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E3urruwcr shall also be in dcfnult if Borrowcr, duri�g the loan applecadon procese, gavc <br /> e <br /> -�++��''"� materi:illy f:�sc or inas:curate informa;ion or stataments to I,ender (or failed to provide Lcndcr with any matGrial . <br /> �"` information) in connr,cYvan with the laan evictcnced by the Nute. including. but not limited io, represcntations <br /> cancerning Borrower's accupancy of the Propeny as a principal resldence. If this Security Instrmnent �4 0;1 A _ <br /> teasehold, Borrower sha14 comply wiih the provisions of the lease.IF Bnnower acquires fev title co the Property. the _ <br /> leasehold an�1 fee tir!¢sh;�1.1 ziot be mcrEed unless Lcnder agrees to tha mcrgcr in writing. __ <br /> 6.Conde�Aic�.Tl�r.procecds of any awssrd or clnim for damages. dtrect or cansequential,in connection with <br /> � any condemn�tion ar �tln.r.r cakissg of any part of the Froperty,or for conveyance in plxe of co�ndemnatlon, are _ <br /> hercby assigncd and sh�l�tc�if:1 to Lender to the eatent of the full amount of die indcbteAness that rcmains unpaid <br /> under the No[e and thi,s Secu�i�• 1^strument. l.ender shnll apply suc6 proceeds to the reducdon of the indcbtedness <br /> ' under the Notc nnr� th4s Secu��is:�•lascmment. firsc to any dalinquent amounts applied in the order provtded tn _ <br /> • parn&rapli 3,SAd I+1SIA f4 y�lC[�.1y4.r.r.�oi principsrl.Any applicatian of the pmceeds to the principal shall not eattnd or <br /> postgone the due d�u:of t1��.r�r�..f.i�ly payments. whicd are referred to in pazagraph 2,or change�he amoant of such _ <br /> • payments. Any eacess pra�ceedf c�,ver an amount re9uirtd to pay dl outstanding indebtedness under the Note and this _ <br /> '� Securiry Insuucncnt sh.�1C L•c�+� to tke en[ity legally entitled thcreto. ���r ghal! a all <br /> � . .�::;�.1 7. Chnrges t� BGruoRer w� ProtccUon of I..wder's Rig6ts In the Pm�►erty. P Y <br /> "� 'r goverameatal ox mu.n.�xi.;�charga,Fnes and imposirians�hat are not included in paragraph 2.Bormwer shall pay . <br /> n <br /> these obligat�ona an t.iY:c directly�o the entiry whic6 is owed t�e payment.iC failure to pay would adversely affect _ <br />' �, l.ender's interest i� the Property� upon Lender's request Borrower shaq pro�ptly fumish ro Lender receipts <br /> . evidencin�thcse paymena. <br /> ��"��;' If Borrovrer fails to make these payments or the payu�ents ru{uired by paragraph 2. or fails to tserform aay other ,_ <br /> ��'�w� wvenants and agrecments contained in this Securlty Instnunent,or there is a legal procecding ttiat may significantly <br /> �'� <br /> af��r.� t rnder's ri¢hts in the PropsrtY (such as a procceding in bankruptcy,for condeiwation or to eaforc�laws or �;° <br /> � , regulations), chen Lender may do and pay whatever is aaxssary to protect the vaiue oi che rroperiy �: 1.e�r'� °_�� <br />' right5 tn th�Pcoperty.lncluding pay�znt of taaes,hazard insurance and other items mentioaed in paragraph 2• <br /> . Any amounts disbursed by Leudxr under this paragraph shall became an addlttonal debt of Borrower and be - <br /> - secured by this Secwity Insttument. These amounu shall bear interest from the date of disbursement, at the Note _ <br /> � • tare.and at the option of Lender.shall be immedintoly duo and payable. _ <br /> �'�' � Borrower shall p:omptly dischargo any lien wtticY�ht►s priority over this Securiry Inscrument unless Borrower: <br />.•':ti.c`".•-....,. <br />_ ._ (a) agnxs in wriring to the paymont of the obligntion sccured by the liea in a manner accepteble to Lender; (b) <br />�-'M'" � '' wntests in good faith the lien by,or d�:fends against enforcemer.t of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the <br /> I.:�.�'. ''"" Leader's opinion operate ta preveat the en4'orcement of the lien; or (c)secu�s frnm tha holdor of the lien aa <br />;.r;����r�':�.�-� � <br /> •�,;_.,{, agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lian to tbis Securiry Insmunent. If Lender dete�nes thut any part <br /> °'�"����- of the Property is subjcet to a lien which may attain priority over this 3ecu�ity Insmiment, IRA(IC[' may �ive <br /> '��, Borrowtr a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions sot forth <br /> ...,::;:r•_.�c}�.� . <br /> -:-�:;.�;�;� alwve within 10 dnys of the giving of notice. <br /> .'�� S.Fces.Lender may collecz tres ansl charges authorizod by the Secr�etazy. <br />_�ry� 9.Grounds for Aoceleration o!Debt. <br />—._____ _ (o)Dc[ault. Lender may,exapt as limited by regulations issued by the Secretary, in the case of payment �;i' <br /> -='"��+� defaults,require immediate�aymeat in full of all sums secumd by this Securiry lnsuument if: <br /> ���'� (i)Borrower defaults Dy failing to pay in full any monthly payment required by this Security Instmment <br /> ,�trT�� -- <br /> ��,� prior to or on the due da�te of the next rr,onthly payment,or _ <br /> _�..:_� (ii)Borrower defau3vby fuling, for a period of thirty pe�form any other obligations contatned <br />-°_�:'--�� in this Security Instsument. - <br /> ��wr — <br /> Y:��:,.,�` (b)Sale Without Credit Approval. Lender shall,if perniitted by applicable law(including Section 34l(d) <br />;;�.;:�.�..:• , of the Garn-St. Germain�epository Instirutions Act of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d))and with the prior F-� <br /> ; ;� .,•' '� : approval of the Secretary,zequire immediate payment in full of all sums secwecl by this Securiry Instrument � <br /> N-� <br /> _ . .. if: <br /> _ ;�::.:. <br /> , <br /> V . ��{R(I!E]cseon�.oi va9e a or o i��c;�ie• . .� <br /> .. � l•���` <br /> ' ��r' • � ..�'. � .. ����.. <br /> ---- -`=�--- - ,-r'� <br /> ._----� �� . �. <br /> . . _ —..--......�-,..�- v�.ns� <br /> �••-�•-°•------.�.��.�.r.—_..::.rrnvr.: .—:..�i�iLMtY�ii�n�.`..�•.� � .. „ • <br /> 'r�...�.�,..' . ... .. <br /> . . . .. � .. � a.. <br /> . , t , " - ,- ' � .. " " , <br /> _ S <br />