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, . , ��'f�M . � x _ t}��+ i�fi t 'y� i t_�r ��(� w'1�i'NFSi��7f.�� ."'�, �,ni4�tft�t_���t.i:r-�:�. <br /> .. .�w'�i.Ki�i43ahiia.CGi%v�.`..�zttul,w�._....a.,r.c.r.uwa.u.w�...w.u..�.+.�.,.•- ��-" �. <br /> „�.�a9�1�' s <br /> �.::es lv�:� . _. <br />-�-:=.-`*`� . TOt3E1}I€R M11}t �t IN�kx�xovuntnt�now a hK»Nw �rwl�d on 1h� proP�N,+nd+i w�enxntF,�uita�rnws,�nd — <br /> '^-!'�"�� fafmts nax or hMed1K��il ot U�e propMy.AR rep4ern�nts�nd�dd0ons shR[d3o be wvsred by lhis 8rwdry Intlnim�nt. <br /> r<f� AE ol th!(aqci�0!�retemd lo Y�lhfs Swmky N�Wm�nl�s th�•Roprly.• <br /> s c�t'+�4 oonnrnxe o�vi:e+u+rs mm�arow«i�wx�,y.ww o�m• �sule ho:tLy wnvayatl cnd h» tha dpht to q�mt nnd -.- -.— ... <br /> ,i.� oonvey 1he Pro{�Kty�nd th�t the Propay Is unanan�6aW, axcepl br mcumY:�7ce5 ot raord BOffOx'Nf x'uf1M6 Md � _ <br /> ���,(x i;� wlt dHeeid O�a►y ihe ONr to ihe Proprrly ap�Nsl�f d►Nis and dxn�nUs.aubjcd lo�nY enamt�naces of nead. .._ <br /> � 11118 SC•CUpffY IN9IAUMEM combhn untlam corennnis for n�WrW use and non+�nNam eovnud� �+7:h ��,:� <br /> '-��t�'T1 7�'y] lm:ed vaAtbns by JuMdction lo oonaNuU�unHam aea�ity Instnimmt cove+h9 ral propatf• �< <br /> ���i �',i7 tN�paymiM�p�nctp�and InliriN,Pnpfryl►�1 t�nd�6Clliry�t.Botraxr ntuA pra�ptl/pry when Jtcs;,;�,}tt i�° "�_' <br /> �;.� die Ihe qNdp+l of md hla»I on Iho debt evldtneed 6y che Note uid�ny preMyment�+d r:e enuyes au�un�er me YL$i ;�,j1� , , `:' <br /> .:.i NO:R ...._ _ �..t�.��.....�.....N...�� t��y.n�. a�..�.....n�t p.y .. - <br /> { �r ;� i. ruu�ri iGi Yi3C3i :nd�.,n;�'"m'S. �3:ii....�...-.. �...�.._._.. .._... . �:��y s � . -� <br /> , � . lo Lr,.dM al tAa Wy ma�iht�r p��4s e�o�o undr,the Note, unli the Nale Is peld In fu0,a sum(�Fun&•)la (�)yaiy � : <br /> f � ,`j" taza�nd ascesxnentc rrhlch r�uy a�uN pdalry ora Ihls Bawrily InsWmmi ns e 11m on Ihe kopMy,@)Y�b ie�aohold � �� �� , - <br /> �y��--t}: prymmts or ground iants on the r�o�eny,H�ny, (c)youy hawd u propaty Nsupnce�xaniums; (�yeuy tlood Nsur�neo -Ft���ft ,�:L{ __ <br /> �J �, .5-�y. prm9ums,H�ny,(e)yoe�y moKgiqe Insunnce prarJums,il nr�y, entl(Q any¢ums payWle by 6onower�o ldidor In�ewrdu�co { �r ,f �tf< < <br /> M - wNh the prodskns ol pmqreph 0,In 6cu ol the prymml of moHg�ge lvsurence pr¢ntlims. Thesa Penu ve e�AeU 'BbtrOw "� Y -�f�} ' <br /> � � Y <br /> ` �-� Y.arq.