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<br /> ;,v� l�t. Fnceslaqure Pcocedure.!t�.ender requires immediate paymxnt in Fuli uuder paragrsipi�9�i.eaiiei•�iipy
<br /> . �`- Invoke tt�o pavJer of sale and auy oiher remedies permitted by appllcuble law.I.ender sttnll fxn cnti4ARd to collcct
<br /> .� all exEx:r�r� Icu;tirred tn pursuing the remedies under thas paragruph 18, lacludljta, but not limited to,
<br /> � ��^�°M'�"' reasonnhfe s�tder.w�rys'[ees and costs of title evtdencc.
<br /> � ' If Bh�o povrer of salc Is invoked,Trustee shAll record e notice of detault�a�cach r.oupt�ie�av�iir.h nnp part of ` `
<br /> the Propetty is locwIIed and shAil mefl copies of such notic�e (n the manner prQSCS�h�d byr ap��tr.able law to �:'�
<br /> ^ Horrower ar�dl t�th� otd��er persoas pre�cribed by applicubte law. After tba it�a�a roqNieed by c�ppGa�ble law, �"-`'
<br /> Trustec stu�fA Qiye pub7lc aoN:e ot sale ta thc persons and In the manuer presc�ihed by c�ppli+�hln law.Trustee, s_
<br /> •'. without cMmarud!on.�ctmwer,sh�l1 sell the Property at pub!!c aucUon to Eho 6i�h��rt Uid�ir.t nt the tlme and :'-�
<br /> �, , plasa and undr.r tl+e terivs designated in tde notice ot sale in one or more pnrccls aad i�p�y orsler Truste� �;�'_°"
<br /> dPtermlates. T�1L�tca cuay pastpone s�le ot pll or apy parcel of the Pi�operty by�puhllc c►gnow�.r.emanP,a�t 3he time '��=_
<br /> � � and pinco ot a�y previovsly scheduled sa9e.Leudcr oe its designee may purchase tha Pronerty nR�;�ctzlc. --=-=
<br /> [��_
<br /> 1f tM L�.tn�kr's intenst la this Securky Iastrument is hett!by the Serrefary amd tln:�*�cuy requires .��t-.
<br /> ImmeztE�iG: pny[nent In [Wl under Pa�agrap6 9, the 3ecretgry may invoke tlKS aor��dl�:E�fl �mv��r of sale �,°�:
<br /> e�
<br /> provided tin tt�e SittIItc Family Mortgage Foreclasure Act oi 1994("Act") (12�J.5.C.3751�s���.A�y requesNng �=
<br /> a [oreclosure comas!►�slonr.r designated under the Aci to commence [orocloss�ce xud M�•] t�e IR�e��rty as �':��^
<br /> provided In� t6e Act. Notfityeg fu the precediag sentwce shall deprive tLe Sea��4ary c�t s�y rlg„l�ts ctlbervrise ""
<br /> • �'�.� aveil�bic tm a L�tdcr uecd:er th�s R�r�raph 18 or upplicable Iaw. °�^
<br /> ' U�a mxelpt o!pnyraent of the price bid,'iku4tee stwll�k:lfver to the purcltusgor Ta�s�iut�'s deed coaveyiag -
<br /> tde Pronerty.The rc+cttals in the Trustee's deed slwll be prim�!'�cle evidence ot We tnrt;h oi the statemeuts __
<br /> �• made therein.Trusieo shull apply We proceeds of the salc in Rbe following orater:(e)co nll cos�x aad ex�:nses ai =-
<br /> • •• exerclsing the power of ss�le.aad the sale,including the pc►yacent of the Tt�tee's fees uMuully incutraf,not to -_
<br /> ; excxed 96 ot the prtncipa!atnouat oE tEae note at the time of the declarnUon of defeult, --
<br /> ' ond reagnrtnts�e attonieys'fcas as peimitted by IAw;(b)to n�s�s socured by tt�is Secur(ty It�3nuaent;aied(c2 =-
<br />=` ` ' "-• aqy excess t�tl�c petson or peasuns IegAlly mHtled to it. �
<br /> '�7�' y .
<br /> - . ' •'t
<br /> _;;�a �•. . �9�.Rawnvoyance.Upon payinent af all sums secured by this Securiry Tastntment.I.ender shull request Trustee --
<br />�::;:�,`,�'•,: to n����ey tho propurty and shall sucrcnder this Security Instrument and all�o:es evidenciaB debt secured by this
<br />=-`�=•:='•�� Securiry f��r�uuent to Teustee. Trtrs!eo shall eeconvey the Fr�epeny without �varranty aud Mr�,thout chazge to the
<br />��X��� rson or, �ons le Nl en[ided to it.Su�h rson or tsons shall an rxordation costs. �
<br /> --- r.. Pe f'�•� 8 Y P� Pe PaY Y
<br /> -=-- -�=ti
<br /> _t.'�`,+._.
<br /> ;��+� 20.Sul�stitute Tiusta. Lender,at its option, may from time to time rcmove Trustee utd appnint a�uccessor
<br /> .�h:---__.�_
<br /> -;.e_4`� _ trustoc to nny Tcustca appointed herennder by an instrument recorded in the county in wWc�h thifl Security In�srument
<br /> -'f%;�;;�.�-__� • is recordal. Without convoyena of tbe Property,the successor Srs.�:�e shall succeed to all t3�o titln,power and dudes _
<br /> --"����,� • confeaed upon Tcusteo hareia and by applicable law.
<br /> _,�:�� 21.Requcst tor Na�tfces.Borrower requests tlta2 copies of thc notices of de�'ault and sxlo bc sent to Boecower's
<br /> --= - : add�ss wb3ch is tho Pa�etty Address.
<br /> ----_-- �:
<br /> -:^�;*_�,.'
<br />__ ���,� . 22.Rlders to th`s�cr.svrity L�st�vment. If one or more riders are eaecutal by Bon�owet and recorded together
<br />_„.':t:w_;:��_� with this Securlty In.�`,�•c.�ent, the oovenants of each such rider shall be inaarporated into and ahall amend and -
<br /> - - supplement tho covekanze aad agreements of this Securiry Instrutnent as if the�dcr(s)werc a part of this Securiry ____
<br />-- -,�--� instnunent. �Checl:applicable box(�s)]. '(� -
<br /> =.-�y-:•� -_
<br /> „--���-..�., 0 Co���minium Rider 0 Growt�ig Equity 1Sider � CE�Uer[specify] v --
<br /> _,;�;T;�, ❑ Planned Unit�v:lopment Rider C] Graduated Pay�ent Rider A d 3�.t 5 t a b 1 e k t __
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