i•� . . _ 7��' ISY'M� ff j�' 1Str.i�f .t� _ _
<br /> yJ . ...i � f� t i'• .-�y rS 7tf� i _ s ' � � . : .—�!'3� .
<br /> . i .
<br /> tht3� - 1 i t �5C . _ ...-._. L e�'Yti� �
<br /> _..... ,�lwsYh.,.e}rvsf`a:e:r'.�...ar.�.:.uf� ..u,u:wuu-.
<br /> � 92.M.�c�s��
<br /> ,: ,,,
<br />..--.�;;i� • • 8pcymt ttry, nx�spd� a drtrult �nd r�lutN►,as {umkNd 7n P�?Mh 18, by uutUp th� acUon a procaJoip to W -.
<br /> - -� d�MuM��ilh a n�Tny th�f,h UndK=qood MMh dMMmNNUn,pr�Wdn faNNw�of the Oarrorn's Nirnt M the Propaty a �
<br /> .-.,� dhN fM1Mh117Q1�1T5M1 ot th�IM(iMIM by ihk UfxeKy h�W�'AM Of LMIdN`s �ecwxy M�xsst. Oarowa:h�Q�to W
<br /> -.'r;,�,�i�� M cM�u118 ilono�w�A��Na lh�Iw�f{+�c+1bn Proo►u�4��v rcatwiwi iW�a NwauiNO 4�fam:Wn a statu7rn;�to L:nd.� ---.__.
<br />.�_.a-; - (a f�1M lo Noi4de Lendw xith�ny mNMY NlarcrNaN i� oorMKtlon wXh th� b�n oHdmced iry the Nofe. tvJUdnp, kut
<br />__,:;i,�� 1101 PMK6{I 10, fq'�[6SIIilAtY,�ili GOfICM1M9 BarowKS oac+g�ncY el the ProMny �s� phd��l ratMlnca H Ws Sk+M.y
<br /> n:; AuMrmnl lr an+�INt►ho1�. t3ortoxw ihd comM/wNh Y th�Mv+Nbni ol th�la7ti B 6arown�Wa'n Ia tliN lo th� __,.
<br /> .r, � Prop�+ry,the Ituel�Wd and the 1N tltle thM not nwps unkss twnda�pe►s lo the merpw N wdthp
<br /> ,f i'�� 7. Pro1�Cllon ot Iwnd�r's RIpMs In th�Ptop�Hy.N 6aroxw uk to pMam the cor�fls�nd�prNrnrols ':°
<br /> i�-i.g� eon�Ned M lhFS Sewdry Lnln'mml. a thne Is a Iey�N proeMdrq 1Nt rn�y sgnN:rr"/allect Lender's eiphts N N�P�opry �� —�--.- _
<br /> _:...,,.;.�„ (su:h es a(�oxecfnD h h*^�nMtry.protwtr,fu condermatlm a fixl+iluro a to miaa Awe a r�pWaaUOny, ihen L�ndx rr�Y + ra,�.
<br /> dc anc��.y�N.w�ar..�.n.r.�uy�n�.ma.y th:��ua d Ma t4oavC�u:a L�nder's Ac��te M uh RMxM. lm'.Wa actl.v�i -- -.-.
<br /> i�� raY Ndud�MYti'�0�nY o�xnt aeauW bi'+� im whkh Ms {�iqily OYN 1hIS SOWfky N54YfMM� s�wYi9 In aat� MW�O � - — .
<br /> reua��bb ettamtys'IDef Md tnlaNp on Il�e 1'rapefry lo mtice�ap►ts.l�Rhou9h I.endtt mey Wca acibn unda itds�ruaprPh , �,
<br /> }�r 7,lMt{M dDlS 001 11�Yi 10 d0 E0. �+�e� � -f
<br /> �-��ry Nry amWnt� dabuned by Landtr and:r pwr�prMli 7 shK bewme �ddM+n�l dD61 0l Bortoxw aewred dy Ihls ���� _. __
<br /> rty��+ Sswdry InsWm�nL Unbse Dortawtr rnd 4mdtt aprae to olhv tums ol p►ymmt,thne a.+wunts ch�E t�ov Intaasl Irom n ,�
<br /> � ihe dtle ot dsb�roetne+it al the NOIe mlo md ehH be(wynWe,�rNh litarosf,upon notlee irom Londw lo�ortaxx requesthg p c � _r
<br /> _�}�`�f f MYMOt'l. P}r i''�_^
<br /> ,���� 8� 1Aortg�g�Ineuranau.11�Md6P(0�',IYOd 01MIQ19!@16Uff��GD es a wa�i�on 01 IM�O 111D I�YI ECdItOd hy IhiS � n - ��
<br /> 8ew�iry Inawmenl,bonowa sh�t pq 1he prarrJums rcquYed to m�Nl��he morty�po hau:�nce t�u7tocl N,fa�ny�e�son,Ihe �,t D �y�� .
