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<br /> 1.. Nc,t�vith�sxsracling any of tl�e language cantnined In thiti Deeedof 'Trust to lhc bunt���n'�etof Utle to�[icneficin y���r nny
<br /> � ���„���;�Hilay Q'arcclosure ar satisfnction of tMis Deed of�Anyclatn�sl and defcnsi�s ro thc wntrnry iue hexeby�vaivecl.
<br /> dl`pAaliic�n by Be�eftctary af any or a�l of the Property. irivx!n or pubiic r
<br /> 2p,COPii1TMNt�'CI01�. 'I'rustor will give Benrficiary prompt noticc of lu►y actlon, rcul or ihrec�tencd, hy �
<br /> , cntitit�ta p�srchase or take uny or c�ll of the Properiy, including any easements,thruugh wndemm+tlon, emincnt d�main,
<br /> or aniy o7k�RS means. Tro�nr ditcherdi►��a8�•►or ashe dlstrict�rela ing t�ioAr b nidi g+�po����f Prapeny�ubl any p�ui�of it .
<br /> � scwer„ uatttr, conscrvati . }
<br /> ..,,,�.«t : 'Ituste+e a4ttP�nrize9 Denetil�from the�cilon orlclurim.T stoc asslgn�to Benefi�ia�y the pI�tocc�°dy°f n y Aw��o��aint
<br /> ,,•. a n�d l r c r�i��c:x l l s u m s r e s u 8 o f d l o r a n y part of the Property. Such prcx�ecds s1U11 be �
<br /> for dam9�� �nnocted with• condemaat�on or o t h e r t a k i n s
<br /> coizsi�eAC.�! iE4Y�ts��Wi���°ipplisd aa provWed in this Deed of Trost.'Ihis assignment of pmcee ds is su b J e F e t o t e
<br /> 't
<br /> t c e c n:o f t u�)'P r t or secudt y agrtenxnt. :
<br /> : .a;;�=:
<br /> 2�.Q,�gi�{t��;,�CE.'I'custor agnes to ivaintain insuranoe as followe: ._��^
<br /> J A. '[t:ttstor st�All keep ti�c Propetty insured a8ainst loss by furc�theft and other 3�azards and ri�ks re�sona�'�1y nst�acistod , -�:
<br /> �' i w iit�the ProptrtY due to it� type and locatton.OtYter hrv���t�ain��ythe lamo nts nnd�for t1�Y,�{�ri��s�that t. ,°�'-,
<br /> S lcraa due to floods or tloodtng. 'I'his tnsurancx shal
<br /> &r�eficiary re4uires. 'Ihe iasvrance carrler providing �withheuld c lfSTrustor fa 18�t bmain ain�dic coj erage ��:-:�°r�
<br /> • � �� RHneficiarY�s a�Proval whi�h shall not be unreisonably _�-
<br /> �. ��ri��y�� p�e��(�.y�ay, at Beneficiary's optioa,obtain wverage to pmtect Beneficia�y's ribht�in the �� ,
<br /> k+ � t?roperty accord�nE���e temLS of this Deed of Tnist. �x�;
<br /> Nl iasnronce Policies and nnewals shall be acc,ePtable to Beacfrclary aud sh�ll include a starx.lYa:d "��rt683e -`°'
<br /> - � ��;•
<br /> clause" ando where applicable. "beneficiary l�fic�cl�ha e the�right�t ho�Id�theePol ciai y�n.t�x�ewal3. !f �.
<br /> ,� caucellation or te�►ination of the Insurance• ve������ �� 6�ip� of paid pm�ittms suxl ¢enew�l =
<br /> Bsneficiary re9ui�es. Tmstor shall imm�adiately gi �---
<br /> nar.ices.Upon loss.Trustor shall give imraediate notice to tLe insurance carrier and Beneficiar�y. �.�c�ici�xy xnay _`
<br /> ''�, make proof of loss if not made unmediately by Tn+stor. Stwd w re�torntion or __�
<br /> � Unless Beaeficiary and Trustvr a�herwise agree in writicE. insurance Pro�s ahall ts� ap�.
