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<br />--',- A6SWNMlNTO�j1fikY8R1�EA � �7��^+ �.�`a c�� �_—: R__.
<br /> � THIBASBIaNMY�N70RRCHTB(iIUERlemetN�nd�xecutWthla ?at.�.1?-dsyol Octohor ,90 �?.ar�lle _ _
<br /> Inco�porltad Into and ahdl be deem W to am�nd ind:upptem+N�1�o Mor�qcpe or Deed of Truat,hereln�itar relerred to u ths
<br /> °&fcurlly IMlrumenl",of ihe a�m�d�ts yiv�n by Ih�und�raipnod, horelnnitor rr,lerrotl to�a the°tlormwm",to aacuro �s^„�= .:
<br /> ---° BorrowePEllidOblltlOElB�hOf010911Off0Iltfbdi0A51Yi8"NOte",tottOtdP.�(iDL•AM1I.ttAVINaBA�lDIOANA88001A710HOf i,, -__ . .,
<br /> 9-�'� 6RAMD1&LAND,Bereineltormlqttedtoaethe"L�ndsr",olthea�medNOnndcovering�hopropertydesctlbedlnthe8ecurity . _,
<br /> — Instrumentandlooetedat: ���,;lc.':":?---�
<br /> � 411 Johnson Orivo, Grand Island, NE 60003 � �'q'-r " �
<br /> - (Pipp�riy AEdrose) t ��_ _
<br /> ' WITNfi89ETH: ' cj'r` �
<br /> � WHEBGAS,Ciorrowe�and lender hpve o0rnad th�t sny ronla and prolils allribute6le to tho proporry ehould conatllule �I,t �- 'L ,.�
<br /> � ; adtlltionat�acudty to tM 4ender lor 1he p�ymenl oF the Noto; r.�; ; �
<br /> i�� tt0'N,TNER�FQAE.Ittsagreedthetthe8ecurltylnetrumonlshaitpoamertCe4hareDyartcfQe2madtoinelutlolhetollowin9 ��� c! .? l� '"
<br /> � ;;�::,s� Arovlstons: � { '-� '
<br /> � "�?� �, �,gjp�y�;,�otR5nl�,�pdJQayStA0ntelGollootlonAiaOis.[lverowertre:e4ya65ofi�tdvc�nduncar.tlitionellyaealpneall �� `r�l'•
<br /> t`f rents, isseiss hntl Fzafits of lhe propetly to Renatlelary. L6nCer shal[ har. the dpht, pawer aM a.uthodly during th<s y`,_f
<br /> �„ conttnuance ol tha Ss�uraty Inatmment to cottect the rants,lsscas and proEita nl tho property end of aay parbonel proFerty t�`��`�� ,.
<br /> located thsraon with or wilhout takin0 Posaessleci of the property af(ectod t�mraby.Lender,howaver.hcreby consents to ��r�`�?,�'..:t%:,
<br /> y �' ��-- Borrowee'seolleCtionandretentlonoleuchr8nta,Iss��esar.aprofnsaslheyaccrueandbecomepaya6lo.:nionpesGOrra+�er S��#}`'1�-�Px --
<br /> �" I!I101,df¢uot 11�18,in AofaWt wilh roapeot to paymenl of any rnr✓ablednoas securod neaotry,o�In lho pad0�mdncm Ot iny �t} y�yy'�y _��
<br /> l� 6QfB8m4St!t19rBUnd0/. �t�ll.,�Y6,�
<br /> ..�s�� 2, p_Qpa:nimonl a Reo3lver• If any avont nf delault In rospest to Ihe Sewrity Ina�i.xrv�nt ana�t hacr„occurred and be ��'�.j U,�'£�IG
<br /> t n' continuing,Lendor,es n maller ot dpht and wilhout nollce to 8orro�xor nr anyone o�n9:rying vndor 8orrower,and wilhout f,�}` s r-. _
<br /> repa�d to ihevnluo ol the Srusl eate�e or the Intereal of Ihe Oorwwor Iheroln,shn�l hav�7;.ht etg�l to apply lo any court havinp Y,�S �,'�
<br /> ��� �url6tllctlan lo appoini a roceirer ol Ine propeAY. ���+��-.,,rr��
<br /> : ;,.,�_ 3. �� lqP9�3Criton,ln casa of deleWt In Ihe paYment o4 th±sald principal Nolo ar interast,or any part thoreo�,aa 11 ��r7 j�F,�f��Nd :,_
<br /> '? " ehpllmaWre,orin7hecaseo11a11uretokeeporpedormanyoitheeovenentsoragreamantseontelnadlnlha8ecudtylnelru• {.tY,f-,�
<br /> hr'v� menh Ihen lhe Lendar, ns eucuaeore or aesipna, ehell bo nnd �s hareby authorizetl antl empowerad to take Immodlata 'r��t`n�{- r �'