• Le�ider mny, at a�y C'no, oo°,en end ho!J Funds In an amounl not to¢xwzJ No max4n;m arr.a.:+l a Imder ta a !, L `v� . '�� <br /> �c �ti�i�� : (tCtra�y n�r.!M moM9�ge ban m►y reqvke lor Rortower's osaow accounl ur.der the teU¢r�l F.ea! Es+aNs S:Cnr✓sl Proced:res � �;�'.y��`� � ��r�,,: <br /> '{ �'�- q- Act et t4ts,es una�dta trom Yme lo Ym�,12 U.&C.§260� N seq. ('RESPA9. wG:ss enaLM.r tMt appF!s ro U:e Fun2s r r f<<- , <br /> �i��s�t{; seg'a losstt unoual tl so, Lmdsr mfy,at any Ytta eoaen end Totd iunds M mi amo:mi not to e�cceW Ne kuser amouni : __-•_ <br /> ni��}}�r`� . Ler,'dzr a�ay EslN�te thn arou�t ol funSS di¢on the basts cf eurc�.�t di�a atd riasm�bie eslWata of e�ceclnras ol M�re . -_ �� tt•_� <br /> EsucK�iems or othersi�o N accordin�v wnh appSc�6Fa 4�x. g� <br /> '�L ,���-`� 7ha:unds�sh�Y be�TeA N ea Insuelton whose depos�ts are hsc�acl bY a IedeN�9�ry,hswmen4�fly.or en:iy(nWGn9 ��Z�g� � ��t i�}; .L <br /> � �- � :� LMfIl1',17 LMdd IS W Ch En 3+bM!l'Gf1)cf Y1 Ny FCdOfll NPTd LP,���b'3C Ldider ahU appy Ihe Nnds lo�ry the Eaaow . c� �,����(� <br /> tic,�m�y nH r�a:�2krtn•rp fa ho!Rn8 end eppF�tho Fer.?s.a^�nH en+ydng the e,now accaiN, or vuH�Aig - ' foh�.i o. " � <br /> '�� 1�� Ihe Escrow Nane, u�zss LerCCr }ays Dortower Intaest on the Fu�:s a�3 np�'uble kw pem�s Lmda to rcake euch • " r�';�tf� k�� !_?�"� <br /> �'� �� clwge. HaxNer, ltsuxr mty reGU4o Bortower lo p�y a onNLne eha:ge fo�az t�3tpmder.l reel ahte uz reponhg aenln ` - :�`rr�s�t {z;.,;° <br /> i4�t' -,:y`,�.� usM h��In tmnecflon wilte Ihh ben, unless epp�leebfo pik q1oVltlaS OlhlIWI58. U111855 N l9fCMnM1 is mede or - ,� �f``�� �+.ra . - <br /> ��x's�� app7cab�+aw requkes Inlaeal to be paid,Lmder sha!nol 6e rea,�•catl 7o fijY Pcvrowa eny i�t:r°�rl or eamNps m 1he Funtls. -�ti��l r,�{`��(t:'�._ <br /> 3�?k��l,�y P.Crtcvier and Lendt(IMy�ryee N �mlin9. howeYer, lhLt In:art51 sh3F:be {�ild m�he F�!n?s. Lerdef Sh0!{',iYS lo kc++cwe•. )-- ��� �{(�s4; "_ <br /> y�}�',� vAf�aN chuga, �n ar�uel�ccounting ol Ihe Funds, ahowing acdn a�o c�h9s ta Ihe Funds nntl�5a q�rsose fa wrich rzc} 4,. ."u.�F;���(�t" <br /> .� � � c�rLn 10 Na Funds wu tn�de. The Funds ue pkdged aa adQibnal seanTy Iw x.f sums se.u:eU bg�h:Ses�d:q 3,stz:r.ent. ,� ������ -�� <br /> a4� S�f N the Funds held by lendx ezceed the amounls pmdtted to 6e hdd 6y nPDSUble kw, LRndx nl+�i7 to[urtower t�` � y� I �_:-�_ <br /> ��"Y^4 ''�v;d� ta ihe extxss Funds N ucordmee reXh the reqhemmts of�ppfable Mw. II the�mount ol ibo fcnJa he]tl bv lende al my �.,tY,�,f p�.