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<br /> ' � E.A one or more parc�lS And in�ey ondtr Trusta determtncs. Triestee mAy �ostGx►ne �Be of all �r �ny par�e�ot the �,
<br /> r„� Property by publk onnouncer�ent at the time ae�place ot any prevbu�ly 6chedukd snk. Lender or its dtsignce may ��•
<br /> purc6asc the�roperty at�ny aak. -
<br /> �� �.� Upon rmlpt of pnyuimt ot t6e price bid, 7Y�sRa sSsU deUver to the purc6aser Trustce's dcecl cooveying the
<br /> ;��.•-�-�---; Property.T6e reciGtb in tk Trasta's tleed sball be prim�fack evidena ot the frath ot tUe statcmcnts m�de thenin. .
<br /> 7lrustee sha0!Apply the pn�ceerls of the sak ic�the foUawing arder:(A)to all casta and expens�ot exercbing t6e power at i
<br /> ` eafe,�nd the sak,fincludfng tL�payment of the Trustee•a fie�actual�y iocurred►not ta exceed 3.o0o g6
<br /> � p ot t6e pr�'nc�paI amouat oG the nats at the tims of the aleclaratbe ot deteull,aed reuonabk attomeys'tees asy�ra�itted by
<br /> � ' Iaw;(b)to x�l sum�securcd by tb[s Security Instrument;and(e)any excras to t6e person or person9 kgally entNkd to it,
<br /> • 22.Reconveyance. Upna �ay�cnt of all sums secured by this Sxuriry Instntment, I.cndcr shall requcsl Trustcc to
<br /> ' , reconvey thc Proputy end shall surrend,er thls Security Insuument end a!1 nous cvedencing deUt secured by �his Security
<br /> Inswment w 7Yu�iee.Ziru.�tco shtill reconvey�be Propecty without warranry nnd v�lthout charge to the person or pasons legally �,�-
<br />.:-;:,' : ' cnoitle�i to iG Such pasan or pr�sons shall�ay any cr�o�dat�oa casts. a;:-:.
<br /> 23.Substitute TruRtee. I.ender.at its opdon. may fram dme to time remave Truste�s and Appoint a successor wstee to eny =
<br /> -�' 'tY�st�r.ggointcd lirseunder Ay an instntment r�es�ed en the county in tyhith this Security Insttutrsent is resordxt.l�Jishout -_
<br /> `" "��" � � cooveyance of Ihe Property,tha successor trustoe shsll succ�d w ull the titk,power and dudes canferred upon'ilrusta hercan and -'
<br /> s•:
<br />' "' e`:'�' by Bj��CRb{C�SW. �:
<br /> ?A.Reque�t for Nutbe�, B�rrowcx requests that wpies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrowu's ad�ress
<br /> which s�the I'roperty Acldre�s. �`'
<br /> , '��} x5.[tiders fo ttile Secur.it�instrumen� If one or nwre ddern�are eaecuted by Bamwu ea�rocarded togather wIth this _
<br /> . . �_,.
<br /> . �,�_�"'� Security I�strumeau,�he cavonants and sgreunents of each such ddu sha](1 be Incorporated into and shall arnsnd and supplement -
<br /> '° •`. �� � the covenants and agreemonta of this Socurlty Instrument as if the rider(s)wcre a part of this Security Instrumen�
<br />-,�'°`� [Cl�ecic ap�pficabb box{es)]
<br />`-°4=.; ,;;.�,` 0 Adjustable Raic►R�der [�Condominium Ridcr [] 1-4 Femily Rider
<br /> --'''``_ 0 Grad�d PaymcntR�da 0 Planned Unit Develapment Rlder [�Biwcekly Payment Rldcr
<br /> --.� ,,,.
<br /> - �" �` � BaU.AOa Ridrs C)Ratc Imprnvenient Ridu 0 Socand Home Rid�er
<br />-::�;;yi.;��.:,�
<br /> -_ ��� n VA T2�� �(1(�r�o��cr�rn���Anaiqnmwnta nf R/.nh
<br /> :1�,'t.� u �
<br /> �'i•.�n itf.
<br /> �1��'��►, ' _
<br /> >�- BY SIGNItdG BBLOW,Borrower accepts and aqmcs W the terms ond oovenents contained in this Secarity Instrwnent and in
<br /> -�fuTs� any rider(s)eaecuted by Dorrower and recorded with iG
<br /> ..,�._,,�;j Wiinesses: `�-�
<br /> �I/ (Scal)
<br /> ----- ACK D ItICAA12DSON -Borto�er
<br /> __-�— � � .� r� ,��s�y .
<br /> ---_ . � ANN C RICHI�RDSON -Horrover
<br /> _— (Scal) (Seel)
<br /> ----._.__.- -BorraNer -8orrowat
<br /> Snte of Nebra�, �L County ss:
<br /> �"-"�i"-� Tbcfacgoinginswmentwa�acknowle�gedbeforemsthis 143�I dayof APRiL � 1997 �
<br /> _—i''� Witrkss my hand and na��al seal at o[tAtan IsLAND. rtrslzasttP, in said County.the da�eafocesaid. �
<br /> -�:�`.:� My Canmission E�cpires: ---
<br /> �;'.",��'m Nou blic �� �
<br /> -_'.L� �GFMERALNOIARY+S�b6ftNpdsn ���.^
<br /> JJICAI.YN A AYO*llBee� �.�1
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