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<br /> 92_�, a.ossss
<br /> o��M.,aNdthesnfe,Indudin6lhey�Ymrntotlhe7Y�isla'sfees�cluellylnnirrcd,�iotlocatcsd 3.0 r��
<br /> t*„:arlrtc4�1 emount ott►e nae ae a1w time ottl�e d«I�rrtlan otdatpnl�,And rrawnwbic annrne�•s'R�s Aspermined _
<br /> by liw�(b)lu�ll snms eetvrcd Ey tAts Seturity Inslrument{�nd(c)any cxctss ta Ihe person or ncrsons legnlly entitkd
<br /> loM.
<br /> tt, Reconvey�nct. Upon oaymont of nll sums securcd Ly Ihis Securiiy Insimmem.I.cnder shall rcqucsl7riis�ee�o
<br /> teconvty tM 1'mpeny nnd shall iumnAcr�his 9ecnd�y lnsuument and all no�es ovlAcncing dd>t securcd Iry�his Secud�y _._.
<br /> InslNment to 9iusla. 'ihis�w shall reconvey�6e Propcny whhout wa�ranty and wl�hmn chargo �o thc pcnon or pcno�s __
<br /> Ieg�tly rnti�iul in it. Sudi penon ar perxons sliall pay any r:wrdmion wsts. --
<br /> 13. SubtlUulc 7Yustre LcnAcr,nt i1s opilon,may from timc lo�ime rcmovc 71vs�cc nnd appolm a succcssor Irusttt to t_r-�-= -.
<br /> any'Ih�xtw ap(wlNed hern:nder by nn (nsm�ment rcmrded in tlw wumy in which t6is Security Instrumem is r.roMed. �.�
<br /> Wulwut convcynnca of thc Propcny,t6o sncccssor imstw sha�l succccd�o all �ho titic,power and dutics conkmd upon �,;,--
<br /> 7tusta hercin and by npp11�aBto law. -q:.__�
<br /> 1A. ReqxrS for Notitts. FScrrower rcquests ihat copics of tho notkes of defauli nnd snle�e sem to ftovower§addrcss N.-„
<br /> which(s tiie Aropeny Adcl���ss. =��:,...__.
<br /> ��-_,_
<br /> 25. Rlders to th[s S2cerECy @cs!r¢aMef. If one or more dders aN executed h�Dortowcr nnd recorded logether wllh �'--_-�.
<br /> thLs Security(nstmment,tt�rn�'enants ar.d agn�emrnts of exh such rider shnil be ncorporated inta:�*.d shali anienA and ����"=--
<br /> suppiement the corenams a�d agrcemcnu oE this Security Inswrc:ent as[f the dder(s)we�e a pui of itiis Smvri�y(nstrument. ..
<br /> [Check applicable box(es)] '�--�
<br /> '�;;;'is:_
<br /> �Adjustablc Rato Ridcr �Condominium Rider �1-8lumity Rider _
<br /> �W
<br /> �GmduatcdMymentRider �PlannedUnitDcvclopmemRider �UiwecklyPoymcntRidcr ���? ��-
<br /> � F t, _-
<br />.. - �DalloonRider �RatelmprovcmcntRider �SeconJllomeRider H.`t�:•r_,
<br /> _fiYfnin::'.
<br /> x❑p:h.rts�isP���YI ncknoWledc�ment> Assiqrwnent of Rents `:`�","�:"
<br /> flY S1�Ni.tiG 0[iLA1V,Sartower accede:s and agrca w�he tennx a��d coven�nn cnmained Ss�his Secariiy Insuumem E t`�:r�.
<br />�• nndinany-rideYs�txecutedbyBorcowerYS?.�rordedwi�hh. :�5n3:!•n:
<br /> , � pi' '
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<br />- E2rCi . S�h;nt�,it •�ormMer ..
<br />.' Soci�t5cecri�yNumbcr .500=57..-223�� '[�` �
<br /> _ � Jl�. .G��u� _ z-�'
<br /> r«e v —(Seaq ��' S; �.
<br /> — oan I9. Schmidt �fl�rt��Y�
<br /> Social Securi�y NumLcr 505-54••h921 �f1�- �
<br /> >,4� .
<br />' STATCOPNCDRASKA. Rall Coumyss: ,.?�`;'::��
<br /> �rnr.:= .
<br /> On�his 28th dayof Octobet 9992 befcceme,�hcunderst ncd,allota Pubiic 9{�fY3=`'-
<br /> 6 �Y �,stt`�r;._-
<br /> dulycomntisslonedandqualifledforsaldmnnty,p:nonailycame Flioy E. Sdi��idt and 7oan m. K4},rn,=_
<br /> - Schmidt. twsband and wlfe ,tomc known lo be thc .'C'+.'?r'�
<br /> Idemlcal perseaixs)�vhou namMs)are suu<crilxd ro�he forcgoing in.v.camen�and acknowledged the execmion�herco(to ��7�'�'�+�����
<br /> l�c their voluntuy act and dccd t�r "
<br /> 1�imzssmyha�idandno�nrialseala Island, 77ebraska � insaid�oumy.the ���'� =�
<br /> Jnicaforetxid.y���p(M'(1�INMM�W �� l�,/ . � wG(�U ^y' �
<br /> MyCommici ex es: pN011AHLKi1AME ;31. Q(L?2e s,( _.
<br /> f (yM 1117.'�.1� NouryPoblic ��C �sYi_.�.
<br /> �k -
<br />� T07RUSfL'C: �� ��;��
<br /> 7Le underaigned)s tlx hnider of�he note or notes securcd by�his Decd of Tms�. Said r.ote or no:es,toge�her wi�h all ��,��1-_
<br />- other indeb�edness xwrcd Dy this DeeA a"I5us6 harc bcen paid in full. You are heRby dirccled to cancel said no�c or no�es "?-2.,
<br />= and�hls DeeA ui Trus6 which are deliverc+i rzteby,aod lo rccemey.wiihnul warramy,all the.s�ace;�orv held by you under st -•
<br />- �his Dccd oi7}uel to�he person or Fcrsnr,s kpally emitled�hemto. r,,. �`'�
<br />- �,�'`.;
<br />_ ...,.. - ---' v -q;r ��.
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