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<br /> + 9?-iU���y . �;.�.._�,=��
<br /> � . 1@. BOrrowfN►'s Right to Relnetat9. if Barrower me�ts certain condltic+ne, Borr�wer shnll have the rlght to hava � � ,.�,.ri�,�...��.
<br /> ' enlorr2�ent of Ihla Secu�ity Instrumenl discontinued et any tlme prtor to the earlla o1: (a) 5 deys (or auch other poriod ae epplicnble , _ �
<br /> Ia•�r mey �pecliy for reh�statement) beforo eale ot tho Praperty pursuant to eny power o1 sale contelned fn thia Securiry Instrument; or � .
<br /> (p�c�Uy a} n Judflmcnt enlorclnp thle Secudty InstromQnt. Those condiqono are Ihnt Borrower. !a) pays Lender all sums which then
<br /> I woul�l bo duo under thls Securlty Instniment and Ihe Note as II no nccele��atlon had occurted; (b) cures eny delAUlt ot any other � `
<br /> i carns�nnt or agreements; (c) paya all oxpenaes Incurred In enforcfng this Secu�iry Instrument, includinp, bul nul limllad la reasanable �
<br /> atlnmms' (ees; and (d) tskes euch ectlon ae L�nder may reasonabry requlre tn assure that tho Ilen ot thls Security Inatrument, Lender's
<br /> �iphtfti In the Properiy end �orrowei s obligatlon to pay tha sums secured by thls Securily Inatrument shall �ontinue unchnnged. Upon
<br /> rdnn4titr.menl by Borrowev, this 3acurity Inatrument�nd the obligattona eeeured hereby sheJl remaln tuly etteclNe as If no acceleratlon ,. �
<br /> hed ocwrred. Howover, this rlght to reln�tate shail not appJy In lhe cese o1 eccelerntlon under paregrnph 17.
<br /> 1 19, S�le of Noto; Gh�nge of Loare S�rvicor. The Note or a pnrUal intarest in ihe Nole (togother with lhis Sccu�lty . .
<br /> { Instrument)may be eold one or more times wlti�out pdor notice to Bortower. A sele may result In e chenge in the entity (known ns ihe .
<br /> ' "loacn Servicer') that callects monthly payments due under tho Notu and thls Security Instrument. There atso may be one or more .,
<br /> '` chr.n pas o1 the Loan Servicer unreleted to e se[e o1 Ihe Note. If there Is a changa of the Loan Servicer, Bortawer will be given written �
<br /> noP.:2 oi the change In accordance with paragreph 14 above and applicable law. The notice will atate the namo and address ot the .. —
<br /> nve Loen Servicer end tho¢ddress to whleh paymenls should be made. The notice wiil also contaln any other Inlormation requlred by : • ti..�
<br /> applFa::eblo law. .�•�..�
<br /> .. Y�r�,.'.
<br /> �D. Hu�rdous Substa�eeo. Borrower shall not cause or perm�t the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release o1 any :'•;`F�'�t" °.Y.
<br /> H,�idous Substances nn or In the Property. Borrov�er shali not do, nor allow enyone olso ta do, anything aflecUng the Property thet ���`;�y_.___-- ---
<br /> • is In vlolaUon ol eny Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not appiy to the presence, use, or storege on the ' _
<br /> Propady o1 amal! qunntlUos �f Hazardous Sub�tances thet are generally recognized to be appropdate to nortnal residential uses and to ^.�_���
<br /> mintenance o}the Praperty. `'• -'__:'�`
<br /> � t3orrower shall promptly give Lender written notice oi any fnvesUgation,claim,demand, lewsuit or other acUon by any govemmental ?�,t-.
<br /> � a rir�}ua4ory agency or prNnte paRy InvaNing the Properry and any Hazardous Substance ar Ernfronmental lew ot whlch Borrower has , _____ _
<br /> , aCU�I knowledge. It Bortawer lesms, or Is notlfied by any govemmental or reguletory authodty, that eny removal or other remediaUon _
<br /> r � oi any Hazardous Substsnce ettecting thd P►opedy is necessary. Borrower ahall prompty teke all necessery remedial actions in :, �t±=
<br /> � acca�dance�ti;th Environmental Law.
<br /> �, � � As used in thls paragraph 20, 'Hazerdous Substances' ere those substances detined as toxic or hazardous substancas by :�,�����
<br /> EnvFionmentat Law and the(ollowing substances: gesoline, kerosene, other 1lammeble or toxic petroleum products,toxic pesticidErs and �,�,��_��
<br /> � hertsiddes,volatile sotvents, materlals contaln(ng asbesEas or tormaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As used in 4his paragraph 20.
<br /> :, y�"
<br /> �• � 'Environmental Law' means fede►al iuws and laws ot the Jurisdiction where the P�operty Is located thet retate to heafth, setety or ,
<br /> ���� cavi�onmental protectlon. " ..
