-•`y'.r'+1 . . . . �... . r:(.�,.,, ,. ;:f , .i.
<br /> �` ./(;
<br /> r��: � • ' � - ' --
<br /> . . . .n•....
<br /> . . .. , -'�r"� ' .,. • . j.�:s.
<br /> . !:j '� •�N±y�l� -
<br /> __ � � - c�7"' ����. �S rt .' �=-=:�;-
<br /> • • 7. Protection of Lender's RIgh9�In �tiio R�operty. u eorrow� ��us �o p.rrom+ �n� oa+e�ann ind wr.w�»nc� „ - _�R�
<br /> contefned k�Ihis &�ourky In�trummt, or thKS b o Mpal ProGMdlnD 11ut rrwy el�p�Nbtntly�if�at L�ndN'�rl�hin ki tho F'roparty (auah ee ,'.�•,�,�i
<br /> a procdedinp Ye b�nlcruptay,prebet�,1or cond�mnatbn ar loriekura or to entorco t�ws or repuintk�m), tMn l�nr►tiK maY do tnd pay tor . ,
<br /> whotowr ts n�ca�sary to prot�at tho vsluo of tho Prop�rty nnd La+�dars r�Nto 1n the Property. Lvnc�t�'a s�t�:}nt may hofuda p�yhfl '
<br /> any sume s�curad by a IWn whfch hte prbrky ovw thle S�curityr ImWmMi1, app�u��9 in couA, ptyMg r��s►flbM�ttomsy'e 1aQ9 rrid
<br /> entKln�on Iho PropNqr to make r�p�Ys• ARhouph I.�tder may tak��ctbn undK thK p�r�Or�Yh 7��a"cVx daas not htvs to do�o.
<br /> My amounte disEursed by Ldnder und�r thb p�nanPh 7 s►u� b�oarM adQRbniti debt of Bo�roh'ar c»curod by thVa S�curky . „ �
<br /> Instrum�nt. UnM�s BortowK �nd UndK a9�M to othK t�rms ol p�YmM�1� 4h�cs Qmountn eh3u btar hterest kom th� dtb ot :
<br /> ' dbburseme�n�at ths Not�nts and s he M b�p�y t b N,w R h h b r s s t,u p o n �o t��kom I.M�dM to Bortov�rar m4tetrttin0 P�Y�t. ,..,• �.
<br /> 8. RAort�aqo In:uirQre�c. If LCnd°r ror;uksd mortpage Itlu�nC� �0 � COnAltlOn o} ttulhlnp tRr F�in s�CUr�d by t h l e ,
<br /> 5ecurfty InsWment, Borrowar sh�ll pey tho pnmluros raquk�d to m�fnUh th� mortp�pe fnsuranca In efN�ct. II, for tny rc::�on, the
<br /> . mortgaye k�s�renco coveraye reUnMed by La►d�r lapaos or coacas lo ba in �M�ot, Bortaw�r mhah pay thT PmmWms rnquM�d to obuln , .
<br /> ,,, eovernpe substantlalry equHalwit to thv rr�orty�as heunnc� prsvbu6fy h �M�ct, at �„"_��R�n�b�°��t tll aubettntbly �
<br /> BoROwer of the moRy�pe Insuranc� prwlowly h MHCt� hom in�kerntt� mortp�gs
<br /> equhraienq mort�ye InaurenCe covero9e Is not aairbM, BoROwer sht�1 P�Y to L�nds► w�oh month n su�n oqwl to on�twslRh of t��
<br /> yesry mortqaqe insurance premlum bahp pald by Bor►ower wh�n tM hsurana oovK�pe kpsed of c9n2od ttt be h otfect. Lende�w�M .
<br /> � 4i�--•�-„ .
<br /> accept, useand retain thase payments �s 4 bsa resarvo h �� ��h a Wnt and tor ths pe�bd th,tA �I�d�r roquros)Pro Idsd b '• °`st���"�;:.t
<br /> requYad, at the eptton ot Lender, M mort4tp�hsunnc�oownpi (� �
<br /> h becomes watlabp and fs obtalnW. oortow�r shaQ piy thm p���.+ms nqukrd to mahtatn �•�.•a�.;�a�:?