��;,,-��-�-_,- <br /> �- ;`�_�Af����� Crne la not auMdent lo py Ihe Esaow Ilctns whm due,Lmder rtuy so notiy Bonower in wirng md, M auch casa Borrown -�� �4��� 't��1�'i-. <br /> 3 <br /> ,.� (�,_,,y� sh�/pry to Lendx Iha unount nexssuy to m�ke up Iho defidency. �ortowtt ahd mnka up tha defidmcy In no moro lh�n { j� F a2,�'� `t��: <br /> .iS,t,i�nl��r� ��Upon �pivmm��(ul of Id ums secured bv this Securtry Inswmm6 Lendtt aliN PromPLy relund to Uarowa any i.,in�ritjf 7 A��s_�- <br /> � �1����'��� fund�heid by Lmdcr. N, unde/pu�graph 21, LMdd shel�a�uka or seA lhe P�cpeay, LMder, p�lor to the�equlsNOn or safa �-1�� � ��r _; :. <br /> r�jt� ol lhe('+opwly, s1�oY eppy any Funds hdd by Lmdtt at the time ol ecq�isXion or salo aa e aedd egJnat lha aume seared � . ` ,�,t��5n � <br /> '�/ .`Sf"/ byth:sSecu InSW:nml � �i �tPYt�h' : <br /> "�'� ,'�.r:.;:, 9..-hpp�C�ttOl1 Of P�y111o7f:9.Uniess opPtiable lo�x Fcai±u othercAse. eA paY'�� r:uMed 6y Lmder �m3c* � -��f �� s�S�j. ' <br /> SjFf��� pGregmphe 1 an0 2 Shall be spptieU: hal.W eny p�Cp�ymml Chd^j-.3 0110 UIIdM Ih!NOIO; 3CGOnA�O YfOWnle D�Y4�IG W.1¢� �Z� , -,r� _ <br /> , _ J�, psragreph 2;thkd,to Nteresl due;tounh,to prhdp�l due;nnd Wsl,Io my lule chuges due unuv tAe Note. ( r =� y��f�_; <br /> °�+�1'� Ro � wha g� u aY��•AM over6tM Searir�nsWmmt 85end loaseh d9e� cnls adgroMUdSrimis, ft ar.,��EOttaxc+ �ii' ��F�����(t#� : <br /> � 5�ii�} P�b Y P �Y / P Y^� y. i� �,. <br /> �_c�� 4E1 shUl Sny iha0 obliq�tlons�n iha manncr proNded In paregreph 2, or H nol peid in thal menner, Oorcower shaA pay Ihem on .. i`� �iS i! H.�-_„ <br /> yir 1 �, @no PJ:R;l,y lo the pason ow[d paymenl. Oorrowtt shaA pro:np'y h•m4sh to Lendtt al no'JCOS o�emounts to 6a peid ir.Cer �,�� �}1 }j%1 <br /> • <br /> � ->- ,;� Ihs paragnph. 11 Uortovra makes lheso D+Ymen�s duecU�, Uorccwer chaA promptty lumish io Lmdtt receipts evideni�n9 � 1��� R`�^��t;_'�_ <br /> t _ r�i. tho peYromis. ,�,.5����.;�.-.. <br /> . i Oortowa 6h�M prompVy dsoharge eny 6en whlch has pdon'ry ceer thh Sco.+�y Insinmenl uniess Oortowa: (a) n3�eea _y� 1 +'- <br /> + 4G; N rmlin9 to lhe ol lhe obGgelon searM by the Oen in e mnnntt eaeptcl:ic fa LerAer; N)eonlesls In good fGf4 the i + s � <br /> ,.. t�{� <br /> - 6m 6y.or delends�g�MSt mbrcemml o�ihe fien In. Iegai ry•ac.entags whloh in Iho Lentl�t s opin!on opera�e la prr�ent - .