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Y -t J i` . r,`r rt ( ,N r1' }� <br /> 9S±'^��..L_ � t,t � r - - ��. t}�'ri.0�n�e�,Fi::.+.'kt ..:1 _�.........�_�-_.�._ ��- . ___ <br /> i1.,,.c. ...<d._.yCGucbS�..�.4�k..f �.�.�......:.,.- �-.,.1w...:n.:awra�sawat.�xaec. <br />..�i}5.;. }i��d. • �.-.c t._. <br /> F(y fc. <br /> �F'}"15t Barowx m+y am such a db`.nuB end raNSqts,�s praddoA l� puepxpl�f0, by eauslap Iho nNion or procacdnp lo Ue �;,_-. . <br /> y ' d�mNiW wilh e tufnp tlnl,M Lmde'i pood Wlh dM�mih�tlon,produdn toddlure ol lhe Dortow6YS Ntaesl N Uio Propaty or � <br /> , F�Yy .� olhw m�1�rW Ny►Yment ol Ih�Fn ae�IW by lhls B�curly IntNimdnl or landN'a a�cwty hiaes�. �ortawM ttul also b� �`}`r''•_ <br /> e l.. h�ult M Uonox�dr.�:bp the Yru�rppin9on prouss,g�ve r�xtaNry t�ite or���earau mlomwibn or eutxnem�to I.andK ��,+�.a >.,,,- <br /> iu,i.,:�' ,_: <br /> F - - iw iaed lo piovhie Lendx�v;h arry ma(b4!NfOMYGbn)N eonneWon�r�lh the ban uitla�f�C Oy Iho Nota, 6iwd�p. 6u1 - _- <br /> {S�.{�i nol imN�d to. ropro�enu0ons uneemNy BorcowMi uuupu�ry ol th� i'roP�Y �t a �xY��i rroWmu. N thle 8ecmfty ���` � , <br /> �{S � { InbWmM11 IS M a INtehold, Oortowx aMA cony�y wMh yl Ih�podsbna of the la�ae. II Oarowa�eqaYes (M Utle lo Ih� �y�7„� �`j S �-�� <br /> rx.��1�,�� PropMy,lh�Nasehdd�nd the lae INb aI�M not mxqt unks�Lender�prees�o Ihe maper N��hp. �,i--,�}E��fi +--�- i�. <br /> ,r���' 7. protaellon of Und�r's Riphla In th�prop�rty.u oarowa i�es lo pafoim Ihs wvm�nls�nd�gr�emtelf � r��.� 7 d,�r ��_. �, <br /> eonuhed�,ims sewrny iniwmen�, or Ihae Is�Ipd poeeeeFnp th�t r�uy alpnKw�Ny�Y,eci Lender's dyhts N ths RoPMY � n+ �r�etF,��' ; <br /> (� , ,x�? (such�s�proceednp N banWUptcy,prob�:e,for condemn�Wn or foddfura or to mlorce I+wa or regokWns). Iha�lender rmy � � -�}{M1�S�s� � KS'" ,: <br /> y ay ity� do ond pry la wh�lara is newswy to pro:ect the rW e ol lhe Mopary�nd Lmdcre d06�s N Iho Properiy. lcndcr s ec1lMe �- -_ ' <br /> �}f�1� , mey Indude n �n aums a�cured b � Gen whkh h�a P�o ova this 9ewrlry Inaln�menl. �pPaAnp h couA, p�yln9 �r'tlfl� ��`�f� � -"' . <br /> MSi 0 Y Y �' FFF t -_ n{�i ty�• <br /> ; � reaaonnbte�Itomays'lees�nd mtdNp on the Propary to r�uke rcpeVS.Atthough Lmdtt r�uy Wco�ctlon unda this p�npnph I� � . s }�-��,, ;, ` <br /> /�` ��� 7,Lmder does nol hwe to do so. ( - � �' �, _ -,r '- <br /> t- ��g My imounls d�sbumed by Lmdn under pemgnph 7 shn0 6ecom.e a�dNOnel de1�1 0l Oorcown secwod hy lhls }? +f�k �- <br /> t r� -i�; Soady InsWmml. Unloss Oortaxer end Lmdet �9�eo to other ttmrs ot DayneenL b�so emounls aheY bcar Inlowsl Irom !, : >> r ^Y ry : <br /> >� ` �� �ho date ol�FSburaemtnl at U:e Nolo mlo ead shn7 bo pzy�N.e,wilh 4iteresL upon noBCa trom Lmdtt to Dottower mquosMq � -� t� :+�. . <br /> ' ✓/'"" Qsyment. _ _ `z ! 