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, <br /> ci , <br /> ..,�. - �.� re. .... ..�:i__.,..�,.�.:y� . .. <br /> 67��+ �.Oa7�J <br /> mndcnuialia�w dlwr takinp otnny pa��of�ho for conreyanw In Iicu ot wnAcmnatlon,nro hercby nxsignul nnd <br /> shnil ix p31d to I;tAJCr. -- <br /> in ihc ceen�of o �dal �aktng ot iho Propeny. d�o procceds shall bo applied to tiro sums ucarcd hy�his Secnri�y <br /> instromco4 whc�her or no1�hen duq wiih any cxass pald to Rorto���er. In thc cvem of a panlal takfag uf ihc P�o�cny in <br />• wldch q�e fnir mmAot vntuc of Q�a Pro�xny Immcdlnteiy tkforu tho taking is cqual to or grcaur�hm thc amoum ottl�c wms <br /> xcun:d by dds S�wdiy lnununcnt immcdiatcly bcforu thc tnklnS,unicss Borro�rct and I.cnd.r mhwxim,grcc In wditng, <br /> dro sums sscurcd 6y t61s Sccudly Instmmem shall bo ruiuced by tho amoum ot thc Proccrds mulflplicd 6y Iho following <br /> Bac�lon: (a)tho total amnunt otthc sums scwrcd Immedln�ciy lxfon:tho tnking,divlded t+y Il+)�hc fair maike�vniue of�60 <br />� Property immedia�ely be(oro tho �aking. Any Lalance shali Iw pald to 13orto��•er. In the eccm of a partlal�aking nf�he . � <br /> Propeny in which tho fair markc�vaiuo of tho Propeny Immcdia�ely Ixforo�60�nking is Icss�han the amoum of tlio sums <br /> ucurcd Iminedlntcly befnro tiio �aking,untcss Rorcower nnA 4ender oiherniso ngree in wri�ing or unless,pplicable Imv <br /> provldcs,ti�c protteds stml[Ge applicd to tLc wms sccnred Gy ttils Security Instn�mcni�vhcihcr or nm thv sums aro <br /> �hcn dnc. <br /> tf�ho Propcny is abnndoned 6y 6arrower,ar if,aRer r.o�[ce by Eender to 13ocrower�hnt ihe condemnor otters to make <br /> an award or seulo u claim tor dunages,Rorrower fafis ro rcspor,d ro Lender withlrt 3D days aRer�he Uio�wtice is given, __ <br /> Lender is nu0iod7cd to coltect and apply the promcds,.t its optiun,enher ro rzseora�lon or n;pnir nf�he Prcpeny or w�:e - <br /> snms securcd by this Sceumy[nswment,whether or no116en due. <br /> Unlas Lcnder Tnd Aottower oth�zrvrise agrco In wming,any�plication af ptocmds�o ryinclp3l sl�all not enler.d ar <br /> pos�ponc ihe due Aatc of tIM momhiy paymznts rehrted ro in paragnphs t az:d 2 ar change�hc amount of such payments. __ <br /> 11. Burmx�er Not R¢[�: Ear6Rarancc By Lender No1 a WaErer. Ex�cnslon of �he iime for paymsnt or —. <br /> modi0caflon of amoniuulon of ti:e sums secured by tlds Scenri�y Instmment gnni�d by Lender�o any successor in intercs� <br />�� of Bortower shail na opemte to re[ease�he Iiabili�y of the odginal IIorcowu or Oorrower3 successors fn imercst.Lender <br /> shnll na tw n:quired lo pmcecdings ngainst any successac in imeiut or refuu ro extend�ime!or payment or = <br /> othenrise modify amonizatian of the sums secarcd by this Security Instnmicm by mazon of any demand made by the arigfnal = <br /> Bortower or Bnrcox•er§s¢ccessors in interes�. Any Por6euance by Lender in exercising any dght or rcmedy shali not be a ' <br /> waiver of or prccludc il�c exorcise o(ony right or rcmedy. �'��� <br /> ]2, Successors nnd Assigns Bvund;,tuL;.t and Sevarai O.�a6SEFi1:;Co-signers. 'Ihc rnren�nts aod agrtements of this �� <br /> Secumy Instn�merl shall 61nd and 6eneGe t6c s�xeessar�and auiga+o!'Lender and 6orrowe�,subJecl�o�he provlslons of ���`�� <br /> pueK�P�� ��• Dorto�verS covenanis nnd agmrmems sfixll Iti joim :vid several. Any Oortower wl�o to•signs this Securrty f'�<'�� <br /> trs�rument but docs not execute the Noce: (a)is eoaigning ihis Secumy Instmmcm only to mongage,gnm and convey that �=:. <br /> Swrowcr�imcrcsi in thc Pro{�ny under ihe tcmu of�his S.euriiy Insuumem; (b)Is not personally obllgaled Io pay�he sums .� <br /> sccurcd by Ails Stturi�y Instnm:em;and(c)agrccs�ha�Lendcr and any otl�er Oorco�rer may agnr�to ex�end,maclify,forbear ���'<-- <br />- or make nny acrnmmaln�ions wiih regard to ihe iemu of dils Secun�y Insm�mem or�he No:e wi�how �hat Ooaox�erh �;',� <br /> ccnum. �.'-;-: <br /> 13. Lwm Charges. It�Ge loan secured by�his Sccuriry Ins�mmenl is suhjca �o n law�rhich se�s m�zimum loan �-- <br /> � tt�;rgv.a�d iFat la�Is 8:�4y�:^.r�mt�so that tM ir.te:ut er�!Irr In_��^h=_rges cetr.r�P,f�f���,e cnllecied im m�necdon _ <br /> wi�h tlie loan ezceed the perniio:�:d liml�s,�hen: (U any such loan charge shall be rednccA by�he antoum nec.ssary to reduce = <br /> �ho eM1arge to Ihe pemil�ted IimiC and(b)any sums almady mllated from Dortower�rhich exceM:dpcmilued limi�s will 6e == <br /> ' rcfunded�o Dorcowcr. 4cnAtr may chaosc m make this refund by rcduc'e.1,,tho principal owed undcr ahc Note or by maktng a __ <br /> direct paymtnt tn 8ortowee If n mfund ndaces principalJhe redncii.xi.vdl be Ireated as n p�nial prepayment wl�hoW xny __ <br />� prcpayment ch"nrge unAcr the Nota <br />