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. . _1 <br /> , ° � , .. ' ! <br /> ' ..�.:. .. 97-1429�� . ..._� � ,.. <br /> � .. . <br /> � • . 18. Borrower's Rl�ht to Reln�t�te. if eaROwer mesee c.rte►, oondkbn�, aorrowx enan nwa �ns �ptii co n�w <br /> � ontorcarna�t o}thls &�curky Instrum�n!disconthwd nt �ny tlm� prlor to the wlf�r of: (��8 daye (or suoh othK pKbd�s tpplfctbia <br /> I�w may spoolty far rehstatcKndnt) before seb ot lhe Properry purouant to any power of safe contQhed h tht9 Security InstrumenC or , <br /> (b) ontry of B Judpment anforalnp thla Saaudty instrument. Thoso conditlono are thet 8orrowar. (a) pGys Lender c►II sume whbh then r' <br /> wauld be due under thPo Seaurky Inetrument and the Not�as M no ecosNnt{on had ocournd; (b) curoa any d�l�al ot eny other _ <br /> aavonant or epresmonts; (o) p�ys all e�w�a�a Ineur►ed In entoroYnp this SOCUrIy Inatrumsnt, haluding, but nol lknRod la, reeonWW - <br /> attomeye'fess; end(d) takea auoh totbn te Lend9r may r�atonaby nqulr� to iomun that th�It�n of thb&�aurily In�trum�nt,ls�dws �_ <br /> ripht� In th� Ptop�rty and Bortowert oblig�tbn to pny tha oume t�oursd by IhN &�aurky Inttrume►t ah�B oontlnu�unohm�d. Upon <br /> rshstatNn�nt by Borrowa,thk Sscurlty Instrummt and lh�obNpatbns tiCUrod h�by �h�N nrnah fuNy�fhotivo s�M no accll�r�tbn , <br /> had occurred. Horiever,thls ripht to relnetetb shtN not tppy In th�cae�of 4cc�lerttbn undar panynph 17. `: <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Ciwnqe of Lo�n Servloer. Th� Not� or �p�R111 Int�r�st h th� Noli (to�thst wlth tA H&eaurity , <br /> Inatrument)may ha sold one or more tirtwa wkhout prlcr not��to Bonower. A eaM may nauR In a ohanq�1n th�ontfty nnewn ae lAe <br /> "LOen Swvicer") thnt aolNcte monthly payments dus under lh� Noto and thb S�curky Instrumont. Th�re elso m�y b�one nr mors =- <br /> chanyas of ths Loan&«v�a unr�kted to a ertM o1 th�Not�. if th�n b n ohNp�o} tho Loan SKVbor,Borrower wltl 1»pivm vv�itten <br /> nottce of the ahanpe h �coordance wkh panflnWh 14 �bow and tippAo�4ie rw. Th� notico wlll state the n�mv and eddrese of the , -- <br /> new Loan Serv�er and the addreas to wh�h payments should be rtvtdm. Th�notioo will atso contnln any other hfortnatlon nqulrod by � -�; <br /> aAP�iCable law. . :.�.i,���-' <br /> 20. H�dous Su6stances. Borrower shall not cauae or permk th�prosence, use, dbponl, stonse,or nl�aa�of�ny : , <br /> n�.p •a,�,..�.tr� <br /> Harardous Cibatance9 on or In the Property. Borrower ahaA not do, nor albw anyono else to do, anythhp afteothp th�Property that lt�,��,;;ab;i�-- <br /> is In vblutbn of any Envtonmental Lnw. Tho precsdinp two sentences shtA not appy to the presence, use. or slorape on tho � <br /> Pronerty of smaY qu4ntkfes of Hazardous Substances thet nre penerelly recopntu►d to be approprlate to nortnal resldentYl u�a and to :-.�;_.