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<br /> . � ��� �o��� � :
<br /> ;
<br /> i At thc option of Lieneficlary, nll ar ony part of dic ogreed fecs nnd c.harges,ac;crur,d in.t,rre�t and principal s��all become
<br /> � � tmmediAtely duc and paya�le,after giving notice if cequired by law, upon ihe occurn;nr.e of n defxult or anydm�thereatter.
<br /> In nddition,Beneticiary shall be entltled to all thc remcdics pravidcd by lew, thc Evirt�tnce of Debt,other evidences of debt,
<br /> �his[?c�J of Ttuss rrsQ w�y mlated documents inclading without limltation,the pawer tn sell die Propeny. -
<br /> If there is a defnult. T►ustrc,i,+ill,in addltion to any other petmitted remedy, at thc r�c�uesz of the Beneficiary,advertise and
<br /> . s sell the Property as a whole or in sepazate parcels et public uuction to th�i►i��st bid.��r'tor cash nnd convcy absalute title
<br /> free And clear of all eight,dtle and interest of Tn►stor at such timc eu�t place ns Srust4e designaus.Trustee shall give aoace
<br /> „r,,,.•+- �. of sale Including the tlme,tem�s and pince of s;ile and a descriptton af the proper�y u�bc sold as required by thc applicable ,
<br /> .,a.� � law in effect at the eime of the proposed sale.
<br /> Upon sale of the prop:rty and to the extent aot prolubited by law,Trustce shsill mnkk an.d�leliver a dced to the Prope�ty sold _
<br /> which wnveys absalule dde to the purchascr. and afte�first pAying all fees. charges and costs. shall pay to B�neficlary all �
<br /> moneys advaacod for repaire, taaes. iasurance. lieps, assessments aad pre�r enr.ut»br.a»�s a� iaterest theroon, and the _-
<br /> princip�l aad i.htec�t on the Secured Debt,paying the surplas. if ecry.to Trvntes. Ihsaeflciary may pu�the PropertY•
<br /> 'Rio resitals in�u�y deod of canveyance shall be prircn fxie evldsace of the fuua set farW zitenin.
<br /> •} ��•;��
<br /> All remedies am disdnct,cumulative and not eaclusive, and the Beneficlary is ent�t?r.d r.o all remedies�pmvided at law or -
<br /> ., ' equity.whether expressly set furth or nat.'!he acccpuince by Beer�'iciary of any su�iEO payment or part6al pay�t on the ,�=�-�
<br /> S��red Debt after tbe balance is due or is accelerated or after foreelosure Freceecliagr+aa�filod sh�ll�t m°�ubtutE a�vaiver
<br /> of Benefieiary's right t��equire full and camplete cure of any e�cisting de'f:wlz.By nnt cncercising any r�em�dy e�n a'rustor's .
<br /> � default,Beaef�ciuy da�e n�t waive Beneficiary's right to later con�ider the eveac a defm:]t if it oonti�ues�or hs►�p�ns s�,rain. _
<br /> ► 18.EXPENSES; ADVANCES ON�VENAN'I'S;AITORNF.YS'FEES;COII�LE'CI`��L1N(.�UST5.Ezcc'�t ahca�r�hibliad ___
<br /> � by law,Ttustor agiee.+ta gay all of Benefictary's expenses if Trustor breacl�re any coa�ant in this Ueacl�of 7'rust.Truswr _..
<br /> will also pay on denund aU of B�neficiary's eapeases incumed in sollectIn�. i�:s�rsind.r�reserving or pr�tecting the Property ;;-
<br /> or in any inv�ntones,audtis,itisprctlons or other eaamination by Beaefcci.aty 3�.resp�:ci to the Prupesr+j. "Trustor agrees to �--
<br /> n
<br /> pay all costs and e�p:nses incu�by Beaeficiary in enforcing or pmtectir-w,�6;.ne&r.cary's dght,aud remedies under this ���
<br /> � Dced of Tivst.including,but nat linaited to,attomeys'faes,court cost�,a.nc�otl�ec Ie�,�1 exn.-nses.Once the Secured II3ebt is ��_
<br /> '' fully and finally paid,Benefcciary agreas to release this Deed of Trust anc�'�runu*r ap�ees to pay for any recordacion�osts.
<br /> �► p,ll such amounts an due on demaad and will bear interest from thc tim,e cti the advaa�ce at the Wgh�st x�ate in effect, from _
<br /> time to time.as Am�ded in the Evidenca of Debt and as permittod by lae�.
<br /> ' 19.ENVUtON1N�NTAL LAWS ANA HAZAYtDOUS SUBSTMCES. As used in u1,is sectIon. (1) "Envimn+���1 iLaw" —
<br /> mrans, without limiution, the Comprehensive Environn�ental Responsc, CompennaT.io� and Liability Act (CERC1..,4„ 42
<br /> U.S.C.9601 et:eq.),all other federal,state and local laws,reg�►lations,ardinomces.�tmtus�rders.attomey general opinions
<br /> or interpretive let¢Qas conc�ming the public health, safety, welfare, eei�+ironn�t or a ha7andn�n°.s substance: and (2)
<br /> "Hazardous Substa�ce" �oezns any touc, radioactive ar hazardous ma[+:�aa!, waaoe. poll�utant or�alRaminant whtch h�s
<br /> characterisdcs whnx5 render the substaacc dangerous or pnuatielly Aaoge�eu� to �he �+�hl±e heatth. safety, welfare or
<br />' envixonment. 'Ihe terta includes, wlthout litnitation. any substanoes defined as "Da�zardous macedal," "to�cic substas�oe.s."
