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<br /> . 9orrower'e escrow account under the tederal Reel Eetnta Serilmnent Pro�edurea Act of 1974 a�omnnded Uam tlma ta tlmv, 12 U.9.C. _-
<br /> " � 2801 et eoq. ('RE�PA'),unleae another IQw th�t spp�es to the Funds sels a lesder amouni. If so, Lender may,nt nny tlmo, coil�ct nnd �,d_
<br /> hotd Funda In an amount not to excead the lesser amounl. Lender msy estimnte the am�unt ot tundo dua on the bnale o1 current data �^s_
<br /> end reaeon�ble eatlmatee ot expandlturea ot lulur� Escrov+Item9 or otl7cnv�aa In acCOf'�:nnr.n vilth ap�llcablo lav�. �
<br /> 4-
<br /> The Funds shell be held In en inetitutlon whose depoalla ara Inuured by u 4!rr�nral a'3�ncyhe'�Fundn'lol�{sny tito Ee rowCl�ans.
<br /> Lende+r. If Lender la euch en Inetttutlon) or in eny Federa� he Funds,annualyL na�:�n�tliir� eocrovr account, ar vr+rliyfnp tha Eecrow
<br /> Lender may not charpe Elorrower lor haldinp end epply g '
<br /> .S Iteme, uniese Lender paye Borrower Inteee�t on tha Funds and appllceble law permils lenrSar to mnko ouch a cl�nr�n, Mowaver, Lender
<br /> may requlrn Bortowc�to pay u onatlme charpe f�r en Indepondent tenl ustete tex raponinp aervice used by Londor In connectlon wlth . �
<br /> : •:�� thle loen, unless�ppllcable I�w providoa othawlse. Untess an agraement Is mndu ar a��pllr.a{�I��Inw rcqulros tntntt+nt to bn peld, Londer
<br /> �� � ehail not ba rdqulred to pay Bortower eny Interoat or eamings on lhe Funda. Bon��vur end Lender mny aproe In valUnn, howevar,tl�al �•,__
<br /> �r��,� Interest shall be pald on the Funds. Lender sheu glve to BorrowH, v+ithmit chnr�n, an ennunl eccountinp o1 tftn Funde, ol�owing
<br /> a credlte and debite to the Funde and the purpoao tor whlch eeoh debit to thu Fun�iti waa mado• The Funda ur� pind�od ao nddillonN
<br /> � secunty ior ali aums eecured by lhls Security Instn+ment. �
<br /> e.
<br /> • " � If the Funds held by Lender exceed tha emoun[s permltted to be held by aR{rllnntsia lnv�, Lender ehell account to E3ortower for the �ti_
<br /> � excesn Funds In nccordence with lhe roqulremente oi eppllcable law, II the amr.urrt ol lhr� Funds hcld by Londor nt any tlme Is nol 6
<br /> � y . sufticlent to pay the Eecrow Items when due,Lender may so notity Bortower In wrillir.Q,end, In such caso Borrowc�r nhnll pny to Lender
<br /> � th�amount necessary to n+ake up the deticlency. Bortower shali make up tho ddicinncy in no mora then rivoNo monthly pnyments, at
<br /> i'� Lender's sote dlsoratlon.
<br /> .. � ' Upon payment In tull of all sums secured by thls Securiry instrument. Lendar sh�ll promrtly retund ta 6orrowar nny Funds held by
<br /> Lender. It, under paragraph 21, Lender sheil aequlre or sell the Property, Lender,prt�r to the acqulsltion or suto ot tho Property,eha�
<br /> " '= � apply cny Furtda he4d by Lendet et the tlme o1 ncqulsition or sale as n credit aq+�inat tha suma aecured by thlo 8naudly Inatrument. `
<br /> • .�� ' � 3. AppUa�tlon of Paymente. Unlass eppticnb�e law provides othu+wlua, oll pnymonta receivod by Lundar undar per..prRh9
<br /> 1 nnd 2 ehall be applied: first, to any prepayment chargos due under the Mota; socand, to amounts payable undar pnmprnpt� 2;thtrd
<br /> to interest due;tourth,to Rrincipal due;and lest, to aRy late charc�es due under tk�t Dloto. _
<br /> - ��: 4. Ch��g�s; U9ne. Bortower shall pay e�l taxes, nsseasmenta, chargna, 4noo and Impositlono aridbtdaGle to the Property
<br /> whlch may attaln priority over this 3ecu�iry InstmmenL and leasehold paymanfii or graund rents. II any. f�orrowe+r ohell pny these
<br /> '. obilgetions in the menner provided In p�raflreph 2,or Ii not pald In that mon�tnr.Burrow¢r ahall pey thnm on Nmn dirnalty to tho person
<br />,. � • owed payment. BoROwer shail prompty fumish to Lender all notices of amaunta to bo �ald under this pnrnflrnNh, �t Borrower makee
<br />;,:',! ` these paymenta directy, BoROwer shell promply fumtsh to Lender recelptn e�ddnnr.it�p thQ puyments.
