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_ . ,,;n:, _ . . :.�y'6:t�. <br /> .. - - .e �..:,.. <br /> � ' ... , ri'.; -- <br /> . - •i::ma`,.-•- <br /> . - .,..�. -__ <br /> . 4 ' .. . .. •' _ - -_ <br /> r �� <br /> t,c.. . <br /> � . . . <br /> , <br /> . . . ��.:.��.,.......�..:..�......�"_'__ ..... ...�....."'_"'_.'__'___.a� � ._.��................ .. ' . .... . .. . "' '.... ......_ <br />. .i.._..._.�. " - " '" . �i�+^`�'��"���. <br /> . . '' � <br /> ` ', ��� ��� -. <br /> � 26.S�lCC�'�SSi)R TdiUS'�'�;F.. Beneficiary, a�Beneliciary's opti�n, may from ti�ne to t�rru ecmove Trustec nnd appoint a � <br /> • successar trusta by an instrurr�nt r�carQed in die caunty In which ttrls peed of Trust is recorded. 'i'ha sucssssor trustee, �� <br /> ' wit�tout c:aaveyan�e of d�e Fcopetty. 6hn11 succced to nll the title, power oind dudes conferrcx! tspan the Truster, by thie - <br /> Deed of'Ctust and applicable law. _. <br /> � 2'7.NOR'[CE.Onies� otherwtse requind by law, any notioe ahnll be givea by deliverin it ar by m�ling it by tirst cl�ua mail v <br /> to the appropriue puty's acldress on page 1 of this 13oed of Trust,or to any other»�dress designetc�in wdting.Nuticc w - <br /> _.�._�;^� ane uustor w�llbe deemed to be notice to all trs�ators. _ <br /> , •• 28.U.C.C.P'AOVLSIONS.lf cbcekcA, tlie foltowing ara Agpllcable to,but do not limlt.this Deed of Trust: <br /> ❑ Coastructfon Loan.'Ihis De;ed of 7tust secures an obligatton incuned for tha constmc�.ion of tw impmvement on <br /> .s.w°•,� the Propecty. -- <br /> ❑ F1xt�e�'ilin�.Trustor grauts to Iieneficfary a sacurity interest in all goods that Tnrsror owns now or in t�e fuwre - <br /> and that ue or will txcome fixt�ura related to ths Property. - <br /> Cl Crops;Ttmber; Miaeral�; Rmts, Iseua, and Protlta. Trustor gn�ats to Beaeficlaay a securiry lnt�e�est in all �� <br /> �: craPe. tlmber� and minerals located un We Praperty as well as zll trnts. issuea.and prafita of them including�bat F. <br /> not lirnitod ro. all C�sservaHon Reseive Progrnm (CRP) a�zci Payment in Kind (PIIq payn�ents aad similar �; <br /> �. govemmrntal pragrams(a11 of which shall nlso be included in the term"Property"). �` <br /> �. ❑ persoa�l Property. '[tustor grants tn Bc��eficiuy a security Interest in all personal propeaty locatal on or �`. <br /> conaecud w[th the Property. '[his secur(ty intenst includes all fazm products. inventory. ecluipment.accouats. _ <br /> '�- do�ts. iu„�tiy��sts. cbxttel paper. geati�al intrno.b?�es,snd 211 other iteen4 of�al property Tivswr owns � <br /> � uc►w or ia thc future and tb�t arr usod or uscful in the consuuctlon, owners�►ip, ogxaation. maaage�►t, or _ <br /> u <br /> � maintenmce of the Prnpaty. '!be tenn "personal pmperty" apeci&cally txcludes t1��c pmperty describod as _ <br /> "bousebold goods° SCCUIEd fII OOIIAEL�IOD WI�1 A°CGfISliIl1El�l�an as those tecros are d:fiaed ia a�p!li�able federal � <br /> � "-' regularloas goveming unfdr and clweptive cnadIt pr�ctices. <br />. ❑ �ilint As fin�n�n� St�tmueat. Teustor agrces and acknowledges that this D�eed nf Trust also sufSe� u � °� <br /> '"'"� tinaocing stuement aad at such, m�y be filed of re.cord as a i'mmcing atatement oi�SUrposes of Article 9 of tlre <br /> •`�= U�atform coa�ercial Code.�A�ge or otLer rep�ductIoa of this Deed of Ttust is sufficieat =- <br /> - as a fitnocing statement. 6 <br /> • t 2i1.OR'IiER TEIiMS.If c,�eckal,t2ro fallowing ue applic�abie to this Ae�ad of'a'eus1: - <br /> ' ❑ Lina oi Credlt.The Secumd l�eht Includes a revolving line of cx+edie pravlsion.Althiugh the Secured Debt may be <br /> , ��..�� w o�1 ei�,ht„w'.e, ��f ��r�In.nain in�ffir�t nntil relea.ed. <br /> , A p ,R,gic�a�kurn!Prope�rty. 7tustor coveaants aad walraats thu the Pcoperty will be used principally for agricultural <br /> ` • ' or fuming purposes and thet T�ustor is ea i4dividual or entity allowod to awn agricultural laad as slxci�ied by law. <br />- ,. <br /> ::�.