� .
<br /> f. . , b . �: � ,,:.�:�'�� �� '
<br /> . _� ,
<br /> „ , n - f - � � �� - ..�a. . , ; � va_v_ ...tY}.:,
<br /> - �f,yF a(S_l.Y.wa.{t�.�t�W«.s��ela�....itl_�.......+i�..r..�i.�sy�a.,oua,raunxu.uau. ___"—,.- � _.
<br /> * ' _ ,-.._
<br /> � 3.� ..
<br /> „� �* iOfiETllEit\57i11 ae ih�trprovtm�nis now m hKxliw enpW m th� propMty,�nd at wtKmnU,appurlen+ncn.�nd �:,. _ -
<br /> �<t` � �, • fdlw�e ppw q hKaAw a pul ot ih�popr.y.M t«sNtMrent�u�d�dAtloa�thM�to b�ctvNed 4Y thit BewrXy In�Wmmt. -
<br /> � 'F'� +�. M ol lh�totpohp k reUrced lo N tMt 8wu�ky M��umnf��tht'PropKry.' �'A'-` `_..---
<br /> � + BORfl0Y7ER COVENANf9 thtl Bonornr k MrMy�W�d N U�� „ul�hK�by tanvryed and hu Ih�dphl to yrnnl�nd
<br /> ��ri���tt eonvy th�Rap�ny�nd tMt fh�f4apMy It unmMircBxM. �+apt ta maxrbr�nu� ol record. 6ortaxe+x•�rcNU �nd � '
<br /> " wY dlNnd yM�j tM dM110 lh�Moprty�y Witt�Y cWn��nd Mm�nds.wbNd lo�ny enam6renas of tewrd. �.L.:" ...-
<br /> �'�r �ji� _.
<br /> tx THIS SECUfltfY INBiflUMEN1 torebMn uNlo�m cm•��ntt fa n�tlon� u�� and non-unNOrcn wvm�nta wXh ,
<br /> � --� iMW vaMtlon�bY lu�kdwW�l IO ton�tNN��!unkOttn s�p1�'M�WMMI Cov�M1tp rMl MaP�'• � �•,�
<br /> �}}"�f�� 1 t�Asymint of�Ptinolpil and Intira�st Priipymin[and�!.#�ti�Ch�rp�e� D0110WOf 4h11 Pf0f�11/(1EY\V11P'I CL7 �i L�'i —
<br /> �f' ,4 �� du�fh� pincyNl ol�nd Ntaesl on the debt Mdmad by lhe Ho1e and eny pre{��yment end ute chuyes dY� WIdN 1110 � -�_
<br /> 1 r; Not�. _-.
<br /> s r'�
<br /> '� � Z. Fund�for T�uc�t anq In�ur�ne��Subjat lo aPPklblo Yw or to a wAUen waNa by Lander, eonow«an.0 p�y x
<br /> r� 'i r '� to Lenda on th�d�y monlhy p�ymenla ue due under the Note, untY the Nole Is pdd M hl,�sum('Fundsq fa: (�)yeuy t �"� � ,•
<br /> � tu�es md naestmmis whkh riuy an�N pdwxy ova ttis 3eu:dy InsWmml�a a Gm on the Propaty.@)yeuy IMSehold C� ' sr;'
<br /> ,y ta, p�ymente or pround rnle on ihe Ptopay. N�ny, (o)ya:.y Ite¢cd or property Nauqnce premWms; (d)yary Iiood Nsunnu (Q ��-:t�i
<br /> -a.-�;f i} prMdums,N�ny,(e)yeuy mo�q�ge Insc:�nce pranwms,H eny;a�d(q my sums pryeble 6y Doeowa to Lender In accadence {!p + �.
<br /> - � ��" wNh the proNSbns of�wngnph 8.N Seu o11he pcymxl cl m.rMyege Insuruice parium. mm¢ Nems ore eolled 'Esuo-x � . `I'.t-
<br /> �{1{;.^!:�; IIM15� �NIdN fMy. �I MY 11lM. MSK!Ma M.{d FW.QJ'aT LI YTMN:ni n0:t0 PxCTM f�:9 InAV1lJ11 i1Yll'M E IMdM 10f� �._�i:.'',;.;.:;:-
<br /> q x tt.'.. IMa�y reitled morlp�pe loen mxy raQ:ta Mr Bcrraaets�scra�accas.t cndu 6�e teuhra'He�t Es+.e'.�a s�'.�,nen� Proceduros «_�'
<br /> '�� s �, A:t o!1974 n�nwnded hom farn to CrM.72 U.SC.�2c�t aB a!y E"��'A'}. �rms a.othce Lrx rhat apptas lo Ihe funds ,�.,�,., 4 .
<br /> � �.-[!. sxSS:7�ssx amounl. II so,la�dzc mry,at a�y tirc:e,win� er.d Eat4 fixds h t�amount not to ecccad tia lesser vnounL .�� f��;�.
