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�= `. _ -`f} f� �C.� ' r_ ._. �.��r . y}fq ��f :� x.. ,yf'r� f '_.. <br /> �ql�_ J _r il F��:�{0 t�c ; i . -. - Sp fl�.ot45a�uY�i(S �l.rff+.T3 .� �A.._ss�� +'� {' . <br /> r <br /> . �..��al.�V.`'- 4.}.1..'..1..G(w1)_vf.a�.'Wr.rl},`t�itiflna�_.�......F�(.w 1-�'GtLLil'3.$13k102b61JJRi(Y11{S.IU�. _ ...-- ,•: _ '_v . . <br /> �s. ' ; 9�-�-��.�a����� <br /> '��%�t�':�'`� � 17.7rsnthr qF th�Propaty ot a 9ensflolMi InUn�! tn 8orro+wr.H M a�ny Mut o� me rroneny a <br /> 3�..:e=:n �. <br />-.L���*;.','�j;�f,j�b eny Nlaeq N R It fold a ttinlMntd(a H�UenMCMI htaresl N 6aroww k�oW a V�nurrk�nd Borrox•n Is nol e n�tunJ <br />='== ` . pmton)vM.hovi l�ndet't prbt nrAlxi cm+m6 Lenddr rnrypt Ms optloa,nqAn WmvJ+te p�ymml N NI ot tl wma��cwW 6y _ . . _. .... . . <br />'�:^:��F�6F�_�, ihli SlWrit�106WMM1.HON'Mt4 thq optlon sh�t nol 6e exad�ed by laiMr M �xvcA�Is qohibiled 6y IdwY Mw u o!tha ..__. . <br />�-'�iry.��',+- d�le ot lhi�36w�Ny Intlnxn�nt. <br /> �l«r1'%`��' ' II Lmder cxxd�ct lhit oplbn, Lmdv ah�i p`re 8onowx noNU of�coNar�UOn. 7he notke Nu� p.ovkA a pabd ot <br /> __ x•.-,,;.�: --- <br />_-"- -F•' nol le�s lhen 9D d�yt hoM th�d�U�h�nOtla I�cfeNrrid q rn1W wilhh whlch Borrower musl pY �wms akured by ,F„�- <br /> � ,�b�,�.�s-� �.._. <br /> ' 1 this tiew:Ny InNmmenl.11 Oonmver 1�es to pry thes�sums�xlor lo IY� �pY�l;on of thls palod, Lmder riwy Nvoke my ,�y�a <br /> � �r ��r�=�� rwnatws P�MiW Iry thl�Sxu�NY In�Wm�nl wNhoul furlhx notice a�lrnrnd m 6aro-xw. r^,���3 . <br />-3`Y a.ti.�' 18.�orcowrr's Rlpht to Reinettte.II Oottowu meels ct+t�Y�condilons. Dortowcr ah�7 hcve the rlflhl to h�ve �SYf�c t, ,»r �•�-_ <br /> -`--� eniorcement o1 Ihb EeaxHy InsWmMl dSfAnUnued al�ny t1n�Mle+m the euFa ol: (q 6 days(or aueh olhn petlod ao �-� -"�- �� - <br /> � ::2-'� appte�We ww rMy spedy �or reuismummq ubore eue o� tne aop«ry pun�am to �ny power ol aNe conuneo n mo �,r?;�-c�. .�f�`.: <br /> r�� � �'m��-;� SocurNy Inaltumenk or(b) antry o1 e}�dgmenl mtordng ihis 9ew�y InsNUmen1. Those r.ond�ons ara thst bu-rcwcr. (a) p:�s ,� � �. - , : <br /> � r� � - -' Lender tl aums whkh Ihm woNd be due unJer this Sewrtty InsWmmt and the Note es II no eaden0on lud oceurrM: @) -�S �{. ; �'i - : <br /> t ,t l f+--�- aros any deteull oi any olha covaunl a�9reenitnls; (c) peys a1 eqnnsa Inwaod In mlordng Ihis Sewify InsDVmmt, ��s7h i r, _ <br /> l, St �� NUud�ng, b�l not hri�ed to,rasonWle arianey�'tees; enJ(�tekes such�cGOn es Lendw mey rason�6y«qufro w a�ss•re -ti y 4 r ��nt-. ��� <br />-w:=;'c:`="���-=f;�� Czt Me i^.n c!Ihls Sewrity InsWmenl.Lmdn'e righls h the Propttty and�ortowele obligellon to pq tho sums s.u5ued ..