<br /> repair of the Pc�opertY dama8�if th�restorat€on or npairis ecoaomlcally feasible and Beixtwla.u�td•be leu�nac�xd,the
<br /> � tesseaed. If the nstoraaoa or repair�s�e�nomacah!*=Y I�ther or uo��td's savrit3' excess paicl to'ilrustor.
<br /> ittsucanoe Pro��s shall t�e aPPiiw iv iuf..�.;��e_- uia ti�:TY,sis:�= •
<br /> If Tnistor absndons the Pm�rtY�or does o�a�wver wiihin 30 Cays a notice from�.s. B�cPary a�.`l use the
<br /> carri�r has offcred to settle a claim,then BeneSciary�y caAect the msurance P
<br /> p�s to�pair or rescon rLe PcopertY or to pay the Sxsued Debt whether or not t�Kn du�. 'IBe 3acln/Ix�i°d
<br /> `"��'�' will beg[n whea et�rtt¢otice ie given.
<br /> �•t,,;,�: �
<br /> �:.%",.. ucarion of proceeds uo priiri�l fhall uot Qatead _
<br /> ,,.•.;�; , hs. U tlr:4'taper.tiy is xctuirsd
<br /> .� Unless BeneSci�y and Trustor otherwise agr�z io wn�"ting�e��t of the payrnen �fore - --
<br /> :•�.:°,`'... . . or postpouc the due date of schalWod paymen froat da�mBe W the Fcopc�Y
<br /> • . �.a�r �, by Beneficiauy,Tnutnr's right to aay insurau►a Policies md p�oceeds resultiag
<br /> the acquisition shall pass toBeneficiary ro the extent of t6e Secured Debt i�dia�fY�'0T��`ac��'siition.
<br /> .. . r to maintain comPrehensive general liability ivsurana namin8 B�fu:ia�'1�s an additiomal insured in
<br /> B. Tcustor agrees ainst cloians arising f[nm any aa.�ideut or occurms�in flr on the
<br /> ��' an Hmount accePtab]e to Beneficiary. insuri�� ---
<br /> mo
<br /> �:"`;;.,.;,::.,;. ptopaty. �erod by Be►tcfi�iary�ia an amount
<br /> - _ ""°.y, � C. 'Cre.�u�T a8ras to maintain reutal loss or business interniption'��nsu�• �ient depos�ts(�f agct;cd to scparacelY
<br /> "`'� e��a�7 to at least coverage of o�y��'s debt service,and me4
<br /> -���-- �.�''• � table to Bene�ic�astiy
<br /> =_��e`�;N.--:.` in writing).under a fomn of Isoli�g+'acceP —
<br />-=�`.?;�-�:•" ; •`.�f,j,,� rovided ia�separate agreecuent,Tnustor wiil not =-_-
<br />.�.ITF��'.:.�.S��JA U�CSSOUW`�WG p —
<br /> 2�3.NO ESCROW FOR Tl11�•3 AND II'ISUFtA1�1�E.
<br />--s?: . �... in escrow• — -
<br /> _ ,.....,•.. . _
<br /> � �,. bF;required to pay to Beaeficiery fuads for tauces sad'ensurance =_
<br /> _ j ,,r,.
<br /> •r.M�:.�• . •.. y� ^ '!'�ustor will provide to BencRciary oprnc�requ�t.�y _.
<br /> � ,. .3.FINANCIAL 1LEPORTS AND ADDITIONAL D�CI(:[J�1�'i'�� Tcusior warrants tbnt all financial atetcments �d
<br /> ��:�=y�;s �� financial statetrent oe iaform3tiun Beneficiary may deem neassarY• --
<br /> -•--.��-�,;. informatlon Tn�stor pro�ides to Beneficiary are. or will be�a�.'��. CO�t, �d compltie. T�ustoT agrc�s to si�n.
