�� • � , �
<br /> ��� .
<br /> • . .1 � .�Gi4?��1.T; .• / • • a l�.9.e ... . �. .. �• '�1 ''` w���71��'' .
<br /> "'.'�' . ... .. .. .....� . � � " �t4n.:.,+_�=
<br /> ..:�- .. . ._ .. _. � �_�i._ �r-.
<br /> (��� ��l1/�R�/�
<br /> ' � Bortowar� ssorow ecoount und�r lh� Nd��l F�al E�t�t�&Nt�t P���+n�Aot of 1974 n 1fhN►d�d hom tkrw to tYsw, 12 U.B.C. • • T'��
<br /> �p� ���oq, (°iiE&NA'), unleas cnoth�r tiw lh�t�pP� to th� Fundi t�ti e bf�ar tmount. II�o,Und�r may,�t my tfrrN,ooM�ot and , ,
<br /> � hoftl Fund� In en nn�ount not to v:�cecsd Ih�e b�eer amount, Lendlr moY es�hwt�lh�Qmount ol fund� alu�an Iho biof� o}curt�nt dat!
<br /> and c�eonabN e�tknitii o}r.��ndKun�of tutun E�crow Il�ms a olhawk� in aceadutic�wkh agplf�abw law.
<br /> Th� Fundf �haM b� hetd In an 6nslkulbn whaso d9posk��r�hsund by • kdK�l sp�ncty, insw�n�nullty, or �rttMy (fnoludhy
<br /> L�ndM, M LMder I� tuoh an Imtltut[on)or in �nY F���Hc+�N�� �k' �►��h�M appy fh� Fundi to pay th�Etcrow It�mf.
<br /> UndM rt�y not ohary� Bortow�for habinp�nd �ppyhp th� Furtdf,a�nuapy�nalh�zhq th�itcrow acaount,or wrNyinO Qh�Btarow
<br /> IIMn�,unwsa L�ndor ptY� Borrow�r inhnsl on th�Fund��nd �ppfic�bi�kw P1rmk�1.�^d�►to m�k� suoh �ohu�p�. Howw�r�L�r►da
<br /> rr�y r�qut�Borrowor to p�y a on�lL��Ct�:rC�tor cn Mct�!r°*�d!+�t ren� edut�tex npoRinp eeNlC�us�d by Und�r In oonn�otbn wkh
<br /> 4 thk ban,unMn�ppMCabM Iaw provldM o1M�wiw. 4'nWs�n �pr«'"�^Z M�d� a�ppACabN Mw rsqulns In►�t to W pab,L�ntlw
<br /> - �hall not b� nqulr�d to p1�y Borrow�r�nY htmst or�amhps on tM Fund�. BOROWM Nd Utldir If1sy�Qfi�M� vrrRinQ� how�wr,th1�t
<br /> .nv.- htK�st �haq W pald on thr Funds. l.�dK �h�a Clw lo Bortowu� wUhaut chup�, �n annu�tl�cQOUnthp oi lA� Funds, showfnp
<br /> � cndR�and WbM�to th�Fundi�nd th�pu�poa(ar which MaA d�bk Co tha Fundf was rrNd�. fi� FuRds w pMdpod u ad�klonii _
<br /> • e�curlry for aq tums t�cur�d by thla S�curky�etlrum�nb ,
<br /> If tho Funds hatd by Londsr oxcMd t1�e�mounts�nniKsd!o b�h�id by tppMcabM Mw,Lendu shtll account to Bortovwr for tIN . ��:'
<br /> ac�st Funds h accardmc�wk7� th�rpulrKn�nts of �¢yYcebN faw. If th� unaunt of th�Fun�a hold by Ur►d�r at my tYn� b not fy���.
<br /> cutflcNnt to pey tha Escrow Itwna wh�n due,Und�maY�o noUy Borroww in wrkhy,rn0,h suah ca�BorrowvN ehaN pay to Und�r •:�--,..