__ <br /> �-J"_._'_- <br /> mahtar►ance of the PropWiy. � °- <br /> Bortower shall promply pNa Lender wrkten notOco of�tny inveslfpatbn, cYPo, denxnd, lawsuk or othM aotbn by say povemma�tal <br /> or rsgulstory e�ency or prNate pnrty invaMhg the PropeRy end any Hamrdoua�batance or EnvPOnmeatal ot whlch Bortower has - __ <br /> actuai knowiedpe. If Bortower leams, or is notffled by eny yovemm�ntul or repuiobry authorky, tAat any removal or otlur �emedf�llen _ <br /> of ony Har4rdous SubsWco 4(f�t►n0 th� Propwty Is necssseuy, Bonower sh�4 prompty GUce all nocassuy rsrrsedrl ottbns tn _ <br /> accordance wkh EnvPonmental Law. `.;�- <br /> As usal in thts panproph 20, 'Hawdous Substancas" are thoas s+�b5tances dothed as toxb or hamrz3ous wbaunces by :{^�_� <br /> Environmental Law end ths taMowhp substances:qaaolha, kerosene,other fYmmable or tox� peVOleum produCt9, tott3c pestkM�a end , • ,�,��� <br /> horb�tdea, vol�tlle solvents, mat�iats contalninp tsbastos ar fortnaldehyde. and tadbaotive rr�teriah. As used in Ihis p�r�praph 20, • �' <br /> "Environmantat Law' me�na iederal Inws and {iws of the Jurisdbtbn whK�Ihe Property b bcated th�t rollte to hMtt�,eahty or :,�:_ <br /> � envlronmental proteclbn. � �� <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borroww and Lend�r further Covw�ant and Iprw as folbwa: ' f��`�' ' <br /> ;�:V ,;y,. , , <br /> 21. Accelcratlon; Remediss. Lender ahall �Ive notice to Borrower prbr to necelerWan�olbwtnp <br /> Borrower's breach o� any covensnt or apreemsnt In thl� Securfty Instrument (but not prior to �' ,. <br /> � accelerdlon under pareyr�ph 77 unless applicable I�w provide� otherwl�e)_ The nattce sh�ll �peclfy: <br /> _ �._� .�_ ��' . .- .. <br /> - (a) the deteult; (b)the �etion required to curo the eefsutt;(cj a d�ie, not �e�s in:n 3u u�: .���.. u�Q > ,.r �,�.; =:�:; <br /> d�4e tha notice I� glven to Borrower, by which the deteult mu�t be curod; a�nd (d) that hilur�to cure �:�ti�l., ., _. <br /> • thm detault on or bebre the d�te apecifled In the notice m�y result In eccetention af the auma ��:�f �� ` � <br /> aacured by this Security Instrument and aale oi the Property. The notice sh�ll further Inform :�. <br /> Borrower of the riqht to rein�ete atter acceferaUon snd the riqht to brin� � court aaUon to assert the ��� ���~ �;' '� <br /> non-exiatence of a detwlt or eny other defe��e of Barrower t,o eccaleraUon s��d sale. If t1�e d�fault Is � �� <br /> not cured on or betore the d�te apecitied In the naUce. Lender st It� optlon m�y requlre Innmadlate x� � �, � <br /> . payment In tuil ot sll wms aecured by thlt &ocuriry Instrument without brther dsmand and may '�;�, ! <br /> Irrvoke the power ot sale and any othar remedles pe�mftted by �pplicabls law. LandK �hstl bs .t; � <br /> entltled to coilect sll e�enses Incurred in purwing the remedies provlded In thle parqr�ph 21, � <br /> Includtn�, but no4 Ilmited to,reawn�bls dtorneya'teea�nd coas of tltte �videnc�. °t <br /> if the power of sale Is Invoked� TrustOe sFwll record •noUce of dehult In esah counry In which �f� �� <br /> ;�• any p�t of the Property Is loaated md ah�lt mall coples of�uch notice In the manner p���crlbetd by z. r:..