�/ i�({ �^" <br /> �,�� f?� Iho mfofamMt Of Lhe fim:of(c)6ecures from Ihe h0lder o7 ttre Sen en ogreMnml 6a7s!�atoty lo LMdN Subadnalir.g Che �4 f}�� _* _ <br /> ' Em lo thia SecuAly�nsWmenl Ii Lender delermines that uny paS d the Properly is aubjea W a im whlch mey�tleln pr.u+;/ -;t '�t"�r79,J� ; _ <br /> '� a . 1- • <br /> . - '' over tMS 6eCUrity InsNUmml, Lmdtt mey gNO Oorrowtt a notice IdmlityMg the 6en. Oortcv:er shall saBSy 1he Ilen w lake - ` t�f�'�. . � <br /> s '� ono or moro oi the ullons sel loilh ebore withM 10 days ol tl�o gMng ol no�ico. - <br /> + - -'. 5 r d��l �r'. <br /> � � 6. H�x��d Ot Prop�rty IO6U�anC9. Oonowtt¢he9 keep the ImpioremmU now exJSting on c�reaCer erMed on Iho V 1 i. �� �" 'Ta_ <br /> r - PrcgeH hsured egahst loss by fve, haurds Indudetl wdhln Ifie tmn 'utmded wverega• antl sry olha Aazards, Mchdng ��'���i�uS,_- _ <br /> �/1�'h.��� la.�ds tt�oodng. ta which Lmder req�'res Nsurence. Tl��s ins��i�ce sha!bo mahained�n Ihe emounts end fa the pwicds s �� Sr ,� ,s�. <br /> ,,.�� ` T v.rt:tmde requYes. The Insuranca unia proddmg the Insara�ce shaG 6e chosm by Ocna��e�ub)ecl lo I.endr's aFp�onl ° t�ti ���yj;�; <br /> ��� f'�-�� whkh cha7 rol ba uueasonab.y wi;hhdd. 11 l3ortaxtt la]s to c.vsl�n corrrege descnbcd aCr�x, le�dr mey, el Lenda's . � t?_ ,_• <br /> '"- z, o Ilon.oblaN covero e to proted LendNs�i h!s tn tho Pro a N eaordance wnh re roph 7. . i�� �y�+� � -' <br /> 'J���r:-_ P 9 9 P b Va 9 <br /> vy j f -- M insurenw pofdes enJ rencwsls ¢haG be ecccplebla to Lmdtt entl ahe7 Ndudo e slanderd mortgago dause. lmda , <br /> :,.:F,�s?,J! .} sheG havo lhe ri9ht b hoW tho po•ades end rencwals. II Ler.der requlces. Oortower shull prompty qMO to Lmda�i recetp�s ol � � .,�� ; . <br /> � . paW pr¢mWms entl tmexel nolltes. In Iho e+eni of bss. Bortowtt sha7 gNe p�ompl n:«ce lo tho Nsurena wAer and ; . � <br /> --- Lcn�Y+. tmdtt may meko proot ol loss il nol made promp•Jy by 6ortowa. � <br /> ��y f"�: _ <br />-' �y�'���.`'•- U:i.YSS Lender s�d Oortowtt olhmdse egree fn wril'nfl•�surenco proceeds sh�A bo eypeied to reslore�lon or rcpetr o1 .