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<br /> •� (i)All or pan of dic Pro�cny.or a beneficial interest in a trust owning alt or part of[hc Prop�ny, i�sold "
<br /> -, ..y. -���' or oQicrwisc tr�rtsfcrrcd(qthcr�han by devisc ar descent),and
<br /> •�� •��� (ii) The Prapeny is not 4ceupied by the purehaser or grantee: as his or her principal residence�Ye�thn
<br /> , •' purchaser or grantee does so occupy the Property but his ar her credit das not been app
<br /> ; accordance with the requiramems of the Secretary•
<br /> ' (c)No P�olver. If circumsumces occur that would permit L,ender to tequire immediate payment in full,but
<br /> ' Lendcr daes not require sucU paymcnts,Lender dces aot waive its righu with respect to subsequent events. .`�
<br /> � (d) Regu la t ioas oP HUD Sesretary_ lu many circ:umstances regulations iuued by the Secreiary wiU limit __
<br /> � l.cnder's ri�hts, in thc case of pay�nent dsfaults,to requ�re immediate pay�uent in full and foreclose i f not _
<br /> paid, This Seeurity Instmment dces not auth4rize acceleration or foreclosure if not permitted by regulations
<br /> ' y'• Of[�IC SCCICG1Ty. _
<br /> (e)Mortgage Not Iasured- Borrower agrees that if this Securiry Instnunent and the Note are aot determined
<br /> �� to be eligible for insurance w►der[ine NatiuAal Housing Act vritbin 60 aays from the date hereof, Lender _
<br /> �4� may, at its optioa. require immediate payment in full of all sums secvred bY tt►is Securisy lnstmmeat. A :
<br /> : �' written statcment of any autl��rized agent of the Ser��etary dated subsequen[to 60 days from the date hereof. .
<br /> declining to insure this Sec�uiry Instru�nt and the Note, shall be dexmed cflnelusive proof of such
<br /> •�, ineligibility. Not�vithstandinQ the foregoing, this option may not be eaercised by Lender whsa the ; �.'+-
<br /> unavailability of Insurance is solely due to t.ender's failure to mmit a�oRgage insurance gremium�o�e
<br /> . Sectetary.
<br /> : • lq, Rdastutcment. Borrowcr has a right to be ninseated if I.eader has required imm�ec�iate paya�eat in full _
<br /> ' becuuse of Borrower's failure to pay an amount due under che Nm�e ar tbis Securiry Instcu�'�4• This right applies ._:`
<br /> � eucn after foreclosun: proceedings are inad[uted. To reinstate tt►e S�curiry Instnu°snt, Borrower shall tender in a f-_-
<br /> � •� lec�mp sum all amounts required to bring Bocror�er's acoount current including,to t�e extent they an obligations of
<br /> �3orrowcr under thi.g Secunty insaumc`°i.t�z a.t�su.:,w.,�s:.�d r°as^nablP and cuscomary attomeys' fees and eapenses �'.,i
<br /> � properly associated with ct►e foreclos�ue p�rceeding• Upoa rein.tatement by Borrower.this Secority insttutnent and =
<br /> the obligatlons that it secures sUall remain in effect as if I.zndza had not r�quired imm�c'd'natc payment in full. c
<br /> • Howcvcr. Lender is not required to permit reinstatement if: (iD Lxnder has accepted reinstatement after t6e
<br /> 1'� oonunencement of foreclosure proccx;dings within cwo years immediately preced'sng the commence�e°t of a cua'ent
<br /> .,.,�•�, '� �'oroclosure nroceeding. (ii) reinstatement will precllude foreclosure on diffe�t grounds in the future. or (iii) _`
<br /> ; ,<�.x rcinstatement will adversely affcct thr priorisy of We lien created by this Secariry Dnstrument.
<br /> -: �rr�:•��'' 11. Boi'sowa'Not Releasal; �orbearance By I.aader Not a Woieu. Exteasion of Ws time of payment or
<br />'�..'�'�,'.e : u�odlfication of amortizatiou of tbe uunag secured by this Securii}'H�stnu°rnt granted by T.ender to eny suc.cessor in
<br /> ' '� iaterest of Bonower shall not ope�rate to release the 9albDlity of the original Bonower or Borrower's successor in
<br /> ;,.'r�Y•. �' intenst. L.ender shall not be requirc:d to commence p�oceedin8s against anY succ�essor in interese or refuse to extead
<br /> �A�r,��.,� ,� time for paymeat or ail�erwtse modify amortization of the sums secucecl by this Seeurity Iasucument Dy reasan of any
<br /> ".'''�''� " demnnd made by tl�e ori�inal I3orr�iwer or Rorrower's successors i�i-aterest.Aay forbearance by Gender in eaercising
<br /> 1 .'�•� any right or cemedy sha11 not be a waiv�c of or preclude the execeise of any right or remedy
<br />�_��,�•I�.�T:.V. _�
<br /> "���•:��.�:,. 12. Succcsso►B pnd Assigng Boumd�Jotnt and 3everal Liabtlity;Co-Slg�ners. 'The caveuaa.ts and agraments
<br />•�,;.•,;�,.•.� of this 5ecurity Insm►ment sball bind and benefit the successors and assigns of 1Lencler and Borrower, subject to the
<br /> -.,i..,:. .
<br /> - provisions af paragraPh 9(b)• g°rr°w�r's covenants and agreen�enu shall be jan�t and several.�lny Borrower w o
<br /> �<<%�%`��'A�'�' co-sibns this Securiry Instnunent bua¢ices not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this 5es�ry Instrumeat only to _
<br /> �'.'��`��'; nno�tgagc.grant and convey thac Borrower's interest in the Property under the cerms of this Secucity Instnunent: (b) R-
<br />-�.=ti'�, that Lender and an �
<br />:,:.�-f- is not petsonelly obligated to nay thc sums secured bY chis Se�urizY InslrumeQt; and(c)agrees Y __
<br /> '"+;'`'•w-' •� vther Bormwer may agr�;..to extend,rnodify, forbear or make any accommodatioos witl�regard to the tersa�of this o
<br /> »a�'"����� Scxurity Instrumeat or tlie Notc:without that Borrower's consent. _
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