7 �:�� . <br /> 8. Mortg�ge Inauaa,rem�.n tena�re;u4ea matq�qa rnscrance as a ConnCOn ri mak'ng ti'�2 tos� s?ca+cKt by Ihis �r ,,l <br /> . e� �� Searity InsWmmt.OortoY+m s�ai�y tAe�recra�:ms reSuted to m1�taN thm mert9aga trtscrance h e`ect.M,ter arry ra35on,lha r ' !1 � �r i :. <br /> mal9�g3 Naurnnee eovenga�aquYed by Lmdv ligses w ttuses to be h ePxl, Bortower s haE pay t h?Dre T Wms r�yWred lo �' . � � <br /> ��'i(jj�i i�� o61►H wverage s�bsta,itt�iy equNwlml to the mo�ty�ga fnsuavico previousy h etten, n�a tosl substaata!y er^:kse+i�lo the ^ � i fz- ` ' <br /> �!(F 'nY� rosl lo Bortower of the rr,v�dgcQe Nsuranw previousy in e2es1, trcm u�e%emale mortsoge bsurer apFrovad Cy Lsnder. If ��. „��}5��:f�'- <br /> _ `�j.`,cfA su6slu�tay eGu?relmt,^x�nsurenee corerege is nol nva�rCk. Barand eh�P pey ro Lender eaci�mrn1A n sun equal lo � ,f t-��( � ct`�t�s. <br /> -� W3�% ono-twctllh ns�ro yc"vi�y men�npo Nsurenee premlum be�np putd by Da�ower ni,en the Insurenw eovere�e lapsea cr ceastd to - .��'�` y.`r� +,��. : <br /> i�j�,' be n e1feU. Lendzr w�nxept, use and retaln these Dayrr.mta ns n tcss resme N Geu ol mongafla insurenca. La�s resme #���t/cipr� ��R���f "S. -' <br /> 4�tl}�%� P Y� 9 W P O�u 6e ( �ynx t r�" . <br /> , v , . a nenls may no kn n be re 4ed,U Iha o tlon o(Lendct.i1 mon e tnxm+ce covaa o Ihe amount and for tho pMlod r i a s ��- <br /> `����' #t �het Lmdtt rc kes)proN.tua b en insurtt a roved h Lender o n beeonws ovtiU'�1�and is obin�nod. Oonowcf sha! ,- ��� ��� ' ' <br /> -_ y�y{�y; W Y PP Y fY�' WY - . IL ie ��� �.� . <br /> ' {0 .�j lhe prm�ums requYed lo n�in:on mortgega Nsurance in enea, or la p+ovk�a a losa reseve,cn47 Ihe requUemml la moilgege � ' �y � x � tr �,: <br /> "�- i J ' insurenee ends N eccorc4nee ndh eny writtm egroemmt beFxezn Dottavw wd lmtlex or npp7ubia Nw. �� I`�����.< T�1 t Js-. <br /> d���� 9. I�aplCllOtl.lmdel or Rs egenl reny meke r.aeor.obio rntrles upon end Inspeetions ol lhe Propury. Lendtt shaA ghe 1' � <br /> Oonown noUce�t Iho tkne o�or dor lo nn ms ec0on s n reesoneb!e uuso lor lha Na ecUea -- � �7� ,t(`. F ?- <br /> '� �yi}},�� 10. COnd�mnlRion.The roueds o(�n ewaN c��cla9lm for darre es, d'vea or conse uenPOL N connenion wnh en r t y����Y��s�� "� <br /> 'f�`�rI1�7-. P Y 9 9 Y n.'.,1 q . <br /> � - �t- condmimlbn or other uldng el eny part of tho Prop�fj, or fa eonvayznce in 6eu of condmnaUOn, a�e hereby essl8netl end ;� /V^��Sf�J t �flSjiF�!. <br /> �� ShPll b0 �d�0�Mdd. S�lr M1t�� �fU � <br /> -'- - fn Ihe a+ml ot a total uking of Iha Properly, tho proceeds she0 be eppGed to fhe sums seared by Inis 3eadry y(5 ,,t� �`� ��� <br /> -- � r: InsWmmL'+.`=1her or nol then due, wilh nny excesz paid Io Oortowtt In the erent of a parlal lak;ng o� the Pmperty N [ij��,!��ty + �, ii'110-. <br /> -�- 1�`- whicn (no tyr tmiaei riiu& uf inu Frdpe�lr i�ntr�xu`wk+y Li�'J�d tha tsH{�:> c:�'.'�to cr nrct:a th^.a :.".c Cr..:_nt cl !he 5!�m4 !