<br />' � �- 1 muty�9e Insuru'u cova�ge requYCd 6y Lmda Mpees w cases to bo 1.�ottan, Oortaxor sh�[p�y the premlums requted lo � � 7;•,
<br /> ������ obuh corteage auYSlm11�P/equHAlait lo ih�matp�0e Hsumce Me�ou¢y In Mloct, et a cosl subst�nl'ry tqukilent lo Ihe �`�,r=_
<br /> zj tf; cost to flortowa oi the mwip�yr Nauma pevbusy N�Il�ct. horo an�:om�te mwlg�ge Msurd �roved by Lender. If �4 z f , ,,,,�'
<br /> z � :� subsluitl�y equkYml malqpe Msuma eor�npe 1s not iv�i�bie, Oottowd sh�!pny to Lendtt eseh n»nth a sum equu lo r�,�i���4 t9 --
<br /> --- ono-rvrdAh uf the yery matWg�Insunnce pruyurn ba`�9 pyd by Uarowar whui tho hsuruwo covcraye bpsttl or casM lo �.,
<br /> }��' 6e M ellecl. Lentler wi acupl. use�nd reUN Ihese y�ymer.ls�s a loss reserve In lieu ol malgape Asuruiee. Loss resave ��z r��,� s .
<br /> ">� � -' paymenia riuy no bnya M tequYed,at Ihe opdon oi ltada.B matpr9a Nsuru�ce coren9e (n the ermunt and lo�the Perbd r ��'�i1i�� -
<br /> �r�--_-•; thix lmda roq�Ya)provided by an Insurn �pprovM 6y Lender �g�N bemmes evaY�bie and is otrleMcd Qorcowa�ehel pey �j ¢l�crt�
<br /> '5;,, Ne prcsr3uns tequYed la m►NWn matga9e hsuri�es h elfed. a lo provlda e bu�atrve.ur.W ihe�equYmxnl la matg�9e i���1+�+�«?
<br />� �"�ii It Snsurar.M xds M�tee7Gnce wilh anY vrnden egretmml belween Oonowu end Lender or appitebio�nw. ��`�LS��;1:,::�
<br /> . �l � . g, p,+ys��p11,Ler,da or Ns apenl r.wy m�ke re�sonyk mitles upon end hspcUbns ol tho Propaly. Lmder sh�N gire j,��h ;
<br /> � �ti'� 9ortanar naYU al the Iima ol a pAOr to m Nspecllon speciyNg ruscn�bie uuse tor the hspeUlon. �,`��1;� fz�'_
<br /> �� � ��;, 70. CRmd�mnMlon.The prcceeds ol any�wud«Wim for demepos, &ecl or consequenurJ,N wnneaion wr.h�ny {�y�}.x ti,:
<br /> � co�S.in'.a^m or olh:r ta:cng ot any psrt c�lhe PropMy, a fa eonveynnee h feu ot condemu9on, ue here6y uslqned end � s '+� _
<br /> t�"j�4�K, ah�S!e piR 9a LenCer. ! Si.� �
<br /> „tJ1Ey�jy:� !s Y1r wmt�M a 1�ta1 le)e4i0 ot the Nopary, the proceeds sN1 be applied lo Ihe euns securad by ih!s 6eaxtf n r-��f.�C� --
<br /> Inswm2rt:.whelha cr not�hen due, w�h�nY��s pW to 8ortowa. In Ihe eveM ot a Wt�l tnk'ng o1 tRa�dse+Tj � �yttiF';!�;;t�::;'._'_
<br /> ��'�^�(. which (ha�hk mvket Yo'.uc e!1he FtcFaty immedrlety bNae lhe t�ldng Is equrl m a gata ihm the atx.�um c: i^a sums Ay� :. � -�
<br /> ����'r)( securM by thls 6ewi0y hi�wmdit Ircmed�ley bNore the Wdng,un!ess 8ortowa n�d tendtt o:hewisx ag:ca fr.wrlCNg, Ihe t , },,��i � �:-
<br /> 4t�jll�! sums aea:rcd Dy Ihis Secu:�.y Instn�r±a�a s1uA 6e tc4uced by Iha emouni of the prtteeds mu:;fird 6y the to77c..hg haelbn: fit�}.�-:#�
<br /> J..-.(47?:i (Q t6o to�i unounl 01 lho sums se:�roS Mmedatc+y 6efore lho lekini•��6y N)�he tak nnA�:l rAue o�lhe Propem ��� s 5�1? -
<br /> !I�N:� Mmedalzy 4siae the leYhg.My Wlsnco shaY be pdd lo Donowcr. ti tha erml af�puUul .W.�ing ol Ne Propary N wkGi -1 - -° �
<br /> il,� tha ASr rrarkcl velue ot 1M Propnry NrvneQek�'bNae Ihe lakJnp Is hss Ihen 1"�a.*cunl ol iho 61)fM15 6Cdlftd MNiIlt�i9:lA/ if � i �
<br /> eQe
<br /> - - , � �� beloro the laldng, un}zss £ottowa end Lmda othervASe egree In x+irin� o: �nloss �ppYable kw oNmvise proWdes, the ---;i �� ��
<br /> - 7��� prouetls ah�1 be ep;ACd�o the aums secured by this Sea;My InsWmml whe�ha a nN Ihe sums�ro lhen tlus � - ��, i '
<br /> }f� II the Property is�bendoned by Dortowtt, or N, dter nolke by Lmder lo Datowa thot the wndamor oCers�o m�ke an --_,� ,' '
<br /> ��I�E��;� ewud or seN.e � d�kn tor der�uges, Oortown luls to respond ro Lendx xi:hN 30 days aAa the dHe 1he no9ce Is gFrm, ���- ,��
<br />-�-„�+4�t' Lmda Is amAOAzed lo sctlecl end eppy the proceMs, et tts opUCn, edEtt to restaalion or repW ol 4�e Propaty or lo ._1: :;__ !,:;
<br /> --�/�Y1����! lho sums aew�ed try ths Sewriry�nsWmenl,whMhtt or not then dun. ��- '
<br /> y �'--?t. Unless Lcn� er-U Fl:nowtt olhmAse agrce in mi•,ng, eny e{y.licWon n'ar;�ttds lo pdndpil aha9 nol exlmd or t'tr �7� �
<br /> �- �r postpone 1he due dNe o7 ita momhy paymenls rMarM to N para�;hs 1 end 2 or ch�nga the amount ol such qynents. �la µ �
<br /> j; 71.flonowa Not Reia�sed; �orbe�renea By Leri'ar Not a Walver.�tension oi me ume�or paymem« �-. , h;:-
<br /> ��� , .�
<br /> �t y�.j y modlceYO�ot emorUt�Um o�tho s�ma eepueJ by th:s :ttu�ilY'.as�urtcnl grented by Lenda te any suecessor N Inittesl - },�. .
<br /> v� ��� o�borttixer OEd nol o�x�:e to rdeaso Ihe iabGry of Ihe ttkJnal Do�roner a 6onowtl's successors h blttesl. lmder shz'.I -y_��
<br /> �"q��ryX�f not be requ5ed lo armenu procee<b'n8s egainsl a:.y successw In h!c�est or retuae Io exlend Cme iw p�ymmt or olhmAse iY'' ''�`
<br /> ti mod amottluUOn W ihr cums seared by this Sewriy Insinnx+it by �ens�n M er,y Jemand mede by tho o�Ipinal
<br /> ,�h;-�i{�� Barowq p tlortowH'a s�aassore h Nlttesl. My lo�6earenoe by Lmda in crercis"r.3 any Aght or remedy shet nol be a
<br /> e 'tij wshcr o:ci predudo tho arerGSe ol nny righl or«medy. � - �"
<br /> ;- i� 7�. 'aucuaaors and Aast�na 8ound; JoMt an�i �ove�at Llebillly, Cn-s,c�nera.ma corments ama -= ,, �__
<br /> i`�-����;� agccmenn d I6b SewrAy InsWmcnl shaA L�d end 6cnetl�he successors aid a:slSr.s of Ler.hr nnd Benowa,su6Jec1 to lhe ' r
<br /> ,��-S+�,�:1 porUkns ol D�regr�ph�7. 6orrowa's eovenants a�a ogreemrnls shn,9 be�oin�ond�waal. My Oorcoxer who eo�signs Ihls �)a�' � _
<br /> -� � �'� (kwiay Inswmml bul Cors nm ceecute tho Noir. (at Is co-signing this Seatlty Inalnrnm�onf�lo mortga9e,yraK and eonrey �ti� -y . , ':
<br />-^!"+'x••��.!F thnt Dancwtt's Mtttesl ln the Prope�ty unda Iho �mr,s of Ihis Sewr.ry InsWmmf: @)Is nof persana?�eFli�ted to pay�ho
<br /> �` �"'� - suma u�:e.rtd by ihis Secud.y Ins.rn:e�:: end(c)egrces Ihat LtrCg and any othtt Dortowtr r.ny z;:eo to erimd,mod..y. �-'. -�%� .