<br /> ai
<br /> � � -`{._ l¢�d+.r rcay aYme'.x e`.z am�r�t ot Fuids due cn Iha Wsb of cureM di%x a1d rason�blo est:rcAtes ot e�,:dlures o� tulure �1?� �� .
<br /> x --- ��� Esaow ttars a othartse H�xada��a with app6ubie Lw. i���}'{��js�;.�
<br /> iRe iulds ahxl Ee held N an l+stituL'on whvs2 dcqosl's�ro Nsured by a te&rel�gmry,Inst�umentek�,tt eniiry MdudnA r u} r
<br /> - y�Af!� Lmdd,il LendH Is�sch u�hsUutlon)a in any iedertl liome Lan B�nk Ler:Ber aTaA�ppy the Funds to pay Ihe Eacrow �n�ti{��� j
<br /> I �)�"J+!��. fte+ns,ler+dn may r.o`char9e 8orrorer for hold�g and�ppyln9�e Funds,�nnuaj nns.ytfig ihe esaow�ccoun6 or rMlyhg r��r�r r z �
<br /> � �?,�W'�Z; 1he Eacrow I�enu, u+!ens Lmdx Nys Bortowa In:ttesl on tha funds Nd i{`piwS�e inx II¢+rc11s Lmdcf lo riuko auch o ���,�,�
<br /> � e�T+ charCo. tlowwu. Lmda moy teryu've Borrower fo pay�mo-ttma oharge lor en IndePmdem rm'eskte tdx reporGny setvke ./ct�i�r r �
<br /> _`r��^r��• useE by lenda 7n conneUlon wifh tha loan. �n�.ss �ppkebie Yw qoddes oihmlise. Lnksa an egre[mml Is rade or nL,„ �� j
<br /> � 1���GfC � a�ptiubla kw renseee trlaesl lo ba prid, Ler.0.:shaf not be «qu4ed lo pey Do:rowx osy� mteresl w oo.a:r.gs on the Funds. i^��i;lk'S� .:
<br /> - �.'4 Bortown �nd Lme+er nmy�gree In wrilPp. howevx. iMl Pterosl ah�l 6e pa!d o�1ha Fund+. lc+Mer aheB g�e to Oortower, `;;•�^tr�. a� �'
<br /> ����;�1, wilhoul charge,an nnauel�ccounGng ol the funds, shorMy wedls and deLils to ihe Funtls and Ihe puryose tor whkh each '���.;)k+i 3 �
<br /> " �I t�""�.� debfl lo Ihe Funds wu made. The Funds are piedycd as atldillcnxl searity tw a7 aums aewreU by Ihe Ser.�E1y InsWmenl. E..t?y�t �
<br /> "�Y
<br /> ��N�r �+w II the Funds hNd by Lmder exeeed Ihe unounts ptm'.tec!W bo hdd 6y nppiuble ww, lmda sh�l eccount to Bortower ry�:lx �,i�"�.
<br /> iht _t Ipr 1h�exuss Funds N aecord�rce xiih lhe«quYcmmis ol eppEwblo Irx.Il lhe emounl of Ihe Funds hNd by Lmdtt at �ny w.;, �i� _.
<br /> r �r f�i�s J
<br /> fime Is nol suMdenl io pny the E¢uow Ilems whrn due,tmder r.ny ao noL'�j Darovra in vniting, �nd. N such cese Borcowa ry11)1/'k �-
<br /> �i �r�$?�-- �•: ahU p�Y �a lendxr the ummmi neeusuy to make up tke defickncy. Oottower shall make up the defidenq In no mo�e thm ti,,q� u_�
<br /> r.�il�t,�;: (weNe monlhi�pymxr�is,nt Lender s ade aiaerellcn. S���SU�
<br /> �4��)t,.i._ u�an peymmt In futl of e9 zu�s eeWred by ih!s Secu:i.y 1�37NME11�, LMEM 6M18:I O��WLy flIVIIA lo Bonowa eny 7���+������,� -
<br /> y E��ta i �r- Funds 7�eM try linu'a. li, cnEai F�sy apY,�. lcr.Cr.:`,:7 n u;-:c a:°�the Pte,�;.L!r��e•.�al!�r{n�he�mutsXlon or ade i s{ .
<br /> !rr/;li�( .�� ol thu Property,ahall�ppy�ny Funtls held by Lender at the ureo ol a�quls�0on or saie es a ciedrt egnMsl ihe aums securM ���.� 1i�k",�
<br /> Kx���r ; by this 6aunry Inswmem. 4`s r'"r- _
<br /> L r� -- ;- 3.Applicttton of Paymonta.uMoss npPiwda mw proviaes othmvtse. au reymm�e roeehea ty Lender under n• akA rc, -
<br /> � _'<<ftpl� peregnphs 1 end 2 sheX be epp'.ieU: F.nl,to any p:cp�ynmt ehx�gos due unda iho Noto; secend,to amoua:a peyable unda 7:::i r :.