<br /> Borrowor shall prompty discharge any Ilen wh�h hss pdority over thla Socu�ity hisuument unless Borrowor. (n)a4roes In wdMg to
<br />- �'' the payment of the obligaUon secured by the Ilen In e manner acceptable tca LendEZ� (b) contests In good taith tho Ilen by,or defends
<br /> ' a��rssi�!���t oi ths!!�!!n.!��oroceedings whlch lo the Lender's c[i(nlcn oryor3to to prevent the enforcomont ot tho Iten;or (o)
<br />"�.�� secures from the holder of the Iien an agreement sallsfactory to Lender sutsarclnadnp tha Iien to thls socurity IODttum�it. i=��s:��
<br />;` "" ` s determines that any part o1 the Property Is eubJect to a Ilen which may aftnUi {�rEadtY over thia Secudty (nottumnnt, Lender mey 9Na
<br />�;J '.� ..
<br />_ f..`.:���.,:: : ' Borrower a notice identilying the Ilen. BoROwer ehall sattsty lhe Ilen or tal�e onR or more of the actions snt forth nbove within 10 ays
<br />.:5:....,, .
<br /> �w•,:; . '• oi the g(ving of notice.
<br /> . . ,, y,-,�:...
<br /> �'="'�'?��`` � 5. i9�zard or Property Insurance. Borrower ehall keep the lmprovctmanto now exist!ng or horoaitar erected on 1 e
<br /> � �:�•.;�-,.�
<br /> ____ .,;��-,� Property Inaured aqatnst loss by ftre, hazards Inciuded within the tertn "er.ictnded cavorae�a' and any othter haznrdo� includ!ng floo �or
<br /> __""°;��'�•��+.rr,�.� tlaoding, for which Lender raquires insurance. This Insurnnco shali bu msfntainnd In tho amounts and tor ihn pcnloda that Lender
<br /> R' =.�� requ(rsa. The Insursnce cartier pravlding the insura�ce shell be ahoson by Bair¢�vor subJQCt to Lender's approvAl whlch shali not be
<br /> °T''�`��:�:����� unroasoneb l y withheld. It Borroti��er fails to maintein coverage descrfhQd a@ovo, Lendnr may, at Lender's opUon, obtaln covorage to
<br /> °'".,":•�ry�-j,��� protect Lender's righte In the Property In accordnnce w(th pamgreph 7.
<br /> --""=�?�'� All insurence policles and renewals shall be ecceplable to Lender and aNell lnclude a atundard mortgage clauno. Lender shell heve
<br />_ � �����,� Ivo to Lender all recHpts of pnld pranfuma
<br /> ___`����j the right to hold lhe polldes and renawals. If Lender requlres, Bortower shali promptiy g
<br /> __�:� and renewAl nodces. In the event ot loas, Borrower ahall give prompt naUne to the fnnurance carrler end Lendar. Lender mny meke
<br /> ' ��•-���� proo}oi loas H not msde promptly by Borrower.