�r_�•�!.:�-'MFt-"-- - <br /> '� _�s�F, ��y by tl+[s ° � Inswmml alui conCnuo unclunyed.Upon rdnsutm�mt by Oortox•a, th!s Sewriry Insw.°mt and the �t,ns'jY 'j-�p;,;;- <br /> - �•-l.�1'� 06 '!�ms securtd here6 ahH rmwN lu MxUre as N no eccNenUOn h�d ocaaeU. Howo�er,lh:s itgSt to r;NnsY.e�sAd �a�;,� � - r���`-- <br /> .e . t� �'m Y N , f �rw,� . : <br /> - F. w;� ncS a;•py N the cese ot�adxa•bn undx pvag�ph 17. �..s' '�•.. <br /> �i �(�'F i`�zX, �` 19. S�I� of Nolr, ��nang� of Lo�n Serviner. ihe Note a� • pw,w tmr�s in ma Noio (teyrther �an ��%;`� a > : ;: <br /> :�. „1�i �e.v5 � <br /> ���;;'.f�i��,� thH&wvriry InsWme�q mry E�a u�t tt�e a rmre timus w°hom prbr notlw to 6ortox�x.A sa�a rray�u:it in a chanpo in Ihe 'i �r�:,t7�:-:ds?,;_.� <br /> r �•-:'� si' . <br /> � �5i�,��,;� mliry (Imown as lhe 'Lo�n Serelx')lhot co6xts moMhy qymmis Ne under the Noto end this Sz:��r.�+j L�.sLVm�t. Thae -i�.��s�� �-.'.��: <br /> "-s e�so mry be one a moro U+rry;ra ol lhe loan SeMca unrWled Io ■wle of Ihe Noto.IINere Ls n cha:�5e o!fbx loon �k{".-- <br /> ��i !�w� °ra.icn,Oortowtt wi be ytien w-r.lm notlu ol the cha�5e In accorMnu wHh parcgaph 34 above end a{p5rab7.a fr.-.. Tha - Qfi.t�,.z.- <br /> z - yra:x#auta the nune and a_ctas oi ihe ne+v Loa�Sev�l�cp md iha addresa lo whizh paymenls should bx r.9z Thn - z � ���H}u�. <br /> �' -i - `N'}.�- nvx w1 also con!eln eny othn hlorme0on teGu'reJ hy apFl�:%lew. �{r�t `-. <br /> � Y <br /> -���^;:�li 20.H7ttaidous SubftMC��.Bortower ahell not eazse a pemti L�e presmce, ws.Hspos�l, starage, o�rNeasa o1 ?� q'' �.� �-�_-, <br /> � �r�ey t;y,� �kluudous Subsf�nus on wY Ihe PropMy. Oortowa P nol Uo, nar e0ow a.yena use lo�tlo, anylhNg aXetTnq the -,.�, �r '��,�ti-_� <br /> AtY r � paty th�t Is in No4Wn o��n EnvironmmW L`w. The rcu�ing hvo sminices sha11 cot to Iha presmox. use. -_.r � � � ..e <br /> � ;,y;, a 9torage on the WopMy oi s:�a1 qwnL'Ja ol Huudous Subsunees lhal ue gmenc:Y exognizM to be approprvv to ; �,�� .,�l�t>4 � <br /> '�+/f 1�;y�;r N:r.II flSidl111111 Y505�11d�O m]!.^.IMNCO 01 lh!P(O�ldty. i � tY' � � , <br /> �' _ -!}�� Borcowx elul prompUy gha Lmder x+ittm nouce ol any hveslig+llon, da4n. �riz.d kwsuil or olha ecl!on by�ny ��_. < <��1- ��- <br /> v � �� yovemmenkl or regu�tay�genty a pM�te puty InrohNg the Propaty and any Heurdous b�bstence or Environmml+l Law of `,,� ,� f�si; -; <br /> � � -,-,'y'�� wnkh Barowa hu uluU h�ox7ed9o. I�Bortower leuns,or Is noGGM by �ny govcmmenWl or regu4lory�w,hority, lhat�ny ,';: � ,rt"-, �^ <br /> � a� i i :_uu_ ..