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���aw..a111�11w1�ww.vli.�'�we�wr......�.........� ' ""..�.�......�_.�. �...... ..... : <br />— , 9�""" �a9�s� <br /> applicabie Inw m�y spocify for rcfns}nlener.�)bcforc mle of iho Pto�xny punuane to any po�ver of seio containcd in ihis <br />° °° StciititylnstNmzm;�f(G)rntry of npidgntcnt enforeing this Scrndiy Ins�n�mrnt. 71ime wnditions nw Uia�Dorrower. (a) <br /> qys [.endot all aums which�hrn �rould be due under�his Sanrhy lnsimment nnd �ho Noto ns If no accelemtlon hnd = <br /> occurctd;(b)cu�•s xny defmdt of nny otliercovenants or agrcemcnis;(e)pays nll expenses inrnrced in enforefng�his Securi�y <br /> - InswmeN,incluEing,Uut nol Iimited Im masonable auurneys'Pocs;nnd(d)takes suNi nc�lon as [.ender mny rcnsonaUiy <br /> . tcqu(ro to esinro ihat tho Ilcn ofl61s Secadiy Insimmem,I.endcrk rights in�ho Propcny and Uorrower§obligmion�o pay Nc ��p�.-�_,,.. <br /> . sums sanrul by this Seeudty fnsi�umcro shall contimw unchnngrd. Upon rcinsiatcmcnt 6y iSorrowcr, �6is 3aud�y - <br /> Ins�mmenl nnd tho obllgaltau secunA herc6y shall rcmain Polly effecOvo as if no acceien�lon had occurtcd. liowever,this <br />� �"- flgLttorelnsfatoshailnolapptyin�l�ccascotacccicrationundcrparagmphl7. ��"'��=_�--` <br /> - 19. Spto of Nole{CARaae M f.o�n Servicen Tho Noro or n Pu�inl imercst In ihe Note(to�c�her x�i�h�61s Sacd�y '�'—' <br /> fns�mtnenU mny be wid dno m moro times wi�hom pdor nmiw eo Dorcower. A snia may resul�m a changc in ihe cmity �. �-�.�-_. <br /> (knorvn ns tho'I.oan Servic2r")�ha�collecls momlily payments Auo under�i�e Nme nnd�Lis Securiiy Inswmem. Thcre alm � '�%p S�. <br /> may iw ono or moro chnngcs of thc t.a�n Scrviccr unrcia�cd to a sala of�hc Notc. f(�hcro(s a changc of�hc Loan Scrvtcer, ��� �Sn- <br /> Oanower wlll be 61ven wdtren r.otim of tho change In aaordance wi�h pamgru�h 14 alwvo nnd applicable law. Tlio notico „�,.Yf,.,�_:.;-._ <br /> will stnta tho mnm and addn.•ss of�1:�r.ew Loan Scrvicer nnd thc addreu m wUtc�paymcros should bc madc. Thc nmtcc�vill � ,,a.; ;�. :.._-..-.. <br /> - - . also wma(n any infomwfiaz rcqu[rtd by appllcabic Iaw. -' '-'�``�'�'-- <br /> 20. ]ip7A�dous SmOsC7n�:es. Hamwer shal[nol cause or pemtll Uie prcsence,use,disposal,storage,or rcicase of any �'_;.��-"—"-�� <br /> � t[azxrdous Subslances on or in tiie Fla�xny. Bortower shall do,r.oc altow aayoce els�lo do,annhing a(fceUng�:e `, ;,, '�_- <br /> "' Ptoperty that Is In vlolatloa of any�m�irPnmental Law. 7Tie prrteding two senterses sh+L[naE appty to the presenco,ux,ar t��i i�y-:=_ <br />,.};�;�; staage on thc Pmpetty of small qu;rr.