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q- - v,jyY . --.� le . f�_ .� . h . . 4�hn �a ��n'l,t/,'{���i/'�jts�j$T'� -JSF�.t a �. <br /> r .R _ - !dl -fYr,ICJ I.YJ 1�Y) ]1 <br /> {�',�'�: ��..:�i+d�:.t...=�;�....��-.. .� �Yui _,�e._ ..__.....,J,.u:..w�.s.fJ.ii, �;f f�S�v>�_ . <br /> �f.�fsr uE7tl,.i�:' <br /> /� i' .h-'�'��' • . hii'if � �n� . <br />.! `Ii`� d.�'1� e � <br /> �y�,� r"�i� 17.T��netv of th� PropoNy or a H�nrflcid Inter�tY in florrow�r.II�or ary pul ol tho Propary or 1,7 �, �, T°�% , <br /> {t��,{`��J,,�,� �nY Mtxest In N li sold or Ir+netareU(or 11�benMWl Ntxest N Dorcowa Is aoW or U�nslarad and Uortowa Is not a nnlu�N ' ' '� �+ .�r ; <br /> ,y.i,.;f r fiq�}1�: Ptt+0�1�hwl UntNr'�qia wdtim conient. LMdx m�Y.�t fls oplion,requYa In�niaGU pym�nl N NI ot all sums saural Iry �`' � �t� ,r� �i� <br /> t t�',m.'h�`{ thk Sew:Ny InaWm�nt.Howeva,thls option a1��C nof l�e ezad�ed hy Lmdx il exada�Is proh�LNed by lodwnl I�w as of the �c�-+s.1���th��,� ? _ _ <br /> � 1-�iqt-^=;' dNe of th�s 8ewdty Inswm�nl. ' - <br /> mn <br /> f��7,� �r*� tl Lmdx exerdses thls oplios. Lmder eh�l pke Rarowu nolice ol auderotlon. Tho notice ehoP provide n pwlod ot � 4;y 3y�'fi �;�1� �: _ <br /> t,r � <br /> zl�}YS���,�::t; not less th�n 90 Gya hom Ihe Glo Ihe no7ee Is deP✓ered or me0ed w11hN whleh 6onowa mucl pry a6 auss er.aired by t ���y�� t .- .� �i� ._. <br /> Nls 8^.cudcy Ine•vumont.II 6ortowcr tAS lo p�y theee ams pdor lo Iho erp9elion ol th!s pGiod, Lmda nuy Invoko eny 1� �„ 3 j { .� ,1�� - <br /> �'1'�;(�,':��_, ranedes pamNled by thls Sewriy InsWmenl w:lhout turlhh no11w or dem�nA on Oorcowtt. •it r�Ki,�t���4(�� ;�� <br /> '� �e��" ;j 18.8orrower's RIgM lo A�InNN�,If Bonaxa meols cpi�N eond.:lons, Oortown shd hnve �he dpht �o heva 4``r � ,t�!.�,e� :, <br /> 1 --z--;i mlaettnml of this Securiy Inswmvnf GseonLLiued ot ony pdor lo thn eaiEer oh (o)5 dsye (or such olhcr palod�s i' � .- <br /> S�jf�l�r yl:� �ppiabb Mw tt�y spedy lor reh¢Itlemenp 6Nore ade ol tho Propnry pursuenl lo any powx of sde eont�Nad N thls �k�, �et ' �a_:� �� <br />�?o)•(ij��l;�_;;.; Becuriry InatrummL• or @) mtry ol a�utlgmmt mlordnq thls Socudry inswmml.Thoso wnd:JOns ue Ihet Oottowa: (e)peys ,p`,`� .3�1? _,w�„�'�(-: <br /> ';�'"t�'*�f�.�:�;�! Lmder�t aums whsh fhen wou:d be duo uadn this Secu�ry InsWmmt and the Note ea If no aealeretlon hnd occuned; @) f,=�f 4,{�lY���%r�-y,,°�` <br /> iy,.. ,...,,�,. 4i._��.,� �{�. <br /> =s(�r %�} .. . <br />°;��, .�«.,s�; aro. any dofauit ot xy alhn arenant or eqrettr,rsrts: (c) Pa7s ¢3 wxFa+sza Inarted In enlordng lh!s Socutry Ins'vumonl, t�::'}.�',. �t!r,:.