�.Wtl M C!.^.d fCl::•�•!k`,� ^�•9; F!•_lwl5�ehctnnrn nNnr�Ne Preoe�ty Ix nere:ia�y: Oortavu sh�Y promptN Wce eE .`.�, S Lf+ �_ � <br />�414�L`,JCir�.ri�� nnvasvy temedxJ ecliona in nacorduwe wNh EnvUonmenta��n.. ,;r.{`+ i;'y-_w --�. <br /> �d���3.-�,. As usad in this puagropi 2J,'Hwrdous S�bsunws'a:x Vosa subsiences deFr.ed ns fodo or A82AlA0YS 606b'tfl:IGLi b}I ; hS �� a° <br /> .�'�i ����'i� Env}�mmta{lr,x nnd tha toSVxing eubstenaes: ysofina, kwosme, o:Ett Aamm�blo cr to�Co peVOleum pro�uUS, �ado �.-ti_� �S F`dN�`iu-� <br /> � ,y ir.�.; Dca�CCes am.he�!dCOa,�ua�e aoNenls,riulcylels eonNinNg a56eslos c•[u.zralUehyEa, entl reEbecvre me!Mets. As usM in �+ V iSx_;' <br /> �-'- yamanPh 20, 'EnHOnmenW Lew' me�ns fedttel laws md laws ol tho�uris3i:tbn where tho Properti rs bca.M thnt re4V e lo �'r;i r � '�--•— <br /> i r� �`� hea:'h.Salety Or MVIfOnmCYlla7 pvtlCL'on. �' 4 t�(F �E��Jt�x •. <br /> ���I �t� � N04�UNIFORM CAVENANTS.Bortower end lender lurthtt covmenl end e�ree ea la7o..3: �{'�a'j- c�_ � <br /> ,, -_-F� 21.Accelewtion; R�mediea. 6oroder ahall give notico to 8onowa� prlc,T !o �cc�lmation ,�; �. � <br /> ,y} � ' Y<i totlowtnp 8orrowor'a brwch of any covenont or apreemana in lhla Eocurity lnstnummt (but not r �� ' r x-� <br /> , , . p+lor to accdsratlon undv paragraph 17 uniess appiloab7u Inw prmdcles othorwlss). 'fhe nqtic� ;� �},�4 :-.: <br /> � r _F':}` ahall sp�cify: (�) th� det�ult; (b) lha �ctlon roqutrod to curo the doinisfl;(o) a date, nM 1na�!!an °• d�° ; .: <br /> P _ ,+`.;.�'; 90 d�ys from ths dtts tha nolica Is given to Borrowu, by which the d�tauk muet M ct+rotl; ond t:,, �_=. <br /> - ^ �.t'�?:`> (d) that taltun to cure the defauft on or i»toro tha cinto npeclBed In the notica may rusuri In �-- -� -��`�-;•�� <br /> ...:;5,'A�y,.y: ��;.,��.,y. '-�^ ^`>�;.. <br /> ' �� r: acc�larat�on o1 th�eums swured by lhls S�curity Inetrumont and eata of the Pr�o;porty.T7io nulice t <br /> r i � ,L <br /> n - �;�,.: - � tf �,^._: <br /> y •-_:," shdl tudfio: Inform Borrower of tha rigM to nin6t�te aAor accaleralion and tha rlgM !u bring a •'t-' ,-,. ,r <br /> court acHon to asso�c the non-exietence of a dsfauit or any olher defsnce of Boraovrnr to '� %"- <br /> -�� �-''��`� acooieratlon and saio. 99 tha datault Is not curad on or betore the Oab apecltied!n tho r�oiics, ._��,:.:��;'�'.C- - <br /> ���:;, <br /> ';` t - �'�,t% I.onder at Ile o llon ma ro iAre Immodlate a ment in tull of aII euma secured b t61s &ncu�it -r r -`}`�°'� <br /> -� ' Inatmment wfthout turthsr demanA �nd ma pinvoke ths owar oF salo and aa olher ram�dl a � � ' <br /> :YS;;_:-=,;�t:;�-; Y P � �....