= " -: <br /> . spptec�ea Iaw 4o Borrower a�o�d to ths other penono preacribed by appltesbts Iew. Atttr the Ume E�-:=,�_ <br /> . . ,: �. reqytred bY apPlic�ble law� T�ustee �t�aii qlve publla notl��of sale to the peraons md in tha mennor -� :•�-- <br /> � prescribed by epplicable law. T�u�4ee� witlxwt demand on Bor�ow�r, �II �ell the Properiy at pubtta _ _ __ <br /> �:, auctlon to the hl�hest bldder �t the Ucne and pl�cs �nd under the terms dedpn�ted In !he nottao ot =___ <br /> :,�;., : aale in one or mae parcels end In �ny order Trustee daterminea. Trustee may po�tpone sal� oi�11 <br /> , �' er any parcel ot the Property by publlc �nnouneament �t the Ume �nd place ot �ny Pravtouely� ��;��eF <br /> � scheduled eale. Lender or Its deslynee rney purcha�e the Property at any sple. '�"�'��--� <br /> ' � ` ' Upon recelpt of peyment of the prlce bid, Trustee shtll deitver Qo the purcha�er Trvaae't deed t�:r➢.-�_ <br /> 7 conveyin� the Properry. The recltal� In 4t�e Trwtee'� dee�s8a11 be prlm� hcle evidence of tlie fruth _ <br /> � of the stetoments made thereln. Tru�tte0 thdl apply the proceeds ot the �le in the bliowinp�rdsr. �:�'��`�'��A" <br /> (e) to alt cnria end e�en�ea o! exerclslnp the power ot aYle, and the aafe, in�ludlny the p�yment of `�.�'�'�`�`� <br /> . , , . ,. <br /> � the Trustee's fees tctually tncurred� not to exceed 3 96 of the prUcipsl �mmunt ot the nota ����; _ ' <br /> � et the tlme of the docluratlon o4 detwit, �nd ree�onal�le attorney'�feea as parmftted by Iaw; (b) t,o all - � <br /> , auma eecured by thls �curity InNrument; end (c) any exceas to the per�on or pQ��ona leqai ly . � <br /> eniltled to i� <br /> � 22. Fieconveyance. Upon payment of eN aume G�CUrld by thls Security In6itumont,Lender BhIII requ0st Trutue to rbconvay • <br /> �• the proporty�nd shall sumender thb Securky Inatn,ment and nM notes evkfencing dobt aecured by thb Security Instrur.nn!b TruLOro- <br /> �'' Ttustee shaq r000nvey the Property wNhout warrenty and wAhout ohary�to th�ptxsan or pasons Iapnly ontkted to R. �ct�pt��son ar <br /> , . peraona shall pay any recordattcn costs. <br />_ j <br /> ` 23. Substitute Truatee. �ender, at ks optbn, mny Srom t6no to Ihx�rernov�D Trustee end appoht a aucc�sor wstw to <br />_ ! any T�ustee oppohtod hereunder by an Instrument recordod tn the ao�nty h whiah tflb Security Inatru:nant fa recad�d. WAhout <br />= _ � conveyance ot the Prope�ty,suCCessor Wste¢shali suxead ta aN tho tftie,power and dutios Cont�rtod upon Truet�hereh und by <br /> - . <br /> -- � <br /> . .� appliaable taw. _ _ <br /> 24. Requ�st tor NoUces. Borrower requcists that copies of the notices oi de(auR and sale be sent to Bortovr�e addross <br /> . whfch fs the Property Addrosa. <br /> - • 2b. Rideri t0 this Security In�tr�sment It one ot more ridere are exeCUted by Borcower and reCOrded top9ther tvith <br />' � thls Security Instrumea�t,the cove�anta and a�aert�ents of each such rider sh�tl be Incorporated Into and sha�amend Nd euppbment <br />~ the covenants end epreements ot this Securky Instumant as R the rlder(s) were s part ot this Security Instrument. f <br />-. Ij Form 3o@a 0/� . <br /> �. I F�029.LM0(2/Yb) P�p�4 ot b � .. <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> _ 1 <br /> �aa <br /> � . _ <br /> � <br />