<br />;�.�*r' �: � deliver. aud fi1e as Bec►eficiary roay reasonably cequest any eddidoaal documents or certificationn that f3eneficiary�Y --_
<br /> �.�'��" constder necasarY co Pe�xt.ce�ndnus.and preserve Tn�stor'aobligations undcr this Deed of Tn�st and Bc�ieficiary's lica v
<br /> c
<br /> �...y,,..�_� ,`.•, status on the Property. If Tcustor fails to do so.�ints Benefie ary�°del��c'iary'stagcat as ott mcy in fect�Wedo che
<br /> • • `, Ttuseor's maa�e and Tcusto with ih s section�. ly� �
<br /> � • things nt�cessacY to camply
<br /> .'r:'`r'.:c;; . �
<br /> . �. �•. �,
<br /> `.;`,�::;� , �. ' this ID� of Tcust are joint aad individaal. If Tcvstor sigas i6ts Deed of Tr�sr:t but does not sign the E�tdence of DeDc, __-
<br /> . to secure paYtmnt of the Se�trod De6t and TatS�t�r =-
<br /> �''t Trusmx dc�cs so n n ly to mo�t g a ge Tcustor s interesc ia thc Pro��tY aad anY P�Y�this De�d r3f =
<br /> •"'.���`.� dae�ca�agee to be personatl tiabk oa the Secured Debt. Tns�'�nr agas that Beneficicuy* -_-
<br /> `"',{ a�y o�u�ake any change in t1�e ternB of this 17ccd of Tcust or th� Evfdence of Debt witts�ovt
<br /> J ' � Trust ma eactend, modifY �
<br /> ' Tcustor's consent•S ue h a c h a n g e w il l n o t re l e a s e T c u s t o r f r om the ternis of this Deed of Tnist.The duti�and benefits of �l
<br /> �,.
<br /> ' xhis DECd of Tn►st shall bind andbenett the successors and au'P,�SOf Tiustor and Bene rciary. ��;.
<br /> = ' .��•.
<br /> -- y •f' �reen Beneficiary and Tnistor and docs not directly secur�the obligacion which
<br /> �:' . , •� if this Deed of Tmst secu.res a S a a r a n ty ���y �rcv�nt Beneficiary frnm bringing anY a c eio n o r c l a i m x gsimst
<br /> � :a��„�tird.Tsustor astrecs to waive auy riP,h „__ �,,. ,,,,�,;,„;�,,,�r� �mi-deficieacv or one•action laws. E
<br /> �- -_ -`�- -�---- • mdebied e�ndet thc obltgauon inciuu�„a.�.. ..,,..-�------�- -
<br /> � � Trustor or any partY�
<br /> 25.APP'LICABLE LAW; SEVERABId.TCY+ IN��'�TAT�ON. 'll�s D�d of Ttust is govemed by the laws of the �
<br /> � jurtsdicaon in wluch Benefici�f��s�c�mplcceand fully integrac�j Db�d of�Ttust may not bcict�ded or f
<br /> I the Pro�erty is locatod.'ibbs nt relsted to the +1.
<br /> mo di�e d by o r a l a g r e e rt s e n t. A n y s e c t i o n o r c l a u s e i n tlus Deed of Tmst, attzchnxnts, or any asr�emc ��t s t h e
<br /> Securod Debt that co aflicta wi h��ly�tion or clause of�his�iDeed of'1['cus i�cannu be enfo�ryc�.�d rac�c.�ord'g yt o its terms.
<br /> variatians by written �'v
<br /> � that section or claase wi11 be severed and w il l no t a f f e c t�h� e n f n r o e a b i l i t y o f t h e m m a i n d e r of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> W h e u cver used,the singular shall include the plural and rheplural thc sia�gular.The capaons and�cudinss oi�ti►e sECiion�
<br /> of this Deal uf Tcust are for convenlence o n ly an d are no t t o b e u s e d t o i n t e t p m t or dcfine the t�rms��13 D�p�e 6 o�ts
<br /> . Time is of the essence in this D�d of Trust.
<br /> � 0199]BuMcen Syrternf.�^t.SI C�aA.MHp-800.991�23N1 Fum AGlCO DT�NE 9n��90
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