<br /> �y{t��yq`�, �wrgiph 2;Ih4d,lo nittaA Jaa; fomih,lo pdndpei dav;i:id Iesi.lo ru'ry kid tharges dua under t�a Nole. '�::x.
<br /> + {,f�d� ;,� A� Ch�rg�s; UYne.6ortower ehall pay tll lexes, asaessmenis, eherges. Rnos anU kr.pos:lions a:Wbuteble lo t`e -�� ,��_
<br /> •��ti�F�?iG; Prope+ty whkh m�y e:uN pr'Ariy orn ths Sea�iry InsWment, and Iwsehold peyments or ground rm1s, N�ny. 8orroxer �� ,
<br /> �� ����. .�Y. ahel p�y Ihese obliga"ons M tha mwntt prodded In p�np+ph 2, or if uol paiA N thel manna, 6onower shnll p�y Ihem on rj��. �
<br /> ..?� h.;4 IYne duecUy to Iho peison owe4 peymmt. Bortower ah�qompty Nmish lo Len:H all noUees ot�mounts to be pdd undtt ., �
<br /> rr,tq thls pengnph.II Dortowd mekos thoso paymmis�redy. 6orcaxer sha� prompLy Nmish to Lmdtt rccek�ts evfdendn8 F-1'�`.� wr{�.��-
<br /> i�Al.71k�$;: Ihe peymenls. ` �;�'�r? �.
<br /> �f: �b�il U�ttowu 6htll prompty dlschxgr a+y Ilen whlch has pdor.'.y over ihis SeWriy Insimment unless Uortow[r. (u)apreta �f��r��u .;�
<br />'.';'.b't�j�i�j.yv f e:;.'•I, p�.
<br /> , �� ..� in wr,:ng tu the paymmt ol lho oU[pa.an sewred by lhe Fm In e menner nteeplablo lo Lmtler. �D)eonlesls in good litn �he t y
<br /> .x ;;:� Gm by,or ddmds�gllnst enlorcemrnl ol ihe lim N, leg�l Dro�n05 which In tha Lende�'s op4don opttale lo provenl ir `�.,�{ _
<br /> : �i��.� the m!orcemml ol the Ilen:or(c)sewres from the hoMn o� ihe fim en a{Veemenl seCSfacmry to Lender subordlnaCng the � f�'U�_;
<br /> i� Iim to Ihls Secutl InsWmmi.If LmCer delerm�r.es�h�t�ny pN oi tho Property is aubJecl to n 5m wh:cn nuy aluin pdodty �' .
<br /> .s ,-�b� b � i+'•+, r
<br /> i�ti,s�x'L,+. ovtt thls SecwXy Ina'tumml. LendH rroy yMe Oonowa� notica IdmLiyln9 ICe Ilm. �orravrer nlw� ueLSy�ho AM of iek! ,� ,. 1 f _:
<br /> � -�r��.y., one or moro ol tho edions sel tar:n aCuie w8hin 10 deys of the q�dng of no0co. .�.;�; ;, '
<br /> � -!, 't-6 6. Huud 0! PropBRJ 7naWpnCO.Bonowe shull keep the fmprovemente now eriswg or httee'tt craled on fho �,°x �� .,, �
<br /> t '�- Property insured egensl toss ty Rre,hazards IncSUC'ed x3CN the Icrm 'exlmded coverego' antl ony other hoiwds. Ndudsg ��., ' � ��
<br /> r� � �;�Y Aoods or Ilootling,la:whzh Lentler�eSv4es Insuanw. iNS ins�reneo shaSi be mainte!ned in tho e.roounls�nd lor lhe pMods j- Si f '
<br /> �' - ,?; that Lmdtt requi�oa. Tho'naumnoe wrf.e FroridS�g Iho (nsurenco sha0 bo chosM by Oortower aubJeCi lo LmdNs approvel 3 . `.
<br /> �YS'� Yt�x ���' whlth SheA nol bu umensu`ab}� w"thhHd. 11 Oortmver lils to nwlnleia coverego tlescrbed nbove. Lendtt may, el La�ders v ��r !n '-
<br /> 1�7'�. ;�+',; cpe'on,obteN wvere9e to prctecl ia�tici e dgh�s In fio hoperry N secadanw�Mh para5raph 7. �• 'F.'!•-
<br /> . f�:��.- q;i Nsurenco poEdes and reor�.a's nha11 be etcep:aGe tolmdtt and shcllnGude n standard mongega dauso.Lendtt 4`g<, �
<br />�- �il'd�'- sha9 have Iho tlght lo hold Iho peEaes entl renenal5. N Lender�eqW.res, Ooncwer shs�promply q4o to Lmdn o7 rea4pts ol �a�l'�,
<br /> - `��:�f paltl premlums anA renewal no9cos. In Ihe evem of bss, Oaravtt sFa7 ry%m pranpt no:ice ro Ihe insmanca eartier and �';%5�.41'� _�-.
