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<br /> another mcthod. My noticc to us shail bc givcn by first class mnil to our address statcd nbovc ar any othcr address � _
<br /> we d�signate by nodcc to you,unlcss ap�lic�lblc law rcquires usc of nnothcr mcthod. Any noticc providcd for in � , l 1 _
<br /> this Decd of Tnrst ehall bc docmal givcn to you or us�vhen givcn ns providcd in tl�ie paragrapli. � � . �
<br /> 15. Governieg Liw;Sever�billty. This Dced of Trust shall be govcmal by fcdcr:al Imv n�td,except as precmpted _-
<br /> � by fcdcral laK�,by thc law of thc juriadiction i��wiuch thc P�oy��iy is la�atcd. !n thc evcnt thnt nny provision or � ,
<br /> clause of this Detd of Trust or the Agrefi,nent conflicts with epplicablo law,such conAict ahall not atfect other
<br /> . _;�.•' provisions of this Ueed of Trust or the Agreement which can bc sive eitcct�vithout thc conilicting provision. Ttt�
<br /> ' . provisione of this Deed of Tni�i end the Agrec�ent are scvcrabla
<br /> x6. Your Copy. You shaQ receive a oonformcd cupy oP the Agreement and this Dccd of 1'rust. ,
<br /> 17. Trnnder of the Properly. U ali or any pan of the Prop�rty or uny intcrest in it is sold or transferred(or if� .
<br /> bencficial interest in a grantor hereaf is sald or uansferrec!and cuch grantor is not a �taturttl person)�vithout our iii
<br /> prior written oonsent, we may,at our option,rc+quire immedi�to pnyment in full of sll sums sccur�d by this Deed of � . .v,�i�•r�: _
<br /> Trust. Howcw:r,this option shall not bc cxcrcised by us if cxcrcise is prohibitcd by fcdcral luw as of tha dntc of � •��; �`',��
<br /> � :.�'s3:�.;._�a .
<br /> this DoeQ oFTrust. �`'.�
<br /> T-M.
<br /> ,+4e+.. {,"�,�5�1-�
<br /> � . �_1,Y..�in..
<br /> If we exercise ihis option,we shall give you notice of soalerapon. Tha notice shall provide a period of not less ..;�:.:
<br /> than 30 days from the datc the notioo is delivered or mailed within which you must pay
<br /> all sums 5ccurrd by thls .'�T.:a
<br /> Dxd of T"rust. If you fail to pay these sums pcior to ihe expiradon of this period,we may invake any rcmcdie.s , _ _
<br /> permitt2d by this Deed of Tnzst without fiuth�r notice or demand on you. __
<br /> 18. S�le of Agnement;Change of Lo�n Servicer. Thc Agreament or a partial int�rest in the Agrcement �
<br /> (together with this Deed of Trust)may be sold oae or morc dmcs without prior aotice to you. A sale may result in , ;�;"
<br /> � a change in the entity(know as the"Laan Servicer")th3t colle�ts monthly payments due under the Agreement aad ���'�•• �
<br /> tt�n�Deod of Tn�st. There also may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer amrelated to tfis sale of the ,
<br /> A�¢Eemtn� If Were is a change of the Loan Servicer,you will be given written nodce of the cLange as proiided �� ���
<br /> �. herein. The notice will state the name,address end telcpbone numb�r of the new IAan Sezvicer and the uame of a ,• .:
<br /> referral person or dep2rtment of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should�e made. The .���r,, '
<br /> � notioc will also oontain any other informadoa required by�p�licable law. ' s�
<br /> :,,
<br /> ',.,.._--- 19. Hezardou�Subatancee. You shall not cause or permtt the pnsence.use,disposul,storage,or rslease of any '.s� i
<br /> ' Hazardous Substanoes on or in the Property. You shau not ao,nor allow anyonc cix i�dv,auy.�iIIB a�`e�a t�."• „ �
<br /> '' �� ,�• properiy tha3 is in violation of any F.nvironmental Law. The preoaUnB two scnteners shall not apply to the }�
<br /> � presencc,use,or�^orage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substanas tt�at are generodty reoo�ized ,. ' ,
<br />_ �. W be apFropriate to notmal residential uses 1nd to maintenance of the Property. You shaU give us�rompt written >
<br /> natzpe of any investigation, claim,demand, lawsuit or other action by any governmental or regulAtory agency or '� � :�
<br /> _ � prnate party involving tYie Feopeity and anY Ha�ardous Sub�tance or Emironmental I.aw of which you have actua9 .
<br /> Imowlodge. If you leam that any removal or other remediation of any Ha7ardous Substana affecting thc Property
<br /> � is necessary,you shall pmmptly take all neces�acy r�madial acdons in accordance with Environmens��9 I.aw.
<br /> �
<br /> ps �s�d in this paragraPh 19, "Hazardous Substances" an tt►ose suhstanses definod as toxia or hazardous �__ .