<br /> �V NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant end agree es tollows: �:�,r
<br /> 21. .".ccc!�r�lon; Remodies. Londer shalt gtve notice to Borrower prior to ecceleration following
<br /> �� ';� Bc�c�rower'e breach of any covenant or egreement in this Securiiy Instrument (but not prior to -
<br /> ______ ___ _—'� accelerattan under qarapraph 17 u�lese appltcable law provides otherwise). The notice ehall apectiy: ,' _•
<br /> `4 (a� the defsuR; (b) the actlon ►equired to cure the dafault; (c) a date, ��vi ierds ti�an su arys iroRi i��a , �'-'
<br /> r;V� dafre tha �notice Is given to Borrowar, by which the de�auit must b� cured; and (d) that fallure tv cuse _
<br /> thra def��a93 on or b�fore tha date speci�ied In the rt�atice may result In acceleretion of the �aammo
<br /> se�cured by thls Security in�trument a�d sale of ti�e Proporty. The notice ahall iurthor InffmsQ» ' �
<br /> ;�•I;� Bc�rrower of the rlgM to reinatate after�cceleratinn and the rlght to ltring a court actlon to ossert the •,�F
<br /> .:4 ;� nman-existence of a def�ulf or a�ny other defense of Barrower to accelera41an and sale. If the default Is :"
<br /> ; ��� rtc�! cured an Qr before the date specifled In the noti�e, Londer at its optinn may requfre (mmedlate t�
<br /> y� p�.yment �n full of all sums secured by this Securita� Instrument without further demsnd and er�ay
<br /> F s Imioke the power of eal� a�d any other remedies pennitted by epplicable law. Lander shall be ___
<br /> +�•.; .
<br /> entiiled to collect all ex penses Incurred in pursuing the remedtes �rovided in this paragraph 21,
<br /> �;a Ineludi�g� but not lir�ited to, reasor�able attorneys' fees and costs o f t t t le ev i dence. —
<br /> , , If ths power a4 sale Is Invoked, Trutatee ahall �ecord a notics of defauft In eaoh county i� which
<br /> . �''s a�y ps�t of the Property is located and�hall mall copies af euch notice in the manner prescribed by _
<br /> ' •�fi epplicable law to florrower end to the other persor+s prescribed by applicable law. ARer the tiu�ee _-� _
<br /> '�• � roqulred by applieable law, Trustea shdl give publtc notica of sale to the porsons end In the manner
<br /> " • prestribed by appltcable law. Trustee,without demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at public _ _
<br />= tuctlon ta the hlghest bldder at tho 41me and place and under the terms designated i�n 4he notice of _
<br /> �. eale In one nr more percel3 and in any order 7rustee determines. Trust�� may post�s�ne sale of all �__ _
<br /> a any parcel of the Proper� �y Public announcement at tt�a time and place of any prevlously :___ __________.
<br /> ��'�•��'� scheduler7 9ale. Lander or ite dgaignee may purchase the Praperty at any sade. e��-
<br /> Upon rece(pt of payment of the prlce bid, Trusten shall deliver to the purchaser T�ustee's deed �;- __—
<br />=f'' ' conveying the Pro�COrty. The recitals In the Trustee's deed ehall be prima fecle evidence of the t�uth
<br />- b o! the statements m�►sle therein. Trustee shall apply the proceed� of the sale In the tollowing order: '�� ___
<br /> x 9 P Y �!;-•—'--�-
<br /> -• . (aj to all cos4s and expenses of exwrcising the power of sale, and the sale� Includln the a ment of c,
<br /> ~ � tha Trusiee's tee9 actually incurred, not to exceed 109'0 % of the principel amount of the note �::�����
<br /> ,��,., , ,,...�-----_
<br />' ..;,,t ; et the tlme of the dealaration o?def�ult, and reasonable ettorneys feas as permi8ed by law; (b) to all ` '�+ �,y,,,�_-�;
<br /> _ ' au�ns secured by this Security Inst►umen4; and (c) any excess to the person or persona legally � '#��.y�„__�„��:;
<br />� � • cntltled to it. ''�'� ""
<br /> ;� _:'k."`�i.....n��,(�l:s.:
<br /> " 22. Reeonve anee. Upon a ent of AA sums secured b this Security Instrument, Lender shall request 7rustee to reconvoy w:.T. � ��'��
<br /> _ Y p Ym Y ,• ��, ,.•�...;..,;.•
<br /> ' � Ihe Pro�erhj and shail sunender this Secutlty Instmment and all notes e��idencing debt secured by this Secudry instrument to Trustee. � t.�;'� '��=���•'
<br /> • ��� Tn�stee shall reconvey ihe Property w(thout wartanty and without eharge to the person or persons IogAlty entitled to it. Such person or ''.•;;:��'�:���"`,-`
<br /> �1'. •,:.:'•.
<br /> � . persons shali pay eny recordation costs. ����4'�-`'� ,};
<br /> :yn;-
<br />�.�:, _ .
<br /> � ':'�;:, 23. SUbetitute T�u8t08. Lender, at Its option, may trom time to time remove Trustee end appoint a successor trustee to
<br />�; � ..
<br /> '`� ' zny Trustee eppolnted hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county In which thls Secudty Instrument Is recorded. Without � ''�• `
<br /> — .
<br /> _ . . . .:.�
<br /> _.
<br /> � oonvevence of tho Pronertv. successor trustEe shNl succeed to ell the title, power end dutles conferred upon Trustee herein and by , .„
<br /> - -- ' ePPllcabla law. __ �=- _ -
<br /> 24. Request far Notices. Bortower requests that copfes of the noUces o1 deteult and sale be sent to Borcower's uddress �
<br /> which ts the Property Address. ,
<br /> 26. Rldera to this Seeurity tnstrument. If one or more riders ere executed by Borrower and recorded together with
<br /> Ihis Security Instrument, tho cavenunts and agreements ot each such rider shall be Incorpnreted into and shall amend and supplement
<br /> Ihe covenants and agreements ot thls Secudy InsWment as if the rfder(s)were e parl of this Security Instrument. ,
<br /> Form J028 9H0 .
<br /> - �. F10291M017/961 Faqc 6 of 5
<br /> ti � �� .
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