�tics"of Haza[dous Subs�ances Nat azc ger.enlly nrognittd lo be appropriate m norm;�t �Z��}�tm,;-- <br /> —� nstc�entialusesandtomafinenanceoTt'�cRi rty- ,�•���t'�`�- <br /> Borrower sM1ali prompUy give Len��r xiv�n n�iice of any invatigation,etaim,demand,Iawsuil or mher ac�lon by aap •�;�S�}�s— <br /> _ govemmanlal or regulatory agency or pfSvnte sa:t. involving Ihe Propeity and,ny Harardous Subs�ance or Cnvironm:ntx� ';zt . <br /> - Law v¢ w�iich Uorcower has actaat �asic:ge. lf Rortower learns, or is no�ified by eny goremmental or rcgutanry� ':�+,� � <br /> =� autho:icp.�hat any rcmoval or other�arechar.on uf any Haz,rdour Subsiance xfRcting the 1'roperty is necessary,Uonaxcc �uYi����h _� <br />.:�, shall p:.�pliy lakc xil nacssary re�iia9la!acfions in xccoNancc wi�h Environmcr.ial Law. �d„�yr,� <br /> -- As used In Ihis paragraph 20,"Huardous Seb.�er.ets"are�hose subs�ances Aefined as mxic ar harardous subs�ances by �s:t-�;;',,.L_;;,- <br /> Gnvironmemal Lew and the following sulu�ance<: ga�olfne,kcroscne,o�hr.r ti:mmable ot toxic{r_Iroleum produc�s,ioxic ��I� � <br /> ,S F � �?- <br />�-•�i pexiici�es and hefbicides,volatile soivents,ma�xriTis comaining nsbesms u f.xmnlaahyd��,and radtoanive ma�edals. As - r�� __ <br /> ,-:�� , uua i¢mis puagraph 20,"Cnvironmental Law"manns fcAcn!laua and laws nf�Ix jnrixi¢uua where�he Propeny Is IocataA ,;» ";.�� <br /> �-�.�� �ha�teGm;�o heahh,safety or environmemal protaiiun. ,'t'.t;�L` = <br /> �� iSUS•UNIFORMCOVCNAMfS. RonnweranAlnnleainrshercovenanlandagreea,l'vtlows: 6��>a ` __ <br /> 21. Accekralion; Remedles. i.ender e6n17�;'.•s n��:lm tu Aorrower prior to aceeieration folloi.�ing IIorroo�cr•s ,,,, ��-.- <br /> .�:v„ <br />!-� brwch oPan m��enpnt or a reement in Ihi.sSca:ril�•]nsunmenf Ibut nol prior to ecceleral�on under paragmph 17 ;;�!!,;.>%��-�- <br />-",_�� unlessa IIca6�elaw rovldesolherwise). Thenoiiceshnll cff : (a)thedefaul�;(bllheatlionreulrcdlocurethe "'�'��;:'��� <br /> PP P � Y 9 �:�3�q.-a;;-� <br /> !eteu!!;;c)e d^!^,n^!!!�s Ihan ifl rinpc frmn the dnte thr notlrn Ls elven lo Qorro�eer bp whlch Ihe dcfaull mil:t Tic _ . .. <br /> -�?� turedi and(d)ihat fuliure to cure Ihe default on orlxtore nhr dnle specilied In the nq^,'cr�n�y resuil In accelerntlon of � _ <br /> -�, the sums secured by Ihis Securlly Insirwnent and s�le o!�he Praperty. The notice sbaSl furlher Inform Uarro���er<R ' ' , - <br /> Ihe righl to relnslate aRer accelerallon and Ikc rlght to bring n murt nctlan lo n.ssert ihe non•existence of a dei'ault a: �f� � .'��� <br /> _•+�� �ny other deRnse of Borrox�er to acceteretluu�nd sale. If Ihe defauit l�ani careJ on or before the date specffieJ 3n ��s`j+��� ?�S4„u°__ <br /> _� thenotice,l.enderalltsopilanmayrequireim�iedlatepapmenifnNtla(aRsumssccnredby�lhis5ecurif}•Insirumcne �ry,�., ' <br /> x�Ilhout Nriher demand and ma�•fnvoke Ihe posrcr of sale and eny other remedies permilted by npplkeblc lativ. �„ ,l '. <br /> _�� I,enc}xr sF.