<br /> . an Insurer tppro�ed by Lender I�W heuPmto endR h accordanCS wRh any '�''...;�'--�
<br /> :� •' moRpapa hsunnce h eHect, oT to provide a bss roaave, untY th�raquhun�nt tor mortQape ., �,_^'.
<br /> , p
<br /> wrkten o�roanent betwoan Borrowsr�nd Lertder or�ppllcabN Inw. LenoK al�alt pNe �, -�="==---
<br /> , • � 9.In�pecUon. Lender or its Rpent rnay tlltk9 fA�90IlabM Sl11tM6 upon tnd InspectMns o!th�e PrapeRY. .µ.1ti:ac,° ._
<br /> ;[.��t:
<br /> , .. Borrower notleo at the time et or prior to an hspoctbn specMyhO n�aonWN eauso for the inepoctl�n. : ,
<br /> � 'i0. Co�damc�atlon. The prxesds o4 anY ew:Jd or ckYn 1a demages� dirsct or consoq�rc�itla, h conneatbn wRh any �•.^..,
<br /> ,• ; condertnatfon or other takhq ol any part of the Property�or(or comsyaice In ��eu of condemnatbn.arn hn�eny essfpned cnd ahaN be ,;: ----
<br /> paid to I.ender. .��b`� �
<br /> In the enr�+it of a totnl takhfl of the Property� the proce�ds shati be epplied to thv su�ns s��a7�pd Isy thb SeCterRY 1�stNr�t,
<br /> �
<br /> 'f:�.� -
<br /> • � _:';���:.1 whethw or not than due.wkh tny oxcots PAId to Borrowar. In th� ewnt of e putal taklnq oi tYsa P�i►aoAy In whfch tha t�ir mukot '�+��
<br /> � vabo of 4he Propeny YnrtNdtitey b�tors the 4aSch0 Is eQui� to a �ter th�n the amount of thn sumr a�cund by thb Sacurlty .�,t,�,,. _e _ �
<br /> ; t�� �y; -
<br /> . } Inatrurtwnt YnR»dlatclY baoti tha WChp� unl�as BoROw�r md I..�nd�r oth�^�'ISe�p�e� M� ��4� thn s�+mn s�curod by thk S�curAy
<br /> InstrumY�t sl�aN b� r�dur.�d by th� msount of tht procsetle mulpfisd bY th� tolbwin9 �tbn: (n) thn tottl �unount af th� wma f
<br /> �•� securod hmed�ctay beton th�takinp� dlvid�d bY(b) tM faPr maAUt wW� of the ProP�Y inun�dintcy b��ore ths takhQ. MY baW►ca ;;i�y ;
<br /> � In whVch th�f�tr Ra�fc�ft vnluo of the PropeRY Imm�dkbly ti
<br /> shaM b� p��d ta BartowK. In the w�nt of a partl�l takinp ot th�Property ;
<br /> ±� ` betore ihe hfcinp la I�s than tha amount of the suma seGUrod Nm�dYtoly before ih� Ukhp,urtY1s� BU:YOwM and LendK oth�rwko
<br /> '` � ayree h writinp or unbse appACabb Mw othwwlse provides, thi procwd� sh�l be apDtkid to th� sums sticw.�: Dy thts S�curMy
<br /> =i�5`ui3ii'�v.it��:�.fl�Qf!!4t thA 6UTS 8(A�I16f1 fIU9. �n mt e•
<br /> ` , If the PropKty Is abendoned by Borrowet,or N,attK notie� br Londer to eortower mai iPav e'v�«+:.�'ti"r�= •-°--�^'�`"�or T
<br /> � " , sarile t cYMn tor dameg�s, Borrower fails to respond to l.onder wlhin 30 d�y6 aRet tho dnle ot�td tf��su s�cacur ddby hb 3�CUrit1► - '.'"