<br /> ths amount n�c�ssary to m�ic�uP th�dMaMnoY. Bon'ow�r sh�1 m�k� up tha d�ticMr►oY h no mon lhtn tw�lur monthy paymmts,at F ,;'7��
<br /> �� Lendws tof�dlaCretbn. .�."���
<br /> ;�.; Upon payrt�r►t In tuM ot�N sums Ncund by thN S�curky In�tsum�nR�d�►�haN prompty nfund to 8ortowa u►y Funds h�W by -
<br /> `4 LsndK. If� undor panOnPh 21.l.�da sful�aQuin or aN ffi�P�oO�Y,I.�ndK.D�►to th��cquls6tion or Ni�of tM Ptop�ty.shal :°T
<br /> � appy�ny Funds hNd by UnWr�t th�tYsw ol actyul�Rtan ar cab es a cn!d� �!tnet ths sems s�cund by thY S�curity MfG'ur�:at. ,'��-�-
<br /> ��, 3, Applic�tton ot P�ymente, un�s�pplicahM iaw Prw�do�othK"'ka�eJl WY���� by��und�r par�8r�phs ,�_
<br /> .���__
<br /> • 1 �nd 2 BhaN be applf�d: Crtt,to any proWYmK►t ohir'Ob du�urtdu ttN Nol�; s�cand,to tmounts p�yabM undlr pirl�r�ph 2;thYd ;�.`_
<br /> � to htorott dus:(ourth,to pnc�iptl dur,�nd kst,to�ny Yt�chvpss du�unWr th�Nob. ,.,•,,���
<br /> �. �i� 4. Char�es; Uens. eorrow.r sn�r pay ar waa, nues�+a, ctwpa� Ma �nd krposklons attrbutobb to tM Prop�rty
<br /> ., which may at41n priaity ov�r thi� S�curitY InaWm�nt, Nd Mts�hold MY�ts or Ground rwite� B �ny. Borro�w�r �haM p::y tT»� �:°__°
<br /> t obOpatbns tn th�m�nnK Prov�W h pvs9�aph�.a K not Psk1 h Ihat n�nnM,BorrowK sMM p�y th�m on tMn�dYroty to tM p�r'so� —_
<br /> owed payrnw►� Bortowar shaA promptN tumflh to L�ndv afl rotica of mwunts to W patd undu thi�panpnph. If 8arow�r rtwlces --••-
<br /> ' � thase PaYm�►ri d(rocpY� BorroNw�hal promPlti fumbh to t.�nd�r nc�IPb w�bsnaNp th�P�Ym�nb• h wrkin0 Qo
<br /> BerrowK�►u�Y pramptly dkchrrp��nY IW�whbh hat phorty over thN Stcurky InsbumN�t uniws Barowa: (�I�Mt
<br /> �' th�pafrma►t of th�obYp�tbn s�cur�d by th�Nat h t rtMnn�t�x�Dtabil to Und1r; (41 Cont�ari h po0d hth ttN RM1 by�a dHmds
<br /> •--- �..h4�h h th�Londw{ODhbn Op�fab t0 P��M�2 tM Y(1fOfCM1M�t Of t11�IM(fi Of(G)
<br />- ------ �Ql�tst NI10(CN�Mti Oi ini�cii:���.ln=F� ��� ••---..- - �
<br /> - a�cuns kam tha hold�r o1 th� tMn �n�prart�nt aatiaMctory to Undr subadtnathp It��fen to thN S�curky Instru►n�►t. M UndK
<br /> determhss that u�y part ot ttw ProprAy b subject to e Ben whtch may atLh priority orsr thfs&�curky IntMumer►�, Under irwy ph»
<br /> • BoROw�a aotica Wontiyhp thu N�n. Borcowar shaN sstby thm lien c+r t�k�u�s or mo�ot th��ctlona cot tath aba��wkhin 10 days
<br /> � of tM phrYsy of notice.
<br /> '- .. ��, b. Naza►d Or PfOpO�y 1[1�tt�QllCe. Borrow�r shtll ke�p ths lrnprovw++mts now �ocistinp or hKMRK enct�d on t►N
<br /> . PropKry hsund N�hst bas by M�M�rds holud�d wRhin Ih� t�m `�xt�nded cove�yr'�nd�ny othK tward�� Inc�dirp lbods or
<br />�; �
<br />''.•. . � •. tbodfny, lor wh�h UncMr nqulns fnsumc�. ThI� fnwru�cr sbia W mahtah�d h th�errauets �nd tor tls�P�rtods that L�da
<br /> ' roquires. Ttw i�suruic�curier PravbhB tM hsur�tha� 6�chos�n by Bwrow�r wbJ�ct Co L�dwe �pp►oril whbh sh�1 not b�
<br />_� ,:} ,�, unroaaonsby wkhhNd. If Barow�r hM to rt�hteh Coven�0� �e�Crb�d �bore,l.�nd�r may.u L�ndKs optfon� obkfn covK�po to
<br />�::�.�.'.' protoct Lond���i0hts (n th�Prop�4y h sccor�na wkh par�praph 7-
<br />_� ,. ....1,
<br /> 3.,.� .• �:� AN Inaunrwr Po�cMt md answaN shal b�acc�Ptabl�to UndK �nd shUl Includn m stmderd mat0�p�ciwa. L�ndK s
<br /> �_�"' """`m' �• the ripht tc hold t!N Po���d n�nwvab. If l.�nd�r nquWs� Barow�r shtN pmmpty OAti to LanMr aN ncspb ot pald pnmiums
<br />- _..��. --
<br />-- "� end nnew�l notfca�. In th�avsr►t of bsa, Barow�r sMA�Iw PromPt notice to the i�surmcs carri�er end LMedK. L�nd�r maY mN��
<br />,�:f'�•��."``�T -
<br /> proot ot bss k not mado prompty by BortowK.