`:; :+!'a1P,.�'„f;a':;f, <br /> ��i°; permittad by appilc�ble Iaw. I.encluz eBotl be entilled to cotlect all expenaes incz3rrad In piirsuing x ., .,---- <br /> r '},,;y;:��`t�, 1ha remediea provided In th�a parag�eph 21, iecluding, but not Ilm;?�d lu, reaaoneble atior�neys' f , <br />_.;:.;�i�: _,;:.�. . , . . . <br /> ? ,}rp.t�-.^�:; tld9 811f� C09[8 Of��IIP OY�dBtlCB. <br /> ` i���'�-;� If lhe power of allo Is Invokod, Truataa ah�U rocord a nofico 01 defeult in oach county�n - - <br /> =" ;.;;�•���'j� which any �ed of tha Proparly ia located and shsll mnll coplos of such notice In lha manner i <br /> �-;'r..�� '�-'.,.� proecr�botl zsV�PA��cablo faw to 8orrowar and 10 tho ottmr persons proacdbod by �pplicobis I�w. _ <br /> �;j';F�'Y;� .--;.� f.8�r the t7me requiroxt by applicablo law, '�u�stae ahatl pho publi� a;ottce ot sa7o io lho pnraons � <br /> --�' '7:�"'/' ,nd In the manner proscrlbed by applleablo 1aw.Trustoe, without domm�d on 8orrower, sha71 sell <br /> 1�>c. :;�t'��'� Rhe Property nt public euction to!he highast hiddor at tho tbno ar�d pWce cnd undor 77io corm¢ � � <br /> •.;��n.,,. � <br /> - 'a dosignetod In lho noHco of sato In ono or moro parce:s nn[i in nny oTdor 7rustoo dotorminos. <br /> �.,���;.�` � �,'�gg11� 7rustae mey posipono ea�o of a11 or any parcol of tho Pcoporly by public annauncamont at lho <br /> - "'; ';] 7imo and piaco of sny proviousty schodulod salo. Londat or Hs aloslgnoo may purchasn tho <br /> jfreporly at any aalo. <br /> � Upon receipt ot paymont ot tho prico bid, 7rustoo sliall dalivor to tho purchasor Trustao's <br /> dood ennvavinn Iha PrnoorN.Thr� radlals In thn Truslen's dond shail bo orLna faclo ovidonco of <br /> � � tho truth of�tho atatamonts made thoroln. Trustoo shall apply tho procoads of llio eato In tho <br /> � tollaxing ordor: (a) to ail costs and oxpunsos of oxorcising tha powor ot salo, nnd tho nalo, <br /> � 3ncluding tho paymont ot tho Trustoo's foos actually incurrod, not 3a excood chcee <br /> _ Yo of t�w prinNpal amount of thn nota at <br /> � tho time of tho doclaration of de}ault, and roasonabio altorneys fooe as pormillod by 1aw; (b) <br /> � to all socurod by this Socurity Instrumonk and (c) any ozcoss !o fho parson or <br /> . 1 peraons Oegally entitlsJ lo it. <br /> r:�'.� .`' j J' \� �..j\ <br /> - "1.:4� fll16Un0 1�49b eape a<i 5 i��_ <br /> _.� 91!)]1�m � <br />