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+ .:t;�: ., : �.,, , � <br /> ;i',:.i_ y.�.y��,:. �• . . . <br /> ., "�.`S:'` � „ <br />�i <br /> '91��l7+".."rl';:iQ..:..� , ....�...... _..- ,..- -ti� , . .t._.1rn,�.�,y±... .-�...-. .. . . ' -' _`--'••-...-`--..........•«� . <br /> . <br /> .� ..� ..,:. ,. <br /> �,.., ., ; <br /> ., , .. � ._.:... <br /> ., ... _._ ..-----. __.._._•.._.. <br /> � <br /> � ,.. _. __.. <br /> . .;..:,rN <br /> ___--.-.._.. .....,_._... ..._._ _ . ... ..._ . _ _ , .. <br /> --� �v;: <br /> �v.s <br /> t fri,r.. <br /> 97- 1��A t .�� <br /> :��..: <br /> . Unicss athcrwisc ngrccd in wrilin�,11II II15UYi111CC�ll'IICCL'CIS tillilll I)L` il�l�)�ICII IQ Illl' 1'CS((?i111011 l)f(C�11� (1�lI1C P�Q�IL'f�y � <br /> , or to thc Sccured�cbt,whcthcr or not tlicn duc,at l,cndcr's option.Any applicution o(prcuccds toprinci�std yhall nat <br /> °� extend or pastQ�nc thc duc dntc oF thc schE:dul�dpaymcnt nor chungc thc amount of ctoy paymcnt.Any exccss will hc <br /> ps�id ro thL Gr�mtor. If the Property is acyuired by t,ender, Gm�tor's right to uny insurance polirics nnd�roceeds � <br /> resulting irom dnmagc tc�the Properry hefore the acquisi�ion shall pass to Lcnder w the extem��f ihe Secured Dcht <br /> immediptcly i�cforc thc ncqufs�tlon. <br /> 20. �5�I3�t'J C�Dl�TA7t�5 �'a;VdD�1�15L'lZ.aR:Q;E..Uralcs�s�thcrivisc providcd in a scparatc agrccmc rn,Cirantor wil)not <br /> , , be rcquired to pny tU Lender funds for tnxc�nnd insurnncc in escrow. <br /> �'` 21. FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ADD177[)Nr11.DOCUM�N'I'S.Gruntor will providc to I.endcr upan requcst,any `'` <br /> .�� financial stntemcnt or infarmatian l,cnder mny deem reason�bly necessary. Grantor agrecs to sign,deliver,and filc .1� <br /> `""""''� An additional dacumcnts or ccrtiCcations thal I,ender mA cansidcr nccessa to erfect, continue,and rescrve °' <br /> Y Y rY P I� ��=' <br /> Grantar's obli�ations undcr this Sccurily Instrunicnt nnd Lendcr's licn stutus on thc Property. �'j' <br /> 22. JOIIV'Q'AND iNDIV1UUAL I.IABILITY;CO•SiGNERS;SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS BOUND. All dutics �=-, <br /> ' under this Security Instrument are joint and individual. If Gr:tntor signs this Security Instrument bu►does nat sign un =- <br /> evidence of debt,Grantor docs su anly to mortgage Grantor's interest in the Property to secure payment of thc <br /> , Sccured Debt �nd Grantor docs not abrec to bc personally liable on the Secured Dcbt. If this Sccuriry Instrument - <br /> T secures a guaranty behveen Lender and Grantor,Grantor agrecs to waive any rights that may prcvc��t Lc:ndcr from <br /> " ,, bringing any action or claim against Grantor or any party indebted under the abli�ation.These rights mAy include,bui <br /> . arc not limited ta,any anti-de�ciency or one•action laws.Grantor agrees that L.ender and nny party to this Security <br /> �_ Instrument may extend,modify or makc any chan�c in the terms of this Security Instrument or any cvidenc�of dcbt <br /> � �; without Grantor's consent.Such a changc �vill not relense Grantor from thc tcrms of this Security Instrument.Thc __ <br /> dutics and benefits of this Security Instrument shall bind and beneGt the succcssors and assigns of Grantar and L,ender. -- <br /> 23. APPUCAf1Q�LAW;SEVE�tABILlTY;INT�RPRGTA170N.This Security Instrurn�nt is governed by the laws of = <br /> .. ; r the jurisdiction in which Lender is located,exccpt to the extent othenvise requircd by tha laws of the jurisdiction =° <br /> ' ' where the Property is located.This Security Instrwnent is complete and fully inte�rated.This Securi�y I nstrument may � <br />,, not be amendcd or modified by oral agrecmcnt_ Any section in this Security Instrument,attachments, or any -- <br /> agrcemcnt related to the Secured Dcbt that con0icts with applicable Inw will not be effective,unles.c that law expressly <br />-. or impliedly permits the variations by writt�n a�;recrnent.If any section of this Securiry Instrument cannot be enforced <br /> • according to its temis,that section will bc:severed and will not a(fect the enforceability of the recitainder of this - <br /> , Security Instrument. Whenever used,the singularshnll include thc plw•al and the plural the singular.The captions and <br /> , k headings of the sections of this Security lnstmrnent are for convenience only and are rot to be used to interpret or ` <br />_i .. . a <br /> define the terms of this Security Instrument_Time is of the essence in this Security Instrument. <br /> 24. