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. �:f., . .' , r.�.n•. �j, ��t.:r. .. <br /> .,�C`,: <br /> �..�pyi�yg}�, . �r.^. . . <br /> " c��i <br /> ��`� . <br /> . �µ . . .�'."' "„ � n. V. .. �. r.��r�� <br /> .� <br /> �. '. ...._� . .. . . .. . . <br /> ........ _ _:tei71��-.+>--._,i.:.._ . '. .'. .. _ . ...... . _ .. . �- � r� <br /> ' . , pf�..�i�,:.,��_ <br /> . • L., <br /> � , �7�'142�� . <br /> use the Nroce.,ds to repair or resrora thc Prop�rty or to pay s�►ms secured by Uiis Deed of Trust,whether or rwt dten „ •. <br /> due. 'fhe 30-day period will be�in when notice is given. , <br /> My applicatlon of proceods to principal shall not cxtcnd or postponr, thr, duc dutc or chansc thc amount of <br /> . ., _ � monthly payment�duc under thc Agrecmcnt. If w•e ncqidre the Props:Ry at n forccd calc following your defuult, <br /> your right to any lnsurantx prootrds resulting from dumage to the Pro��iy prior to tt�c..cqui:,ition shall pass to us <br /> � � to the cxtent of the sums secuced by this Dced of Trust immaflately prior to the noquisitiAn. <br /> " 6. Occnpaucy,Prc�crvallo��and MaintcaAnce of Properdy; Lea�ehotd�, You shell oocupy, establisl� and use <br /> �"'"""'� � thc Property us your resldena unless we agree othenvis�s in wridnB, wtu!ch conscnt shail not be rcasonnbly <br /> � ' � � withheld. You shafl not destroy, damage, impair or sulxttantially chnn�r. the Property, allow the Property to <br /> deteriorate,or anmmit waste. If this Dced of Trust is on t�Icaschold,you shall oomply with all provisions of tk�c , <br /> , Y. lease. If you acquire fee dde to the Property,the Icaschold and fce UUe sh,�l! not mcrge unless�ve agree to the ;, <br /> � ' ' merger fn writiag. �l`,;n= <br /> � 7. Protection of Our Itighta in t6a Property; Mortga�e Inaurancc. If you fail to pcdorm the c;ovenents and '.`t'�:° <br /> , .x agreements contalned in this D�d of Tn�st,ar there is a le�l proccedi�th3t may significandy affect aur rights in "�' <br /> -,. .. : . <br /> � the Progerty(wch as a proceedinE in bankiuptcy,probatm,for oondem,nation or forfeiture or to enforoe laws or : *�.� <br /> „ � � I � ;..t:_ <br /> rcgul�bons),thsn we tnay do and pay for whatwer is noce�sary to protect the Property s value end our dghte ln the <br /> Property. (1ur acttons may include paying any svius securod by a Hen which l�as prlorify over this Deed of Tn�st or a <br /> n reasouablc autom s'f �'`�i�- <br /> ' : � . aay advance under the Agreement or ttus D�ed of Tn�t, appearing ia couxt, payi g �Y � °"�:., <br /> ; paying any sums which you are required to pay und�r this Aced of Tnut t�ad entering on the Property to malcc tiia�,_' <br /> repairs. We do not have to take any action�ve arc permitted W takc�ur.dr,r th9s paragraph. My amounts�e pay ��;�_- <br /> under this pazagraph shall lxoume additional dcbt you ow�us securod by t�J3 Dced of Trust. These amounts shall -�`��� <br /> �� bear interest from the diabursement date at the rate est�blishcd under tl�e A�ement and sha13 be payable,with ==_ <br /> interest,upon our nolice requesting paymen� � �v� <br />, " �r���. . _ <br /> .,�'� 1f we roc�uired mortgage insurance as a condition of makit�g the loan by this Dced of Trust, you shall pay �,�. <br /> { the prerniums for such insurance until wch time as the requirement for the insurance termtnates• <br /> � 8. Pdor Mortgagef wnd Qcedi ot T�vaf. You sl�all perfarm all of yao:ab�«gations undcr any morlgage.decd of = <br /> , tntst or other security agrxment wlth a lien on�he Prop�rty which tu�s pcn�,�ty over this De�of Tnist,including <br /> ' , your covenants to make payments when due. .. <br /> � 9. Imspastion. We or our agent may inspect the Pcoperty at any reasonabte dme and rpon reasonable notice. <br /> " 10. CondemnaHon; Abindonment. The procoeds of any awfud for damages, direct or oonsequential, in <br /> . connection with any wndemaarion or other taldng of any part of tl�e Psoperty, or for conveyana in lie�r of <br /> ° condemnation,are hereby assigned and shall be paid to us. The procoed3 sP��:�tl1 be applled w the sums secured by <br />'•� � this Dxd of Tmst,whet�er or not then due,with any exoess paid W you. <br /> -�• � In the tvent of a paitial taking of the Properiy in which the Pronerty's�market value immodiately before thc <br /> ''�� � ^'�" � taldng is equal to or greater than the sums cecured by this Deed of Tnist imenodlately bcfore the taldng,unless you <br /> + .