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<br /> 7. Pretvction of L�ndor'8 F�Ights In t�� Pro�ssrty. II eotrower taus tu patann the covenante :nd ngreementn -�;�_::
<br /> . conta!ned In thla 3ecudy Instrumant,or thore Ie e Inanl procoedlnp tlrel moy�Ignllicenlly atleat Lender'a dghts N the Property(auch se
<br /> a procaedlnp In benkruptcy,pfObII1R,1R�C011dU�i1IlQhlbll Of IqACIlU�O OT l0 Q�IOtCO I�W� Of fBQU18110t19),then LenCor m�y do end psy tor �
<br /> �• WFIA1qV(�f Is necessary to protect ttta valuo ot lho f•`ro�atty and 4ondnr'a riphlo In tho f�roperty. Lcnder'o ocibne muy Inctudo paylnp
<br /> any suma secu�ad by e Itan whir.h hao prlority ovur tiila Socurity Inntrumonl,oppcarin� in cau�i, pn�nfl reaeunable attomay'e tees end
<br /> entering on the Properry to make repelre. Althouph l¢ndnr may tnl;p actlon undor thln rynragreph 7,Lender doe�not hava to do ao.
<br /> Any amounte disbursed hy Lendar undar thla pnrr�greph 7 nhn�i bocomo ndditlonel debt o1 0orrow�r e�cured by thls Securiiy
<br /> In3t�ument. Unleas BaROwer and Lendor aQree to otlzar torrnn o1 pnymen6 thosn amounts eh�ll beer Intereal irom lhe date o}
<br /> disbursemant at the Note rnia end sh�ll bo pnyablv,v�flti inte�est,upnn noltce lram I.onde►to 8arrowe� requeaUnp p�yment.
<br /> 9, AAp�ig�ga 1116Y�PA�9eo. If Lander required mnrtg:fln inmirnnco ne o conditton o} making the loen socurod by thl�
<br /> � � .. Security Instrumon6 BoROwer ehell pay tha premiuma requlred to malntaln tho mort�nge Inaur�nce In Rflect.It, lor �ny reaeon, iha
<br /> ,,;,;;,�� mortgage Inst�rance corerage required by LendQr lu�aeo or ceason ta bo In eitact, Eiorrower shell pay the premlume required to obta!n
<br /> -„w„..�.�er coverage aubstentl�ity equhralent to tho mortgt�Qo inrturanco pmviauoly In oflaot, nt a cost eubslantkly equNalent ta tho cost to
<br /> � � flortower of the mortgage InsumnoA previouuly (ro atti:ct, from nn ntlomato mort4ac�n Inaurer approved by lender. If eubstuntfally
<br /> ' equlvalent mortgaga Insurunce covomge lo not av¢ilnnt�t. Borrowor ahn�l pay to Lendor each month e sur� equnl to one-twelRh ol lhe
<br /> ' yearly mortgage Insurenco premlum being pufd k+�DaROwar whnn tho Insurenca covorttpo lapsed or ceased to be In attoct. Lender wlll
<br /> accept, use and rett�L�these paymente as e Ivos reservo In Ilou at mortpepa Inouranr,e. Lose reserve payments may no longer bs
<br /> requlred, at tha optian of Lender, If moRgage Inaurance covoraflo Qn the amount and for the perfod thnt Lender requires) provided by �'
<br /> an Insurer epproved by Lendor agAin become� avuilnblo and lo obtulned. Bortnwar shall pay the premlums requlred to malntaln
<br /> � mortgage Insurance tn eftect, ar to provlde a Inas resarvo. until tho raqu(rement 1or mortgaga insuranee ends In aceordance with any _
<br /> written Agreement belwee�Bortawer snd Lendar or np�licable law.
<br /> „ '�i, 9, 17tgp@Ct1011. Lender ar its egent may mulce reusonnblo ontrles upon and Inspectiona o4 tha Property. Lender shaH flive
<br /> `� Borrower nodco at tho timo 04 or pdor to an Inopacilon speclfyinp roASOnable causo tar tha Inspec8on.
<br /> � 10. CoRdemnation. ThA proceads oi any award or c+lnim far dnmagas, dlreat or conseGuentk?!,In connecUon with any �
<br /> � condornnetlon or other tatcing ot any part of the I'ro[�ariy. or tor conveyanca in Ileu of candemnaUon, aro hereby asstgned and shall ba �,
<br /> paid to Lender.