�ll 6e enlitled lo collecf eli ezpenses Inaurred !n�urnning Ihe remedles rm:clded In ihis parngroph tl, ��1�1fi,� �,��,-;_, <br /> - inobr^nng.butnollimltedto,reasonebteailorneyv'feesnndaasisoflitleevldence. ';;�r�i�t%%R�,f•F€'� <br /> �9 che�•.ower e�s;de is Im•aked,7tuslee st:a7V retord a notice oF defnulf In eech counly(n wiilch any part of the _tl�;�:�,��iq�.,�{,; <br /> � Praperly ts Icenletl s�nn shall mall coplcs of su.te z�uiice in the manncr prescribed Uy nppllcnGte Imv to Furrox�cr nnd to St�j+� Y�,�._ <br />-es Ihe other persons prrscrl6ed by nppllcnhle imv. Aflrr the tinM rcqulred by npplkaUie Inw,'lYusiee shell gire pubtic .s,�u-�.t.���_ <br /> � iwtice o�saie to Ihe ersons nnd In Ihe manner rescrlbci!6 n Iirnble Imv. 7}aslce,�vilhout demnnd on 13orronrr, 'r�'`Y�F tSit°-• <br /> p P F PP .� 3,,. - <br /> .�� shall ull Ihe Properly nt public xuceiun to ihe highes�61Udrr a�tlie time m�d pince a�r.nder the tenns designated in �`aeS v�1 titiy«? <br /> „� Ihe nolke of snlc In ane or morr y�rcr7s nnd in tmy ordcr'Itustce delermines. 'IYuslee may postpone sale of nll or arn: ` �� - . <br /> -- p�reel of Ihe FroperiF liY pubUC nnnnimcmeem al lhe time nnd ptnce oi nnc nre��lous7��sd�ednted sate. I.ender or tis <<`',,4�����" <br /> �� dalgnee may purehase 7he Ptopeny nt nnrst�5r. 'oil st , . , <br /> -.,� Upon rcccipl oT payment oi ahe prlcc Md,7Yustec shall delhcr to rt�r pnrchurr 7}uslce's dced conveying Ihc .t„ �uc .1 _ <br /> ._i� Property. The recltals In Ihe"Pn�uee's deed s6nI1 be prima fnde evidence oi�he Iruth o!�he slatements tnade Iherefn. c,��n'x�ra,�.;_'. <br /> ...a 7Yuslce shall npply ihe promeA+cd�he sale In Ihe fo�lowing orAer. (N to flil cosls xnU expenses of ezerctsing ihe gm��er %}�f� '=;1 -"-_� <br /> =�° '^`� sr'�?wt'ru.-. <br />�.ii� :s.�:v�):�[ZMr:. <br /> - �A lef (' <br /> _ ,�� � �. - <br /> x <br /> �-� {ty�� 1J.F.�`` .•:. <br />,__:aA •.��1('lSS�ti1'n`�:{:: <br />.::1\tiM .^•�,F�r..l I. __ . <br /> :.i{i� t��t\':�::f' <br /> '�:i�}��F���•''. <br /> ';�W !n.-_'.Srf s1L�'',;� <br /> = ;,�t�r`r4ltr`::� <br /> _ i Fofnl028 9,90 rruGrcnfhNFr�l ; !>{` .�)��1\%f '. <br /> . � } `[ <br /> � �� ?Y,A( •� . <br /> 1- 'j . ' {YY: <br /> SrY `�F 1 <br /> f� �.r..�-�n...v, v•'�I+P:��m-,n:�9-�"e::'—. . r s{• -v�:;;�' " <br /> i <br /> ♦ f a rrv�<2'^i`E:!.al'i -�l�1�iry�4 . . .7'.1. .1. v^.v :9r-r_;::..,:.' �c:,-Y��• a:yi�7{1Jy/7t.+�S�,t � �i i; <br /> 1 F ���• <br /> l; J - -i . . �_ .. . <br /> iI{�. .-�' � _�s'—�._ � . . .—_ __ . _ ' F . <br /> Yx.rti-ti f . __. . :".. _ ._ '_. . � . ." __ _" - _ . . . ' -- _ .�... <br /> .......... . . ...��ry.a ._. . .S._d�., . . - . .. . . . . '� � <br /> � -1 -1 _.� { .1. �•i _ . . . . .. . <br /> _..V'_ �ql;i.�.F. �:�S.l " .�S! '.- • . . - . . <br /> � � ! ] - - - . . . <br /> tV � Sf_.y5> . _ _ _ <br /> ��`� - - si . _ ..._�. - - . . <br /> � �. -I ti � � 1 ,- J � , . . . <br /> � j , ` • ` , <br /> '�,. It\ . `'. � _ . . 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