� � � � and we otheiwisc ag�ae in writing,the sums secural by this Deed of Tnut sha116e reduccd by tho amount of the <br />���;:. i�'� `- procoals multiplied by the following&action: (a)the total amount of t?r:sums secund immodiately before the <br />,Ss,a..��:,��,;. , takiug,divided lry(b)the fair market value of the Pzoporty immcdiately'�efore the tNdng. My balanoe ahall be <br />=z-=%��:'�^.. � pafd W you. In the event of a partial taking of the Pmperiy in whicF�the fair mark�t value of the Property <br /> • r.,�, <br /> Uii�-;;" ,, immediatcYy bcfore the taldng is less than the aznount of the sums socursd immWiately t+e?ore the g, ess <br />-�a::':::� � you and w�e othernlse egree in writing or unless appli�able law othemiso�T�ovadcs,the proceeds sl�all be appliod to _ <br />-`�• `• t6e sums secured by tbis Dood of Tiust whethez or not the sums aze tir:�c�• E4nY apPlIcation of proceeds to <br />�%•:���-�,.,�.;V� principal may extenc]or postpone the due date of the monthly puymcnt�nfearcd to ui paxagraphs 1 and 2,but ehall - <br /> �•:-j•� � not change the amount of such payments. <br />�:.,:>t°: <br /> -��•,'•-^> ' If the Property is abandoned by you,or if,after aoqca by us to you thnt tJr:condemnor offers ro cnake an award or _ <br />�"'•--�- � settle a claim for damages, you fail to respond to us within 30 days af.'txr elie date the no�oe is @v�n, wc are _ <br /> -;"`,s�� authoriud to oollect and apply the prooeeds,at our crpuon,citlner to r�toravnn or repait of the FrogeIIy or to the <br />�"'"' ,p:" sums secured by this Deed of Trua1,whether or not then due. �_ <br /> � �' � 11. You Are Not Relersed; Forbeu�aacc by Us Not a Wn1ve►r. Any extension of ame for payment or �__ <br /> modi8catioa of amortization of sums secured bry this Deed of Tn�at�,rant�ed by us to any of your suooessors in =-_ <br /> ��' intenst sLall not operate to release your liabiGty or tho tiability of yova s��ccessors in interest. We shall not be =g�� <br /> required to oommence proocedings against any suocessor in intcrest, or refuse to extend time for payment or �:-� <br /> ,�• othernise modiTy amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Tn�ct,by reason of an demand made b ou or �'� " <br /> Y Y Y ��_-_ <br /> your suocessors in interest. Oi�r forUearance in exercising any right or remedy shall not wanve or preclude the °-S <br />_ .� exercIse of any right or remedy. � "��' <br /> F 12. Succee�ore ui�Asaiges Bound;Joint and Severil LiAb➢lity;Caaigm�rs. The covenants and agreements of . <br /> . � . <br /> ' • this Deed of Trust shall bind and benefit your and our sucoessors and percnitted assigns. Your covenants and <br /> '. �.,`,',. agrcements shall be joint and several. Anyone who signs this Deed of Trust but docs not executc the Agrecment: � <br /> ,: _ � <br /> (a�ia siltc►in�t this Decd of Trust only to mortgagc,grant and convcy such Ferson's intemst in the Propeny,(b)is <br /> :— _ _ - -- - - — <br /> not personally obligated to pay the Agreem�nt,but is ohligated to p�7y all oificr sums cccured by this Deed of Trust; <br /> and(c)ag�CS that we and anyone else who signs this Deed of Tn��t may ap,�ree to cxtend,modify,forbear ot make <br /> . any acoonunodaUons regarding the terms of this Decd uf Trust or the Agreement without such person's consent_ � <br /> 13. Loae Chargee. If a law go��erning tlic loan accurcd by this Decd of Tn�st is finally interpreted so that interest <br /> or other loan charges caAccted or to be callectod in oonnection with the loan exoeed permitted linuts. tl�en: (a)a��y <br /> such loan charge shall be reduced to thc permittcd limit:and(b)sums coIt��:ted from you ovhich excxcd pcmuticd �� <br /> ° limits well be refundcd to yau. We may makc this retund by rcducing thc principal owcd undcr the Agreement or <br /> � by dfrect{x�ycnent to you. [f n refund reduces pri ncipal,the reduction wiil be trcated as a prepayment. <br /> ' " 14. IVotticce. Any nodce to you providr.d for in tliis Dccd of Trust shall be dclivcrcd or mailcd by first class mail to <br /> thc Property Address or u►y othcr address you dcsignatc by nodcc to us, unlcss applicablc law rcquires usc of <br /> -' L�WOR�'LSMEBRASKA�OEDOT DOC Z � <br />