<br /> ..y::
<br /> ��".�... ` �-� Lendtt. Lendcr mey make pwo�ol loss A not mnEO pro:ep_y by Oortovra ,}�..�''i'"' ..
<br /> -. ' '�..,.��
<br />...'., :... _ . . _ . . ..__ ._. �_
<br /> f.. -:��. unieae t�rv� anu wnv�.a v6aiwue � " ' "_' •" •°•�••n••° ••••,,••nb°� { •'•� -
<br /> y��o .� �.�.�y. ::.a.,�W�:.:, i;:.:::�� _
<br /> .��;i:�i:°� Iho Prope`y damegcd, il ihe restciaL'on or repalr is econotMwy teas.ble er.d Ler.dxrsrrseu:riN Is r.oi lussmed.�ll t.*.: 1 `�"�"
<br /> ��;(:-r ?��� resloretlon or �cpnU is nol econerciwH feaslbie or Lmdei s secutlty would be IessmeG, ihe insurance proceeds ahall Ee {�•.�.��'' -
<br />- - -.:4,�:.-jj appGed lo ihe sums setured by this Sedlrity InsWmeM, whothM or not Ihen L'ue. w�h eny Cxcesn pa!d lo Bortox�er. If �� -.
<br /> y�.��•. Oortowcr abandons lho Propc�ry. or does not enswe�v&hin J9 deys a no:ice I:om Lender lhat iho insu:enw wrtler has
<br /> o:lered to SMUO a daim. Ihen Lender moy w:lect tAe ineu2nco p�oceetls. lender may use tha proweds lo repair or ,
<br /> ` � resbm Iha PropMty or lo pay sums aecuretl Uy lhis Secudry InsWmenl. whMher or nol ihen due. The 30�day pMOd wi7
<br /> beg!n whm Ihe notice is ghm.
<br />-- " '`'� Unless Lmdc+ end Bortower 01hMx150 eyree in w�.Mg. a:y oppsceuon ol pmue0s to pd�tlDal ShB� not c..md or
<br /> -,� postpone ihe due d31e of tho mon:h.y payrnenis ce:cned to In p0rag�uphs 1 enU 2 or change the amounl of the
<br /> paymmis. tl under pvagreDh 21 the Property Is nrqu6ed Dy Lendtt. Oortowcrs dgM m eny inxurante poGdes entl D�occeds
<br /> resu:.ing Irom da:noge ta ihe P�opnry p:kr lo Ihc acp�BTOn sM1a:l pass lo I.mdtt lo Ihe eztenl ol lhe sum.s by ihis SewM.y
<br /> - - - - InSWmMi immcm.9lM/pnor�o�ne ecquisnion.
<br /> `��,y 6. Occupancy, Prosarvation, P1laintonanco and Pro4actlon of tho Pro ert Borrowor's Loan
<br /> � P Y�
<br /> � '+ Appllcati0n; 1ea50h01de. Oonown sha0 oewpy, osta5hh. antl usc me Propary as 8onmrer's prindpsl testlenrR
<br /> - � '�,�s vrith:�sbity days el�tt Iho e+�ecutlon ol 1C13 Sewriry fnSWmenl and sha0 contlnue to occupy tho I'roperly ns Oortowtt3 pdndpal
<br /> residmco lor nl least ono year olter the dale ol ocwpa�ty.uness LenGtt o�nenriso egrees in writing. which censmt shall not
<br /> ' be un:NSOnaby wkhnNd.or un!ess culmuating crWmslar.ms Gcsi which me Ueyond Bortowtt'S conVOl. UortowM shall no1
<br /> - - desVOy. damege or Mpa4 the Fropt+ly. allmv Ihe Propmy to dN,edora:e,or co:nm:l weste on Ihe PropMy.UonowM shull ba
<br /> 4� Ee:euA X any IoAet:ure aclar u poceetling. whethtt ctril o�a`minal. is begm that In Lcnders good 1aY,h Judgmenl we10
<br /> -.{- �� rea:t m lodedure oi che P�Mer,; a ofhmvise malcria:y im�alr Ae lien aeated by th�s Secv.y Insimmenl o�Lendtt i sewr.ry
<br /> �_-� � Nterest
<br /> - q1•SIV���LS.. Ge9�):•5 —_� _
<br /> ::� ;
<br /> • 91]Y 1
<br /> f
<br /> .
<br />� . .-a .. r . ___.. _...__�. .___....__ . ....______.. _-__. _. .
<br />