<br /> �--�-�,...r.�-Kns��
<br /> - "— Unless Lender and Bortower othErwlse agree in wdting,Insuranco praaeede shnll be appliad to rostoraUon or repelr of the Property
<br /> �"'�� demaged, ti the restoretion or repair Is oconomicaly leaslble and 4end�+r'o aacurity le not IQSSened. 8 the restomUon or repalr Is not
<br /> � �,�'�� economicaily teaelblo or Lender'o security would be losaened, the Inaurnnao pruaaedu ahall be e�p��ed to the sums eocured by thls
<br /> �-r�.�i-�.�+�
<br /> ---— Securiry Inatrument, whether or not then due, with eny exceas peid to Boma�vc�r. Ii Barrower abandons the Property, or does not
<br /> _�x J��° answer within 30 days a notice trom Lender thnt the Inaurance carrier haa ottorod to ao�i �PIIy sum s eoured b'y thls Sec ry
<br /> -_���li�� insutance proceeds, Londer may use the proceeds to repair or restara tho Froperty ;
<br /> �M� -�� Instrument,whether or nol then due. The 90-day periad will begin when thu notico Ia given.
<br /> __�F��� Untess Lenda snd Borrower othervvlae agree In writing, any eppliaatlnn o1 proceede to pdnclpai ahail not axtend ar poutpon''t21
<br />�_�[��;:°'�•t�' due data of the monthy paymenta rete�ved to In paregrapha 1 and 2 or ehsn{�e tho amaunt of the paymente. If under parngrap
<br /> the Properry Is acqu!red by Lender, Borrower's dght to any Insurenae pollcies end proceede resutting hom damnge to the Property pdor -
<br /> ;;�.,: � , to the acqulsition shcll pass to Lender to the exlent of the eums socurnd by thlo Secudry Instiument Immediatoty prior to tho
<br /> acqulsBlon.
<br /> - . f 6. Occupancy, Presewation, Matntenance and PccC4ctcbn of the Property: Borrower's Loan
<br /> . :' i" ApplicMien; Leaseholda. Bocrower shall occupy, establish, end una fhn Ftoperty ao Bonower's pdnclpal rosidenca w0hin s6Ry
<br /> ' ' � ' days ofter the execution of thls Security Instrument end shall contlnuo to aacupy tho Proporty as Borrower's principal rosldence tor nt
<br /> „ ,%�• leest one year after the date of occupancy, unlesa Lendar othervvlse egrctes in writing, which oonsent shail not ba unreasanably
<br />_';"." , .�%�. wfihheld, or unless extenuating circumstances exlst whitsh ero boyond Eorcowor e control. Boi�ower sliall not destroy, damago or impair
<br /> ��r.w g the Rroperty,atlovr tho Property ta deterioreta, or commit westo on the Property. 8orrowvr shnll be In detault It any tortelturo action or
<br /> �_�.i_ proceeding, whather civli or cdminal,Is bagun thet in Lender's good taith Jud�munt could rosult In torfoituro of tho Property or othenvlso
<br /> -- o_.�....... uro aur.h n de111uK Btld
<br /> •� -��y� matedaly Impair the Ilan crented by thls Secudry Instniment or �enders securiiy iititiioai. uvnv...• :�=j =-•- ---
<br /> ' relnstete, as provided M paragreph 18, by causfng Ihe aclion or proceeding to ico dlgm{soad with a rullnp that, In Londer's good Inith
<br /> , � determinetion, precludes toAeiture of the Bortoxer's Interest In the Property or othur materfal Impalrtnent of tho Ilen created by this
<br /> . • � Secur(ty Inatrument or Lender's secr�rity Interest. Borrower shall elso be In dafnult {f Borrowo+, dudng thQ loan eppilcetion process,
<br />— gave materlally falsa or fnaccurate Informatton or stetements to Lender (or failed to prcvido Lender wlth any meterial Informetfon) In
<br /> ' connectlon with the loen evidenced by thu Noto. including, but not limited to, reprosentatinnu conaemin4 Dottotiver's occupancy a1 tho
<br /> Proporty as a principal residencv. It thls Securfty Instrument Is on e leasehold, Borrownr shnll comply with all tho provislone oi thp
<br /> ,- IeAae. It Bortower ncqulres fee title to t�o Propcsrty, the leaseho�d and the foe titlo ahuli not m�rga unlosa tho Lendor a�g�n�ozooe�so�
<br /> . merger fn wrlUng. ��
<br /> , '7 F1029.LMO(4/9F)
<br /> Paga 2 of 5
<br /> i
<br /> ` I 2�000r
<br /> , - -•-- .,-.,.,..�. _—�-,�.--�.�_ -�—
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