�i:t:. <br />- -r� i ,�r'�g intw�fng. but r.oi G�Med W,rne»nablo attomeys'12xs: r.+d(�Wv.3 sucR a�i�a as Lendtt may reesor.aby req�airo to assuro i.. :, �':__ <br /> :?�:��"-:�,.•t.� tlut the 1:.n of fhls Ins�,ur.em, I.a:dq'e rlghts k�Nx Prcpzrty asd 6.vowtrs obfig��on to pay thx sums seared ' -.- <br /> J i j'� T- by th[s S_curdy Ins:rwralt shaT continue unchanyed. Upon r_t�smrmzrE hy Dr�ewer, ttas °ecuriry Inskvment a�d tno ;� r ` � -�;'1 - <br /> �i�f -.;� eClg�Sans sm:red A�eDy shal�minN 1uy(AtecPre as B no aeceterz[os hna cecurted. H::��e+.this ng+2 t�retnsu:e sRae �jn rr t <br /> } tr4�-- � -:. not aPFy In tAe czse et aaNenbn unda Pangnph 77. F . _ <br /> t�1i�� ��-v 79, Sill� CI E�iMID; Cfimg� of Lo�n S�rvic�r. rne t+ote er r n qatliel In:ero51 Iu �he Nme (:ogeiher wilh -,-_ . �,� __ <br /> `' r '�w° tb§8ec_a�ly InaWnzn2 m�y I�e sold one or more Gmes wnhom pdor nolice to @oncwa-A saie mey result�n a changa �ihe t�- �}y�• e f <br /> , ,5 ZdC s; <br /> �}�Fi �y�-, ¢�Yry g�narn u tha 'Ican Senker') thal eoAals monthy paymmts b�e untlrr �he Note anG this Secun I�s��.�r.znt 7hero ' < << <br /> f -�,- elso may be one or nxve eh�nges of the Loan SeMur unrekted to a saie of Ihe Note.II them is a ehn��o a+!�x Loon ;�? i J r ��� ���jcT{+ <br /> �{ � ���-.:i SerNcer.Bortown w7 be 9Hen rrtltten nolice of Ihe ehan9e In eccord3ace wun pua9reph tA ebova and a,piw5k t�w. iTe yt ,��3i r f;�y <br /> + + nolice x�9 steta ihe nnme and �ddress of tha new Loan 3eMCer and Ihe ad6ess lo whlch paymenls sYO�h_�ba naCa 'fho 5�l{ti `�n,^1��lf�{�fd� <br /> .y�- �1��;{j not!co wil Wso conkin eny olhx htormelion requ6ed 6y npp�iwbla la�x. ��! }S !��} <br /> �e r l�.� . .- <br /> ,. �, y+'is�;,��� �J, Hpx�(dOPe 84bblPnC�6. BortGwer shaY nol eeuse c�ptrm:1lhe prosenw.ose.d3pose6 storege, or rWense ol .� <br /> -�p}�4f�' ` y+ �ny Nazudous SubsWnas on or N Ihe Poopttty. Bortowet shn:l not co, nm eAOw enycr.n el;�to do, mNhNg aXeqing Ihe ',� +4i � .�'�{ 5�. <br /> ii-y ` - `�•: Propary thet Is i,i vkAaOOn o��ny Envl:onmm:al I.iw. Tho preceGnB Mo stnlcncea sha] not appy lo tho prosence. use. (?+�(jr,S-ti�,��±' <br /> � t,� i:�; or storage on tho P�opttly ol unell qu�ntnies oi Hezudous SuWtencea P.vtt n:a renna.y recognized lo be eDP�opt4te to �. {�Yl�:rya�;�__ <br /> - � �;'{, nomul rosidenli�l uses�nd m rcwnten�nee o�the Prope�ry. �.�, r �� i ti _ <br /> ��_, ���' Bartowtt aheA promp4y g4e Lmder vnitlen nollco o�emi rrnesGge.!on. �a'm, demn�d. kwauB or ofher acUon 6y eny -. n„ ''�y • <br /> �Y+ti}�.x����; 9�vemmenpl or rz,uNtory a9��Y or Pfi'nte puly InrokNg Ihe ProP�Y antl eny kimudous Si,bslenrs or Endronmmlel Lew o1 ,, �y�-.