<br />.,,c,[.:t,, c[L:.`r.,f'.r.,r.?:-::
<br /> �g'j��� Paementof�heNOtatlpremlaastherolndeacribedandlor,ot3acttherontetherofrom,andtoapplytheprocoedathernoftothe '* �,j
<br /> t � P Y tr F�_ ' -
<br /> �`•}«�. 4. �a��:alion ot He I�s.Is¢uoa and Profits.A11 rents eo!VV�icy by Lender or Ihe receirer ahall be appllad ilrot to peymeM �,u �.�tL�
<br /> _%:v.rr: ofthecos�solmana9ementoltheproparlyandwlieclionolrents,lnclutling,butnollimltedto,recelvor'sfeea,premlumson s`r{}'1Y1 �s
<br /> -+��-'� fOCElYOf'B b00tlB 9�d fE060f18b18 BllOfflByb f8B5,B00�fl0n IO lhB Bume 68CUreu uy ine Secuiiiy It�Siiu�i�9ni.LaTid'ni dTid ii�e ��� ���t� ��,.._
<br /> - "Y,y� reCelva�ahell 6a Ilable!o account only for lhOSe tents actually fecelretl. ���ih`�i�;j'`Z
<br /> �h��!' 6. ¢G.�s!ryation ot Provlsions.Each of lhe prorlslona contalned In thls Assl„nmont ol Renta Ridar and the8sarity Instru• s�ss���9'�_
<br /> i"t� mont seatf,un�ess otherwlse e ecllicall re Wred, b0 COn9trn�t In OCCOrdBnCO w��h 3:aa�•�aka law,and In the evenl eny �^'��fi-r(
<br /> � +� rovlaicn[e�.�in ur It�erefn contalnod shall b dalarmined by n c^.urt of comROtent�wisd'+c4ron to 6a unentorceable,lhe same �i1���f41t
<br /> +t�rd�L•: 6ha11 bo constmed as Ihough auch unenlorcuable proviebn were not a pnrl noreof or Ihemoi. r��ff,+�'; v
<br /> 1�cr,s of Ritler.Ezcept es spacillcall mOdlllod b oi inconalstent wilA inla Assl nmont ol Ron[s R7der or b 9n olhar ,�7f�-f-,°s>x.. �
<br /> b�'� }; 8. E1(fg! Y Y 9 Y Y t . .
<br /> 1$1RFQ�r appllceblo nder,all ot the term3 and provisiona conta�ned in Ihe 3ecurity Inslrumenl shall conlinuo in iun force and ollact. �}a , ��;;
<br /> "�}# 3 ,.�
<br /> ',�?.� IN 13lin:E53 WHEREOF,Borrower has axecu�ed thla As g ont o ent RI er o 1��duto flrst ne4sd abova. i� _� hs _.
<br /> _'ii;('.+�i1t n vJl! ;:i::•.i";�,.
<br /> 't � — '
<br /> � ;3;�� 0.xrower t - - ' '
<br /> L>j� 1}}, _ E roy E. Schmzdt �,L��i},A;,�r3��.
<br /> Y�� `
<br /> _.�JT�° rf�. � .u. ./ � J��� n.'es�� t S�St_�?:1!i�.
<br /> 6 i�
<br /> a<�ji t;_. � Oorwwot ) 6(4*d�
<br /> � y'�• Joan P7. Sch;nidt <'� S:' 4 .'.:
<br /> � 6TATEOFNEBRASKJ�1 � �'
<br /> }i s x' (b9: }�, �'y�; ;
<br />:_�};,rr.x� cou��r oF iinu � °^`„��.=.�-1'c`
<br /> � _
<br /> ���rn � On Ihla 28th _dny of OcLober 19��_bu�oro mo,tho undorsignod,e Notary Public duty commiss'.uncd und ��S - ,+ , :_.
<br /> i -;- ��� qua1111edtorealdcoun:y.pereonallycamo�.1[�:'L • -hm�A�r,�.�c^n m. Srhmidt, h����end �n+vn r �
<br /> + 'sf;�, ,to bo Ihe+�:ntical poreon(b)whose naTC(s)Is/nro sabsulbetl ' � -' �
<br />. =^„�:;�-; Io tne toze poin g Instmmonl,end helshollhoy ncknovdudgo Iho nzocullon thoreol to bo hlslhotlthair voluntery acl antl dae0. .•� -
<br /> �s�(-s'4 F - .
<br /> `'Sr WllnoasmyhandandNolatlnlSwinl_Gra�d Island, Nebraska _ p` --�,�� �, ;
<br /> :,,-�� ___ in�a`dwunlY.lhedalo bms ld. i(.'„ - .
<br /> j�-j.'F`'. 1.�., _ ,_
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<br /> ' T.fy Commission ov�°es: �xL�E �
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