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<br /> .. MBNA Cansumcr Services,Inc. . 4`
<br /> � • MAilstOp 7Q0-AB.i
<br /> • 400 Chrlstlnt�n Rsr�,
<br /> Ne�v�rk,AE 19713 �7� ���1�
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<br /> . 1-30Z�453-9930
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<br /> :.,w;;��r': HOME EQUITY LINE DEEI=OF TRUS'I'
<br /> , , ,�.�, /7 r�/� ,
<br /> TAIS DP�L�A 0}£+TItUST ("Decd af Trust") is madc on Apol,lEr, I997. The Grantor is Uury A. Kelly and �
<br /> �J� Lyanno D. K�lly, husband nnd v✓ife, The tn�stec is Ste�vart Tit�e G�xaranty Company {"Trustce"). The
<br /> ' ;�; bcnrficiary is M�1NA Consumcr Services, Inc. ("MHNA CSI"),a Delaware oorporation whose address is 40U
<br /> , Ct►ristianfl Road, 1Jewark,Dclaware 19713. In this De�d of Tnist,thc ternu"yuu," "your"and"yours"refer to�he
<br /> ,'��I' .i Grnntar,whethcr�nne or morc. Thc terms"we,""us"and"our"rcfer to N�NA CSI. " •
<br /> ; P :
<br /> �' Prumnnt to a Hosne Equity Linc af Credit Agrocment in favor of N�NA CSI ("Agreement"),dated the same date
<br /> ,r;` �% As tEnis pecd of T�usto you may incur indebtcdness in amoants fluctu3ang from time to time up to the maximum ,;
<br /> <�': • '•t}� � praucipal of Fiffy One Thousand Eight Hundral Fifly end 00/100 D0118is (U.S. �S 1,850.60).This Deed of
<br />�' �.s, 'Ikrast shall oonti�iuc to s�curc all sums now or hercaRcr advanoed wider the terms of the Agrcem�nt includ'u�,
<br /> `'� �•��.;; rir.�.'�out limitados�,a�ich sums as arE advanced by us whether or not at the ume the sums are advanced there is arnJ
<br /> � • ��ancipal outstanrling undcr the Agreement.
<br /> , ,
<br /> ' y This Daxl of Tnsst sc�ues to us: (a)repayment of ihe debi evidenad by the Agreement,wilh interest,and any �
<br /> ' ' roflnnncing, rc�n�wal. �xtension end modiScation of the Agrccment; (b)thc payment.of all other bvms, xit� ��`
<br /> intorest,advanctx under this Deed of Tcust to pratect the sezvrlry atthis Deed of Tmst;and(c)pedormana of �:;
<br /> '.� yen�r covonante n�ud agreements under this Decd of Trust and the Agmment You irrevocablb grant and convcy to -
<br /> �,. ths Tnistee flnd'Itustee's successore and assigns,in trust,with pov+erof sale. the property located in Hall Couaty,
<br /> s. Ntb�ytska and=more fl►lly descdbai in Exhibit A attachod hereto end made a part hereof, whlch pmpe=ty is
<br /> oommonly lmotiv�es 1004 West 4th Street,Grand Ieland,NE,68801("Property Address");
<br /> TCT HA►VE AND TO HOLD this property unto Tnistee and Tn�ata's sucoessors and assigas,forever,
<br /> to�ethor �vith ull the impmvcments now or henaRer erected on the pr�perty, and all easemoats, right�,
<br /> � appvrtan�ices.raYiS fi::rw;,.� �avr or hem,atter a part of the pr�perty_ All replaaments and addition�shall also be _
<br /> comrad!�y this�aA nf Tn�ct. All of the foregning ic roferred to in ittis 17tod of Trnst as We"Pmpeny,«
<br /> XOU C�OVFNANT that you aze IawfWly seiud of the estate henby conveyal and bave t4e�lght to �ant
<br /> • a�convcy the Properiy and that the Property is unencumbered,exapt for encumbranoes of reconi, You warrant
<br /> �tl�vJll defend�cncrally the title to the Prop�rty egainst all claims end demands, subject to any encumbranas of
<br />=;;, roconi.
<br />.;,•. , •,� YOU AND WE covonant and agree as follows:
<br /><:�",a�};;'.;;;;., 1. rayment o� Pdnclpal, Ieterest; Late end Other Chuga; Prcpaymsat. Xou ahall pay when due the
<br />��:,•,..
<br />:�,,�,;:.t;.'�•�� principal and in+tercst owing under the Ageement and rilll other charges due under e Agroement. ou may
<br /> �°T��:�I=4� prc��y at any dmo�without penalty.