<br /> In lhe avent oi e totel takinfl of the Propemj, thrt proceeds sliall bo nppllad tc� tho sums secured by Ihis Secu►ity Inskument,
<br /> � ;�` whather or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower. In lhn want of e partlal taWng of the Properly In which the tair market _-:
<br /> value ot the Property Immediately betore tho taltlnp iu equal to or greatcx thnr� thra amount of tha sums seeured by this Secudry �,_
<br /> � Instrument Immedlatay beforo the taking, unless QaROwer and Londer othenvise �gree in wdtfng,tho aums eeeured by this Securiry a-==
<br /> Inatrument shall be reduced by the amount of thQ proceeds mu11�olled by the fa1lnwtng fraction: (a) the total amount ot the sum� �,
<br /> '�1',;f�.;�' • X;� secured immediaiety betoro tho taklnc�, divided by (b) tho fttlr m�rFee�l vulue ot tho Property ImmedVitely botore the taking. My baience =
<br /> '��r;:;;� shall be peld to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the �Property in whlci� the falr market value ot ihe Property fmmadiately
<br /> before the tak+ng Is less than the emount of thrt sumo secured immedlatety belore tNe taking, uniess Borrower and Lender otherwise
<br /> • " agree in wrktng or unie�e applicable Iaw otharvise provides, tho proceeds ahall bo epplied to the sw�i�se�ired by thls Secudty
<br />- � Inatrument whetner or not tne sume are ihen duv.
<br /> If the Propedy Is abandoned by Borrower, or i1, after notice by Lender to Borto�ver that the condomnor oHers to make an awurd or
<br /> settle e claim tar damages, Borrower fails to respond ta lender wlAhin 30 days attc:r the date the notice is gNen,Lender Is authorfzed
<br /> , to collact and apply ihe proceeds,at Its opUo+�, Qithar to restomt3nn or repalr oi thra Property or to the sums secured by this Secudty
<br /> :� Inatrument,whether or not then due.
<br />_ _•,, :.� Unless Lender and BoROwer otherwlse eprrto in wdtlnp, any npplication o1 pmcecds to p�incfpal shail not exlend or postpone the
<br /> Y��'•�r.•�„ �. due date o1 the monlhy paymenta referted to fn pnragraphs 1 nnd 2 or chango th�►emount of such paymenta.
<br />=�:�;„<:��`;:�'` 11. Borrowar Not R�lsased: For�aaranc� By I.re��der Not a UValver. Extens�on o1 tee time tor pa3ment ar
<br />�"' `"''"� ' modiflcation o1 emoNrntlon of the sums oecured by thla Security,nalrument grFtnted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower
<br />_,��„� �.y" shali not operate to reteasu tho Iiability ot tho orfginat Borrower or Borrower's uuccessore In interest. Lender shall not be required to
<br />"y�;�n,;�__:..;;': commenca proceedings agatnst any successar In intarest or rotusn to oxtcsnd tima tor payment or otheiwise mod'Ay amortlzaUon of the
<br />�_��;�;; � numa secured by this Secudty Inatrument by rouaon ot any domsnd mado by the origlnal Bortower or Borrower's successors tn
<br />=�=•r�'�',� Interest. My torbearance by Lender In exerclalnfl any dflht or rnmedy shall not be n waNer ot or preclude tha exercise oi any rtght or
<br /> ::_�zi. ;�
<br />- ' _ - tiY:�.�� remedy.
<br /> ::;r.�_.�.
