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<br /> APPI,H 001-703 190 32 •
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<br /> � v�a 11���a7 '
<br /> .. I .
<br /> - ` 1-4 FAMILY RIDE�
<br /> _..•�-�" ' Assianment ot RenGs
<br /> ,..� �
<br /> THIS 1-4 FAMII.Y RIDER.is made this 14TH day of APKIL , 1997 �and is ; .
<br /> incorporsued into and shall be dcemcd to amend and supplement the Mortgage,Deed of Trust or Security Decd(the
<br /> "Security InswmcnY')of the samc date given by tt�e undersigned(the"Borrowar")to secuce Borrawer's Note w : _
<br /> . . K'3:J.,-;.
<br /> r't,iio
<br /> `�-� (the"Lender") ;;R�_
<br /> � yr..:.
<br /> of the same date and covering tha PropertY described in the Security Instrument aad locatcd a� _ ----
<br /> •� N —
<br /> ti ,.�_�"
<br /> q� 720 W 17TH ST �T=�"' '
<br /> ' �? GRF�ND ISLANDr NF3BRASKA 68801 .a'.
<br /> . [�yr.ty Addrenfj �:'��`
<br /> � ��' 1-d�ANIILY COVENANTS. %n addidon w the covenants and ngrP.ements m�de in t7ae Security Inst=ument, _
<br /> �o:rower and Lender further cover,ac�2�nd agree as follows: �-
<br /> - '""�, A.ADDITIONAI.PROPER�'Y SUBJECT TO THE SECURITY INS'�RUMENT. In addition ta the �°.'',�—
<br /> r pro�erty described in the Security Instrument,the following items are added W the Property description,and shaU
<br /> .. � elso constitute ths Propeity covered by the Security Insmimer�t;building materials.appliances and goods of every —
<br /> nanus whutsoevcr now Qr hexeafter located in,on,or used,or i�l�n�ed w be used in connection with the Prnperty.
<br /> �c:ot{ttsg,Ssui noi limis�!to.s�:��,�!'^:�h!�pnr;,�ses of supplylnR or disuibuting heating�cooling,electriciry,Sas,
<br /> .. � araws.security end access control apparacus.Plumbing,
<br /> wsiiter,air and light,C�e P►evendon$rd extinguishin8 8PP ---
<br /> w __
<br /> baih tubs�water heateis,water closets.sinks�rang¢n.stoves,refrtge.,ators.dishwashers.diSposaLs�washers,M'�s� ----
<br /> ' awnings,storm windows,stonn doors.screens.66n�ds,sl�ades.curtaL�s and curtein rods,euached mhsors�cs�binets, __=
<br /> �� paneying and etteched floor coveriaags now or hereaftet auached to ths PcoPartY+ ell of whlch. iraclu(d�ng
<br /> � • replacements end nddidons thereto,sln�t be deemed to be and remnin u part of the Propeiiy cov�s�d by the Security
<br /> � Insuumen�.All of the foregoing togetl►er with the ProPertY described in tha Security Instrument(or the leauhold
<br />� ';,.y � estace if the Socurity Et�,guument is on a leasehold) are referred to in thls 1-4 Family Rider and ths Securiry
<br />_;, . .. ,.4 Inswment as thc"Prog�ray:'
<br /> ' B.USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Borrower shaU not seek. a�Cee co or make a
<br /> � .. •"� change in the u�e of the Pcope.cty or its zoning classificadon.unless Lendez has agreed in wdtu►g to the chenge.
<br />�`:;�,�:,..;'� Botrowu shall compYy with all laws� ordinances. regulations and requiremznts of any goveinmental body
<br />-.. _,::•.,tir-,,� aAP�lewtheProperty.
<br /> C,�i•��� ��' C.SaJBORDINATE LIENS. flxcept as permiued by federal law,Bocrower shall not allow any liea infeiior
<br />+��'•i+f ','t1�:'o
<br />_�. :. w thc Securiry Instn�ment to be perfected a8ainst the Propeny without Lendcr's prior wrlaen pamission.
<br />,Ft, . ,�:; D.RETdT LOSS INSUItANC�. Bomower shall maintain a�surannce against rent loss In addidon to theother
<br /> "';:r r��: � hazards for whlch insardni:e is rcqui��efl by Unifom�►Covenant S.
<br />--=:`'�s� �• E."BORROWER'S RIGHT'i�REII'+1STA'TE"DELET��D. Unifaasn Covena�it 18 is dei�.ted.
<br /> ��"` �' F.BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Le�tder and �orrawer m4herwise agrc,e in w�iting� the fust --
<br /> �"'?':�;�;•.�... _ .
<br />,_�p�;°,;; � � sentence in Unifoan Covenant 6 conceming Borrower's occupancy of t3�e P:rapercY is deleted. All remaining
<br /> - ••�'"' '` • covenm�ts and agroements set forth in Uniforrc�Covenant 6 shell r�crnain in effect.
<br /> ,;;;k ,•- --
<br />-.r,•.Y:;> ..
<br />" ��� MULTISTATE 1-+FAMILY RIDER•F�nnl�MuiFrsddl�Nae Unlform In�trument Form�170�1�9 _-
<br /> . • Pap�t o12 _
<br /> � VMP MORT�A�E FORIAS•(800)621•7291 InUla4:____— - --
<br /> - � �•b7 cosot�.o� -
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