��"�'�� ���`���; "_ <br /> _ t,�tt�� aearcd 6y ih�s 8ecur. Inslrumeni 4nmeCat belore Ihe Iekin unleas Bortuxa end lend«olherxise agreo In vnt:ing, ihe �? � �y�4 >>'� - <br /> - '�r �Y wY 0� y� (y'j f�,;3'Y <br /> ( l sams eecuretl Dy Ihis Betmiry Insirumenl sMll Ae (edueed 6y 1ho emount ol lha pioceeds muWp9ed by the IollovAng tratllon: �1�,;._�f����,�(���j�sy.,,_ <br /> } ! F (a)tho lolel�mcunt ol ihe sums seared Lnmedah+y 6e!orc tho Isking,dMfded 6y (b) the la4 ma�kei value ol lhe Property �;�; _ r�}t r`lli� : <br /> 4 i ;'_ � Immedwtcry belora Iho InMng. My tabnce sheq be paid �o �oncwa.In 1ho event ol e parlal leldng of tho Proptty N which �t,,.��1 �r� .y�{d,(t�_' <br /> '..+: Ihe fair me�iae:a'�z ol iha FYOpeity .ry beloro Iho inknp ia lesa lhan Ihe emount al Iho sums :earcd ImmeJuiey ( R{t�h}}�{�J'*;` •- <br /> - �- be(ore tho t�.uag, un7ess Oorcower and Lendu o:he�wise n ree in wr.Ln or unle5s a p7cable hw othmNSU provldes, lhe 1;.,� . � b,:;j% a. <br /> �r-- F ', procttde eho'I bo eppGed ta tho eums eewred by Ih!s 6ecur.ry Ins6umeat wthelher or nol he sums ure Ihm dua. ;?�y�(V r.���{�,�M1f T � <br /> � � `��,• fl Iha PropMly is ebandoned 6y Oonown, or H, nlier nollce by Lender to Oonower ihal tha eonderrmor oNen to mako en r :tJt{ � _yt`��e <br /> ��,� - _? �:ve�d a aeltfo e dalm tor tnT�npes, E3ortower fa¢s to �espond fo Lender wEh!n 90 days eEer lha dnte the noCCC �s gHen, � -i�-_ <br />���-!?� ;'. --�?'• iendtt is nulhodzed to eoCac�ontl eppy ihe pioceMs, el Rs option, either to restoratlon or repar of Iho Properry or to {,�'��"(� •!"�.-. . <br /> -:'i; �ho aums aecuted 6y thls 3ewnly InsWreem.whMher or nol lhen dua. �7i'�� -� -��:���` <br />.,�<�-`Y�z'. .�. Ilntees Lender end Oortower olhem'se o ree in wrNn an e Gcelbn oi wceeds b ricd at ahaA nol eMenJ or ,...t . ��':'. �;�� ��- <br /> - ::�,-.. .. }: 9 9. Y FG P P ➢ ' tt� :. <br /> ,�.:t:.; �. postpono Iho Cne d3�e of Ihe monthy paymenta retmed lo In pareg�aphs 1 end 2 or ehango tho arr.o�n�os nech paymenU. �'y,'i�),;._".<�"^y,�•,�.� <br /> � - � 11. Bonower Not Roieased; 1°arbaoronce By Lander Not a Walvnr. Ex:enaion ot rne�me tor payment or t;�� � � } {�- :;;_ <br /> : � mod:aceUOn ol amorl@aL'oo o:Iha sums sctcmd 6y Ihis 3ewdry InsW:nenl gr;mted b7�endm to ony succoseor In��te�es� r ' -.5S"- <br /> %1�;7. I r �.`�_i - <br /> -+t�f ol Dortower she]not operoie lo releaso Ihe 8ab&ry ol�ho odginal Uonower or 6ono�xer's sucCeosois In InittesL Lendt�eha.9 ,� _ � �i �' <br /> �+� ��« nol bo reyuired lo eommenw prooeedings o3ninst eny sucwssor in inleresl or re.LSe ta exlend 1!ree(o�paymenl or oih�miae y< i ?S ��1�•: <br /> ' moJ'. amonanbn of Iho wms secured b Ihis Secetl InsWmml � rcason of en <!emar.d made b ihe od fnel � :''� r ° <br /> `� t�i���f� Donower o�Qcrtower's successors In Inleresl. My loibeerenw by Lender In exerdsin9 eny dght a rtmeey she9 nm bn e :,-t ; N 1 '�'• <br /> �" ` -°�F �+�aHer o1 or predudo lho exMdso ol any dght or remecry. - ��� �- - ��-- <br /> � ;�-�-�: 12.8ucceesora and Aselgns 8ound; Jo3N and Several Lieblllty; Caslpners.Tho eovenxms ond ` - -� �1" �� <br />--������.'