<br /> _�.�:;;' ' 12. Succesaora �nd Aasigna Bo��d; Joint and Sovoral UabUity; Co-slgners. The covenants and
<br />�a;;}-;:•:.�, agreements oi this 9ecurlry Insttumont shall L•ind and benetit the succeseore and esoigns of Lender and Borrower, subJEC! to the _
<br />==-T.zt*,;w,r.r{ provialans of paragraph 17. Borrawer'e covonanto and ctgreementB ehell be Jolnt pnd aeverel. Any Bortower who co•slg�s thls Securth�
<br />—rA�;�Y�.�.. Inatrument but does not exocuto the Note: (4) In casignlnp thls Security Inetrumcnt only to mortgage, grent, end aonvoy that
<br />-{!R!�:�stp'��-:.• Borrower's Interest In the Proporty under ihe tQrmo of thls Securiiy Insfrument; (b) ia not peraonalty obllgated to pay the suma aecured _
<br /> '°"�'"""�'+,�'4i�� by this Securiry InsWment; and (c) ngrees thut Lendur and nny othor Bortower may agree to extend, modity,torbear or make any
<br />-�"-""°`��'°p�`� accommodatlona with regard to tortno of this Sacwfty Inutrument or tho Note without that Borrowa's consem. _
<br />�.�.'�w���+ 13. Losn Cher�es. II the loan sacured by thie 3ecurily Inatrument Is subJect to e law whlch sels max(mum loan charges, _
<br />--�_�'�'""�'�"' and that law Is tinaly Interpreted so that the Interest or other laan ohurges eollected or to be collectad In connectlon with the loan �
<br /> ..,�:�t`!�"`��' exceed the permitted Itmite, then; (a) any ouah lonn charges shall bo i�duced by the emount necessary to reduce the charfle to the _
<br /> -- '. permltted Iimtt;end ro) any sumo already collactad irom Borrower whloh axceeded pc�rmitted Iimlta wiit ba retunded to 6o►rower. Lender _-
<br /> _ � ' s may chooso to make this refund by roduGng tho pdndpal owed under ihe Note or by maktng a direct peyment to Borrower. Ii a �
<br /> . t�( refund reduces prindpal,the r�duction wlll be treuted ao a paAlal pro�nyment without any pre�ayment ci�arge under the Noto.
<br /> � ' "+� 14. NoliC@�� Any notice to Borrower provlded tor In thls Sacurlty Insitument shal{ be gNen by dnlNerinp It or by maliing it by
<br /> - ,,, . • �1 flrst class mall unless applicable law raqulres uae of another mathnd. The notice ahall be directed to tho P►nperly Address or any
<br /> �•�` '`J�' othor addrass Bortower desipnstes by notice to Lendor. Any nn1J:o to Lender shall bo give� by tl�st class mau ¢o Lender's addresa
<br /> - .�.,,(.. 3 f:
<br /> _ �.����,.. • I stated hereln or any other address Lender doslgnntes by no71c� to Borrower. Any notice provided tor In tha Securiry Instrument shall � .
<br /> � �•���� bo deemed to havobeen gtvon to Borrowor or Lender when gF�an as provided In this paragraph, _
<br />� ,�..
<br /> . :; , ib. CiOVe�ning Law; SBVerablllty. This 9ecurity Inutrument shall be govemed by federal Inw and the law of tNe _
<br />- : :• ��1 Jurlsdiction In which the Property is lacated. In the event th.nt any provislon or dause ot tNis Security Ins4rument or the Note conflicts -
<br /> '`` with appllcat�to luw,such con4(ct shall not atfcct other provislans of thia Security Instrument or the Noto wl�ich can be glven ettect
<br />- _ •__ - - ,-�i without the conlllating provislon. To thls end the provlalons ot this Security Instrument end the Nnte are deciared to be severable. -
<br />- „ „ i l 16. BO�rO�Ver's Copy. Bqrrowor shall ba givan ono cordormed copy of tho Noto and ot trns�ecumy instrumenc. =
<br /> 1 1 T.T�anafar of the Property ar a Bo�eflcial Intoroat in Barrower. u an or eny pan ot the Property or any
<br /> _ .. 1 Interost In It is soid or tmnsfarrod (or if a benoticlr�i Int¢rost In qorrower Is suld or tran3ferted and Borrower is not a naturel person)
<br /> . ;� without Lender'e pdor wriltan consent, Lender may, at Ita optlon, toqulro Immediate payment In tull of all sums secured by this Securiry
<br /> Instrument, However,tF.ls optlon ahall not ba oxercisod by Lendar il axerclse Is prohlbited by federel law as ot tho dato af this Securtty
<br /> , :� Instrument.
<br /> � Ii Lender axerdses thls optlon, Lender sheli gh�a Borrower nollco of ncceleratton.Tho nottce shnll provido a pe�iod of not less than F
<br /> 30 days irom the date tho notico Is dolivored or malled wlth):i which tho Borrowor must pay nll suma secured by thls Socurity [
<br /> Instrumont. If Borrawar fafis to pny those sums prior to tho vxplrmlon ot thlu perlod, Lendor rnay Invoko a�y remedles pertrittted by thls
<br /> � Secudty Instrument without turther notico or damand on Borrovrer. Form 3o2a e�o
<br /> F1029.LM0 f2/96) �'age 3 ot 8 /J�
<br /> I /�
<br /> -- .. ' � !�/1
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