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<br /> _„o,_'"��,,,,.,;�;�� G.ASSIGNMFNT OF A.F.ASES. Upon L.cndcr's request,Bnrrower shall assign w Lendcr aU Icascs of thc ���'�
<br /> ,:�� �; Froperty and all sccurlty deposlts mado in wnnection with lea�cs �i tho Pcoperty.Upon the assignment, Lender -_
<br /> '� shail have the right W modify,extend ar te�minatc the c�isting Icases nnd to exccute new leuses,in Lender's sole .-�-
<br /> „�' discretion.As used in this paragragh Cr,lhe word"leasa" shall msan"sublease"if the Sc�udry Inswment as on a ..-:
<br /> L'__
<br /> ka�ehola. �
<br /> Borrov�er ub:�olutcly and uncondidonaUy assigns and transfers to Lender all ttv�censs and revenues("Rent�")of the _
<br /> � Pr�pr,r�y,regardless of W whom the Rents of the Property ere payable. Boixower authoriz�s Lender or I.ender's -_
<br />- < � agents to cnllect the xterus.end agrees that each tenant of ihe Properry shau pay the Rent�w L.ender or Lender's v
<br /> ugents.However,Borrower shaU receive the Rents until(i)Lendec has given Dorrower notice of default pu�rsuant to _
<br /> • paragraph 21 of t�e Securicy InsGUnent end(ll)l�dcr h�gtvcn no�ce w the tenant(s) thnt tha I�enta ar:ro t►e ___
<br /> . . .. �, paid tm Londer or I.ender's agenL This assignment of Rents cc►nsututes an absolute asslQnmcrtt ar�J rzot an _
<br /> assignment for addidonal securiry only.
<br /> ., ,�.„��, " If Lender gives notice of bceach ta Borrower.(i)all Rents received by Borrower shnli 6e hcld by Borxower as �
<br /> " trustee for the benefit of I.ender only.to be applied to�he sums secured by Ihe Securiry Inatrumen�(ii)l.,ender shal! ___
<br /> °`. Y � be entitled to collect and receive all of the Rents af tl�e Praperty: (ui) Barsower agrers thni each u:nvtc of the �;Y�;:.
<br />- Property shall pay all Rents due and unpaid to Lendet or Lender's egents upon LendcPs wcitr�en demartd to the �
<br /> ,; v'.,
<br />� eenanG (iv) unless applicable law provides otherwise.ell Rents collected by I.endcr a I.ender's egests shall be "
<br /> -�:a�.�� "� applkd fust w the costs of takir►g conunl of aad managing tha Property and collecdng the Renta.including,but nat -
<br />`:v;.->'S-:r i ,
<br /> • litnited to,attomeys' fees,receiver's fees,premiams on receiver's bonds,repair and m�intcnaace costs,inaurance
<br />_�``� ;`".';: premiums.taaes, essessments and other charges on the Prapeity. and ttxl► W the sums sccured by t�e Securlry
<br />-- �;:;'_�;::•.. � Ii�iuwuud;(�j I.�'�.:,L„"ntl�''s�u:to oc rsti 1u���i°�F���r`w�y�,cb�M liahle tn acawnt Fc�cuL,Y�tto�e
<br /> ,��'�.�?r ; Renis ectually teceived;end(vi)Lzndet shall be entitled to hevo a tece'sver appointed Io take possessioQe of and —
<br />-` :.£: n�anagcs the Prope�y and collect the Retas end profits dertved from the Proputy withaut any showing as to the
<br /> W-a:`-a'��`� inackcl�acY of the Prope�ty ag seciuity.
<br />---��-���'� If the Rents nf the ProPetty am n�et sufficient to cover the costs of taking conlrml of and manuging the __
<br /> �:.. ,�,r�, __-
<br />�i�'s�°°.t°� p�P�r�tY and of�o1lec�ng th.Reats any funds expended by Lrnder fot such piuposes shall become indebudness of ---.-
<br /> n.,�,��:•�;,
<br /> 1j�-_�:;�:;� Bamara to Lender secural6y the Seauity Inswment pursuant to Unifo:m Covenant 7.
<br /> -'��Y�,� . H�rmwer rcpresents and wairants that Borrowcr has not executtd any pdor assignment of the Rents and has
<br /> "==��'`��:�'� not and wiU not perfonn any ect that would prevent I,ender from exercis�ng its rlghts under thia paragraFh.
<br /> ,,��_�;;,,`� Lender.or Lender's egents or a jndlcially a�rpointed receivc�.shall not 6e requirc,d w catcr apon.talce conuol
<br />:��rr�,�-,r�.. of or maintain the Propecty before or atter giving notice of default to aomower.However,Lender. cr Lr.nder's
<br /> _. ,'° agents or a judicially appointed receiver�may do so at any tima when a default occurs.Any applicatian of Renu
<br /> '-_�° ====�::��� shall not cure or wnive any default or invalidate any othcr cigh!or remedy of Lender_Tl►iA assignment of Rents of
<br /> _�_�-=;;''t�j:� the Pmpecty shall ce�minate when all[he sums secured by the Security Instnunent are paid in fuH.
<br /> _---- �--- - T.CROSS•DEFAULT pROVISION. Borrower's default or bnach under eny note or agretment in __
<br /> -- -- ' which Leadei hag an interese shall be a brcach under the Security Insavme�3 and Lender may invoke eny ef�he _
<br />-=�--� ' remedies pecmitud by the Socurity Insarument --
<br /> --_-_ =- BY SIGNING BELUW,Borrower eccepts and egrees w the[etms and provisions coea�:�ine.d in this 1-4 Family
<br /> --�_�;�,- Rlcict.
<br /> �,.., � ._
<br /> --�.-_�� (i��- C. ��a A�1 i�:c_r�►�c;�,,� -
<br /> ----:� �5�) .
<br /> ' JAC� D 12ICHARDSON -Bottowcr C RICHARD30N -�Borcower --
<br /> -_�„�'`��F' t �5�� �.����3ee1) --
<br /> `� .�i.,
<br /> ;:�=:.:. -Horrower ':,
<br /> . � • •Horrawcr ,,
<br /> _.,..f`-..� �,e:i-
<br />- .�.. '•_r ,
<br /> .�,�`.
<br /> - ' �� �'�
<br /> •.x. �°1:�' ! �i-S7 �oaoq.o� a■p.z o�2 Form 9170 3J03 �;
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