<br /> ,. to colkct�nd tppti ths prxMds,at its optbn.akher to restoratbe or repelr ot the Propt�riy
<br /> " �nstrument,vrtwtter or not ih�n due. y��{pn of procs�dt tn p�clp�l s.ss9 not�dvnd Or pottporw tho �; ��;.�
<br /> � Uniess Lender md Borrowec oth�rwiao aprso h writinp. any oDD
<br /> duo drto ol th�monthN payrt�nts rM�rrad to In puayraphs 1 and 2 or Chanp�the amount ot tuoh PxYn�n. ,i
<br /> 11.Borrower Not RNea�ed: Forber�nce By Lender Not �W�Iver. F.xUntbn m tn. dms aor wr�t � F�
<br /> modWCatbn ot unoRlution ot ttw suma securod by thls 8�curlly/Nstsum�n t pnn U d b y i-o n d K l u a n Y auxKSa„ h�af BcnowK t�',
<br /> -��,?:, shaq not op�tu to raMtco th� B�bWtY of ths oripinal Borrow�r a sorrowws suocessa6 h „l�s� l+�d����not bY roqulnd to — ,
<br /> " � cort�+ce ProceedhOs �yalnst any su�c�ssor fn inta�at or rotua�to pcbr►d tim�foe pdyma+t os oltrmr�t� medMY�moR�ttfon at th�
<br /> sums socured by this 3�curlly Instrum�nt by roason ot my drn�nd made by ths orip(ntl B�r'►ovrer or Borrowwe cucctasoro In
<br /> • . 3nasneG My torbwana�by Ur►d�e in�u�a�n9�y rlpht or rem�dy ehap not b� a walvar of o7 pr¢�cclud�th��enctao of NS�Ipht or �"�
<br /> . .ti , . rs�nwdY-
<br /> ;_:,�: 1x.Successora er�d tAsetyns 8ound; Joln4 �nd Ssveral Llablifty: �a•sl�ner�. rn� co�^�"� 'r'd °.
<br /> ; 'a •, �preMr►ent� of this Sscu�tty Insuurr�t s4�ou bind end benNft tM suCC�ssoro �nd anslyn� 01 Wnc4�' �nd Borrowor. wbJ�ct to the
<br /> ptovistona of pars�aph 17• Borrow�r'a Covenarits and�p���n shtA b�Joht and s��N�Y B�Y��"'h°�o-aNtl conwy �
<br /> ;�,,r+ insWm�nt but do�s not �aecut� th� Nab: (a) k co-sipntn0 Nis S�curky Inst�ument ony to �pW�� � _
<br /> ' Bortowert fntMOSt h tM Pa�Dp�rty uncNr tM tKms oi thla S�CUrtY InaWr+�nt; (b)!s no1 pN'san����1a��Wy�� � �� -
<br /> - by thls SecurkY IntCum�nt; �nd (o) �y�es that L�ndN and ony Ott�lr BortowM m8Y�04 ° ------
<br /> -- accqnmodatbns wkh nqu�l to t�rns of thb S�curky instrumsnt o� th�Noa wNhout thet Barovrw't censa�G
<br />.-p' . 13.LWn Ch�fQQ�. If tM ban secur�d by Mis S�curtl' InsdumN�t b nubjoat to e law whNh s�m�cirtwm �o�n eha�� -
<br /> ' �nd that law b ftn�ly Interpretad so that th� int�st or othK b�n chsrpes coNeoted or to b� cc�tiDeU�d Y1 Co���Ot� W� t�b� ��r,�a-
<br /> :�.' � ezcood the D�� Nmks. thon: (4) �nY suah lo�n c�arQtis BhU bi reducsd by tho vnaunt nacw3aM'to reducs tM Char�to th� '�:i
<br /> na •
<br /> rmm�d�rnttc wH b�rafund�d to Bflrrow�r. Und�r -
<br /> f pertnkted IinN;�nd(b)+1►Y aums alrsady coN�obd kom 8orrow�r whbh oxc�lsd Pn t to Barower. ft a ' �,: b �.,�
<br /> may choase to make thb reNnd by roduChp th� pnc�ipal owld under th� Nots or by mnkYiQ� � d'rYCt payma� iry. ; .1, ' �
<br /> • retund reducos P�cpal ths rerhwtbn wiN be tre�tod as a paRCelpreQtY�t wRhout�nY prop�Y�+nt otwq�undar tha Nota �:-�;;ti'=.��a,.�;;�,:;;.