<br /> ,-::'
<br /> . � "hazardous waste" or"harardous substence" under any Enviroameatnl I.aw.Ti*a�r,ar npxe,uunts. warrants and ag�oes thst.
<br /> eacept as previous3y dlsclosed and acknowledged in writing:
<br /> A. No Ha7ardous S�bstance has been.is.or wil!be locatod.tran�otr.+�,m�nuSnctured.mented. �efined,or handlod by
<br /> � ` � � any persom m�,un�er or about the Property,except in the ordivary��acurae.of business and in s�sirx compllanx wtth
<br /> -�-",y:y'�,;��., j a11 applicableEnvironmeatal Iaw.
<br />=��._--..;:,��� �. 3'ivstor hu tat�nd wi91 not cause.conuIbute to.or p�e:r�rii the relr,ese af any H�ar�ous Substance on the i3.t�:�tty. _
<br /> ,,��.�•;;..,:.,; C. ?'ruswr wi13 immedia��ly;notify Beueficiary if(1)a r�lease or threaiened release mf Haaardous Substance occ�us on.
<br /> - - :•; r• under or a��ut ilie Ps�perty or migratcs or threatens to migratc fcom ncerby pmperty;or(�)there is a violation of ___
<br />�;:.��,'.� _ any gnvirernmcntal II.aw conceming the Property. In such an event, Ttuct+ar will take ell nec�s�.�,1 nKtxdial action in
<br /> �: � � accordance with Envi�uanental Law. =
<br /> �-'�•�°��-�s� � �. Trustor h�s nv knowlx�ge af or reasnn to believe there is any peading or threatened investigatton. claim, or __
<br /> •"� 5���;:"':+ procee6ing otany kind r�lating to(1)any Hazerdoun Substtwce loceied on.wrsJrr mr about the Property:os(2)any __
<br /> '•"�:;Z��,:���;�• violatioa by Tcustor or any teaent of any Eavimumental Law.Tnurtor will inunodiately notify Btaeficiary in writing `-
<br /> Y.�tJ�l;�t�' 4'.
<br /> � ,�,.t,, as soon zs ?fNStor has rcason to bclieve there is any such pendiu�,Qr thrcatened investlgation,claim,or procceding. t-
<br /> ��'T�a•ti'•t'''�'• Ia avch ur�ea'eai.Benet'iciary has the right,but not tIae obligatlon,t�participate in any such pnoceeding lncluding the �--
<br /> ,,,,i:,•�,u} - -
<br /> ; ;��..`,.: right to t�xi��e copies��any documents relating to sucdt procesdings. _- --
<br />_ �.:r';:;'`'.� E. Taustor anr���ery ter.azs�ave been,az�e and shall rc�v�in in fuU compliunre with anY BPPlicable EnviromneassiR$aw.
<br /> F. 'Ihere an:ao uadergrounsl storagc taaks,private�3s�rr�ps or ogen wells located on or under the Propexty an�9 a�such �_
<br /> �tanlc,duqp mr well will be addod unless Beneficiary first conr.ents in writing. -
<br /> � G. �'nistor��D�regulazly inspect the Prope�ty, monitor the activities and opentions on the Propesty, and confirm that -
<br />, ; all peravts, lioenses or approvale requtrtd by any applicable Environmental Law are obtained aar�complial with. __
<br /> . �` FII. Trustor will permit. or cause any tenant to perntit. Beneficiary or Beaeficiary's agent to enter and in.,�ct the
<br /> Property and revieW all records at any mAsonabte time to detem�ine(1) the existence. location and natur�af any
<br /> Hazardous Slibstance on. under or about the Progerty; (2) the existence, locarion, nature. and magnirude of any
<br /> � Hazardous SSibstance that has boen mleased on, under or about the Ptuperty;or(3)whether ur not T�ustor and any
<br /> � tenant are �compliancc with applictible Environn�ntal Law.
<br /> � , I. Upon Beneficiary's request and at any time. Trustor agrees, at Trustor's expense, to engage a yualified
<br /> � ` + environmentd eaginccr t�prepare an enviromuenc�l aUdit of the Property and ro submit the results of suc2�audit to �
<br /> � �eaeficiary.'[The choice of the enviroumental evs�ieer who wili perfortn such audit is subjoct to B�stnciary's
<br /> - __ �
<br /> -_ _ -_; aPProval.
<br /> J. Beneficiary has the right, but not the obligation, to perfonn any of Trustor's obligations under this section at
<br /> ITcusKOr's eapense.
<br /> , K. As a consequence of any bmach of any mpresentation, warranry or promise made in this s�xtion, (1)Trustor will
<br />: � indemnify and hold Beneficiary and Beneficiary's successors or assi�ns harndess from and against all losses,claims, j •
<br /> ' deroands, liabilirics, daznages, cleanup, responae aud rcmecliation costs. pt�valdes and eapenses, including without �
<br /> i limitation all costs of litigation and attomeys' fees,which I3enefcciary and Eieneficlary's saca�sors or assigns may �'
<br /> i suskzin;and(2) at Beneficiary's discretion. Beneficiury nuy release this Dcjed of Trust and in retura Trusior will
<br />- provide Beneficiary with coUateral af at lcast equal value to the t�roperty secuc�zd by this Dced of Trust without !
<br /> �� ! prejudice to any of Bene�iciary's rights under this Deed of Trust. j
<br /> �
<br /> ,� prpv 4 0l 6 i'
<br /> I ' p 1993 BaNa«f Svstr^s. la.St Cbud.MN Il A00•397474t1 Form AG/G0•OT�NE 9�13�9E � � f �"
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