-�),{`�7��1}_.. <br /> t1)r4-�f,��� whkh �crtower hna eUud knovAMge. II Borravn leuns,or is noUkJ by nny povemmmlal or regulalory auihodN• Ihef any ^1 q��T- ; �, <br /> ' - �P���.=a r� r�:movnl a othe rea�edullon ol�ny Huudous Substence el!ocUng ReFerPj is necessary, Dortown ahall prompty leke e0 f'<<, -';�� ����,� ` <br /> �� �` -', necesanry remtdN acllons in aaordance xith Envkonmmul Low. }. i'r-t ' - <br /> !' --'�� `�� AS vsed In th!s pmagreph 20,'Hazardous Substences' em{hese subslances defined es lodo or he:ardous subslences by {� 4yf�� +�y�•'}� ' <br /> `r�t't !�5 7/1� � '+`r" 411� _ � <br /> 1fi �f;tf.fp� Env:roammlel Lew nnd the ie!lrninp subsWnees: gasofine, ke:eseca, olhtt Ilammablo ce taxc peVOteum D�oduds. tode �; <br /> ti� (-- - peatio;ftxs pnd hMbiGdes,votaCle so�Mis,malMa:s eontaining nxSestea a tomWdohydo. m0.fadoacWe melttials. As uaed in 'S�Yi �� � y�� ��-. <br /> t <br /> f '1 S���.�,',I ppmpmph 20, 'EmYcnamlel Lav' mexns lederel Isws end Isws ot �he pdsd!aPan whero f.�e PropMy Is loceled thel retme lo '.�S t `SI -�r� �_ <br /> y�rd heaNA.a�fty ar environmmtel protectWn. ,� 1til4tiy���+�; ��t � <br /> - �(���-.' NON-UN:FORM COYENANT9.Oortowa and Lender Imllier cormam enU��ee es foAOws: ;� ,l�4 Ft� "a�--� �[i��- <br /> -i�. .�.r;5:7!•" : 1�sv?>`(. � '.. . <br /> � -1 - 21.Aocal�ration; Rem�dles. I.endar ahdi give notice to Borrowor prior to accetornHon : ; 1' tii�1�. r t : <br /> �4 ff��>�;�A;�s; fotlowing Borrowsr'e bre�ch of any covsnant or sgraemmt In thle ��ec+nrity Inatrum�nt (6ut not j�--+r�''AY,I��':_ <br /> 7r'y�-_�•, ..���', prior to accataralion under pa�ag�aph 77 uNess applloabis I�w provl�oa olhuwiae). '!h� notlae ,ttti f,�.���:r <br /> w -- ehall apecity: (a) th� detault; (b) lha actWn requlred to cure the detauli; (o) a d�t�, nM�eas than �I i+�r�``�5 ;�_ <br /> j �, ����+ ,c 4. 30 days irom the dMa tha notic� la givon to Borrowar, by whlch lhe default muat be cund; and � A . : <br /> jy r _��- (�f� that f�iluro to wro the deLult on or betore ihe data specBlad fn tha notice may result In ` , � ,: <br /> ,� �, accalu�tion of ths eums aecured by thls Securiry Inntrument�nd e�ta of th�Property.7he notic� � � _ ;;:�h ` ;, <br /> 7}f as`Y�t�;�;� eh�il tudher Inform Borrowar of the right to rainetata aker acoeleratlon and th� right to bring a ', - �} ����� � -: <br /> }.�,�0`:�r..'�'. court actlon to asnert the non•existence o4 s default or any other datanae of 8orrowor to �..,$��{._5_?{!..,,,.y'•� <br /> ;� . -' - acceleration and eala. It the dei�ult Is not cured on or bo/+�ro the date apeci0ed In ths notice, � u Ft ,' ,.