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Lender, at Lender's optio��,may from timc to time removc Trustce and appoint a <br /> -, �-# successor trustee without any other formelity ttiun the designation in writing.The successor trustee,without <br />�;.. ., conveyance of the Property,shall succeed to all the titEe,power and duties confexred upon Trustee by this Security <br /> � ;•;+�,. �� lnstrument and applicable law. <br />������'• � 25. NOT[CE.Unless othen��ise required by la�v,any notice shall be �iven by delive�ting it or by mailing it by Cust class <br />-�'y�.};-:`,:.1 a ., � <br /> � •.�t;:;. mail ta the appropriatc party's address on page I of this Sccurity Instrument,or to any other address designated in <br />-'�5�'•;?;>y��,�y writing.Notice to one grantor will be deem�d to be not:ce to all grantors. <br />�,`�s:���'%'' ' ZQti WAIVGid9.Exccpt to the extent prohibited by law, Grantor waives all appraisement and homestead exemption rights <br />�„v;=-'�„��,;r+ relating to the Property. <br />�_��^�Y�`�`"` 27. OTHER T'E[tMS.If checkecl,the following are applicnble to this Security Instrument: <br />--�- :\,�N;r� <br />=„:�A..e <br /> ._f(:�: s. . <br />�.;;;_}�:���•;� J($ Line of Credit The Secured Debt includes a revolvin�line of credit provision.Although the Secured Debt <br /> �.�s--•-�•— may be reduced tv a zero balance,tt�is Sccurity instrument will remain in effect until rcicased. <br /> �,,,�-::,,��-� <br />,y�;�Y f� ❑ Conslr.�etion Loan.This Security Instrurnent secures an obligation incurred for the construction of an <br /> improvement on the Property. <br />_ __ "---1'4i-_`_� <br /> -�_;�s�;;,��r ❑ Fltxtur� rlling.Grantor grants to Lender a security interest in all goods that Grantor owns now or in the <br /> -.....;,*i��° <br /> -,t�, future and that are or will become fixtures related to the Property.This Security Instrumont suf6ces as a <br />-�z°'�_�1-� financing statement and any carbon,phorographic or other rcpraduction may bc filsd of reoord for purposes <br /> ...�--•�; <br />�,.a�. of Article 9of tlie Uniform Commercial Codc. --� <br />��+_.>. <br /> ��u�'•^� ❑ Riders. The covenants and asreeznentsof each of the riders checked below are Incorporated into and <br /> �� supplement and amend the terms of this Security Instrument.(Check all applicable boxes] <br />- " �°"� ❑Condominium Rider ❑PlannedUnitlDevelopment Rider ❑Other............................,............................. - <br />_ � <br /> - °F ❑ Additional Temis. <br /> —_���t��--., — <br /> :�""'�',.='_L�;, _ <br />_�._.... . �.. <br /> _ �-. <br />;r: <br /> . � <br /> ;i' i. <br /> ' SIGNATURES:B si nin below,Grantor a rea tothe terms and wvenants contained in this Securit Instrument and in `�''� <br /> ::. �' � 8 8 y ;s_::'. <br /> �: • any attacl�ments.C'xeantor also acknowledges recciptof a copy of this Securiry Instrument on the date SteeEd on page 1. � �, <br /> `=, <br /> _ ,:,.. � - <br /> �y��r�, . ..�.. .t,... .�L�L!%Z�!✓X.........04/i_6/97. ................................�.......,........................04/16/97 � '� <br /> •�� � (siena ro) �dAFRY M •BURRIS I�atc) (si�nnrurc) SANDRA S BURRI S (Dutc) . <br /> _ ACKNOVVLEDGMENT:NEBRASKA <br /> - STATE OF............................................................. .......HALL , I <br /> '• " .� �mama���� ThI�A{��U����1��i[]IAIIQ�J��UI�[l� bG��l���l R� ....OF. . ......APR I'L'......�............�.�9'9'....�. <br /> .day of. <br /> , by ............................................................................... ...,..................................... .._......................................... <br /> .. . .. ... . .... <br /> My cornmission cacpires: /� � / <br /> - �sc��) .. . ....G�. L'.�:�G.�,�a�i..�d�....,...... <br /> - (Notnry WhlicJ <br /> �GENEAAL NOIARY•Slele al NeGr�sk a <br /> KATHLEEN A.SCNLACHIER <br /> My Comm.Fa0.May 21,2000 <br /> „ Ot£9tBan►enSys� ., . .a �1d00�397•2311)FamRE-0T•NE6N9t (pagv4ol4) <br /> ����� � <br /> � <br />