<br /> ,�'.ti '�• r���' UnMes Undot�nd Borrow�r otMrwk��prw In writhy. inwranc� procMds sht�b�nppYad to nstontton or npafr ot th�PmpMty -
<br /> ___. ..;,� dartwp�d. M th�rostoretbn or npair M �conomicaiy teeabl� u�d Undefs acurky is no!Mss�»d. If tM rostaratbn or nQaP Is not -
<br /> - ..'*-.~� _ �conomieaNy hat6N a L�nders wcurltY woutd ba lessan�d�tM hsuronc�proc�eds sh�1 W�pp1�d to(hs sumx s�curod by Nf� _ _
<br /> '" ` -' � Srcurity InsWm�nt,wh�thK a not Hw� dw. wkh any�+oc�a qld to Borto�wa. If Borrow��banda�s th� Prop�ty, or das not --
<br /> �. ...t' � -
<br /> -°'^��'S';:� �nsw�r wkhh 9�l d�ya R notla kom undlr tha! th� hwmc�carr�r h�s oM�nd to atds a ckYn. thln UndK rrNy cnMct tA�
<br /> — .�rr..
<br /> � ,.�~. . �. hsuronc� prac»ds. Lartd�r may uss 9h� D�ocNds to e�p�r a aaotore th� PropertY or to P+�Y sum�s�curod by thb Sec ----
<br /> ,_;^.�•.
<br /> --„��, ,�.� InsWm�nt. wh�thK or not tMn dw. TT�34dRY P��wl� bgin when tAa notice a�Mn.
<br /> -' ' UnMta L�nd��nd Bortovn►oth�rwks�M► wriqrg. �nY WP�tbn of procaeds to prinepal�ha1 not aatvnd or postpqn�th� __
<br /> duo dat� of tM monthy p�ymN►b nh�ed to h parspaphs 1 and 2 a chan�th��mount af th� paym�ntt. B und�r p�r�praph 21 _
<br /> tha PropeRy h acQutred bY Le^de�� Borrmyrer's ►ipht to my hauronce �Aol�i��nd proc�sds rosuklnp kom dur�to the PropKty prior _
<br />- to the acqubkbn shnt pesa to l.ender to the axtent of the surna securod by this Security In�Wrrwet irtnwdf�toy prfor to the __-
<br /> acquiskbn.
<br /> - 6. Occupsncy� PrecennUon� Mdnte�tr�ce ansl ProtecZioee �f Uoe Propertyr; B�r�'ower'a Lan '=�'
<br /> . Applicatlom Le�fl190Ed�. Bwrower shaM occuPY,�stabNSh,�ras!uso the Prcf+erty aa Borroware Princb�l rssidMCS wkh(n sbdY .-
<br /> �" days aRer tha ascutfon of thb Securky Insuummt�nd shal Canth�a,to oocupy th�Prop�ty u �arovwrt Prhohhd Rsidmc�for at _
<br /> �' Maoc on. yMr anK th� d�b ot occup�nar� unMss i.�nd�r otMrwts� �yn�s in wrkinD, wnicn cons�nt thar not b� unnasonably
<br /> �
<br /> `� wkhheid�or unbss�xtonuathy cYCUrtnt�nca�dat wh�h are bsyond Barow►�s control. Barow�r aha�not dsslroy.d�p�or Ire�t
<br /> . Yhe Prope�tY,4Mow ths Ptop�rry to delKbnt�� o+Cort�mk wasN on th�Proplrly. BortovrK sh�N be In dehuR M u�y (aleS�n ioUon or
<br /> __ ___ � procMdfnp,wh�thet CtuU or crYnina4 M b�Win thit In L.lndsre Qcod fakh judprnent could roauk in torlekure of tho PropYty or otherwiss •
<br /> -_ �"�''
<br /> .wh �{�I���r inei
<br /> __ � rtwteri�iy hip�Y th� Na� crwt�d by thb SecurRy Inawmenc or i..nd.re e:cu�.� .��..�. .,,,�....... .�; �_ -�-.. _ �_ -•- -`___-
<br /> � rehstnts, as� providod In pu��Ph 18, by causinp th�wtbn or proceWtnp to i» dfsmiss�d wRh n ruliny Ihat,h Landat's pood hRh , '
<br /> � dete�minatbon,procludn tortelture of th� Borrower's Inlersst h the PropsAy or oth�r moteri�l h►patrt�snt ot tM Ikn cre�t�d by tnta •
<br /> � Secun'ty InsUUment or LencNrs security lntenst Bortow�r ahal eiso be h dehuk M earower, durinp tM W�n appNCatton procoas,
<br /> � paw mat�lN tala� or Inaccur�to INomatfc�► or statanenb to Lendor (a hlkd te provkb Undar wRh tny R�at�tal htartnatton) h
<br /> ' conn�ctton wRh ths bsn �vid�nced by ths Nots,includhp. 4ut not limlt�d to, nQnsontatlons concemhp Borrowws nccupanCy o}th�
<br /> ' pro�y �s �p�Y�Cipal roa{d�nCe. If thb SecurRy In�trument Is on �IeaaN►oid� BoROwer sh�N compy wlh �M ths provisiona o}the
<br /> I Iease. I( Boaowx acquirss t» titM lo the Propxty, th� iws�hold �nd tM fo�tRN ahaN not me�o unbse th�Lender �prws to ths
<br /> � � merqor In writhy. Form aoz�o/oo
<br /> " .. � F1020.LM0(�/M) Pap�4 ut 6
<br /> i
<br /> — . ' r---
<br /> 604 V
<br /> �
<br /> 1 __
<br />