•_ <br /> �'�'�rjjs�t,:`*��� Lendor at Its optlon may require ImmadiMe peyment In ft�ii a(ntl suma secured by this Socudty >'i�-"„1 ��� <br /> ��`i:`�'i� `y�•�l Inetrumont without furthar demand and may incoke the powor ot nalo and any olher remedies ��'- �-•`! <br />- � _ � �'.I�]�• .4.. <br />=�E�{�{i;iy;.,,;i, pormitted by appllcabta law. Lendor ehall po an!iilod to colloct all oxponaen Incurnd In purautng d;c�. ';i-":'-, : <br /> :?.`� .r,�> ', <br />:_,t,_ �_;�._�,,. lha remodton piovided In this para57wph 21, �ncluding, bui not Iim�ted to, reasonable attorneys' (,`•,."'��• <br />- "�;�.�;-_� ; foon nnd cnatn of tiUe evidence. � - <br /> _ -_,. , . '� !1 tho powor of ealo Is I�vokod, 'frustoo shnll record a notica of default In oach county In <br />" � � w3�ich any part of the Proporty la locetod i�nd shatl meil copios of ai�ch notico In U�o menner , <br /> -. . � � ..:�� Pfo9C�iooti uy nppiivauro inw Su i>w�or.4� dnv' 7a: Lio 'v:�'o: ���'' �•° naa°"�•�° �'••• ` . <br /> �.viovi.6 ja:oSGP...vv ..� ..pp........... ...... <br /> - , �.,i� Atto�the timo roquirod by npplicabto Inw, 7ruateo shall flivo publlc nolico of snio to the poraone , <br /> �1� and In tho m�nno� praserfbnd by appllenUlo law. 'fruetoo, yvrihout damand on 8orrowor, shail sall <br /> ,. ;� tho Propedy M publlc auellon to tho hiphost biddor at tho iimo and placo nnd widor lhu torma <br /> ' , -� dou��natod in iho notixo 01 salo In one or moro parcols and In an�ordor Trustea detonnd,�os. <br /> , � i 7rustou may poatpono saia of all or any percof o5 tho Aroporly by pu'�t+c announcomont at 1ho <br /> - � timo and piaca of any proviousiy schodutod salo. Lendor ar ita doai�noo may purchaso Oio <br /> -• � I Proporty at any salo. <br /> � - �� Upon rocoipt of paymont ot tfio pdco 61d, 7ruatoe shnll dolivor 2o tho purchasor Trustoo's <br /> dood convoying tho Proporty. Tlio raeitals in tho Trusloo's doud ehall ho prima faclo ovldonco of <br /> � . . 1 tho truth of tho atatomonta mado thoroln. Truetoo ahall appry tno procaoda of tiio saio in ino <br /> � followlnfl ordor: (a) to all cosls anJ oxponsos of oxorclsing tho powor of salo, end tiio anlo, <br /> Includinq tho paymont of tho Trustoo's foos aclually Incurrud, not to oxcoad chree <br /> • ' Yo of tl�o princlpal amowit of tho noto at <br /> . tho timo of tho doc�aratlon of dotault, and roasonablo attornoy'a foos as porrnittod by law; (b) <br /> . i to all sume socurod by ihis Socuriry Instrumonk end (c) any oxooss to tho porson or <br /> persons 1o�ally onlillod to it. <br /> . . � v�rz�v:na.�q e�a�e ci s - � <br /> ' 9}�5p + <br />