<br /> �' i;..���7.
<br /> .....ti 4..•
<br /> ' �,� 14.NtlUCC�. Any not�o to Bonowar provFdcd tor h thh Security Inswmont shatl W yNen bY dsFMerh9 K or by rtuNh�k bY ��:_,:;�,-,-
<br /> � ; tirst otass mail untcss appllcnbte 1nw requirog use ot another mNhod. Th� notico shnA ba d�rnoted to th� PropKty Addnsa or any ' .i,��� .�. --
<br /> , . �.{��,.....
<br /> othe� addresa Bortower deaipnatss by notic� to Lendx. My noqce to l.�►der shu�i Da ql►'e�bY ��t Ciass maH to l.sndefs address .. _'
<br /> , . stated Mreh or �ny othK acldhsa L�nd�r d�sk�natos by notfe�lo Oarow�r. My not�� Pro'�Id�d tc+�h thb SacurMY Instrument ehaN . �:�:
<br /> be d�n�d to how bMn plwn to Borrow�r or LendK wMn Diwn Qs D��h thla per�nph• . _
<br /> ` 9 5.Governl��liWi �y�����Y• Th� ��� hst�un»�t shel bo povdrr►ed by isdKal itw u►d th� law ot the
<br /> JurlsdicUon In whbh th�P�ape�tY Is bcatrd• �n th��n+►t thaY Ny provblon or o�wee of thb S�curicy InaWment or ths Note canflicts „
<br /> �„�ry�ptcabM Iow, auch conNot shaM not aflv:t othor provisbns ot thb Securih' InsUUment or tlu� Noto which can b� plvon effect , ..
<br /> � wHhout Ihe conttiotinp provialon• To thb end the txo�sbne of Nb SrcuHty UsWmont tnd tM Noto ara d�aMnd to b�6evsrabb•
<br /> . __�
<br /> �e e�.....��+��snv a.,.m,wr shaN be alv�n onA canTamwd copY ot tho Noto�nd of t�fo Sacurky Instrument.
<br /> --- ---�- ---- ■v..«......�. � �—r.- --� - -
<br /> _. _ . . _ --. ..--- _ . .---
<br /> - 17.Trmater of the Property or a Beneticlal intQXett In Barrower. n an or any p.� o* m: ����� �^ -�•� - -- -
<br /> Inte�est h it ls sold or Vansterrsd (or M a 4onMfcie� hterost �n Bs�rowor b soid or tronaterted and 9orrower Is not � natunl psrson)
<br /> wRhout Lend�a prtor written conaent, Lend�r maY.at fhs optbn,r�qulre Imm�dleto poyment In fuA o4 nN tums sxursd by thF�S�curky
<br /> . Insburnent. Howovsr, thls optbn BhaN not b� �x�rclsad bY��nd� M�� �Wnhibksd by htdert� 1�w�s ot the dats o}thb S�curRy
<br />= Inswnient. i -
<br /> 1 �}�onda exerols�a thb optbn,Lend�r ah�i phra Bortow�►notic�of�cceMntbn.The nallce ehuN provid�a perWd o}not less than
<br /> i 1�swrtwit ImBohrcowxt hNs to P Yeth o su�m prior to t`ho�Y�ioo ofhthls pot d Undsr�muynhvoke any rertMdbs bpertnkted by t b �
<br /> Form aaze v/oo
<br /> � �eCUrity Instn;ment wkhout tuRh�r notiC�or dMn�n d on Borrowr.
<br /> P�p�9 at 6
<br /> � I Ft02B.LM0 (21A6)
<br /> �
<br /> -1 I � , .
<br /> �
<br /> { eoa I
<br /> � ! _
<br /> 1 _ -----•--_..
<br />