<br /> %f.�i'�; Ie�iea-o•rreke eny accommodatlons wY.r�xr,erd lo the lems ol nis 3xuriry Inswmal or the tTOte rE��cut Ihat Oottowttb n���`��
<br />- 'S s,St.'�� ccnsCi.t. ' F:
<br /> '��! .)- 73. LOxn Ch�rE;eB• tl tho loan sea�etl by!+�s Secu+��Ins:rtrcenl is subJed lo a kw wh<h sels :-xzirnm Iwn '.� `.
<br /> �';�r�' ���� , .
<br /> . N��+�. char9e3.er.0 fUt a�. ;s`raPy inleryreted so ihal 1^e"n:erest o: o��tt kan char9es co7ected er lo be tcl:ec:ad'c eonnedicn � �
<br />- ' it�'�t
<br /> with the'aaa eviceetl l:z jmnhled GmAS.Ihm: (o)any aucn:car cha�5e sha7 be retluced by ihe amounl necessay fo red:ce '�
<br /> ' the crn-;r to ��o Fe�nn:[d fmY; ar.d {C) er.y sums nkecC�cvtec:_� from Oonown whiM �xcmCed D����+1 fimlfs�.1: �� - - --
<br /> ' be ra�:rz=e to Uonwar Leader may cnwse lo make �his�xu.-_ c- reduUng the prindpai cned cr.dtt Ihe hom er : { . '
<br /> ,J making a 8rec1 payrrcr:U Oortower. II o reF�nd�eb�ces prhn,^a.. Ihe reduNOn xil be Uealed es e pa�:a: prepayrr.ent ,
<br /> m`.hou1 fny prepaymMC:'a:ge undn lhe Note-
<br /> ���9 14. NOtICOS.My r.ollce Io Bortowi�Dro.Nxd icr In Ihrs Secur.,y Inswmmi sMl be ghen by EeCrrrcx:r Ey mai!Eng il
<br />. -�� try frsl dass me�uaiess opD���E•e lari rcquYes use of ono:hx me:hod. Tha no'tce iha9 be Gitc:ed w 1he Rcpary Add�eas
<br /> '- �� or a,y�nn eddress Oonower desrates by notice to I.MACI. MY lIOJL2 l0 LCl1Ett ShdZ Ec �:1(o by fusl dass mai to
<br /> - '..�.`� Lcr.ders xddress sWIM hadn a a+y othcr eddress Lmdcr designates 6y nofa to Dorto-xn :.-y no9eo p:mided 1u in
<br /> this Se�urit/Insbummt shal 6e deemM lo have bcen 9hm to flortmrn or Le+idM whm ghen as provided N IhL•pa;egraph.
<br /> � 15. 6overning l.aw; SBYOfeblllly.ihis Security�nsL�mmt ShaA bc govemeJ by lederel �w nnd lhe law oi Iho
<br /> �urfSU�eTr�n h whV.h N< Propc*N�s lomled. In Ihe cvtnt Ihel eny prorisbn a dauso ol INS Seai.y InsWrnmi or lho
<br />� . '��-�;r� Nois ur.`++.is xiT a�.s�as�e�a...suuti con.Ki sha7 not a.".ecl othtt prortsions of Nh Sec��t�InsWnm! or�he Note wCtch
<br /> -; eoa M yven o:ec1 w?�hcut tte sc�Sai�9 proNSion. To Ihls mtl the D�ovisbns ol thly Secw:i NsWmmt ond the Noio ara
<br /> deW xa M Ee seruablo.
<br />: "`;;�;}}; 16. BOffoWB�'4 Copy.fiarto-nu sMi ne yr.m one con7ormed copy of 1he No:e and U ws Scw:�Iryo�menf.
<br /> ;�„
<br />�.-'q{4::,(.' r i I /
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<br /> -:l.p`��� ff]f6U10110.3q >a'!)c�5 , �
<br /> ,�,��_.
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<br />