin,entcr the Properry at nny rcasonablc time for the purposc of - <br /> _ �t�'w'�'` ins ectin thc Pro ert Lender shnll �n� Gra�tor noticc at the timc of or beforc an ins cction s ccif �n a <br />�-���Y;,;r.�s • P P P Y• b�" P P Y� �' -- <br />��:''`".' � '�� rcasonable purpose for tha inspection, Any inspettion of the Property shall be entirely for [.e�der's benefit anr] <br /> �' {r Grantor�vill in no wa rel on Lcndcr's ins ection. <br />��¢::�:,:-::;.. ; •: Y Y P - <br /> ��,;'� } Il. AUTHORITY TO PENFOQiMI. If Granior taiis to prrforr� any duty or any ot'the covrnants contained in this �_ <br /> ��"��'`" -�°� ', ' Sccurity Instrument,Lendcr may,without noticc,�:.�rfurm or cause them to�c performed.Cirantor a�points I.endcr <br /> '�-�,'c�. ' = <br /> - ��1�.a�:.:"� as attamey in fact to sign Grantor's naane or pay any amount ne�cssary for performancc.Lendcr's rigM to pertorm for = <br /> °'u��F` �� Grantor shall not create an obli�±.stic�m to perfotm. and I_ender's failure to perform will not preclude Lender from ' <br /> '_�� J cxcrcising any ot Lc:ndcr's otlier riFhes undcr t hc law or this Ssrcurity Instrument.If any co�struction on the Property is � <br />— -'"`x'`" `:- ` discontinued or not carr�ed on in a reasonahle manner, 1_endcr may take a11 steps necessury to protect Lender's � <br /> "'."'3;'�,,.:,• �,- <br /> - security interest in the Praperty,including complete��n of the construction. <br /> =,�:.=;;�. , .. �.- <br />-� ,���•' Il3. flSSIGNMENTOI'LCA4IFS AN�RGNTS. Grantut irrevocably gran�s,m�vcys and sells to Trustce, in irust for the �:.� <br /> '"'''�' bcne�i of L,cndcr,as sccurity all ihc right,titic and inlcrest in u»J i������y auJ all cxisting or 9'uturc lcascs. <br /> subleases, and any other written or verh�l agreements for thc use and occupancy of any portion oC the Property, <br /> includin�any extensions,renewals,modiCcaiicros or substitutions of such agreements(all rcferred te�as°Leases")and , <br /> ° rents, issucs and profits (;tll refcrred to as°Ren:s"). Grantor will promptly providc Lendcr with tra�c and corrcct <br /> --='�� 5 copies of all existing and futui�:[.cuses.Grantor r,;�y mllect,reccivc,cnjoy and usc the Rents so lon�as�rantor is not <br /> _ �' `� � <br /> �:.j.;,.,;'•• in default under the terms cf this Secariry Listrumeni. <br /> , " Grantor acknowledges Ihal this assignmern is perfected upon the ncording of this Decd of Trust and that Lender is <br /> � entiUcd to notify any of Ctranlnr's tcn�nts to makc payment of Rcnt� duc or to bccomc duc to I.cndcr. Howcver, <br /> . C.cndcr agrecs that only ort tt�eltiult'�vill L�:nder notifp(',rantor and Grantor's tcnants and make dcmand that all fuwre <br /> , •"- Rcnts be paid directly�to Lendcr. On recciving nnsice of default. Grantor wiU endorse and deliver to Lender any <br /> paymcnt of Runts in Grantor's puucs.sion anci will reccivc any Rcnts in tru�t fc�r Lcndcr and will not comminglc thc <br /> - - — ltcnts�cnh any othcr tunds. Any amuunts collcctcd�ti•ill hr applira ati providrd in this Sccurity Instrumcnt.Grantor - <br /> , warrants that no defuuh existh under the Lcav�s ur any applicablc landlurd/tcnant law.Grantor��Iso agrres to maintain • <br /> , �• �md reyuir�any tcnant to comply with thc tcrms uf the Lcascs;�nd;�pplirablc law. <br /> 13. LEASEHOLDS;C(DND0111[NIWMS;P[.ANNE� UNIT DCVELOP111ENT�.Ciramor agrccs tc�comply with thc <br /> ' provisions of any Icasc if this Scruriry Instrument is on a Ic.+schuld. If thc f'roocrty includr�a anit in a condominium <br /> ur a planncd unit �evrbpmcnt. C,rxiuunvill Er��furm all c�f Grantor'.r dutics undcr thr co�•cnants,by-laws,or . <br /> ' regulations uf the condoniinium ur pinnnedunit develupmcnt. <br /> 14. UGFAUL7'.Grantur will hc in default if any party ohligat�d un thr ticrurrd Dcht fails to makc p�ymcnt whcn dur. <br />— C;rantor will bc in defuult if a bn:ach occurs und�r thr trrnis oF this ticcurity Instrumcnt or any��thcr ducumcnt , <br /> (page 2 oi a) <br /> " �+ey+e�uensn�m+s.u+e si OouO MN It•EW33).2�11 1'm'e REUT�A'E&[U9f <br /> i <br /> =� .. <br />