<br /> 1 substs�noes by Environmental Law and the following substanoes: gasoline, kerosene,o3her Aemmable or toxic g. ���
<br />: petrolcum productis, toaric pesticides and herbicidcs, voladle solvents, mate r i a ls con t a ining a s U e s t o s o r `_ -
<br />- formaldehyde,and radioactive mat�riels. As uwd in this pasagr�Ph 19,"Environmental Law" means federal laws .;�,
<br /> . ' and laws of the jurisdlction where the Property is located that celate ta health,safery or cavironmental protectioa f::.
<br /> � 20. AcceleraHon;Remedie�. We s6d1 give eotica to you�prior to acceleration foflowing yaur breach ot any E;,-.----
<br /> �•:`_
<br />� coveeant or a�rreeement described in the Defauit eectton of the Agreement t�hat �ves rl� to a right to ;,,,,,�
<br /> aceeler�te under the Acceleration Upon Def�ult e�rilon of the Agreemant (b��t not prior to Kcaleratina `
<br />_ �,�__.�
<br /> ' , under puagraph 17 unleas applicable In�+provldca otmenviie). Notw[thstanding tde forcgoing,�vc may �,�W—�
<br /> �-.�-
<br />;r_ accekntc upon your detault on any obligatdon to pay awney under thc Agrxment or her+wnder without ��.-
<br />— ,����, notice to you upon t6e second occurnnce of auch a default in any 12-mont6 perlod. If t6e ddault ie no4 ;,;__
<br />- , .� sa�red,we at our apNon may reyuire[mmediate payment in futl of�Il a�a aecured by thia Deed ot Tnnst j.�:�,,��:,_
<br /> � � -=�=--:—
<br /> ° - � without furt6er demind aAd ma�+indoke t6e power of s�le and ony othcr remesl3ea permitted by applic�ble �:ti�s����t-,,.�._,
<br />� � ia�. We may collect �Il e:peeeea incurred ie pursning these ��emediea inciuding, but not ltmited to, ;;� F
<br /> `,• rea�onabls a�¢arncye'fcee and costa ot title evidenca � .S�' ` >: ��.`.:;
<br /> • �;�'�; ,�� •...
<br /> ,...r. .
<br /> ,.. IIP we invake she po�ecr ot ssle,we ehall give written nutfce to Trustee at the occurrence ot an evrnt of detault • �F-+� '�•`=��`�
<br /> ;��f of oar election to cai�ne the Property to be ao►d and the Tn�atee aball cxuse the�Property to be rwl�3n �`���.�{i r;*�=';��;,;"';-'`
<br /> � accordRnce�r3t6 applfcab3e law. Truatee ahall apply the procade of the aale tn the fotlo�ving ordcr. (a)to •%��'•�'•:� '`�:'::��
<br /> all apen.�ce aff the ailc,(ncludin�,but not limited to,reasonublc Tnuta'a and attorneys'fcc;(b)to all sume .
<br /> � •_ ucund by Ohuo Beed ot Truat;(c)in p�ymeet of�wy junior trust dceds,mortg�gci,or othcr licaholdcrs;�nd � •
<br /> ; : ''::��;..
<br /> ' � ::' • (d)any cxc�e�to the perac+n or peraone legally entitled to E� .
<br /> 21. Reconveyance. Upon g�ayment of all sums secured by this Dced of'trust,we sh��tll request Tcustee to rcconvey
<br /> � the Property and ahall upon�v�itten request deliver to Grantor or his or her suoccssor in interesc this Decd of T►ust, ,
<br /> __ __ ._ dWy canceled, all notes evidencing debis secuc�d by this Deed of Trnst. Trustee shall reconvey die Property
<br /> .. . .. . •.� . '._.'".__'T__y���l' .—_,.—..._. ..
<br /> ...__._ ._____..___ ....
<br /> WIUIOIIt WSii8I1(Y,fWtltCt iRQulry Of li3bllity. YOU SWllI pily 3IIy ieoolnauon wsts ana me ewauw+y a�vnun.a avw. _- -
<br /> 2Z. Wdvcr ot Homeatead. Ynu waive all homestcad exemption rights in thc Property. „
<br /> " 23. Subatitutc Trustec. We may,at our option and from dme to time, remove any person acting as the'1 custec
<br /> � and appoint a suocessor wstce by filing for rtxord in the oQm�ty in which this Deed of Trust is r000rded. From ths
<br /> time the substitution is filed for record,the suocessor trustee shall succced to all the title, powers,authority and
<br /> duti�conferred upun the Trustce in this Dced of Tn�st and by applicable 1a�v.
<br /> = � Z4. R€dere to this Dxcd of Trust. If onc or more ridcrs arc exccuted by you and recorded togcthcr with this Dced
<br /> of Tn�st, the covenants and asreements of each such ridcr shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> � supplement the oovenants and aQccmcnts of this Dcal of Trust as if the rider(s)�sere part of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> ��wow�csn�eonns�u�o�arr ooc 3
<br /> 5
<br /> 1 �— ------ _ ."
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