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<br /> --��' i3. Not[ca. Any natice to Borrower providcd for in thia Security Instrument shall be givcn by delivesing it E�r �.,;�:
<br /> '�"""�` by mailing it by first class mai�unless applicable law requires use of another method. The netice sh�tll be dicesteAd to ..�
<br /> , the Propetty Address or any other address Baaowcr designates by uotice to l.endcr. Any noticc to Lender stiall fise ,^�o:.
<br /> given by ftrst class mail to Lender's address stated herein or ury address Lender designates by notice to Borm�ti+�t. . ^_
<br /> Any notics provided for in this Securiry Instrument shall Ue dcemed to have been gfven to Rorrowe•r or Lcn�ler whr.n �r.,_
<br /> given as prnvided in this paragraph. �'
<br /> � 14. Govemt�g Law; Severabfil[ty. This Security Instrument shall be governed by Federal law and tt�o l«w of
<br /> � the jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In the evont tUat any pr�vision or clause of this S�urity Ir�stn►mr.nt
<br /> ' or the Nate canflicts with applicable law. such conflfict shall not affect other provisions of this Securiry Instn►ment or =
<br /> :� ths Note whicU can bc given effect without the conflicting provisfon. To this end the provisions of this Securiry �;v
<br /> �' insuvment azs�the Notc are declared to be sevenble. ''.`_.
<br /> � • of the Note aud of this SecGaiiry
<br /> 15. Borro�ver's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy �
<br /> .. � �� �,_
<br /> Illb[[vmiT_L '
<br /> p&_ ���rd',�ns Substarices, Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use,dIsposal, storage, or rRSaoase
<br />� .,, og�,y�az�.z�yx�5�iostances on or in zhe PropertY• Borrower shall not do.aor allow anyane eis�e to do, anyaSiing �_�
<br /> " .�.� ;,,�,�-y>y��e iTn�erty that is in violation of any�nvironm�tall-aw• Tha Pr�ding two sentencers shall not apFly to Fy.
<br /> r�t,; �.n�e.c�, ��e, or storage on the Pmperty of small quantities af Hazardous Substances that are genr:rrnllY �
<br /> ��*��-�d r,o�..;lppropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenana of the Proper¢y ��--
<br /> Bc�nower s'�all prompdY give Lender written notice of any invesrigadon,claim,demand.la�vsuit or otktee a.:tion i
<br /> by�y� and auy Ha�sudous Subst��ne or
<br /> . oveaamental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property
<br /> ,..�i,;.:.,r
<br /> • '���-,,y: �vironmeatal Law of which Boaower has actuallcnowledge. If Borrower learns,or is notified`Wy any governmental
<br /> ���s_•r'--�:,�:�'� � _ �r��r�,r..anchodcy,thac any renwval or ather remediation of aay Hazardous Substances affecting ttie Ptapecty is _
<br /> �_::I.4{;,-_-
<br /> - £,:cessary�B�ttower shall promptly take all neeessazY remedial aetions in accordance wiu�E►,�i�rr=i�:�: "�"•
<br /> ps �i� this paragcaph 16. "�ia�er-'r�ous Substances" are those substances defiied as taxie or ha�.rdous
<br /> 5,���by�uvironmental Law and tLe �mllowing substances: gz�line, kerasene, other fla.�nmable or toxic _
<br /> � � �K�� �:oleum products�eoaic pesticides and herbi�id:s,volatUe solvenu, mnterials contait►ing asbe�tas or formaldzihyde,
<br /> ar.r��ldiuxtive rnaterials. As used [n this ParaBraPh 16. "Environmental I.aw" means federal laws and laswn of the
<br /> '��' ��'� jurlsdiction wrer�the Property is located that eelate to h�z7a�,safety or environmental protection.
<br />-�':�;,e;,..`�.
<br /> -;:ri>-�ru.,
<br />'-� �•"���s ' NON-UNIF�RM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further coven�►t and agcee as follows: =-
<br /> -- r�;,�;,^,,�;-�, 17, Asstgn�eat of Rents. Borrower unconditionally assigns and transfers to Lender all the rents and+r�'venues
<br /> -�"'�a�r •�' of the PropenY• SorroWer authoriz.es I.ender or I.ender's agents to collect the renes and reveauers and hcpeby dirccts
<br /> -""'''=��,y�� to a ihe rents to Lender or Lendcr's a ents. However, rior to L.ender's n�ntice to
<br /> each tenane of tlie Pxoperty p Y g p
<br />__��;_:;y��i� Bonower of Borrower's breach of aay covenant or agreement in the Securiry Instrument,Bo�rower sh�ll collect and
<br />- -��...�:a;Lye� receive all reets �nd revenues of the Property as crustee for the 6enefit of Lender and Borrower. Tbis�ssi�nent of
<br /> �r��+� nnts consdnn�s a�►absolute assignment and not an assignment for additional se,curity on1Y•
<br />---.+�*���: If Lender gives notice of breach to Borrower:(a)all rents received by g3orrow�r shalt bc held by Bcr�rawer as
<br /> ---Y3"`��'�� erustee for ToeneC�t of I.ender only. to be applied to the sums secured by the Security instrument; (b)Lencb�r sha11 be
<br /> -�:s.�
<br /> endtled to call�aad receive all of the reats of the Pmperty:and(c) each tenant of the Pt�mporty shall pay al rents
<br />-=�;��� duc and unpud to Lender or Lender's agent on Lender's wrltten demand to die tenant.
<br /> �Y=���;.n'� rior assi ent of tl-.e rents and has noc and will not perfarm anY a�c tt►at would
<br />—_-::,_. ..� Bonower has not ezecuted any p �
<br /> __ �-�z:�=�' prevent I.enda from ezercisu►g its rlghts undcr this paragraph 17.
<br /> � ' rt.., L.ender shall not be rr,s�uired to enter upon,take control of or maintain the Property before or aftc•r giving notice
<br /> - A::;.�,�y-,
<br /> _ .a��. of breach to Bc�arower. Hcnv�ver. I.ender or a judicially appointed receiver muy do so at�+ny ttme drtre is a breach. -
<br /> � • ;��-' pny applic�aon of rents shall nat cure vr waive any defautt or invalidate aay other rit;ht or reme�iy of[.ender. This -
<br /> • � assignment of rents of the Properry shall terminate when the debt secinaed by the Security Insrn:in�.nt is paid in full. _
<br /> _ " �:
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