<br />� {� .�in�" �
<br />�;�A;���..•y 2. 19�iipar�graphtetent�oedlyomitted.
<br /> -�� '�`�'"'� 3. Appl�k�ttion a�f Payment�.This paragraph intentlonally left blank.
<br /> �'�•5.���t
<br />�!f,F��'i';::�`'�� 4. ChRrges;PrQor Lkne. You st�all pedorm all of yow obligadom under any mo�tgagc, dad of tn�t or dher
<br />�;"�i.^'��'��"•'�1` �����mrnt wlth a llen which has rlori over this Dced of Tmsc, includIn our covenants to make
<br /> ,_�r.;:::,�,y. .. x�cwity ' P ty 8 Y _ _
<br />�°�;���:, ,, ' g�ayments when due. You shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fiacs and impositions atMbutable to the
<br />___w,,�;!._����:.:.:;� ��toperty whic6 rnay attain priorlty over this Deed of Tn�st or any advance under this Deed of Tcust,and leasclald =
<br />�r:�,r�;r(�.^.:;.. —
<br />,�;;,;�,,;.���i paymcnts or ground rents, if any. Upon our request,yau ahall prornptly fiunish to us alt notices of amounts to be _
<br />��"'t�•�!a<r'� psid under this paragraph and reoeipta evidencing any such paym�nts you make directly. -�
<br /> .:i1i,r,���
<br />_n,Yi�, .;�!°ir'�:,
<br /> =•"+;:''`'�" • • Yov shall promptly dischaegge any lien arising after the date of this Deed of Trust which has priority over this De�si °—
<br /> �`' �:' '� `� �,; , of Tcust unless you: (x) agrce in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by �he lien in a manner =-
<br />-. tr:i�. , . —
<br />- r.,�� �. acccptable to us; (y)contcst in good faith the licn by, or defend against enforoement of the llen in, legal --
<br /> � •�'%�� ' ��� prooxdings�'hich in our opinion operate to prevent the enforcement o�f the licn;or (z)sec.w�from the holdcr of
<br /> �''%�" ' � a Wo llon en agoenxnl sati�'Factory to us subordlnating the lien to ttiis Dcod of Trust. If we deterniine any pan of �
<br /> .,�,,,,;.
<br /> ,� .: . �Y,�;�
<br />_'. �i+,.••.•. 'j�� th�Pmperty is subjcxt ro n lion which rtcay attain priority over this d?eed of Trnst, we may giive you a notice �_
<br /> i.:f: -, :�
<br /> � ;�ti=;;�,.; . ,�t.� idenfltj�ing thc laen. Yo��sh�ll sadFfy the licn or take one or more af the actions set forth above wlthnn 10 cdays mf
<br /> ' '%v„'r �, thc giving of notia.
<br /> ,c:;:1,':�... ,y.�
<br />� .••�t.'.�r:��', ,�i�t S. Hax�rd�r 3'roRe�ty�In�rstnce. You shall kecp the improvernents now eacisting or hereafter erectcd vn the •
<br /> �af;.�:�'�`� ���,�i Property insured agaanst loss lry firc,harards included within the term"extended covera�e"and any oiner halards, •
<br />- '.=i'=';h'��'.'ti ! i�ncludiag floods orilooding,for which we requirc insurancc. This insurauoe shall bc maintained in thc amounus
<br /> --i)'��ii�i-�;•_._.' r.ud fnr the nctiod4 that tve 7P11ulie. YoU m3V Ch00SC 3riV incnre�r M.aS9DabIV 3CCCDtaI1IC t0 US.
<br /> - - .
<br />_ •„�:•—__- - - - . . - - - - _
<br />_- ' `' Insvrance policics and renewals shall be acceptable to us and shall in�lude a standard mortgage clause. I(we
<br /> �;;t�'�•. ,�; require,you shall prompily give us all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. You shall promptly notify
<br /> ` �'����.� � thc insurcr and us of any loss. VJc may makc proof of loss if you do not prampdy do ao.
<br /> . . �
<br /> • �� � Insuntnce pmoecds sh,�ll be applieci to restore or rcpair thc �roperty damaged, if restoration or rcpair is .
<br /> .� eoonnmically feasible and our security is not Iesscned. vthenvise,insuranoe procceds shall be applied ta sums
<br /> scxYUCd by this Dced of Trust,whcther or not thcn duc,with any excess paid to you. If you abandon thc Prop�rty,
<br /> . ,
<br /> or do nvt ar►s�u•er��ithin 30 days our uotix that the insurer has ofY'ered to settle a claim,then we may collcxl and
<br /> I
<br /> � viass
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> . .. ... . . . .... .... . . . . . _._ ...,... .�-•.....,.__ ..--'-'--_�
<br />