�;:��� ❑ Additiaonl Terms. .................................................................................................................... <br /> -:''r., :d: <br />-:'=r'�Z?FtS�;.�; .......�...............•..................................................................................................................... <br /> -- •=.�.::_�� <br /> ��. =�?— DESIGNATION OF HOMESfEAd <br />-'==��='r?=�' Pursuaat to theFami Ho�atad Protxti+on Act,des6gnation of homestead D ls at7�ckcci iu tl�i6 Deed of Trust wd m�dt a <br /> -�. ,,C';' <br /> `��,• put hera�f�hus bera discl�imed: the disclaimer is attachsd to tttls Deed of Ta�st aud made s.;,oart hereaf. <br /> -__,�.�:� . . <br />-•.�;n;F.�z� SIGNAT[JRES: By sigung below,7lrustor agc�ees to tha term� and oovenaats c��ni�ned in lhia Deed of Tmst �nd in any _ <br />-_--=---� ' atuchments.'1'n:stor also acka�wlalga�+ecript of a oopy uf this Dxd of Tnut oa tfit dat�etatpi above on Fage 1. __. <br /> ...d.-._.,� <br /> . <br />--«"'°'� BZAcuaal attthority was grantod ro the pardes signiag below by n�solution slgnod and dated..���..Y...��97.........:'. <br /> --_-_- �Y H,me:� R�T ........................... em�ry p��M ................... <br /> .,��,� . ...... . <br /> _<_,Y� � HIT�,t�ID 1�ID WIFE� <br />.s�-_-_ . .. ......,.._... ... . . .......... ............ ... . ...� /� <br /> --- �- 1,�. . ... .... ..... ..... . .. <br /> - �Si�lurc� �D.k� �Sipuwre, • (i��t�yl <br /> _.wm.rc_�+?� . <br /> -:•r� <br /> =s� <br /> -- ,,�y . ........._......................................... . .................................................. <br /> -� ..... ....., ........ ....... ..... ........ _. <br /> _.._'a. —"_.." (St;iypire) (Dak) (SigcumrC) N1�) <br /> -,w;:;s;:�,p,.. .. <br />�:<<�r�*: , � Refer to the Addendum which is attachod and incazporatod herelu for a�di�ional Tnutors, sigo�tuns and - <br /> ---,-.:- -- xknowlvdgaients. _ <br /> �..t�4`' �. . �. <br /> � . . A�CICNOWLEDGIHENT: <br />. • '. ' S'I'ATE bP��$�............................ .COUN';'1'OF .��.................... ; <br /> { . .................... <br /> s. <br />'� �o,n„�e�,� 'ILis insttutneoA was ackno�vtedged before me this y � <br /> .�G�'}. da of ���,...���7............... ......... =, <br />"'. � by.�.�.�TJk�?'�.l.�..�..R��,.�..�lUk�'F. .. . .�?R.�"I�k'�. ..................................... . .:� <br /> __ <br /> ' . My oonmissi ' u 9�101UlY,SUE�d Melr�skt � ' _ <br /> .,,, � � <br />_ . . ` <br /> . • .- QAVlD R.BOEItIE . ..�. . . .............................. f <br />_.,.,�� . MyCe�leL Ess N1Y.?I,ly!! (�'ionry Pubik) �. <br /> . •-=_- <br /> DAVID R BOFIII� <br /> ,� ---- -r - <br />, , ...:; STA'I'E OF........................................... .COUN'I'Y OF ................................................}ss. � <br /> . . � , 'I7iis instrument was acknowledged 6efore me t� of................................................... � <br />--� ��� <br /> by•........................................................................................................................................ <br /> . . ueacry ..................................................................................................................................... mdccUl <br />_.. . Actmskd�mcn� Of.....�........................................................................................ ........... .... INm dEus:nn�aFnityl � <br /> . '� a ...._.....................................................................................on behalf of thc Uusincss or entity. <br /> ,. � l!�!y c�m�+sssion e�ires: . .. � <br /> csa!) <br />_ � ..................... ............................................. <br /> (Nonry Pubtie) <br /> �i',''K� ,i�, . <br /> a�� . - <br /> , .a • - 191993 6anklq 6V�'�.�^�•Sl.Ctau6.MN 11-000397•23411 Fam AGlGO�D7�lVE 8l13l96 pege 6 0l 6 <br />