�"�'` apreoren:s oi this 3ecuriry InsWmenl ahea bind nnd benefit Iha euccessas wd ass�gns ol Lendar end Oonower, subJecl lo lho a�a•lr��.,,� <br /> �°::.,. , ..,.:_'__°,•_ <br /> � r1 pwNSions of peregreph 17. �ortowera cmeranis end agrecmenla s�a7 bo�oinl end several. h�7 Qertowtt who eo�signs Ihis �, .`' - � �,�- <br /> �- {- Seadry bul tloes not exewle t.`r Nole: (a)is w�slgning¢is Sewdry•InsWmer.l oey to motlgoge.gmnl and oonvey � - ""-++r� <br /> �"�'- lhnl 6ortowa's intcresl in Iho Pro i P N 9 <br />:�r��.... - > perly cretr fho terms ol this Sewr.t Ins7mmenl; (C)ls nol ereana! obG aled Io pay Ihe �� <br />' �' �� ,,�� 6ON5 6CWfBfI bY �h19 SCCIII InsWmem: antl(c)agrees Ihat LenCx and an aher Cortower ma a rce lo ezlmd,mod <br /> �.',_ . M r r 9 M. . <br /> �.''- . �.G fo�bear or maka eny acoomm.odetlons with�eyo�d b ike feims of It7s Securiry InsL^�mem or ihe No10 w9hoN thal Oottowers n. <br /> . '-_..i�v CCnsMI. 7 -:, � . <br /> .. 73. Lopn Chafgo8. Il lha loan secmed by�h'.s Securiy Insirur..enl Is sub�ect 10 a Ww w�ich eels maximum loan j <br /> `:'�� eharges,end lhat Ww Is finaly Mleryreied so ihal Ihe Inieresl o.•olhM loan charges Colleded or te be GO!:ecletl L�connMUOn � _ <br />. .. '���� �d:h Iho ban exceeA Ihe pertni:ted!imAS,�hen: (e)any such lae�charge shaa be reducetl 6y ihe acecnt necossnry lo reduce � . <br /> . tho cherga to Ihe percru:ted lini�; end (U)any wms atieedy eo.".eaed from Ooaower which raceeCetl prnn9led liini:s vn� <br /> I be reNnded l0 OonOwtt. Lender may choose lo make lhls reknd by re0udng the p�.nupal cwed under lho Nole or by - <br /> maldng e C:�ecl paymmt to Oortoritt. 11 n re!und�¢d�mes pdnapal. the reduc0on w9:be vea:ed as o patlial prepzymenl <br /> � without eny prepayment cherge under�he No�e � <br /> � tA. NOIICOR.My notice lo �ortowcr provided Ior In Ihis Sewriry InsWmenl shaH be Shcn t7 tKnedng it or by maTng R <br /> by fnt dass maa uNess app:iwble Ww rcqulres use of nnother mMhod. Tt:e notiw stal Ce drereA b �h¢ Propnty Address <br /> or ony o:htt nddresa Bortcwer designales by notice lo Lentler. My nollce to Lertle� s"a7 be gNm by Ersl dass meii �a <br /> . Lmaers eoa�ess smeo r.xEm or nny omer eaaress ienaer des�g�a�es uy noi�ce m c.-�c,.a. i.m �o6w v�a:�.�•'• " -• _- <br /> . IhiS Secur,ry InsWmcnl aha0 be tleemetl lo have bem 9Nm l0 6ortowe�or Lender wher.gtrrn os pro�iJM In Ihis pa�egraph ` <br /> /6.Govominp Law; SovOfel]lllty. This Sec��ily InsLun�enl sbaA Le gt zrncd by IcGe+a: �a'x ana �na i..+ct me - <br /> � �udsd�ction In which the PropMy Is toce:ed. In Ihe C+Cnt Ihot eny povis!on or tlzuse of Ihis SCNriry InslNmenl or Ihe <br /> ' Noto conticla�ri:h apFE�a51e iew. such conll[ct sha9 noi ellecl olher p�ovivons cl�hR Secu:.ry fnsWmml or the Note which <br /> can bo gNm Mfecl wY,hoN ihe Conf.tGng provlslon.10 tn2 enE thc plovislons C Ih��Seturily InsWment end the Nole are <br /> � EcWrcd to bo severnbie. <br /> 1L. DOrrOwor 6 Copy.Oa�owet shali be ghm one ea�brmea copy ol the Ne:e and ol th¢Secwi.y InsWmeni <br /> Ff]f5:4.n09�1 oav<l c�5 __ �_ <br /> ?>i5e I <br />