��,. � <br />�..:if�.Y�,%.f F i . <br /> �];j�y? ihe Rcptty damegH, tl the restoreBOn or repa7 is economiceLy feasbe end Lmders secu�y Is nol lessmed. tl ihe , . <br />`,`�`��':�v`�� x� rxSfuaECn or rcpn615 nol econoMw.y feasible o� LmJers searity wou!d bo lessmed. Ihe inmmnce procexds ahe7 be �� <br />��;,�+�;,%t�'.;-� ap�itc'to ihe sums sewretl by Ihis Sewriry Inst::.nenl. whelher or nol Ihen C�e, x+lh nny rxcess Fe�d lo Oorcowtt. II � , ' <br /> F`� �!., fs:�*;...- e`.andons 1ho P�opttr� <• Coes no7 asswR wichs 2] lays e nace trom Lmda thai Ihe Nsu�ance[articr Fas _ <br /> r°. C'reo ct SelOe a deim. Ihea Leree� may cclect the rs..i-<e proceeds. Lmdx may use lha p¢ceeAS to rccar a <br />' =-�1':;;`'.' �es:o�r :-e Preperty w lo pay sums securetl by�his Secc-- -s:ru:+enl,whe;hK or no7 ihen lue. TEC 2Qday per:eo n:Y <br />- � -�� be�ti�wr.m�he rc�<e:s ghM. <br />- Unless LerCe� and Dottowtt othmvise aget m vr.�ny. any opp5wtcn ol DroceMS to qhapa� ;:5. not eatmd a <br />�. .��.,'. post;ooe Ihe due �ate of �he mon;h.y pay*ncc�s refened to L� parag:ayns i anE 2 c. change Ihe amwnl of �he <br /> . - pap-.nts. II under paroryeDh 21 iho Pmperty ta ac�ueeE by lenan. Uortawa's rig�t to ary insuronce poGdes and p'oceeds <br /> .,...4..m i4mniu In�hn RmrvN n�ie�In �no ara�,!aem .�] mzs m Lmdv�o ihe enml ol Ihe sums 6v�his Secuis <br /> .. . � ' �� LisWmml Mmed�atM/pMr to Ue acQuls�:tt�. <br /> " :'�` 8. Occupancy. ProsonaHon, 7,�ain9onanco and Protactlon of tho Proporty; Borrowor's Loan <br />� ApplleBllOn; L9is8h01d8. �ortowtt srtai xwp�. eatatGSh. entl use �he Propnry as Oorrowers princyvl rcsMmce <br /> � � - s��ty days �tttt the exttution ol lhiz Secv:i/Ins:nr.nml and shae conGr�e lo occupy the Propttry as Donowtt's p'ndpal <br />. � �= �ea'v3�te ic�a1 Icasl one year atter Ne Oale o�occuDar,cy,u�t¢ss Lmder o:hpwise aiyees F vrriing. wh'�ch eonsmi sM1Zi not <br /> be urraasuzS'/riThhMd.or u��ess�denuafi�g d+w:nsla�ces e�rst wnich arc bcycc0 Soswrn i control. 6onm.o srt+_I not <br /> ' � EESCCy. 'W^+a]? a 4npaY Ihe RopMly. e➢ow Ihe PrCpuiy to eelerfDrele. or CwnM waste on the PropMy.6arCng s�rt Le <br /> N Ce:auR i stiy teAdure adion or proeeMmg, wF.elher et�i u�irNnal. Is bcgun IAat Li Lmtla's 9ood la'lh NEgrx+:t cctrd <br /> �•-;. ,�!y . resutl N forteEare ol tli3 RopMy or olhmrise r.+a:RaT�rr;:ai Ue Sen aeatcd by Nis Saariry �nsWmml w-Lcnderi srf�3� <br />- �3 `> htaesl. / � <br /> . f.'.R.".�:�' 1 cry' 1 c�5 <br /> _:5�.�. - FUISUAOIIq91) `� /�� <br /> 1 . � .• . <br /> , . 9]1ALm � . <br />